Scribed by Tiarnan


Cormoran reported that he had raised the issue of Marius’ ascension to the role of Regent with the Erechwydd at the Winter Solstice, and the Ice Queen appeared satisfied with Marius’ progress to date. Cormoran sensed no great urgency on her part to take further steps in response to the ruling of the King’s Council, though this is no guarantee that her attitude will not change should Marius choose to step down in favour of Prince Henry. This was welcome news, for there are no doubt difficult decisions that will need to be taken in the coming years, but it would be better to consider the options carefully rather that be rushed into taking actions that might bring unforeseen consequences.

Cormoran also mentioned that the Erechwydd had once again asked to purchase Gofynwy’s Brand from us in return for a generous amount of Terram vis from her holdings at Stonevail. The opinion of the Council remained as before, with only Cormoran and Fabius in favour of such a bargain. Cormoran then offered to buy the Brand from the covenant himself, but I explained that I would not countenance such a move, for it seemed to me to be nothing more than a terrifically unsubtle attempt to circumvent the Council’s decision. The matter grew rather heated, so I decided to end the discussion and move onto other topics.

There was no other news from winter, so we agreed our actions for the spring: Fabius will invest Husam’s sword with Vim vis so that it may be further enchanted in due course; Husam shall study from the Mentem texts; Cynfelyn shall train his apprentice; Cormoran shall travel to Cad Gadu to speak with his Prima on an undisclosed matter; and I shall study from some of my personal vis.

With our actions for the season decided, the Council meeting was concluded. However, Comoran immediately issued a challenge of certamen, demanding that I apologise for insulting him during the debate on Gofynwy’s Brand. I must admit that I found this challenge slightly odd, for I had already explained that I meant no insult in refusing his request to purchase the item, but the giant was evidently dissatisfied with this. The contest itself, which involved the Arts of Perdo and Aquam, lasted only a few moments, and I trust that this matter is now firmly concluded.


At the Summer Council, Husam and Cormoran explained that they had spent part of the previous season investigating the possibility of trespass at the ancient stone circle of Stonehenge. Their first action was to rule out any involvement of Comoran’s former apprentice, Frioc, but a subsequent investigation of Stonehenge itself revealed that the circle had been the site of a ritual in the spring of 1217 designed to waken a dragon that dwells deep in the otherworld. Such an event is not without precedent, for the Unnamed House raised a dragon almost a hundred years ago to attack Severn Temple, Blackthorn and Holy Isle. Although we cannot know for sure whether we will be a target of the creature’s wrath this time, we must prepare for the possibility, though such an effort is surely little more than an attempt to limit the damage the creature can inflict, rather than any realistic prospect of defeating it. We made preparations to move our valuable books to a more secure site that might escape the dragon’s fire, and we also evacuated most of the covenfolk to Blackney in the hope that the village will escape the dragon’s attention.

Cormoran explained that it would take time for the dragon to cross the great distances of the otherworld. Although he could not predict the time of its arrival, the shadow of its wings would be visible across the full moon when it came close, signifying that the attack would take place within a few weeks. Such a warning should at least give us time to make final preparations, though it remains unclear at this time what the safest course of action will be, particularly if Ieuan and the Unnamed House choose to accompany the dragon’s attack with an assault of their own.

Turning to other matters, I mentioned that Fulk’s spies had confirmed that two of the diabolists, Lambert and Gerald, remained in Bristol, though the withdrawal of the Unnamed House had lead to conflict between them, as each sought to gain control of the city. Neither had the strength to topple the other, so an uneasy peace reigned for the moment, with Lambert controlling the docks and Gerald the lands further inland. The friar Benedict, in contrast, had left the city with a group of followers; he was last seen heading east towards Oxford for purposes unknown. We debated whether to strike at Lambert or Gerald to take advantage of their current weakness, but in the end we resolved to find out more about the strength of their temporary alliance rather than risk catching only one of them and leaving the city to the other.

In terms of our activities for the season: Cormoran shall brew some potions of Leap of Homecoming that can be granted to allies of the covenant in case they are caught by the dragon’s attack; Husam shall travel through the West Country and Wales to visit several members of his House who dwell outside covenants; Marius will be at court in London; Cynfelyn shall travel to the icy lands of Novgorod to lend his aid to an expedition launched by House Flambeau against the Order of Odin; Fabius shall study from the Aquam text; and I shall once again study from some personal vis.

Late in the season, Cormoran informed us of a vision that had come to him. As is often the case, the narrative of the vision was somewhat confused, but some of the images were clear enough: Cad Gadu in ruins, the great oak tree shattered and aflame; Amanita examining the entrails of a cat, appearing to see her own fate sealed and then journeying out of her covenant to await her nemesis; and Ieuan standing on a hilltop holding a bone wand, which he used to summon great gouts of black fire. The vision then dissolved into a series of fractured scenes involving bones, crystals and other divining tools, which Cormoran interpreted as the attempts of several of the Order’s seers to peer into the future. As he awoke, he say a great shadow cross the face of the moon, signaling that the dragon was close to the mortal world.

We agreed that Cormoran would travel to Cad Gadu at once to inform the Magi of his vision, and he departed shortly thereafter, leaving the rest of us to ponder the events to come.


Only Husam, Fabius and I were in attendance at the Autumn Council, which resulted in a short and sombre meeting. We decided that it would be best for Fabius to travel to Blackthorn to attend the magical symposium, partly because that covenant’s defences are such that they are likely to have a better chance to repel any attack by the Unnamed House than Severn Temple. Husam and I chose to remain in the covenant, though we each had means of escape in case of disaster. I chose to study from some personal vis, while Husam practiced his swordsmanship. As the Council broke up, we wished Fabius a successful journey and went about our business.


We were visited by Magus McKeidh mid-way into the season. He brought us news both triumphant and sad. It seems that both Amanita and Cormoran chose to sacrifice their lives so that others might live, and though the price they paid was great, the result was that Cad Gadu was spared the attack by the dragon and one of our greatest foes, Ieuan, is gone, apparently forever. Though some of the details of the events at Cad Gadu remain unclear, I shall tell the tale as best I can.

Following his vision in late summer, Cormoran travelled swiftly to Cad Gadu to speak with Prima Amanita. He found that he was expected, and he was shown to the Prima’s quarters. There, she explained that she had long foreseen the manner of her demise, for she herself was the target of the dragon’s forthcoming attack, rather than the covenant. She had decided to travel a few miles from Cad Gadu to face her doom in the hope that the dragon would the depart, rather than ravaging the surrounding lands. Cormoran tried to convince her that it was still possible to defeat Ieuan, for the dark pact he had made with Cernunnos could be invoked. This would cost Cormoran his life, but even Ieuan’s infernal powers would not allow him to escape the Wild Hunt. Amanita counseled against this, arguing that House Ex Miscellanea would have need of Cormoran’s strength in the future. The giant remained unconvinced, however, and he retired for the night to contemplate the paths that lay before him.

The next morning, Cormoran spoke with several members of Holy Isle covenant who had also made their way to Cad Gadu, having received warning of the dragon’s forthcoming attack. Both Geithin and Cedric attempted to persuade Cormoran that Cernunnos’ pact need not be invoked, but I think by now the giant’s mind had been made up, and though his listened politely to their words, his manner was distant. Quaesitor Faelon also had little luck in dissuading Amanita from her chosen path, and so the giant and diviner left the covenant, separately though intent on the same purpose.

As the new moon rose in the sky, the dragon appeared, its great scaly body visible even at great distance. As Amanita waited on the hilltop, Comoran circled in the form of a raven, searching for signs of Ieuan. Guided by one of the Morrigan’s servants, Cormoran at last spied the figure of Ieuan on an adjacent hillside, his hand gripping a large bone wand that he used to direct the dragon’s fury. Cormoran landed a few hundred paces away and resumed his normal form. Gathering his energies, he invoked a death curse on Ieuan, calling forth the power of the Wild Hunt to strike him down and tear his spirit asunder. As he completed the incantation, he heard the baying of hounds in the otherworld and great antlers burst from his forehead as he transformed into a giant black stag. A pack of hounds appeared all around him, and Cormoran lead the charge towards Ieuan, who attempted to escape into the otherworld. However, the Hunt did not pause for a second, and Ieuan found himself pursued along even the secret paths through the otherworld that he thought only he himself knew. McKeidh managed to follow events from a distance, and he saw Ieuan and the Hunt travel as far as the outskirts of Hell itself before he lost sight of the chase. Comoran’s intervention was not enough to save Amanita from the dragon, yet her decision to leave Cad Gadu meant that the covenant itself remained untroubled by the wyrm’s attack and, with Ieuan gone, the great beast retreated into the otherworld once it had struck down its prey.

Over the next few days, Cynfelyn, Marius and Fabius all returned to the covenant. Marius brought news of a dream he had had about the time of Ieuan’s demise: a voice cried out that the fate of the kingdom had been saved, as silver gates opened and sunlight streamed through formerly impenetrable clouds. Fabius also brought news that the symposium had been postponed until Autumn 1220 given the sparse attendance at Blackthorn.

At the Autumn Equinox, we held a funeral for Cormoran. Although we had no body to burn or inter, we lit a ceremonial pyre and Nyal told stories of the giant’s heroic deeds. The Erechwydd herself attended the ceremony, as Beddwyn watched silently from the edge of the forest. Cormoran’s will was read, in which he made several bequests, with the bulk of his magical possessions being granted to his former apprentice, Frioc. He also left the thirty pawns of vis to the covenant to be used as payment should any Magus scribe a copy of an eighth magnitude version of Opening the Intangible Tunnel for our library.


Cynfelyn spoke briefly of his trip to Novgorod at the Winter Council meeting. Evidence had be found that linked two members of House Tytalus, Venatio and Efrinatus, to the Order of Odin, though House Flambeau had been unable to track them down. The covenant of Shining Light had been re-established in the far north to act as a bulwark against any further attacks.

Marius reported that the Earl of York had died. His son had taken his place, and it seems that Gofannon’s hold over him remains, for the son has proved a valuable ally, lending his political support to Marius’ endeavours as regent. Marius will soon have to decide what to do about Prince Henry, for the boy will come into his majority in a few short years, which means Marius must decide whether to stand aside and grant him throne or whether to claim it for himself. Troublingly, the young prince appears to hold his mother, a devout Christian, in high regard, and Marius’ attempts to interest him in secular pursuits have proved less effective than he would like. The danger is that a King Henry would reverse many of John’s prohibitions on monastic sects, leading to a return by the Brothers In Christ or the Templars. I cautioned Marius that he should recall the King’s Council if he decides not to seize the throne, for it would not do to disregard that body’s ruling.

We decided on our actions for the season: Husam shall study from the Perdo text; Fabius will study from the Terram text; Cynfelyn shall extract Vim vis from the Aura; Marius shall journey to court at Winchester; and I shall create an improved version of the brooch that toughens the skin of the wearer.

The last item of note for the year was the pear trees around the spring did not come into bud this season. I suspect that this presages some change in the faerie world, but I shall await until the coming of spring to find out more.