YEAR 1118
Scribed by Turold
Spring 1118AD
The discussionat the first concilium of the year was somewhat subdued, the losses of winterweighing heavily on our minds. It was apparent that one of the major tasksof spring would be the recruitment of more men, and a new steward, with Antoniusonce again happy to agree to perform such a search as his seasons service.Little else was discussed save our activities for the period; I was to extractvis as a service, Ruaridh took 3 pawns of the Intellego vis, Lothar was developinga new spell, with Petrus and Edith studying the Imagonem and animal booksrespectively.
It was on thenext full moon when a visit was paid to Antonius and achallenge of wizardswar issued to him. The challenger was one Albertus, a tytalan well versedin Ignem and like Antonius filius to Mara. We decided to lend him the Wandof the Moon so that he could fly to Lac du Nord in order to try and persuadehis Mater to call off her filius. He was gone but a few days, returning withthe news that everything seemed alright but that he intended to hide in theregio at Mynydd Merddin for the duration of the challenge. While there hewould try and make contact with the tribe who had been so aggressive on ourprevious visit.
Antonius needn'thave left, as it was not long afterwards that Albertus came to the covenantwith the news that he would not be pressing his challenge. Nevertheless hisjourney proved to be informative, though at the cost of our most preciousmagic item. While being used by the grogs to cast Wizards Sidestep one ofthem, Clovis, managed to somehow break the wand by dropping it against therocky ground. He apparently claimed that the item 'bit' him, but Antoniusfeels this was just a rather feeble attempt to avoid punishment. However themystery as to what happened to the grog Lars was solved, when he arrived witha group of the tribesmen. He told Antonius that he had been there for fouryears and was now well respected by the chief of the tribe. There was somediscussion about our access to the site and there will be more in the futureI am sure. Fortunately it does look like an agreement can be forged.
When Antoniusfelt it was time to leave, lacking the Wand of the Moon, he was forced totry and lead the men through the exit between the stones. This proved to bea very difficult task and an uncomfortable night was spent in a camp thatquickly flooded due to prolonged rain. When they finally managed to leaveit appears Clovis left to scout up ahead and has not returned since. Facedwith Antonius' reports of this man it doesn't seem desirable to locate himand we shall leave him to his own life.
I am now aboutto travel to the faerie regio to receive tuition fromGofynwy in the matterof my new art. Antonius has kindly agreed tocontinue recording this journaluntil I return.
Scribed byAntonius
So it is my turnto tell the story of this covenant a little earlier than planned. I believethough that a break from set routine can often prove to be healthy but anywayon with the tale. The season started with a council meeting where I told ofwhat had happened to me in the regio. Any satisfaction with the solid progressthat I had been able to make with the ancient Celtic tribe was offset by theloss of the wand. It was decided by decree of council that in future grogsshould not be allowed to use any magical items unless permitted to do so bycouncil. Turold stated that he will be journeying to Gofynnwy to learn thecraft of the stone smith for in all probability the rest of the year whichis why it is I not he who is writing these words.
Later in the seasonsome of our grogs out on a far patrol came across the body of a deer withit's heart cut out. The body was brought back to the covenant though thatwas done with the intent eating venison that night rather than because theysuspected there might be anything sinister in it's death. Luckily howeverthe cut to its chest was noticed and we were able to examine the beast. Aftermuch examination we were able to determine that it had been shot with a darttipped with a herbal poison of some sort which caused its blood to becometoo thick to flow. Then its heart was cut out by what looked like a very oldwoman. Could this be the Deanne that the renounced magus Idris met with? Ifso, although she was cleared of involvement with the UnNamed House, it ispossible that she may be in league with the Infernal and thus we shall keepa sharp eye out for her and any further signs of renewed activity.
The only otherhappening of note during the rest of summer was that Lothar reported havinghad a further dream about the stag and its vengeance for his inaction overthe growing settlement at Clearwater. He wanted us to deal with this villageand grew angry and frustrated when we pointed out that we were bound by ourOath not to interfere with the mundanes. We agreed that if a suitably discretemethod of restricting the growth of the settlement could be found then wewould certainly consider it seriously.
I was able togather some news from the wider world beyond our covenant walls. It seemsthat there has been some fighting in Normandy, not I think full war as yetthough the situation is confused and the news is still sketchy. More locallyI heard that Sir Kenneth of Colford continues to try and expand and develophis holdings by building a road which runs North from to Mitcheldean. Theroad passes within a mile and a half of the Northernmost part of the faerieregio and surely when completed will pose a significant threat to the continuedintegrity of the aura there. More alarmingly still there was much talk ofSir Kenneth trying to take Lydney by force. If successful he would own landon either side of us, and it would only be a matter of time before he wouldseek to link the two.
The season openedas usual with a council meeting. The main issue of debate was what to do aboutthe situation with Sir Kenneth and the impending attack on Lydney. We decidedthat with the potential threat to the magical aura here, and thus the covenant,that a Lydney owned by Sir Kenneth would pose that direct action had to betaken. We debated for a long time, anxious that any course of action shouldnot violate the strictures of the code. In the end it was decided that I shouldventure forth to Lydney to offer what men at arms we could spare in its defence.We would set watch from the woods about Colford for Kenneth's force settingout and then send our men down to Lydney. One of the men sent down to Lydneywas to be given an arrow temporarily enchanted so as to strike true into SirKenneth when he came near and then Lothar would cause his horse to rear asif startled, thus throwing him. With luck such an event would at least injurehim enough to force him to call off the attack. Ruaridh and Lothar would wait,concealed in the tree line overlooking the probable battlefield; ready touse their magics when the opportunity arose. Also Ruaridh might be able toset a fire in Clearwater to try and force Sir Kenneth to send some of hisforces back to fight it.
So with the plansdecided I journeyed down to Lydney to speak with Sir Gerald and offer himour aid. The mood there was grim, the spectre of battle hanging over the village,doubtless the atmosphere not helped by the infernal taint that still liesabout the place. Sir Gerald was surprised but pleased to see me. I offeredthe help of eight men which was all that we could spare but would still beof significance. When asked what we wanted in return for this help I repliedthat we were just helping a good neighbour and all we desired in return wasgood will. He was clearly a little suspicious at this but accepted our offernevertheless and invited Lucien and I to enjoy his hospitality for the night.That night as I stood looking out across the village from the quarters thatwe had been given I saw what seemed to be the shadow-form of a child movingacross the village. Soon after the steward burst into the room telling usto close the shutters as it was dangerous to leave them open at night. Whenpressed he would say little else but it was clear from his demeanour thatevil still walks openly at night here.
Not long afterwe learnt that Colford was marching on Lydney so we set our plan in motion.Sir Kenneth did not immediately attack the village as we had expected butinstead set up camp outside of bow range, waiting for the right moment. Realisingthat his enchantment on the arrow would have failed with the setting of thesun, the next day Ruaridh flew off to Clearwater where he contrived to seta fire such that the whole village would catch. Lothar travelled to Chepstowto try and inform them of what was happening at Lydney but with his foreignaccent and abrasive manner no one would listen to him. When he tried to hijackthe ferry and cross the river he was, somewhat unsurprisingly, shot at byguards on the far bank. Sorely wounded he dived into the river to try andescape and were it not for Lyn-y-fan's gift he would probably have drowned.
Ruaridh was successfulin his fire-raising and on seeing the column of smoke rising from across theforest Sir Kenneth sent his archers and half of his men at arms home to fightthe fire. Sir Gerald seeing his chance sallied forth and a fierce fight ensued.The two knights fought each other as the battle raged about them. Sir Gerald,though older, proved to the stronger of the two and wounded Sir Kenneth sorely.Colford's forces were routed and he lost at least 7 men at arms, a heavy blowto his expansionist ambitions.
We convened acouncil meeting to discuss the events at Lydney. All seemed to have gone wellsave for Lothar's unfortunate escapade. Lothar became very irate as we talkedabout what had happened to him, blaming the events solely on Ruaridh, claimingsomewhat bizarrely that Ruaridh had ordered him to go to Chepstow. As beforehe refused to accept any blame for what had happened and finally lost patiencecompletely and challenged Ruaridh to a certamen. The contest, fought in CreoVim did not last long as Ruaridh bested him easily, thus ending any furtherargument.
The rest of theseason passed largely uneventfully, save for a brief visit from Maga Isabellaof House Flambeau, whose earlier application to join here the council hadrejected. It seems she has been accepted to the council of Blackthorn andshe sought directions there, with which I was happy to assist her. I was toldby Isabella that another Maga is to join Blackthorn, one Dialectica, justrecently having passed her gauntlet.
Mathus of HouseMercere brought news from far abroad. The King is fighting hard and enjoyingno little success in Anjou and Flanders though he has lost some castles throughtreachery and he must fight onto maintain his continental holdings. Thereis a new Pope, Galasius. Closer to home it appears that rumours of devilryin Lydney have reached as far as Hereford and there may be an investigationby the Archbishop's aide unless a Rector is appointed soon. It has been announcedthat DuClerc is to take over Lamarck's role as the Tribunal's emissary tothe church and it was restated that Magi are not to give the church any reasonto overturn the Archbishop's previous decision that the Order is not the enemyof the church.
A further councilmeeting was called by Lothar in which he wished to raise three matters. Hewished to state that he had lost a rook of animal vis and a potion of invisibilityin the unfortunate incident at Chepstow. He also asked for the council toprovide the vis to have his leg, which had been injured by an arrow in saidincident, healed at the infirmary at Scafell. The council was happy to agreeto this request and there was no censure forthcoming for the loss of resources.However it was the third and final matter which was of great concern. Magnusfilius Loris of House Bjornaer has declared Wizard's War against Lothar. TheMagus from Narwold covenant has claimed insult from Lothar's defection toHouse Merinita. The war had been sanctioned by Quaesitor Ponrius though Ruaridhbelieved that as a previous declaration had been made concerning the sametopic it might be possible to get it annulled. Ruaridh went as far as callingtogether a meeting of all the Stonehenge Quaesitori but his efforts were invain. So Lothar had his leg healed using the faerie healing wand and leftfor the faerie regio where he had been successful in evading the last Wizard'sWar declared against him.
Soon after themoon had risen Magnus entered the covenant by stealth and set about smashingLothar's sanctum. From an exclamation of triumph heard whilst he was insideit seems probable that he was able to find an arcane connection to Lotharfor he left straight away for the faerie regio. By the time the moon had risenagain and the War was officially over there was no sign of either Lothar orMagnus.
As we gatheredfor the winter meeting there was still no sign of Lothar. Edith agreed togo into the faerie woods and search for some sign of what could have befallenLothar when she was due to journey there to inform Turold, who was still studyingwith Gofynnwy, that the year had almost passed. The trackers accompanyingher found tracks of a boar, Magnus' heartbeast, and a bear outside the Eversummerglade, the very heart of the regio. There had clearly been some skirmish outsidebefore Lothar had fled into the glade, pursued by Magnus. Eanfled disappearedinto the glade ahead of her but when she was finally able to gain access therewas no sign of either him or Lothar. There were tracks of a boar leading outof the regio but none of a bear.
The glade wasto her dismay no longer in Summer but turning swiftly through autumn intoWinter. As best we can ascertain the death of a mortal in the glade, Lothar,has turned it to Winter. As the glade contains the gateway to Arcadia andwhosoever controls the gate rules the regio then the entire regio will changefrom Seelie to Unseelie. Who knows what consequences this could have for usin the years to come? The implications of this sorry incident clearly go beyondthe loss of a magus. Gofynnwy on hearing the news was deeply troubled andsaid that he for one will leave as will in all probability most if not allof the Seelie folk.
A few weeks laterwe heard officially from Mathus that Lothar had indeed been killed by Magnus.The rest of the year passed without further incident but who knows what furtherwinters will bring now that the regio is ruled by the powers of Winter notSummer? So ends my short spell in recording the history of our covenant andI return it to Magus Turold. May he have better news than I to write here!