YEAR 1121

Scribed by Edith

Spring 1121AD

Ruaridh has uponoccasion bemoaned the waffle which each magus who inherits the journal isoft to write at the beginning of their duty, but I spy that he was the firstto make such commentary back in the early years of the re-foundation of SevernTemple. I shall make no pretence at neutrality, I am a maga of the order (andI’m told) that this entitles my opinions to carry equal weight to thoseof others. Besides, I doubt that any of us could record events other thanhow we perceive them, and each eye is bent by the prejudice and beliefs whichwe hold. Thus I shall do no better and no worse than all my sodales when itcomes to writing the history of our covenant with objectivity.

After a relativelyquiet winter, or so it seemed to me, we met upon the first dawn of springto speak together. Petrus and I had spent the last season making for myselfa longevity potion, and though he would not permit the use of herbs and perparationswhich he did not understand, some success of it had been made - which wassome relief. Now, however, I have the age of another to concern me, that ofPywackit. Though her magical nature has meant that the turning of the yearshas affected her less harshly - I must soon take her as a familiar is sheis to be my companion much longer. To that end I sought to improve my knowledgeof Intellego from the library. Turold was the one of us on covenant servicethis season, extracting vim vis from the aura. Antonius elected to travelabroad next season, to make his movements less predictable to those enemieswho had kidnapped Lucien.

Turold also reportedhis trip to the Normandy covenant of Narwold, which though situated in theBritish Isles is under the control of Normandy rather than Stonehenge. Itappears that the magus who slew Lothar and caused our faerie regio to turnfrom seelie to unseelie influence is dead. It appears Sylvania of Merinitawho Ruaridh sanctioned was able to exact revenge for Lothar’s death inWizard’s War - and for that she will have my thanks. Turold found themagi there pleasant and welcoming - they shall have need for allies I’dwarrent. Normandy has placed them here as challenge to Garius’s authorityand they are a small spring covenant. I’m sure Turold sensed profit tobe made by dealing with such a politically isolated place.

Later there wasan omen seen in the heavens, for the sun became black and night reigned acrossthe skies for a time. Caelestis called this event an ‘eclipse’ andscurried around the tribunal attempting to find the centre of this event -though I did not understand his reasoning. This omen is a dark one and signifieswar and trouble and the ascent of occult influences thoughout the land. Hebelieved that it’s effects were somehow localised at a place and soughthelp from Carrion Moor and Cad Gadu to find this. In the end, with Jordael’shelp, he discovered that this ‘centre’ of the eclipse was in thevicinity of what had once been a covenant - but had been destroyed duringthe schism. This information was passed to Holy Isle. Caelestis seemed verypleased with himself, and rightly so, for he had received petty little encouragementfor his efforts, yet doggedly pursued them. I see this young magus slowlyestablishing himself and building something of a role here at the last.

Also in this seasonone of my house arrived pursued by mundanes, Roswynd. Appears she was uponsome act of mercy after the sudden darkness struck and a horse lashed a footout at a stable lad. She sought to tend his wounds, but sometimes the healer’sart is not enough to save. The lad died and these ignorant mundanes soughtto place the blame upon her - conveniently forgetting that it was the horsewhich had slain the lad not her! The mundanes that pursued her were put offfrom the chase and she stayed a few days until they had given up and returnedto their village.

This Meredithlad seems bright and able, I’ve seen him sitting with our new scribein the library. Pywackit appears to adore the boy, and I’ve often seenher watching him whilst she sits in the sunshine and purrs at him. Not forthe first time have I wished I could speak to her. Indeed I even spotted Meredithplaying with Pywackit - a circumstance which those other than myself wouldnormally be greeted with spitting and hissing - but the cat appeared to toleratethe game and even allowed the lad to pet her! I suspect that Pywackit sensesthe child’s gift, though she is not affectionate with the other magiin this covenant.


At last the arrivalof summer and the pleasant warmth of the sun across the land. Antonius willbe travelling abroad and seeking to obtain an arcane connection to this manPaul who serves in the castle and was known to Lucien. Caelestis will be scribingthe copy of the Ignem book found at Mynedd Myrddin. Petrus will be creatinga magical dagger which can be used to rent a doorway between levels of a regio.

Antonius testedthe magical breakthrough that Petrus had taught him last year - and it appearsthat the enchantment had not the effect predicted by the Bonisagus. He enteredthe priory at Huntley Wold and used a small illusion spell so that he couldanalyse the effects of the breakthrough. However, as he entered the crossupon the altar appeared to shine and the monks began to stare at him withawe and wonder. It appears they had seen something of the magic around Antonius,but perhaps interpreted the sight as a miracle? Well, Antonius now reportsthat St Paul has been spied in Huntley Wold and that there is some religiousfervour there now. Poor Petrus, this and he shall be leaving at the end ofthis season to read up for his house meeting. He shall be presenting his breakthroughto his house - I’m sure he hoped for better results to report to them.On a more positive note, Antonius was able to obtain a hair to this man Paul- perhaps this will lead to some clue about Lucien’s whereabouts.

Ruaridh has leftthe covenant off to Novgorod. I assume he pursues Llanoddwyn’s assassinand whatever chain of events and people led to the event. He’ll be gonesome time I suspect - I hope he’s back in time to cast the Aegis - withPetrus away he may be the only person who can comfortably cast it from text.

We paid 350d tax.Obviously someone thinks there will be trouble in the land and raises wealthto build armies if it comes to it.


With Petrus andCaelestis off to Durenmar and Ruaridh still away, it is the three of us whomeet upon the morning of Autumn to discuss plans. Antonius reports that thingsare stable in Chepstow and that his business interests flourish. If our enemiesattempt to move against us it will be through the mundanes I intuit so itis good that Antonius is vigilant - indeed I suspect that some part of himis motivated by this challenge to his control of the region. I shall extractvis for the covenant as service.

A patrol has beenattacked by the faeries. It appears that our grogs responded to the threatwith their usual organisation and aggression. It appears the scout was snatchedby a Cor, so the bowman tried to shoot the creature down and managed to hitthe scout instead. Then a fight between two of the grogs broke out whilsttwo more Cors attacked. By the time the Cors had been driven off and the fightbetween the grogs quelled by the sergeant another grog had disappeared.

Gifford has returned,the second of the grogs to disappear when the patrol was attacked. Antoniushad him questioned and it appears that he was approached by the Ruadan whoreleased him upon giving up three drops of blood to feed to the Peibaw. Weknow not whether this man can be trusted. He has been returned to duty butAntonius has him watched.

Mathus, the redcap arrived and reported news. It appears the King raised levies and rodeinto Wales, but the welsh were not ready for war and made concessions. Landand castles have been returned to Edward and peace appears stable for themoment. More disturbingly there appears to be a conspiracy amongst the nobility.Three knights have struck a secret alliance and after further investigationMathus discovered that they are being given money to extend their landholdingsand fortifications by some merchant. The alliance appears to have been brokeredby some messenger who travels between these knights, but when Mathus triedto follow this man he was pursued by thugs. Though he managed to avoid themhe was unable to trace this messenger’s trail beyond Epney to the southof Gloucester. Perhaps Lucien tried a similar things, but was less fortuitousin the outcome. The tribunal of Stonehenge will be held next year.

Ruaridh returnedbriefly towards the end of the season. He will stay for the meeting and thecasting of the Aegis before resuming his travels.


The meeting discussed the problemsamongst the mundanes. It might be safe to approach this Paul, but then againit might not. In conclusion we decided that caution was the better wisdomhere and left it to Antonius to sort out (as ever). I’ll study the Intellegoagain and hopefully this will prepare me for forging the familiar bonds nextyear.

The Tegid Foel turned up abouta month into the season (and after Ruaridh had departed). Antonius decidedto let him in to see what he wanted, and it turned out he wished to wagerfor Gofannon’s horse (now owned by Turold). Turold would have none ofit, and we tried to get the faerie knight to leave. However, Tegid Foel requestedhospitality for the night. Antonius though it might be dangerous to insulthim, so I suggested having a feast in his honour. If we were to be stuck withthis faerie we might as well try and buy some ground with him - and this waywe could keep an eye on him overnight. Well, the Tegid Foel agreed to thisand we hastily prepared a feast. I tell you this, that faerie can eat! Thefaster plates were brought out from the kitchens the faster he consumed them.He ate and drank until all had fallen asleep (save the suffering kitchen staff)and continued until the first light of day. Only then did he push away hisplate and announce that he was full. After he left we had to bring in someemergency supplies, but we were recompensed in two ways for our trouble. First,the Tegid Foel gave us a stone dagger in a leather sheath containing Terramand Animal vis respectively (and who knows what enchantments?), and secondwe have the offer of hospitality at his court should any of us be bold enoughto travel there. Antonius also discovered that the unseelie fae are potentiallygoing to war. Ruadan has refused to swear allegiance to the Erechwydd, andis ‘growing’ some kind of dangerous creature (this Peibaw). It isabout now we could have really used a Merinitan to let us know what was goingto happen.

For Mid-Winter, as a precaution,we brought all the grogs in to the great hall and kept four men on watch.It seems we could have picked better men to watch our tower and walls! Duringthe feast Gifford turned into a wolf and Ferret (the abducted scout) returnedfrom the faerie regio. Don’t ask me how, but chaos ensued which endedwith our sergeant knocking himself unconscious on the stairwell, a faeriewolf bounding around the covenant unaware that it was not still a man, andthis faerie tainted scout being shut up in the cell overnight - not to mentionAlfred on latrine duty for the rest of the year and Caedfrith pummelled tounconciousness again. Oh well, the next day Gifford returned to human formand none the worse for the experience.

The rest of the season and theyear passed peacefully. We let Ferret and Gifford return to duties in theend - it seems that though changed they are still loyal to the covenant.