YEAR 1185

Scribed by Medius

Spring 1185 AD

As the season turned a full council began withthe good news that our ship is now ready and a crew have been recruited. Harry,the son of Henry who is a consors of Cormoran, shall captain it. The vesselwill be named 'The Severn Boar' and it was agreed that while it would operateout of Chepstow it will spend the first week of each season at Blackney sothat it is readily available to any of the magi who should need it. Giralduswill travel to London and oversee the launch of the vessel. As both myselfand Astrius travel to Narwold to continue an investigation we shall travelmuch of the way with him. We also discussed the tribunal that is to come thissummer and possible motions that we might raise. Cormoran expressed his concernabout the incursions of the mundane realm into sites of magical power withCarwyn asking whether there should thus be a greater effort throughout theorder to provide effective stewardship of these places. Giraldus felt thatwe might wish to offer passage to our fellow magi aboard our new vessel. FinallyCormoran raised whether he might offer himself as an emissary to the giantsof the tribunal. We shall consider these issues over the spring and thinkon whether there are any other motions that might be raised with a view tomaking a decision at the council of summer.

Vis was distributed at a rate of 2 pawns foreach season's service in the previous year and each magus was granted a stipendof 30 pennies. Marius announced that he would be travelling to the court ofPowys and may be away for summer also. Dialectica said that she would accompanyhim for this season but would be returning in summer as she intends to attendtribunal. Carwyn will remain within the covenant making further magical studiesand Cormoran announced that he was travelling to Cad Gadu to make use of theirmundane library.

Myself, Astrius and Giraldus were accompaniedon our journey by Captain Harry, his first mate Bob (also the son of anotherof Cormoran's consors, Wilf) and a number of our companions. While travellingGiraldus learned that Prince John has been granted the land of Ireland andwas raising a large force to subdue the natives. Many ships were being requisitionedin London to transport this army so Giraldus decided to ride ahead and seewhat the situation was for The Severn Boar. Henry and Bob agreed to presson as quickly as possible so Astrius and I parted company with them and continuedon our way.

At Narwold covenant we were met by Mattheusand he told us of a black mist that had been seen upon the marshes surroundingthe covenant. This mist has caused a disease in those who had encounteredit that affected their lungs and was apparently magical in nature. Once myown immediate investigations were complete I was able to release Astrius toassist our sodales with this matter as Fergus later raised his fears thatit may have been caused by the return of one of the three dread spirits thatTheodosius released. Astrius accompanied Fergus into the marshes and therethey were able to interrogate a shade. It revealed that a black spirit wasabroad and causing the mist, the creature being found near a black rock farout in the marsh. The magi were forced to camp out overnight and as the darknessreached its peak the stench of the bog grew stronger and a mist started toroll in from the north. Astrius viewed it with the second sight that has beengifted to him and described it as a dark shadow. He also espied three shadesthat lurked in the vicinity flee. My sodales had erected a small ward againstthe infernal and this proved most useful, as the mist could not penetrateits circumference. Astrius then saw a dark figure, perhaps 7 foot tall withbony claws and flaming red eyes, stalking through the darkness. The demon,for so it was swiftly identified by our Ministrator, unleashed some of itsdark power and Fergus was overcome with terror along with two of the grogs.Only one man stood with Astrius and Drudhuil as the creature circled the extentof the ward. The two grogs who had succumbed to the terror then rose to theirfeet and seemingly possessed walked beyond the circle and disappeared in thedarkness. Fergus was able to resist this summons but Astrius recognised thethreat and strode forth to do battle with the servant of Lucifer, followedimmediately by his familiar. Astrius was wounded in his battle but his martialskills were too great for the demon and he successfully bested it, the foglifting instantly as he did so. It seems that his first attempt to heal hiswounds went awry, perhaps affected by the infernal aura that might have stilllingered, but he was able to recover himself sufficiently to return to thecovenant and there was granted sufficient vis for more permanent healing.

[From Medius' private journal.] The secondattempt of Astrius and myself to penetrate the mysteries of Arcturus' sanctumwas more successful than our previous effort. Alerted to the trapped stepwe were able to use magic to raise ourselves to the upper level. I sufferedone mishap in this process as I lost concentration but fortunately my parmamagica was sufficient that no great harm was caused. Within the upper levelwe found some items of interest. There was a chalice upon a table, which,whilst no magic could be discerned upon it, Astrius asserted had some kindof spiritual presence. We have encountered similar before and I can't helpbut wonder whether this is some sort of holy artefact, perhaps pilfered byArcturus so that he might research it further. Two drawers were trapped andhad sufficiently impressive locks that they could not have been opened withoutforcing them and I chose not to do so. We also found a coded book that I spentthe remainder of spring examining. I believe that I have broken the code butthe language that it is written in is unfamiliar to me. Given Arcturus' originsI suspect it is the tongue of the Normans and I resolved to speak with PraecaYania about this matter.

On our return to the covenant I learned thatour ship had indeed been requisitioned by Prince John's army and had transportedsupplies to the Irish coast. On their return journey they were attacked byIrish raiders but successfully repelled them and returned to the shores ofEngland accompanied by one of the King's warships.

The final event of note that occurred duringthe season concerned Magus Carwyn. Apparently he met with his primus Pallaesand has rejoined House Merinita. He is once more to be called Magus Tiarnanand I sense that he is very happy to be so returned.


Our council met with only Marius not present,that magus having been correct that his duties in the mundane world wouldnecessitate his remaining away for summer. Dialectica informed us that thesons of Prince Llewellyn had launched raids upon a number of English landholdings.In response a force led by Ralph de Glanville, the justicary of England, wassent but was defeated with the sheriff of Worcester being slain in the battle.It seems likely that King Henry is likely to retaliate with a much largerforce and the southern princes of Wales are to send a delegation to Gloucesterto pay tribute and reinforce that they have stayed true to their alliance.It would be wise for us all to have a care when travelling in Wales untilthis situation is resolved.

Following Astrius' telling of his encounterwith the demon we discussed once more the three spirits. It seems likely thatwith Marius having refused the crown then they may no longer be bound by theking's peace and Astrius will speak with the Praefecta and Magus Geddyn aboutthis. Giraldus told us that Edwin of Huntley was reported missing, havingnot been seen for three years now. We must make further investigation intothis matter as soon as time permits.

Discussing the motions that we would bringbefore tribunal we agreed that Cormoran would offer his services to the tribunalin matters relating to the giants of Stonehenge and that we would offer oursupport to Archimaga Sylvania's survey of the magical sites of Britain. Weshall send message privately to our allies regarding the availability of ourship. With everyone determined to attend the tribunal I removed the positionof Imperator from Cormoran. While I am concerned that this may mean a greaterburden for Astrius in the future in his position as Ministrator I can no longercountenance the continual reallocation of titles merely for convenience.

Beyond the time we will spend at tribunal Ishall spend the season training Ezekiel, Tiarnan and Dialectica are both studyingfrom personal vis supplies, Astrius is creating a spell and Cormoran is learningwelsh. Giraldus will be abroad fulfilling his duties as redcap.

The first half of summer passed uneventfullyand our journey to Blackthorn was unmolested. When I arrived I was quicklyasked to attend upon the Senior Quaesitor to whom I gave an update on my investigations.She also gave me the sad news that Archimaga Gyriania had passed into finaltwilight whilst upon some duty for Harco covenant.

I was also able to speak with Erin regardinghis availability to manufacture me a longevity potion, agreeing a date forthis, and take advantage of the excellent market that Blackthorn had arrangedto purchase some new formal robes and some fine wines from my home country.

[From Medius' private journal.] I spokewith Praeca Yania about my investigation so far which she seemed to have someknowledge of already. She agreed that she could spare me an evening to lookat the book that I had found in Arcturus' sanctum. It seems that this is ajournal containing some details of his activities and contacts but it wasYania's opinion that it was far too obvious to be anything more than a diversion.She told me that the matter would be raised at this tribunal and that it wouldbe for me to make a decision whether there was any evidence to support a chargeagainst that magus. I do not have long to reflect upon this and I pray thatI make the right decision on such a vital matter].

The first day of the tribunal began with thePraeca's address. She spoke of both the threats to the tribunal and the opportunitiesthat we have if we accept that brotherhood and co-operation will accomplishmore than suspicion. She also paid a moving tribute to her sodales Gyriania.She then raised the first motion of Blackthorn covenant. She reported thatthe tribunal infirmary located at Lear Valley had used 26 pawns of vis sincethe last tribunal on such matters as the healing of disease, blindness andpremature aging. Thanks to the generous establishment made under Eloria therewas no further tithe required for the time being. Magus Theophilus spoke nextand announced that following his previous successful symposium another wasto be held at Blackthorn in the summer of 1189, to which all were invited.

For Cad Gadu Serentia was the first to speak.They have carried out detailed research into the magical and faerie sitesto be found in the vicinity of that covenant and this has revealed that thoselocated closest to mundane settlements have suffered. While vis supplies appearto be holding steady there has been a decline in the strength of the aurasof these places and some magical entities that were previously sited therehave not been seen within current lifetimes. She reported that an area offaerie wood north of Chester had been felled and no fae could be found thereanymore. Magus Geddyn spoke next on the matter of the three spirits who hadso recently exercised our own council. They are still at large but he sharesour fears that they may no longer be bound by the pact that Theodosius struck.He has continued his researches into a ritual to prevent them shifting throughtheir elemental forms but wanted to know whether such work should continueas they have not been seen for many years and such work might re-ignite theconflict between them and the order. He believes that a ritual is possiblebut that it will have a high price. Orlania said that she did not know howto find them and did not believe that we should actively pursue such a searchbut recognising the risk felt we should continue the research for when theyre-emerged. Astrius asked whether they would know of any continuing researchand Geddyn said that with Theodosius dead it was unlikely. Magus Magnus askedwhether magi of House Jerbiton might carry out a subtle search with Augustusresponding that there was great danger in any active effort and that theywould have reported had they learned anything already. The Praefecta askedfor a vote on her view and this was overwhelmingly carried although Tiarnanand Marius voted against.

Ursula, the Pontifex of Holy Isle, was nextto speak. She spoke of the concerns of many in the tribunal regarding theaccountability of her covenant but was glad to report that three mundane membersof the un-named house had been captured and questioned. They had revealedthat there are four wizards of the renegade house moving between Hiberniaand Wales and Holy Isle are currently trying to track them through ports.She suggested that magi of the order take particular care in the vicinityof Aberystwyth and Cardigan. We were also asked to keep an eye out for anun-named ship captained by a man with bone white hair and long scars uponhis face, rendering one eye blind, because he is believed to be smugglingtheir agents. She went on to say that such investigations had been expensiveand therefore Holy isle were levying a tithe of half a rook of vis per magusfor the next tribunal. There was some discomfort at this and Cormoran stoodand said that it seemed excessive. Ursula replied that she could not givedetails but assured him it was necessary for such amounts to be tithed. Shereminded all present that Holy isle can be called to account on this matterat the Grand Tribunal and that she would be happy to discuss this there subjectto the agreement of the Primi. Cormoran then asked whether a reduced tithecould be levied against those magi who reside outside covenant who he claimedwere not as rich in supplies of vis. Ursula said that she did not believethat such differentiation was possible but that she would check with the Quaesitoriiand report back (such was done at the end of the tribunal and she was correctin her assumption).

Maga Maia, of House Tremere, raised a singlemotion for Bly-Wyddan. They wished to bring a complaint against Magus Alwyn,an Ex Miscellanean without covenant, for interfering with two of their vissites. Serenia said that she would allocate a Quaesitor to investigate andit was apparent even then that this task would befall myself.

Magus Erin spoke first for Lear Valley. Hewished to announce that he had made a further breakthrough in his researchesinto longevity potions and their effect upon mundanes. He revealed that byidentifying special ingredients that were relevant to each individual he couldcraft a potion that would be as efficacious for a mundane as for a magus.Ponrius immediately stated that he was concerned such a discovery could bea threat to the tribunal and demanded an injunction. He said that if recipientsof such a gift ended their relationships with covenants their longevity maywell draw the attention of others. Cormoran then spoke again and said thathe felt such a potion should only be granted to a magus' amicus and Ponriusswiftly agreed with him. The site of these two magi in full agreement seemedto surprise many in attendance and there was a moments silence before Tiarnanspoke. He said that he did not agree with either of his sodales and felt thatsuch an injunction would be a great interference in Erin's right to practicehis art. The Praeca said that whilst rare injunctions had been allowed inthe past for magical breakthroughs and declared that there would be a votewith the motion proposed being that Erin's breakthrough be used only on swornamici. Tiarnan voted against and Marius abstained but this vote also wentagainst them by a comfortable margin. Erin was advised that he could bringthis matter before the Grand Tribunal should he gain the support of the Praecaand Primus Bonisagus. Erin looked disappointed with the decision and was perhapsnot the only one affected as Fera immediately asked if she could withdrawher motion and was told that she could.

Moravius spoke next and announced that he wasavailable for commissions from the present time through to 1190 with workundertaken in the order that it was received. Orlania then rose and made areport of the threats currently being investigated within the tribunal. Shespoke first of the three spirits and then the church cult, highlighting thedifficulty of infiltrating it with spies and the shortage of evidence againstthose in the mundane realm believed to be implicated. She then spoke of thefells who are still believe to be operating in Bristol, London and Hiberniaand finally of a threat against Narwold made by giants which she said Cormoranwould speak of later in the tribunal.

The tribunal moved next to Scafell covenantand Magnus announced that there was another threat all should be aware of.The covenant had recently been attacked by hedge wizards operating out ofthe Loch Leglean tribunal and he believes that they are led by someone withdivinatory magic as their plans and ambushes are being easily forestalledand avoided. He announced that the covenant was prepared to pay handsomelyanyone who has experience in countering such enchantments. Xanthia spoke ofa request from Torius of House Criamon. That magus had a vision within twilightof a child born with the birthmark of a star upon his head. He offers a rewardof half a queen of vis to any who can provide information enabling him tofind this child.

As the motions moved to our table the Praecafirst formally welcomed Magus Marius to the tribunal. Dialectica made a reportof the survey that Tiarnan has been undertaking, making refernce to the activitiesof the monk Bertrand. She said that all should heed the advice of ArchimagaSylvania for fear of losing those places of faerie and magic that we so require.She urged everyone to take part in this survey so that judgements could bestbe made as to whether indirect means should be used to stop the progress ofthe mundanes within Stonehenge. Sylvania thanked her for her words and thenbriefly echoed them. Cormoran stood next and reported the task that he hadperformed for the giants of Britain and explained something of their clanstructure. He said that these creatures were evil and self serving, and couldnot be trusted, but that they were afraid of greater strength and magic. Ashe had met all the clan leaders and their seer he offered his services asa mediator or ambassador should any have problems with these creatures. Fergussaid that he recognised that it was because Cormoran had attended a moot ofgiants that they were aware of the possible threat against his covenant andasked what my sodales would do should such an attack come. Cormoran repliedthat he could threaten the giants and maybe act as a go between should someform of compromise be required. He said that there were opportunities fortrade with giants as they were good for strengthening auras and creating sourcesof vis. Yania asked whether Cormoran sought any stipulation on members ofthe tribunal on how they may interact with these creatures and he said thathe did not. Further clarification revealed that Cormoran was happy to takethis as a tribunal obligation upon himself and make himself available wheneverany needed his aid. This was put to a vote and with our council unanimousin support the motion was overwhelmingly carried.

For Carrion Moor Arcanus spoke first and hesaid that while satisfying his interest in the history of these isles he hadcome upon a ruined earthen fort within a region, which contained spirits oflong dead Saxons. He sought someone who could speak with such to accompanyhis return. Kira spoke next about a group of merchants who have formed a guildbased in London and Southampton which seeks to manipulate the markets in theirown favour. This is interrupting her covenant's trade links as those who donot join with them are being excluded from markets. She wished for an indicationof what she could do to protect their trade interests. The Senior Quaesitorhighlighted a number of precedents on the continent where covenants have formedtheir own guilds and maintained control in such a manner that no harm hasbefallen magi or covenants. Guilds do not have the protection of the churchso as long as there are no ill consequences there are no special protections.Kira looked quite pleased by this.

Fergus of Narwold spoke next and revealed thatArcturus has still not returned and wanted news of the quaesitorial investigationinto his disappearance. Asked to speak I stated that I had seen the magusand could therefore confirm that he was alive. I announced that I had foundno evidence to suggest that he was not still engaged in the work he had beentasked with as an investigative hoplite and that therefore my investigationwas at an end. Fergus asked whether Arcturus was still entitled to hold hismembership and I advised that I would need to see the covenant charter tomake such a ruling. I agreed that I would look at it when next my businesstook me to Narwold.

[From Medius' private journal.] This wasnot an easy decision to make, as in truth I do still have some concerns aboutArcturus' behaviour. I do not know why he could not say more when it was clearto him that I would speak with him and I wonder about the chalice that wasstored within his sanctum. Yet he has been a loyal servant to the work ofthe Praefecta over the years and he has granted me much of his aid and hisinsight in that time. I can see no definite evidence that would justify acontinuation of this investigation that has already so breached his privacyand so I believe that I have chosen right. As I write this however I findmyself again prey to doubt. Too many of my decisions in recent years havebeen ill made and if I am wrong on this matter then it brings grave perilto the magi of this tribunal.

Ildynach spoke first for Trevalga, repeatingthat he was till taking commissions for his work. Augustus then announcedthat the covenant had established a trade link that enables them to procuregoods from the orient at prices notably cheaper than were any to go throughthe covenants of the Levant. He said that they were seeking partners withgreater financial resources to enable ever larger purchases, highlightingparticularly the money that could be made on the import of Saffron.

Finally came the motions from those who residewithout covenant although no representative from either north or south ofEngland came forward although Yania formally welcomed Richard of Beresford,a member of House Jerbiton, to the tribunal. Magus Tewdric, a young alchemistfrom ex Miscellanea, was granted the right to speak from Wales. In a mixtureof Latin and Welsh he announced that he was seeking large quantities of sulphurand he could trade Animal vis for it. Later Magus Cormoran informed us thathe believed that we may be able to make such trade and he will arrange itfor us.

At the end of the tribunal I made an initialinvestigation into the complaint brought by Bly-Wyddan but it would be inappropriateto record details within these pages.

[From Medius' private journal.] I spokefirst with Maga Maia in order to ascertain the nature of the complaint. Shetold me that Bly-Wyddan have a vis site that takes the form of an ancientstanding stone. While travelling in the vicinity she found a camp locatednearby and indications that some sort of ritual had been performed near thestone. Ffollowing the tracks that led from it came upon Magus Alwyn who didnot identify himself as a magus of the order until after she had capturedhim. She informed him that he was not to travel to that site or any otherlaid claim to by her covenant and when he told her that he was merely travellingin the vicinity and had just left an offering to the spirit of the stone shechallenged him to certamen to enforce her words. He declined to fight her,likely because he was unskilled in the art, and so she assumed her victoryas stipulated within the peripheral code. Ponrius later informed her thatthree days after this event he had encountered Alwyn at another of the covenant'svis sites which is why she was bringing forward formal charges. She was ableto confirm to me that there was a covenant mark set upon a tree close to thestone which is harvested in late Autumn. She stated that she had cast no scryingmagic upon the stone and she could detect no change in the aura there.

I spoke next with Ponrius and he said thathe found Alwyn fishing in a lake which contains fish of both magical and mundanenature. Not knowing of the previous encounter between Alwyn and Maia he alsowarned Alwyn that he was not permitted to visit any vis site owned by Bly-Wyddan.He told me that the magical fish can be identified by a distinctive pair ofbright yellow spots on their flanks.

Speaking with Alwyn he confirmed the truthof what I had been told. He travels widely around Wales and as he does soleaves offerings to those spirits and fae that he becomes aware of to ensurehis safe passage along the road. He said that at the stone he lit a smallfire and put down a bit of food, saying a few words as he did so. He saidthat he was not a practicing pagan and there were no formal prayers or invocations.He was captured the following day by some burly grogs and confirms the conversationthat Maia said they had. He told me that he was not aware of certamen havingnever been taught it by his pater, a hedge wizard. He was brought into theorder by Nora, a non-gifted redcap at Cad Gadu. He did not recognise the markingson the tree as a symbol of a registered vis site and had no desire to impingeon any covenant's vis sites. He told me that he had also not realised thatthe lake was a vis site and had caught only a single plain, silvery fish withno markings upon its flanks before he encountered Ponrius. He agreed to havingthe enchantment 'Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie' cast upon him and this confirmedthe truth of his words. He told me that I could leave a message for him atCad Gadu and also provided me with details of two taverns he visits quiteoften.

By his own admission Alwyn has tampered withtwo vis sites and failed to abide by the result of a certamen but there doesnot appear to have been any loss cuased to Bly-Wyddan. I have asked the magiof that covenant to send word when they have harvested these sites next asto whether the vis obtained falls within the normal parameters of collection.I shall await such report before I make a decision. It is my hope that someagreement can be reached between the two parties without the necessity ofa trial at the next tribunal but given my previous dealings with the magiof Bly-Wyddan I am not overly optimistic.

Our return to Severn temple was no more onerousthan the outward journey and the remainder of the summer passed without furtherevent.


Our council stood with a full complement followingthe return of Marius who brought further news of the conflict between KingHenry and the sons of Llewellyn. The king mustered a sizeable army which wasable to retake Wrexham. One of the sons was killed in the engagement and theother taken for ransom. The Prince of Llewellyn will have to make significantreparations and his reputation has been severely damaged, which is very goodfor Prince Ifans. Marius has been granted tax raising rights over the smallholding he has near Mynydd Myrddin and the council agreed that whatever revenueis raised shall be reinvested into the manor.

Marius announced that he would be travellingto Gloucester this autumn to continue in affairs of politic. Cormoran continuedwith his education in the welsh tongue whilst Tiarnan studied from his personalvis. Giraldus has been asked to take on some of the burden caused by the demiseof Gyriania so will be abroad again this autumn although it is likely thathe will have some time in the latter part of the season to make enquirieson those matters that are important to this covenant. Dialectica agreed toextract vis from the aura as a service while I took loan of the Animal textsheld in our library. Magus Astrius announced that he would be taking the shipand travelling to the Provence tribunal as he was required to attend uponhis Primus at Doissestep. He asked permission to miss the next two councilmeetings in case he was unable to return before the winter storms set in uponthe Bay of Biscay.

Our season passed quietly and it seems thatAstrius' journey went well for he returned at the end of autumn. Apparentlythe 1st mate of the ship has some sense of forthcoming weather and was ableto warn of a storm that might have caused great harm had they been upon thesea. He did not speak of events in Provence.


Following discussion of Astrius' sea journeythe previous season Cormoran suggested that it would be a valuable investmentto craft some magical items for the ship. We all agreed that this was so andthere was some discussion of items that might prove useful but our vis suppliesare not as large as they have been and with a significant tithe due to HolyIsle I would see our coffers restored somewhat before such investment.

Marius told us that King Henry is apparentlycontent with his victory at Wrexham so will not pursue war into Wales andthe earl of Gloucester still holds true to his treaty with the southern princes.Giraldus also had some news from the mundane courts. A new archbishop hasbeen appointed at Canterbury, one Baldwin who was formerly stationed at Worcester.This has caused some difficulty as Christchurch Convent, located within Canterburyand headed by Prior Alan, had refused to allow his election. The pope hasissued a bull that a religious movement in France called the Cathars are hereticsand must disband. Prince John's expedition to Ireland has ended in failureand it seems that he has gravely upset the nobles as well as the native peasantry.He has returned to England.

Giraldus also told us that the citizens ofHuntley are currently running their own affairs with rumours abounding thatEdwin is dead, although Marius told us that such word had not reached theEarl's court. He also told us that Oswald had last been sighted in Tinternand Chepstow. This led Tiarnan to inform us that he had visited the TrellochStones and they remain undisturbed with the aura still strong. Astrius suggestedthat we should make another visit to Snig's End at the beginning of springand I agreed that there would be value in such a journey.

Little occurred during the season save foran outbreak of illness in Blackney that claimed the life of one of the villagers.My apprentice Ezekiel was by the account of Astrius most useful in aidingseveral of those who were sick.