YEAR 1158

Scribed by Dialectica

Spring 1158 AD

And so! Another year begins - and with this new year some renewed hope followingthe destruction of the demon of Lydney and the death of the diabolist magusGierre. With these two enemies slain it affords us an opportunity to rebuildand grow; both personally and as a Covenant.

The first meeting of the year began, as usual, with news from the season before(a delightfully quiet season!). My meeting with the Reeve of the Dean wentwell, despite my concerns that his incarceration on accusations of dealingwith witches and warlocks from the Dean might have soured him towards us.It seems that influence from Yania and De Camp have helped us here too - forthe Reeve, and his liege the Baron of Monmouth, appear to believe that thedropping of charges was due, in part, to our influence. Thus, to my greatrelief, the Reeve was content to continue the arrangement for taxes that wehad discussed some while before. We shall make payment of 400d each year fortaxes on our landholding and pay an additional 200d per year until we havepaid what else we owe.

A sum of 600d a year is a considerable sum, yet Aelfwin's glass managed tofetch a price of 400d alone and it looks likely that we will obtain some incomefrom the mine this year with full production next year. In addition, we haveover 1300d reserve and a number of worthy goods (silver cups and such like)which we could sell at a push. All in all our finances are stable and improvingyear on year.

Activities this season: Aelfwin shall perform covenant service by making moreglassware (it is hoped that his apprentice will soon take over and releasea magus from this task for all but laboratory equipment). Theo will travelabroad this season amongst the villages and free-miners as covenant service- so garner news from the shire and hopefully recruit another miner). Cormoranshall serve one season of his penalty services by working in Blacknee overseeingprogress on the mining and laying preparations for further brewing (Cidermay indeed be a profitable venture given the quantity I saw the nobility putaway in Gloucester Castle!). Astrius will study 3 pawns of Animal vis (towardshis preparation for a familiar I suspect). Medius shall extract some vim visfor himself. Tiarnan will study some Creo vis. Lastly, I shall study the spellPose the Silent Question when it arrives from Carrion Moor.

Early in the season a cart from Carrion Moor arrived and we exchanged copiesof spells. We received the following: Incantation of Lightning, Leap of Homecoming,Ring of Warding against Spirits (4th Magnitude), Coerce Spirits of the Night(7th Magnitude), Pose the Silent Question and Charge of the Angry Winds.

Whilst I was away delivering the taxes, a stranger paid visit to Blackneeand came to Cormoran's attention. Geddyn, a travelling entertainer, createdquite a stir within the village by performing tricks and feats that defiedexplanation. It appears this young Welshman was capable of such legerdemainthat Cormoran started to wonder whether he was actually using some mannerof hedge magics to assist his act. His curiosity roused, Cormoran sought thewisdom of Medius, who investigated the site of the 'magical show' and discoveredthat some form of magic had indeed been used.

Cormoran felt it necessary to seek further advice from Astrius and Mediuskindly apported back to the Covenant to pass on the news. As Imperator, Astriusfelt that Geddyn's ability to do magic might well make him a potential threatand that he should be apprehended and brought to the Covenant for furtherquestioning. This Cormoran attempted to do, but it led only to a fight inwhich Cormoran received a sword injury and Geddyn got away. Fortunately, Cormoranhad earlier taken a hair from his head to serve as an arcane connection shouldthis hedge magician take flight.

I returned from Monmouth a day later and using the hair retrieved by Cormoranmanaged to locate him along the river to the North. Wondering whether thisGeddyn might have the true gift I determined to trace him and learn more.

By the time I caught up with Geddyn, Theo had already befriended him! Geddynhad, by chance, ended up in the same tavern as he and the two of them hadstruck up a good conversation over the course of several ales. Over the nextfew days we followed Geddyn, disguised by spells, so that we could betterobserve his magic. After only a short time it became clear that Geddyn hadthe true gift - Theo speculating that he might be an elementalist.

Given that they had got on so well on their prior, and unforced, encounterI determined to let Theo make the opening introductions to the Order. Thediscussions went well, and before too long I was introduced and we spoke inmore detail about joining. Geddyn seems a personable man with a sharp mindand relaxed manner. In the end it was decided to seek sponsorship for a maguswithin House Exmiscellanea to help him learn Hermetic magic and the ParmaMagica. Theo kindly offered to take Geddyn to Cad Gadu - and I understandthat Primus Llandoddwyn himself has taken Geddyn as an apprentice.

This quiet season ended with a small shipment of ore arriving from Blackneereturning with Cormoran.


Our meeting started with brief recriminations over the contact with Geddynthe season before. It appears that Cormoran's rather heavy-handed approachwith Geddyn was due to a misinterpretation of the message that Medius hadkindly relayed from the Imperator. Cormoran's subsequent actions could haveled to someone being gravely injured - or at the very least Geddyn being putoff the Order for good. Still ... given that events eventually resolved themselvesin a positive way, I was keen to move past this topic before any of the councilwere offended.

Astrius raised the idea of appointing a Civilitor, as I was discussing whattrades we might seek with other covenants. I agreed to appoint one - thougha little with some trepidation given the flurry of Certamen that had followedthe vote on Imperator. Fortunately, no such argument ensued. Medius volunteeredfor the post, and no other contested it, so the matter was quickly resolved.

Aelfwin announced that he wished to travel to Lear Valley to study with hispater over the course of a year. Given Erin's research into enhancing potionsof longevity, I could well see the practicality of granting such extendedleave. Aelfwin shall return for the beginning of Summer next year.

Activities this Season: Medius: As covenant service shall travel as Civilitorto Blackthorn, Carrion Moor, Solis Castle and if there is time Narwold. Aelfwinshall travel to Lear Valley, whilst Astrius intends to study from the Intellegobooks. Cormoran, Tiarnan and Theo: Will travel to Gofynwy's cave in the faerieregio. Lastly, I shall learn the spell Veil of Invisibility.

The season was a quiet one, here in the covenant. All but Aelfwin returningby the end of the season.


The council met with all but Aelfwinpresent and began with Tiarnan relating the events of his journey with Cormoranand Theo into the faerie regio last season. It seems that the grip of Winteris finally weakening and that Summer will returning soon to the faerie realm.This will make future journeys through the faerie regio much easier, thoughthe Erechwydd is still a present danger. It seems one of the benefits of thischange of season is that Stonevale, a 'landholding' granted once to Turoldby the fae, will again begin to deliver vis to the covenant. Medius remarkedupon this curiousity, as indeed this was, for the landholding had been grantedto Turold and since he had died what reason would there be for the fae tocontinue this practice. Tiarnan speculated that the fae there are simply carryingout their last duty, that they feel the vis is owed to the covenant and itis natural to deliver it each year. This led to a discussion about Turold'sfate. Tiarnan admitted that it was impossible for him to say with surety,but suggested that Cyrgig, Turold's one time companion, might be able to giveus more of a clue. Cormoran also discovered some of the properties of thestone sword crafted by the faerie Gofynwy. It appears the sword is unbreakableand of superlative quality. I for one was delighted with this news, perhapsnow Cormoran will cease trying to get someone else to investigate it for him.

Medius also related his journeysto Carrion Moor and Solis Castle covenants. With Carrion Moor he has agreeda trade in Iron for grain and the construction of lab equipment in returnfor 250d and half a rook of Animal, Corporem or Auram for each season's worthof work. They also offered a price of 25d for each barrel of ale we mightdeliver in the future. At Solis Castle he negotiated offers for lab equipmentbased on season for a season of Jareth's time. We shall also exchange somespells from our libraries - to be completed by the next Tribunal. Orlaniawas pleased to trade for Ignem, promising Auram or Mentem. There is also apotential trade for fine wines, if we can obtain such.

Astrius raised the issue of improvingour defences particularly the gates that he suggests would benefit from ironreinforcement. He also recommended for a portcullis and several braziers forboiling oil to be fitted to the gatehouse. This discussion, though with merit,brewed an argument Cormoran and Astrius. I fear that the giant has not givenup hope of replacing the Flambeau as Imperator, and becomes bitter at losingthe last election and rounds of certamen. I moved the question swiftly on,whilst agreeing that such elements for our defence would be explored as andwhen we had funds.

For our activities the followingwas decided: Astrius will study from Animal vis; Cormoran will research aspell; Theo will be abroad exploring the Dean; Medius will learn a spell andTiarnan will travel back into the regio as covenant service to collect themushrooms and visit Stonevale to arrange delivery.

The season passed peacefully,until Cormoran drew our attention the mysterious death of one of the fishingfolk who work out of Blacknee. The man had drowned, but not as one might haveexpected, for it seems he was mesmerised by some creature and drawn towardsthe dark waters. At the creature's touch, the man's lungs were filled withwater. He requested Medius's assistance and the two of them investigated.Through questioning the spirit and using Intellego spells to sense magic uponthe dead man, he determined the attack had come from a 'sea witch'; an infernalcreature that sailors sometimes report on their travels. The Severn is tidaland we wondered whether the blight at Lydney might have drawn such a terrorupstream. After discussion we decided to monitor the situation and ask Theoto investigate when he returns.


The council met at the beginningof Winter and first Tiarnan related his journey into the Faerie realm. Aftercollecting the mushrooms he travelled deeper into the regio and reached Stonevale.There he met Cyrgig who works as something of a steward to the place. Thoughonce mortal, it is not clear whether he is now entirely fae and serving thecourt of stone. Cyrgig informed Tiarnan that delivery would be made next yearto the covenant, though Tiarnan had suggested delivering to the Palug's gladefor ease. Gofannon owns Stonevale itself; Turold simply held the land fromhim and received this share of magical ore as a stipend. Tiarnan also admittedthat he had met a faerie claiming to be Turold whilst in Gofannon's realm.This raised a few eyebrows around the table and there was considerable discussionabout Turold's legal standing. It cannot be certain that Turold is indeeda fae or whether there is some part of the magus still remaining. Medius requestedthat a full report to be sent to the Senior Quaesitor by the next Red Cap.

Theo reported that he had spentthe season searching for standing stones, marked on the map obtained fromLauretius. He investigated the whereabouts of the Trellech stones and a placenamed grey hill, but was unsuccessful at finding them. However, he feels hehas narrowed the search and will investigate again when he has time in thefuture. He also passed by Lydney and took opportunity to reconnoitre the ruinedsettlement. He described the shadow there like a sleeping wolf; dormant yetstill dangerous. Astrius had also ventured down with trackers to watch overLydney, though with a more mundane approach. There seems no sign of recentdisturbance or visitors.

Cormoran brought up the investigationof the drowned man and our suspicions that a sea witch was plaguing the watersnear Blacknee. Medius related his investigation and seemed very sure of hisconclusions, yet Tiarnan questioned this judgement suggesting that perhapsan unseelie faerie of the waters might also fit the evidence.

Our discussion moved on to theproblem of Lydney. Theo suggested that flooding the site might weaken theinfernal grip upon the place and recovering the shrine to Lludd, said to bewithin the village long ago, might secure protection for the settlement. AHermetic ritual of some 7 magnitudes might be enough to flood the region.Astrius says that with assistance he could create such with two seasons work.Cormoran also suggested that Theo and Tiarnan might speak with the Ladra tosee what assistance she could lend.

Of our activities: Astrius willextract vim vis from the aura as covenant service; also on service, Cormoranwill scribe spells for the library; Tiarnan will study the Intellego books;Theo will continue his exploration of the Dean; Medius shall study vim andI shall learn a spell.

Early in the season, Tiarnan,Theo and Medius sought to learn more about what had been attacking the fisherfolk. It seems that, despite his determined opinion on the matter, our quaesitorhad leapt to the wrong conclusion. Between them the magi found no trace ofinfernal sign, and Tiarnan was able to swim down and speak with the creature.It appears to be a fae of the water called Tegfryn who attacked people afterit's home among the reeds was disturbed by villagers digging for clay. Solong as no one disturbs it's home again the villagers may collect clay fromnearby so long as they offer 3 fishes as payment.

Later in the season a more gravematter came to our attention. The werewolves of the forest, with whom we havean uneasy truce, called out to Theo and told him of a raging hunter comingfrom the North. Against his friend's advice, Theo met with the leader of thepack and was told of a 'blood wolf'; a maddened creature that had been sentby the werewolves of Mynydd Myddyn to slay the renegades hiding in our woods.Theo returned and with Astrius, who was deeply mistrustful and suspiciousof a trap, entered the forest to hear the cries of wolves being attacked.They investigated only to be ambushed by this blood wolf. Astrius managedto drive it off with sword and fire, but Theo was mortally injured. Fortunately,Astrius was able to bring him back to the covenant and administer a potionof the Incantation of the Body made Whole. This returned Theo to full health,though concern was raised about any curse afflicting him because of his injuries.It seems that Theo's 'spirit guide' had protected him from the Lycanthropywhich normally follows a bite. This was doubly fortuitous, for Theo believesthat the bite of this blood wolf inflicts no ordinary curse of the werewolf,but also the madness which drives this blood wolf to slay it's kin.

There seemed to be some argumentbetween the two friends when we met in emergency council, though they didnot speak of it to any of us. However, the unease between them was evidentlyput aside as they determined to hunt down this blood wolf with assistancefrom Cormoran and the guard.

They returned to the forest thenext day and were aided in their hunt from an unusual quarter. A strange hound,which Astrius said he recognised from a vision sent by the Anu, led the partyas it hunted infected werewolves. After finding and killing some of these,the magi determined to focus the hunt of the original blood wolf and leftthe hound to its hunt and followed tracks to Mitcheldean. They reasoned thebadly injured creature might have fled within, in human form, to find healingafter it was badly burnt by Astrius on the last encounter. Theo entered thesettlement and shortly tracked down a herb woman with a reputation for treatingburns. Entering her house he found that the blood wolf had indeed been hereahead of him, for the woman was cruelly slain.

Theo made his excuses and leftswiftly rejoining his party as dusk came upon them. Just then, the hound re-emergedand communicated to Theo that it had located the original blood wolf alongwith others that had been touched by its curse. The hound sped on ahead, withthe party running as they may to match its pace. If they could catch thembefore the full moon rose, there might be a chance for speedy victory. But,fate was not with them. As the moon rose the hound stopped still, only Astrius,Theo and Cormoran having matched its pace. The hound barked warning just asthe maddened creatures attacked - four of them, each some nine to twelve feetin height. The battle was short, for the magi were unprotected and unprepared.The magi used potions and spells to apport back to the covenant ... awarethat in so doing the guard were doomed to meet these wolves alone.

Having returned, the magi usedpotions to swiftly repair their injuries before Astrius determined to headback out again. His loyalty to his men and his friend Dylan made it clearhe would return, alone if needs be, and seek to rescue them. Sensing therewas no reason or argument that would bend his will from this course of action,I made loan of what resources he needed from the covenant and wished him luck.Theo, evidently unwilling to allow his friend to venture alone, went withhim in the otherworld.

By morning, Astrius returned.He related that he had flown to Mitcheldean and there found two of the guard.But, they had been infected and even as he watched they began to transforminto nightmarish blood wolves. Astrius slew them, for undoubtedly they wouldhave turned on him otherwise. Heading into the forest, Astrius was met onceagain by the mysterious hound. He found his friend Dylan - by some miracleunharmed - and sent him back towards Mitcheldean, then followed the houndonwards into the depths of the forest. This time surprise was on his sideand he was able to ambush the blood wolves (their numbers bolstered by someof the guard they had infected) and use the wands of lightning and fire againstthem. Before long they were slain and he returned home.

Theo, on the other hand, did notreturn for two days. When he did arrive he was sorely injured and weak withthirst and hunger. It appears that the original bloodwolf had not died inspirit when the body was broken with lightning and flame. It's spirit, stillvital and driven by whatever curse upon it, rose up and sought to repair thebody to life once again. Theo attacked it and it followed him into the otherworldwhere they fought. The battle was a close one, with Theo barely survivingwith the help of his spirit guide Viremos. Given the claw marks on his body,Medius suggested there was danger that Theo had been infected by the curse.Theo denied this, saying that he and his guide had slain a wolf spirit sentto claim him. With permission, though, Medius sought to test this with thespell Shiver of the Lycanthrope. To his horror, the spell indicated that Theohad the curse. Unsure as to what to make of this, we determined to have Theolocked up for the next full moon - with his full cooperation. Fortunately,there was no change upon him as the moon rose next, and with some relief weconcluded that Medius's spell must have been in error.

Theo met again with the leaderof the werewolves. It seems that they are grateful for our intervention. Thisbloodwolf was sent by the leader of the pack within Mynydd Myddyn, and representsa dangerous - almost desperate act of vengence against them. It is possiblethat the grandfather wolf of that pack may realise that the wolves of theDean had aid from us. I wonder how long it will be before we are forced toconfront this pack.

There is still an awkwardnessbetween Astrius and Theo, though neither of them will speak of it. I do notknow what occurred on that first foray into the woods that would have drivena wedge into that deep friendship - but it does not bode well. Also Cormoranhas been grumbling privately about Astrius's handling of the hunt, I do fearthat divisions are widening between our two warriors.

So ended the season and the year,and my term as recorder in the Journal.