Scribed by Naevius

Spring 1322AD

Our council meeting began with news from Jari following his service to the covenant last season. Through the skills of our new spymaster, the covenant has sought to establish some contacts in cities in the midlands – places like Worcester and Warwick where we previously lacked any agents. Assisting in this endeavour over the course of the season, Jari found that food shortages, caused by mysterious recent changes in the weather, were beginning to create hardship. In towns, food prices have risen sharply and Jari saw evidence of people going hungry and begging for food. In the countryside beyond, it appears that some have turned to banditry to fill their stomachs. Jari encountered burnt out farmsteads and heard many stories of armed groups seizing food supplies from isolated farmers. Even the coastal regions, usually able to supplement their supplies with local catches, have started to find the local supply of fish in shallower water dwindling. The response of the authorities, so far, has been to stockpile provisions for themselves. Evidence of both nobles and the church raising taxes and tithes so that their supply of food is secure – though at the cost of further raising prices and increasing hardship for the common folk.

One example that Jari investigated was Malvern Priory, a Benedictine monastery in Worcestershire. It seems that the monks have reserved the food grown on their lands for themselves and heavily increased the tithes for their tenants. Jari observed the prior enjoying a sumptuous feast, even as local families drifted ever closer to outright starvation. His first suspicion was that some malign or devilish influence was driving this behaviour, though he found no evidence of such in his investigation and now believes it to be a consequence of simple greed and desperation.

Having travelled across the breadth of England, Jari eventually arrived at Narwold covenant. He called in at the covenant and received a welcome from Maga Druscilla. He spent a little time in the region and investigated a nearby magical site within the marshes which he was informed sometimes granted mystical visions. I don’t think anyone really understands where such visions are supposed to come from, or who – or what – represents the power which sends them. However, there appears evidence to suggest that sometimes these strange dreams represent portents worth attending to – so I will record the experience he described.

Jari reported receiving a curious vision at the site. He felt as if he was seeking some escape or sanctuary from a dark and terrible force which hunted him and found himself before some standing stones. Forming something of an archway or door, there appeared to him something like a portal – a swirling darkness devoid of stars. Within this darkness, Jari sensed what he took to be something powerful, bound in chains underground. Then his vision filled with a sight of a great pit full of skulls.

Lacking much experience in such magic, Jari was at a loss to explain much of what this vision portended. However, his familiar was able to offer an interpretation. From his own ‘conversation’ with the Moon, Races with Winds believes that this vision related to the activity of our enemy – the Unnamed House. He was ‘told’ that they afeared of the coming plague from the east and seeking a way to escape it. This solution was not one that we could use ourselves and that we had before us a stark choice: pursuing our enemy before they find a means to escape or seek a solution for ourselves and survive the coming shadow. Races reported that the Moon did not believe we would have time enough to succeed at both endeavours.

The council indulged in some speculation regarding the vision, but eventually the discussion turned to our investigation of methods to survive the coming threat from the east. One belief held amongst members of the council is that Theoclea might yet find some method within ancient magic to avert or shield us from the plague. Having taken the Crown of Madh and being the heir apparent to those powers awakened by Theo in years long past, this plan depends upon her finding the Crystal Caves which were once found deep beneath Mynydd Myddyn. It is not clear whether the plan is to seek tutelage from the great wyrm apparently possessed by the spirit of Merddyn, or whether there is some secret of power hidden within the crystals themselves. Despite this solution appearing quite vague to me, others believe it holds promise – not least Terentius who plans to continue his delves into the deep cave system later this year. It’s clear from his previous reports that these tunnels are extensive, labyrinthine, and frequently difficult to traverse, but he is convinced that the regio containing these crystals may yet be found within its network.

Pyrrhus suggested an alternative method for seeking the Crystal Caves. He recalled from the journal that the Lladra – an elemental-like creature which might be considered something of the spirit of the Severn – had transported magi to those caves in time past. It is possible she may yet know the route by underground rivers and streams to locate that place. Jari believed that it would be possible to speak to her and find out.

With wider matters discussed, if not resolved, the council turned its attention to more immediate and mundane concerns. The harvest season over the last years has been poor and our fear is that, should this year prove the same, then we might reasonably expect England to suffer extreme famine come winter. To spare ourselves the worst hardships associated with such events, we discussed what we might do to secure food supplies for ourselves and our covenant assets. We have a copy of The Bountiful Feast in the library. It is a ritual of non-Hermetic origin, thus there might be additional perils of casting it from text should anything go awry. Branwen believes she could learn the ritual, which must be cast at noon on the day after the Winter Solstice. Whilst this would not avoid problems with the harvest if they occurred this year and, if memory serves, the ritual cannot influence the weather at all, it might go some way to bolstering food supplies for the year that follows. To this end, Branwen will learn the ritual this year – and this was agreed as covenant service.

In the meantime, we must rely upon our wealth and contacts to ensure the Steward is able to stockpile food for the covenant. To that end, we could profitably increase our storage by enchanting a second barn with a spell to prevent the spoiling of food. Such work is within my capability, so I’ll undertake the task this season to ensure we have sufficient space to store as much food as possible.

Finally, Pyrrhus announced that he would be travelling abroad for much of the year and would have need of the covenant ship. As part of his service to his House. He will be travelling to Narva covenant – which lies close to the border with the Rhine Tribunal in Novgorod – to help in defending that covenant and the Domus Magnus of House Bjornear which are under threat from a military order called the Teutonic Knights. Thus order, whilst perhaps not as severe a threat as the Templars proved to be, have sacked covenants in the past and are believed to prepared for further attacks. Given the disgraceful actions of the House under Primus Aloisius, it is a relief to see the followers of Flambeau turning their arts to help defend what remains of the Order of Hermes against its enemies.

With the matters of council completed, I reviewed our magical and mundane supplies to offer reward for covenant service last year. Between our various obligations to the Tribunal, this left very little vis to distribute at the council. To supplement the meagre sum of two pawns of vis, each of the magi were able to select two potions from our stores for each service completed. Despite the increase in food prices, the covenant is hale financially. Therefore, the regular stipend of coin was available for magi.

Following the meeting, Pyrrhus departed for Narva and Theoclea left to attend court in Winchester. All others were engaged in activities within the covenant and season passed peacefully.


Our council meeting began with news from last season. I was able to report the completion of the enchantment for the second barn – which we have instructed the Steward to fill with additional food supplies as they become available over the year.

Theoclea also reported back upon events within court. It seems that many of the nobles have travelled over to Gascony to have lands returned to them as part of the peace treaty with France. The French King’s economic difficulties, widespread food shortages and pressure from the Holy Roman Empire upon his eastern borders have forced what must have been an uncomfortable compromise. Theoclea did not seem optimistic that this peace would necessarily last long, however. Despite gaining new lands through the conquest of Hibernia, she believes it only a matter of time before English eyes turn to other former landholdings on the continent. She also told us of widespread reports of brigandry within England and fears that armed groups of starving peasants might yet rebel against the authorities who are hording foodstuff. She doubts whether they would have the arms or nerve to attack any of the strongholds in the region – the castles in Chepstow or Monmouth would easily repel such an attack. However, places like Tintern, which are extremely wealthy but possess far more modest defences, could be vulnerable to a determined band of brigands. I doubt many here would mourn the destruction of that monastery, however such increasing instability within the mundane world could have negative consequences for covenant affiliated sites like Lydney.

Council discussed the prospect of famine in the region. We have taken such preparations as we may and Branwen plans to learn the ritual ‘The Bountiful Feast’ this season as service to the covenant. Jari suggested that one area we might have neglected is the spy network, and we agreed to instruct the Steward to look to how we might keep our spies and agents fed if food becomes severely short in the region.

Discussion turned to the less immediate but pressing threat of the shadow from the East. Jari thinks it may be possible to develop a version of ‘Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits’ to speak to some of the standing stones in our vicinity. My understanding is that the spell only works with living rock – not stones which have been hewn from the landscape – but Jari holds the belief that these standing stones still maintain a semblance of ‘life’ despite being cut from the mountainside and displaced as part of their construction long ago. He believes that speaking with them may reveal secrets as to how we might use their powers to defeat the impeding threat. It was not clear to me quite why he believes this, though the experiment certainly sounds intriguing, and we know that these ancient sites often appear rich in magical power.

As part of his on-going exploration and effort to locate the Crystal Caves, Terentius plans to revisit Mynydd Myddyn this season. Given his experience of those caverns prior to the surge of Twilight and the arrival of the Shining One, he explained how much the layout and routes within the network of caves has changed. Places which once existed appear there no longer, but there are some places which appear similar in some ways to places that existed before. For example, he was able to locate an underground water course where he found nodules of silvery stone. Extracting these revealed them to be Mercurial Silver, a source of Imagonem vis, as described in records of the caves in the journal. In addition, he discovered a cavern rich in lime where he was able to locate Perdo vis – yet another source described in the journal which has changed in appearance and location. Whilst the place has changed beyond recognition, some of the magical sympathies and sources appear to remain.

These magical correspondances might imply that, whilst the route to the Crystal Caves has changed, the site itself still exists within the depths of the caverns. This optimistic assessment was also held by Branwen, who articulated her strong belief that the Crystal Caves still exist somewhere under the hills. Council agreed that Terentius’ explorations this season would be counted as service to the covenant. Whilst I am particularly keen to see our vis supplies improved, Terentius made clear that his primary aim was seeking out the regio containing the Crystal Caves. I nevertheless encouraged him to collect any sources of vis that he happened upon, or required minimal diversion, during his exploration.

With these matters discussed and the other magi planning study and research this season, the council came to an end. After the council, Jari approached the spring to attempt to communicate with the Lladra. Casting a spell to speak to the waters of the spring, he was successful in contacting the mysterious elemental spirit. It appears that the Lladra had been aware of the magical storm which was raging over Mynydd Myddyn for many years and had avoided the location. However, having been reassured that the tempest of twilight had passed, she agreed to explore the underground water ways to see whether she could identify a route to the crystal caves. She suggested that Jari return upon the full moon to hear news of whether she had been successful.

Terentius appeared loathe to rely upon this spirit to transport him and was unwilling to wait the weeks to hear further news. After his departure, Jari was able to re-contact the Lladra. It appears that she had been able to make an assay of the water courses beneath the veiled hills but had been unsuccessful in locating the crystal caves themselves. It seems that the layout of the caverns under Mynydd Myddyn has fundamentally changed since the storm and the Lladra could no longer provide swift route to the magical heart of that place.

The remainder of the season passed peacefully without event of note.


With Pyrrhus and Terentius absent, the remainder of the council met at the beginning of the season.

There was immediate discussion regarding Terentius’ failure to return from Mynydd Myddyn. We might hope that he is merely delayed – the passage of time being uncertain when travelling through regios – but our deliberations revealed our limited ability to assist him if his delay was a sign of trouble. Only Terentius has detailed knowledge of the cave network or extensive experience of navigating them. From his previous reports, they sound like a labyrinth. Therefore, a rescue party might search fruitlessly for many days and still fail to locate him. Our council decided against sending someone to investigate Terentius’ delay and simply hope that he can make his return this season.

Branwen reported success in learning the ritual of the Bountiful Feast. Whilst the summer months have been reasonably clement, the ability for one of us to cast such magic may help our local village avoid the worst hardships of any famine this year – and thus also help ensure food supplies for the covenant.

Terentius returned a short time into the season. At an informal meeting, he described his most recent delve into the cavernous maze beneath the regio. He quickly revealed that he had successfully located a route to the crystal caves – explaining a relatively straightforward path from one of the entrances to the cave network he had previously discovered. He described the magical caverns as dominated by the skeleton of an ancient draconic wyrm: A great skull lying close to the narrow passage he had used to enter the cavern and a long spine, stretching along the length of the cave, entangled with many clusters of crystals.

The crystals appear to provide their own subtle light and he described seeing fleeting images within them. He warned that the magic was strong – despite his Parma Magica, he found his gaze strongly drawn towards these crystals and it took significant effort at times to tear his eyes away from them. He also claimed also to hear a whispering voice emanating from one or other of the crystals. Terentius believes the voice was speaking the archaic, Cymric tongue spoken by the denizens encountered previously upon the surface of the regio. His command of the language was not developed enough to follow what it was saying, though he enough modern Welsh to recognise a handful of words: daughter, storm, Merlin.

It was clear that Theoclea and Terentius believed that this might imply that there is a way to communicate with whatever mind or spirit is trapped within the crystals, and they both determined to spend time over the year developing their understanding of Welsh in the hope that the may learn more about the voice next year.

Terentius also revealed that he had discovered a large underground lake which was a source Intellego vis, though he suspected a great creature lives within the waters there. He also collected some of the smaller shards of crystals, which contained Imagonem vis. These substantial and welcome additions of vis were added to our covenant stores.

Later in the season, Pyrrhus returned from his House venture in the Baltic. I shall let him record the account of his battles against the Teutonic Order but suffice to record here that – whilst Crintera and Narva covenants have been successfully defended – the cost to us was great. The ship and crew of the Severn Star have been lost with all hands, save Pyrrhus.

Of this loss, the easiest to replace is the ship itself. With the King’s ventures to Hibernia and given the threat from France in recent years, there has been an expansion of ship building within Southern England and several centres where we might commission a new merchant vessel. We are fortunate that the covenant has ample reserves of coin with which to pay for such construction. As an informal council, we determined to set the steward to the task of bringing options for such to our next council.

The recruitment of a crew may be more difficult. Experienced sailors are in high demand, and we require those who are prepared to work for wizards. However, several other covenants have ships and it may be possible to seek their assistance in finding a suitable captain and crew. Lastly, the various items and enchantments invested in the Severn Star have also been lost. Whilst Pyrrhus says he knows the approximate location where the ship sank, we are in no position to attempt to salvage any of its contents. Perhaps a venture to do so will be possible in the future, but it seems more likely that we will have to invest time and vis over a number of years to fully replace the magical items we have lost.

The rest of the season passed peacefully.


Our council met in full at the start of the season of Winter.

The steward has been able to find a ship builder from whom we can commission a new merchant ship. From the options presented, we agreed to commission from a ship builder in London. The full price for the vessel will be 3700d, of which we must pay fifteen hundred pennies in advance and twenty-two hundred pennies upon completion. The construction is estimated to be completed by the end of Winter next year.

Discussion of the ship reminded me that there is due to be a meeting of the Grand Tribunal at Verdi covenant in midsummer next year. Under ordinary circumstances, I might have been strongly tempted to attend, but obviously such a journey would require significantly more negotiation, cost and potential dangers without our enchanted ship to take us. Asking the council whether anyone intended to make the journey next year, it appears that none of my sodales were minded to undertake the voyage.

Terentius revealed that, working from Pyrrhus’ description of the region, he had created a map locating the wreck of the Severn Star. It is no criticism of the mapmaker when I say that the position is still highly uncertain. The island of Ösel is over 50 miles across and the ship was probably within 10-15 miles of the shore. Thus – aside from the fact that these are hostile waters controlled by the Teutonic Order perhaps a thousand miles from home – the area that would need to be searched underwater to find the ship is extremely large; making any endeavour to salvage the Severn Star a difficult and dangerous challenge.

Jari discussed his ideas for an experimental spell to commune with the ancient stones which make up the countless menhirs and henges which are common in these lands. At face value, it seems improbable that such stones could be spoken to. The spell ‘Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits’ only works with bodies of earth and rock which have not be carved out or separated from the earth. However, Jari appears convinced that these standing stones are not inert and lifeless as one would expect them to be and believes he might use his insights into the ancient magic which empowers these places to develop a variant of the spell which could talk to them. Both he and Branwen appear minded that these ancient henges may hold some secret which allows us to deflect or counter the terrible shadow seen in visions. Therefore, Jari’s endeavour shall be counted as covenant service.

The season passed without event of note other than Branwen successfully casting the ritual she learned this year at Lydney. The location of the ritual was chosen to encompass both fields and orchards to the north of the village and we might hope, even in the weather next year is poor, the harvest in this region will be protected at least.

With no further events of note to record in the journal, I pass this duty over to Branwen for the new year.