YEAR 1143

Scribed by Turold

Spring 1143 AD

Once more Madoc was the only memberof the concilium absent when we met at the start of the new season. We beganby discussing the events of the Saxon King's tomb. Antonius pointed out thatthis council had passed a stricture against any magi visiting the site withoutpermission but given that this stricture was broken in error, and that weare all more powerful now it was agreed that it was of little consequence.What was more irritating was that a site so close to us had been looted bysomeone else and that we could do nothing about it. My feelings about thiswere not improved when after reference to the journal we saw that it was rumouredthat the body within wore a crown recovered after a challenge with a faerieking. Two days later, after I had delivered item to Morfan I spoke with Gofynwyand I am convinced that this crown must have been the property of Gofannon.It has the appearance of a plain circlet of faerie silver with an exceptionalcast, and I would certainly like to recover it.

I should continue with the councilhowever. Antonius told us that he had spoken to Jordael about our proposedmotion regarding Holy Isle and that magus was certainly in favour as longas we were very cautious about the manner in which we raised it. He also reportedthat he had found at Cad Gadu a scholar of Arabic and Jordael will speak tohis council as to whether he can take an apprentice of ours so that we finallyhave an Arabic scribe of our own. He also discussed possible trades with thatcovenant for mundane texts and we will make terms at the tribunal.

Antonius had also heard reportsthat the Bristol Lark had been seen in Plymouth and might have travelled asfar afield as Iberia. The final piece of news to come from our sodalis' wanderingswas that Harnol has returned to the tribunal, and given that he is perhapsmore knowledgeable about elementals than any other in Stonehenge he may beworth talking to about the creature found in the lost covenant. Audacia announcedthat she would be developing a spell to more utterly destroy stone in futureand council decided that this could be taken as her service. Aelfwin saidhe would scribe spells for the covenant, with Antonius once more travellingabroad. Ruaridh again spent his time developing new spells.

During the middle of the season,as our spring once again turned to the production of Creo vis, the magi ofBlackthorn attended for our usual discussion concerning the upcoming tribunal.At least some of the magi attended. Gyriania was away challenging for thetitle of Archimagus while Eloria apparently felt that as Praeco it was inappropriatefor her to attend the meeting. It was agreed that for our first motion Antoniuswould talk about the fells and seek further aid in battling them. We explainedour idea for our second motion and Serenia seemed to like it although it wassuggested that we speak to Eloria about it before trying to raise it at thetribunal. Their motions will include one from Gyriania informing the tribunalthat she needs to collect new arcane connections to the various covenantsto make rapid transmission of news that much easier. The other is a proposalto start a tribunal library, something that all can use on a study for a season,write for a season basis. After some conversation we agreed that we woulddonate the contents of our visitors library to such a venture to help getit started. There was discussion about the trials. Caelestis has agreed thatDialectica will represent him and Audacia will be called as witness in thepost mortem trial of Darius. She stated that she was not intending to attendthe tribunal as she felt at least one magus must be available in the covenant,but Aelfwin said that he was happy to stay as his wife was expecting.

Whilst he was with us Antoniustold us of his journeys so far during the season. He had travelled to HolyIsle and met the new Tremere Pontifex Ursula, saying that he had found herquite reserved. There is also a new flambeau at that covenant by the nameof Xeres. Antonius had a frostier reception at Blywyddan where he was shotupon by the grogs before being told to leave the magi alone in no uncertainterms by Quaesitor Ponrius. Serenia seemed a little unhappy about this andI suspect that she will seek to have words with that magus at least.

I write now of two events thatoccurred towards the end of this season, both of tremendous magnitude, theone leading to the other albeit in a way that could not be forseen by anyother. Gyriania, apparently successful in her challenge, came to the covenantseeking Ruaridh. The fallen magus Caelestis had escaped from his dungeon atBlackthorn and Ruaridh, as the only quaesitor in Stonehenge, was needed beforean investigation could begin. Unfortunately he could not be found, even afterAudacia broke into his sanctum claiming she was in fear for his life. I disagreedwith this assessment of his wellbeing and did not believe scrying magics shouldbe used but after checking the charter Antonius said that Audacia was withinher rights to act unilaterally if she felt the need. The maga insisted thatshe felt that Ruaridh was in danger with the diabolist on the loose and socast the inexorable search. Ruaridh was not found to be within the area ofthe Dean however, and believing that he was most likely attending upon theMorrigan she persuaded me to lead her and some grogs to the Ruadans hill.After showing her there I returned to the covenant to discover Ruaridh within.After quickly informing him of the situation he travelled to Blackthorn andI once more returned to the faerie regio to try and fetch Audacia.

Before I had reached the deeperlevel where the Morrigans hill lies I came upon the grogs that had accompaniedAudacia, although of her there was no sign. The reason for her absence wassoon apparent as they told me the story of what had happened when they enteredthe Ruadan's part of the forest. Shortly after they had passed through theregio boundary they had been beset by Giant Spiders and despite killing severalof the creatures they were forced to flee further into that realm as moreof the creatures and packs of wolves joined the affray. Forced to take refugeup a tree the Ruadan came to them, gloating at their predicament. At thatAudacia cast her magicks against the fae sorceress and it must have been afell enchantment for the Ruadan was slain in an instant. Audacia immediatelyrealised the consequences of what she had done, and as the black shadows heraldingthe arrival of the Goddess of Vengeance encompassed the forest she urged thegrogs to flee for their lives, prepared to meet the Morrigan alone. The grogsdid indeed flee and managed to escape the regio, being led by Ferret who hassome experience of that part of the forest. Informed of this tale, and believingthat Audacia must be slain I saw no choice but to quickly return to SevernTemple where we made preparation in case the Morrigan's vengeance was notsated by that killing.

Leaving Antonius at the covenantI then travelled to Blackthorn to appraise Ruaridh of the ill news. In responsehe nominated me as hoplite in the matter of Caelestis' disappearance and beforeI even had a chance to ask what was happening we were meeting with Dialecticaand Praeco Eloria. He stated that he had cast eyes of the past two times towitness the events of the afternoon and had witnessed Caelestis being freedby someone with the appearance of Eloria. Of course she denied any involvementand somewhat barbedly asked if he had tried to locate an arcane connectionso that Caelestis could be pursued. Ruaridh immediately did so and using themaps that Blackthorn holds was able to establish that Caelestis was somewherenear Southampton. At this point I was relieved of my duties as hoplite andmessage was sent for Garius to attend. We returned to Severn Temple and thenRuaridh and Antonius (also made a hoplite) headed off towards the south coast.Shortly afterwards Garius arrived and after I had told him what was happeninghe too departed, with a strand of Ruaridh's hair that he had left to enableGarius to locate him.

The three of them came togetheras a group in Southampton and using their magicks traced Caelestis to a warehousein the docks. Entering the building with much caution they eventually foundthe fallen magus dead, with his heart apparently crushed although there wereno signs of any external physical assault nor magical attack. Removing thebody they found a room in an inn and as sunset came the body disintegrated.After some discussion it is believed that the body must have been a construct,possibly hermetic magic concealed by the forces of diabolic influence.

Ruaridh and Antonius returnedwith this tale and we again turned our attention to the events within thefae regio. Ruaridh decided that he had to venture to the Morrigan's hill todiscover what fate had befallen Audacia, and despite her never having signedthe charter it was agreed that we would seek an arcane connection to her.We then sought out her familiar, the mangy cat named Cyrwin, and discoveredfor the first time that the creature held the power of speech. It said thatif taken to the regio it would be able to find the maga and so once more myguidance through the regio was required, on this occasion accompanying onlyRuaridh and the cat. This time I too entered the dark realm, as I did notwish to see Ruaridh lost upon the path another time. There he called for theMorrigan and she came. I was not close enough to hear their conversation butI saw Ruaridh seem to agree to something and then collapse as if dead at theGoddess' touch. But a few moments later he awoke and was shortly followedby Audacia accompanied by a young dark haired girl. We left that place whereI was told of what had befallen. The Morrigan had not slain Audacia as I hadfeared, but instead trapped her in the otherworld. She would only be releasedif she replaced that which she had destroyed and believing that she was tobecome a creature like the Ruadan she refused. When Ruaridh came to her, transportedby the Morrigan's touch, he was able to convince her that she should strikethe bargain and that she did. The girl with her was the one that the Ruadanhad stolen away but a few months ago, Bethwyn, and it seems that the bargainstruck is that Audacia must train her as wizard whereupon the child shalldecide of her own accord whether she wishes to serve the Morrigan in future.As I said these are both events of great significance and sure to have repercussionsin the future, but it is late now and my mind can not grasp what these maybe.


Concilium began with a discussionof the events surrounding Audacia and the Morrigan, with Antonius being particularlyinterested in the precise wording of the bargain struck. He is concerned asto what the dangers will be should Bethwyn not complete her apprenticeship,those of the Flambeau being notorious for the danger to the students involved.Ruaridh and Audacia do not know for certain, but they do believe that therewill not be a new Ruadan and that it is a new servant that the Morrigan requiresrather than an identical replacement.

Antonius also told us that hehad spoken at length with Dialectica concerning the activities of the fellsand they believe that there may be such a band in Hereford, with a camp havingbeen found near Blackthorn. They may be smuggling goods through the Welshmountains. He has also established that they seem to be present in the majorityof ports in the south of England leaving us all to wonder how many more theremay be in Hibernia, Normandy and Iberia. How much do they know of our order?It seems that trying to capture a senior member must be a primary goal ofour efforts.

For the season Audacia statedthat she would commence training her apprentice, a task that I also decidedto pursue. Antonius would again ride abroad with Ruaridh again developinga spell and Aelfwin studying the texts on medicine. It is the last seasonof Madoc's enchantment; I am beginning to forget what he looks like.

Early in the season I travelledto Blackthorn to speak with Eloria about our proposed motion. I do not likespeaking to our Praeco and once again found our conversation twisted by herat every opportunity. In the end she said that she would allow our motionbut I had begun to have concerns about the wisdom of such a motion at thispresent time, particularly with the Grand Tribunal, the only body that couldreally act on anything suggested by the tribunal, being so many years away.A council was called and there was quite a vigorous debate eventually goingto a formal vote. I cast my sigil against raising the motion, as did Antonius,but with Audacia, Ruaridh and Aelfwin all in favour they carried the day.Despite my concerns I agreed that I would be the one to raise the motion however,hoping that my political neutrality will help to prevent the worst responsesthat I now fear might surface. We shall soon see for I travel to the tribunaltomorrow.

As I write the leaves are beginningto turn and Autumn is near. The season has passed relatively uneventfullysince the tribunal, and that was perhaps the least remarkable of those meetingsthat I have ever attended although there is much of interest to report. Beforethe meeting began Audacia told us that she had spoken to Orlania and Gariusregarding our proposed motion with the former not surprisingly being opposedwhilst Garius expressed his full support. The meeting began with Eloria'saddress where she stated that she was glad to see many of the Ex Miscellaneanspresent once more, talking of the need for disparate voices within the tribunal.She stated that there were now 66 magi and 11 covenants in Stonehenge, withtwo of the covenants currently being Domi Magni. She announced that Gyrianiahad bested Beranius of Bjornaer and was now an Archimaga, joining Jolyon inthat esteemed title. She also announced that as Narwold had paid their fineand because of the loss of the infirmary at Scafell there would be no titheof vis.

Gyriania spoke next, bringingus the most recent news. In the mundane sphere there had been a great battleat Thorn Moors between Henry and Stephen, the latter having been seriouslyweakened by the desertion of a full quarter of his host. The battle lasteda full day and at the end Stephen was forced to flee to France with Henryvictorious and now King of England. There have been further battles betweenthe English and the Welsh, while Scotland is divided with some of the noblesnow wishing to press against there former ally and maintain there gains inEngland. The King of France has also made significant gains and many on thecontinent are still loyal to Stephen. It seems King Henry still has much todo to secure his crown.

Of Hermetic matters, Gyrianiatold us that there were growing tensions between the houses of Merinita andFlambeau in Hibernia, with the Flambeau supported by house Bjornaer. Therehave been nine wizards wars resulting in six deaths and magi travelling tothat tribunal have been advised to consider the political situation there.The Order of Odin continues to be active in Novgorod and they may also beassisting McGreine, along with some rebels within our own order. He is believedto be manipulating mundane politics and the old Praceo of Loch Leglean hasbeen charged with aiding him. The new Praeco is Cortius of house Bonisagus.Finally Primus Tremere has expressed his regret for the news of Darius' betrayaland stated that the new Pontifex of Holy Isle will ensure that such a thingcan never happen again.

Next Eloria welcomed the newmagi of the tribunal. They are Pontifex Ursula of Tremere and Xeres of Flambeauat Holy Isle, Cirentia (the filia of Sylvania) of Merinita at Cad Gadu, Augustusof Jerbiton at Borri Tor and our own Aelfwin.

The first matter resolved wasthe trial of Darius. Ruaridh presented the facts of the case with Audaciaand Serenia confirming their veracity. It seems Fenriata had been asked toinvestigate rumours concerning that magus after his death and while she wasinvestigating his sanctum she was beset by an infernal creature. She was gravelywounded, and the word is that even now she may still die as some sort of fellenchantment is about her. It is only by means of ritual magic that her lifehas been this long prolonged and Holy Isle have sent for Providus of Bonisagusto see if he might be able to help. Ruaridh and Audacia were thus asked toaccompany Serenia in her investigations and they were further aided by Cassitus.They found an non-hermetic text hidden in Darius' sanctum containing manydiabolic rituals. Proceeding further into the lower chambers Ruaridh, Audaciaand Cassitus discovered a torture chamber and more infernal texts before theywere themselves attacked by a horned creature. In this battle Cassitus' magicwent awry and he was lost to the order entering final twilight. Ruaridh putup a ward that resisted the infernal beast and the two magi were able to woundit, forcing it to flee into the darkness. As they pressed on it attacked againand in its defeat the ground opened up and it was sucked into the very bowelsof hell. Behind an Iron Maiden they found a passage that led to a hidden roomand there they found a gutted human body with a pulsating Demon's heart setinto its ribcage. Ruaridh destroyed this obscenity, despite the presence ofan infernal aura. This evidence, with further statements garnered from theman who had acted as Darius' torturer, and eyes of the past revealing thedeaths of men (one of whom was confirmed as Tomas of Ex Miscellanea) was concludedand questions were invited. Ursula asked if there was some question as toDarius' death and Ruaridh replied that he had been killed when the Dragonattacked this covenant, although he could not say whether it was the Dragonthat had killed him. Edith asked if there was any evidence that any othersat Holy Isle had knowledge of Darius' dealings with the infernal with Ruaridhanswering that no charge was laid against any other. Edith pressed on, raisingBlodwyn's death and accusing Dionysus of negligence at the least but Eloriabrought her arguments to a close, calling for a vote. The decision was unanimousand henceforth Darius' name will be struck from the history of the order,which well befits one such as him.

The second day opened with thetrial of Caelestis. Ruaridh stated the details and Dialectica offered no defence.All present voted guilty with the exception of three abstentions and Caelestistoo suffers the fate of Darius.

The motions then began with Blackthornraising the issues that I wrote of in this journal. There was much discussionabout the merits of the Great Library, and even more about where it shouldbe located. In the end two separate votes were held with 28 against 17 supportingits establishment and 26 against 20 granting it to Blackthorn over Cad Gadu.Next came Holy Isle and Ursula announced firstly that there would be no vistithe and secondly that the trials held in absentia against various membersof Ex Miscellanea would stand. Cad Gadu were next to raise their motions withGarius speaking of a Sea Beast that had destroyed three ships off the coastof Wales. Apparently it is 100 paces in length with eight or ten arms of 50paces apiece. Garius also raised the second issue concerning a mundane scoutingparty that had been slain in mid Wales, their bodies aged beyond their naturalspan. No trace had been found of hermetic magic and Ruaridh stated that hewould investigate this matter. That night we had a meeting where Antoniussaid that in light of Primus Tremere's apology and the appointment of Ursulahe wished the council to again consider the sense of its motion. Ruaridh saidthat without Aelfwin we were not quorate and Antonius returned to Severn templeto try and convince him to change his opinion but he would have none of it.I must admit that I shared Antonius' viewpoint and for a while refused toraise the motion, but eventually was convinced by Ruaridh that regardlessof my personal feelings it was better that I raise it than Audacia.

Day three of the tribunal beganwith Borri Tor's motions. The first of these concerned their continued problemswith the Scottish and their inability to use magic to defend themselves. Ursulaasked if any more action was to be taken against the rebel magi and was toldby Garius that house Flambeau currently considered the Order of Odin and eventsin Iberia to be greater threats although there were more of the house nowresiding in Stonehenge and if intelligence was received they would surelyact. The tribunal then appointed Garius to organise any further attacks uponthe rebels. Pontus also spoke and stated that Borri Tor were keen to recruitnew magi.

Solis Castle began with Orlaniarelating sightings of a great Norse ship and her concern that this might bethe Order of Odin. She wants to gather information on this vessel. Yavid ofEx Miscellanea, from what I understand a practitioner of spirit magic, saidthat he believes it is a ghost ship and an ancient enemy. Orlania was notexactly overjoyed by this contribution. Moravius then rather vulgarly announcedhis position within the house Verditius competition and said that he was sellingthe item that had attained it for him. For Lear Valley Jan asked if Ruaridhwould investigate the disappearance of Gwyth who they feared may have beenone of Darius' victims. Raeriania then announced that Lear Valley was growingand seeking trade, particularly for texts.

Blywyddan were next and Veniusasked the new Pontifex of Holy Isle to assure him they would not let up intheir investigation of the un-named house. Ursula stated that whilst Dionysuswould continue his work, she was keen to oversee some changes in the way theirtask was carried out. She also stated that for the time being they would notbe investigating within the order but searching for those who attack it fromwithout. Jeriana raised the next motion and demanded that in the light ofthe number of fallen magi who had resided here, Severn Temple should be investigated.There was a great deal of uproar at this and Eloria was forced to call fora recess. During that time we once more argued about our second motion butagain the decision remained the same. When the tribunal resumed there wasmuch discussion, Antonius being particularly eloquent on our behalf. Edithalso supported us though her words were slightly less conciliatory than hiswere. Orlania said that there might be a need to see if there was some factorcausing the infernal to take an interest, despite the completely unrelatednature of the betrayals that we have suffered. Jordael spoke wisely in ourdefence and when the matter went to a vote it was decided by 26 to 18 thatthere should not be an investigation. Surprisingly Antonius voted for an investigationbut he made it clear afterwards that this was because we had nothing to fear,particularly as the wording of the vote would limit any investigation veryspecifically to the three fallen magi who have resided at this place. NeverthelessI for one am glad that we shall not have others poking their noses into ouraffairs.

On the fourth day Scafell beganby ending any suggestion that they might relocate to Loch Leglean. They thenstated that they were rebuilding and looking to trade for stone, weapons andother suchlike, even to the extent of offering vis in return.

We were next and Antonius madehis presentation. After some discussion he was formally charged with co-ordinatingall investigations into the activities of the fells. I then presented oursecond motion and the moment I had finished my opening statement there wasuproar again. After the din had died down I was able to complete my statementat which point Ursula responded with words far more moderate than I wouldhave expected. She did not welcome our motion as she already had plans andhoped that we would give her time to implement them. Garius then spoke, andto Audacia's disgust he also said that Holy Isle should be given time, rejectingthe motion that we had thought he supported. Orlania also supported him, thoughagain Jordael, and later Jolyon, spoke out in favour of our motion being broughtbefore the Grand Tribunal when it next sits. Venius claimed we were indulgingin nothing more than politicking but Antonius rebutted that saying it wassad how some saw political agendas in everything. Venius then launched intoan attack on house Tytalus. Harnol, true to form, launched into an attackon Holy Isle accusing Dionysus of being a diabolist as well. Again Eloriawas forced to end the debate and bring the matter to a vote. By 23 votes to21 it was decided that this motion would not be brought forward to the GrandTribunal. That was the fear of myself and Antonius and it gives me no pleasureto have been proven right.

Carrion Moor spoke last on thisday. It seems that there have been hedge wizards stirring up unrest amongstthe mundanes in the area and covenant parties have been attacked. Kira thenasked about the precise status of Morstow as a lost covenant and Ruaridh toldthe tribunal that after such a declaration 7 tribunals must pass without responsebefore the magi were declared dead.

The fifth and final day beganwith Narwold asking if their dues were now paid. Eloria curtly informed themthat the matter was now at an end. Arturus then stated that he had discovereda future source of tension in the church. The new King has asked the Archbishopof Canterbury if he can buy back some of the land currently held by the churchbut Hereford is firmly against this. Arturus expects a major clash betweenthe two archbishops and believes that covenants should check to see theircurrent legal status. For motions out of the covenant Harnol, now residentin the south, asked for an investigation into the disappearances of Maneddwyand Agned, to which Ruaridh agreed. Vorius of Criamon spoke for the northand he launched into a riddle reminiscent of Krakeranius at his most obscure."Many tendrils of corruption spread from a shadow rising in the East. Manysigns of this omen can be seen by those whose eyes are not closed. Past eventsmay merely foreshadow this influence and with the shadows passing events willcome to tell of it."

Roswynd is the only magus currentlyresiding in Wales and she had no motion to raise. Following the end of thetribunal we spoke with Edith and it was decided that we would no longer holdher to the fine that we had agreed, although this was as much due to her threatsregarding Jolyon as to our sense that maybe she had justified reason to carryout the acts that she did.

Indeed the magus Jolyon travelledwith Antonius and Ruaridh to Mynydd Myrddin and there raised a tower fromthe ground as he had promised. The celts were highly impressed by this featand they have been told that they can seek sanctuary there as long as theyunderstand that the grogs will be in charge within the defences that we haveerected. Jolyon has agreed to develop the spell that we wish to raise a newGreat Hall.

The final news of the season wasthat Aelfwin's amica gave birth to a daughter. The child was not gifted.


The season began with our conciliumat full number again for the firs time in a year. Madoc reported that he hadsuccessfully bound his horse Arian as his familiar, although the process hascaused him to shed his welsh accent for a more noble cadence. Antonius reportedthat he had purchased 200 pennies of herbs with which to utilise greater thetalents of Sarah. It was also agreed that Audacia would travel to the barrowsin search of Mentem vis during the season.

Of our activities during Autumn;Audacia continued work on her spell, Aelfwin developed his glassworking talents(acting as his service for the next year), Antonius studied from Corporemvis, Ruaridh was to carry out his quaesitorial duties and Madoc agreed tosearch the Forest of Dean as a covenant service. I spent the season openingthe enchantment with which I must repay Gofynwy for the healing that he provided.

Perhaps it was but a co-incidencebut this first season for many years with six members fully active withinSevern Temple was one of the more peaceful in that time. The only event thatI can think of to record was a visit by William of Red Morley to Blackneywhere Antonius met with him. It seems that man claims to have been attackedby a Demon that slew his wife and child. Guards were set about him but nothingcame and Antonius arranged for him to stay in Chepstow.


This was an even quieter seasonthan the last although we found much to discuss at council. Ruaridh beganby telling us something of his investigations. It seems that Gwyth was indeedthe victim of Darius, his corpse being found within the graveyard at HolyIsle. There was a discussion, prompted by Audacia, as to why Darius did notjust destroy the body. There were several suggestions but perhaps the mostcompelling (and the most concerning) is that someone might be making investigationseasy to solve so that they do not dig deeper into whether there are any otherswho had fallen with the renegade magus of Tremere. Audacia herself was ableto report that she had retrieved four pawns of mentem from the barrows, althoughone grog had been injured when one of the skeletons animated while still withina sack. Fortunately our sodalis is well able to deal with such threats.

Aelfwin has set up the beginningsof our glassworks and carried out some survey of the sand from the Severn.It appears that whilst it is not of the very finest quality it is certainlysufficient for the bulk of our needs and with a sieve, perhaps enchanted witha simple Rego Terram effect, it should produce glass of a fair nature.

Madoc had perhaps the most interestingtale to bring before council. Travelling in the north of the Dean he had founda hill. Jutting from the top of this mound was the tip of a stone and someexcavation revealed it to be 2and a ½ feet high. It was engraved with symbolsof beasts, all merging into one another, and Madoc was able to ascertain thatthe item was magical. Indeed he had a vision through his magical sight ofa ritual being carried out about the stone by 7 hooded figures. Some discussionof this led us to believe that it was tied to the legend of Merlin, and perhapsto an even earlier tale of Gwynenbach. Madoc has kept an arcane connectionto the site and Antonius and Ruaridh agreed to make a brief visit to the site.Madoc had no other news to report save that he had been beset by brigandsin the north of the forest near Huntley Wold, some injury befalling his partybut ultimately to their peril rather than his.

Aelfwin said that he would spendthe season setting up his alchemical laboratory using the building that oncehoused our visitors library. Audacia was investing the vis for her talismanwhilst I also continued with my enchantments. Ruaridh once more devoted histime to the craft of spell creation; I sometimes wonder whether any othermagus of his age has even a half of the number of spells. Antonius was alsodeveloping a spell, one that would draw pictures from a mans mind and Madocsaid that he would be studying from the Corporem tomes.