YEAR 1088

Scribed by Idris

Spring 1088 AD

There was a civil war of somesort in the land, and Jean, being the recognised landowner, went off to fightas requested by the Earl. However, he wasn't wanted, it seems, and he returnedwithout having fought. The moon finally became full in the Dell of Wolves,and they crossed over into this world. I tracked them south from the delland saw their tracks change from those of wolves to those of men wearing bootsand carrying weapons. From a safe vantage point in one of the tall oaks overlookingLydney, I saw them attack the village. I had warned the inhabitants to expectan attack, but the knight was away warring and the village had few defenders,too few to stave off the terrible onslaught. The man-wolves bore weapons ofbronze and bows, and they swiftly overran the village, slaughtering all within.I saw not one of them fall. Come dawn, I climbed down and made to return tothe covenant with all haste, assuming the form of a wolf. On the way I wasattacked by Radulfus, who bore the guise of a man no more and I only narrowlyescaped with my life as a hail of preternatural fire exploded at my heels.As I caught sight of the covenant I was shot by one of the archers on thewalls and sorely wounded. I know that this was an unfortunateaccident, the archer, Aelfwold, panicked and failed to recognise my wolf-formbut I have laid a curse on him such that the next time he fires his bow inanger the string will break.


We have decided that it wouldbe for the best if Jean 'returns to Normandy' so he and Ruaridh went to Gloucesterto transfer the land holding to Ruaridh. While in Gloucester they discoveredthat Sylvester had left a Will branding Jean a sorceror, Petrus an alchemistand Reeve Baldwin a bastard. Sir Bernard of Lydney sent to us for help asa Welsh war party attacked his village. I was out of the covenant at the time fortunately. We senta force of grogs to help, but all at Lydney save Sir Bernard were slain. TheWelsh though were also killed to a man. I wonder ifLydney truly is cursed. We have now seen two villages destroyed there in theyears that I have been at the temple alone, and magic appears to be dangerousand unreliable there.

It seems that, despite my effortsto replant it, the Vervain was completely destroyed by the sound of the Churchbell at Lydney. Also my attempts to brew a herbal salve to heal Jean's armhave failed. I journeyed to the site of the Ignem vis with Ruaridh and Jeanto investigate the creature that has taken residence in the cave where thevis is found after our scouts reported claw marks around the entrance. Wefound that some sort of flying reptilian creature (some relation to the drakesperhaps?) which walked upon two legs had made it's home there. We drove itoff with arrows but all the vis was gone.


Ruaridh has learnt through Eadric'scontacts that thankfully no action is planned against Jean by the citizensof Gloucester: the witless city-dwelling fools are too scared. Now that hehas 'left' hopefully rumours will subside after his last visit when he spookedhorses in Gloucester castle, the room in which he was staying burnt down andhe was implicated in the disappearance of a priest there. There was an argumentin council when Ruaridh accused Jean of lying about knowing nothing aboutthe priest's disappearance. I could see it in his eyesthat he was lying to us. Petrus suggested that Ruraidh cast FrostyBreath of the Spoken Lie on Jean but Jean refused to allow it. Ruaridh challengedJean to certamen (Perdo Auram) and won. The spell was cast that evening, Jeanrepeated that he knew nothing about the priest's disappearance and there wasno frost. Ruaridh apologised for his mistake and the matter was dropped.


The season passed relatively uneventfullyfor once. Petrus produced a lead arm torc which can protect people from evilspirits and Ruaridh an elm wand to hurt them. The brewery is now finishedand the tavern has been named 'The Fox & Chicken' in reference to thecontinuing struggle to keep Eanfled out of the chicken coop. The basics ofthe forge and smithy are also done but their interiors still need fittingout.