YEAR 1127

Scribed by Turold

Spring 1127AD

Once more it fallsto me to record the history of Severn Temple within this journal, and whilstI shall refrain from a lengthy preamble to the events that have befallen usthis season I must record the mood that overcame me as I entered the firstcouncil since the death of my sodalis Ruaridh. I was oft infuriated with himas a man, his single mindedness and frequent desire to act without referenceto those who could perhaps have given him aid and advice often proving exasperating,but the covenant feels somehow emptier without him. Perhaps it is becausehe was the last of the magi that refounded Severn Temple; it feels like thepassing of a chapter in our history. He will be sorely missed for the strengthhe gave us, but perhaps more so for the continuity he represented and forthe moments when his innate free spirit raised the hopes of us all.I believethat I was not the only one of the magi of this place who felt such emotionfor it seemed a strangely subdued council, none of us wishing to mention thename of our fallen comrade.

Antonius madefirst report, informing us that whilst he had been sharpening his eyes bythe playing of some game with the grogs, he had chanced to discover the buriedfoundations of what may be the original temple by the eastern gate. He hadalso detected some traces of gold in this place and we discussed the possibilityof excavating the area. It was noted that it was in this location that thecursed coin that caused so much trouble in the Autumn of 1111AD was foundand so it was decided that if any dig is to be made it shall be performedunder the supervision of a magus.

He then gave ussome further news of the mundanes. It seems that Richard, the new Baron ofChepstow, is greatly flattered by gifts. We discussed what might be appropriatefor us to give this noble and struck upon a fine hunting horn, for Antoniusfurther told us that Richard was a keen pursuer of that sport.

The final matterof discussion for the council concerned the boy Meredith. With the death ofRuaridh it was decided that it would be best for the moment if he residedwith myself and a decision about his position would be made in the futurewhen he is older. I am sure that he will one day prove a valuable member ofthe order and I shall give him some instruction in the duties and responsibilitiesthat will one day be his.

Of our pursuitsfor the season, I shall be completing the item for my house meeting, Edith(who continues to remain in a black mood since the death of Pywackit) willstudy from the Perdo texts, Caelestis will be moving into the laboratory thatbelonged to Ruaridh and Antonius shall ride abroad on behalf of the covenant.

The season passedrelatively uneventfully with one major event that must be noted. Antoniusreturned midway through his travels and called for a council. It seems thatKenneth of Coleford once more seeks to wage war against Gerald of Lydney,taking advantage of the fact that Chepstow is but newly settled in the regionand may not offer full support to his knight. Furthermore the Baron of Monmouth,Coleford's lord, has curried favour with Chepstow by gifting him a most finehunting horse. As Lydney is perhaps our strongest asset amongst the mundaneswe were resolved to aid him, but we feared that if we sent men to battle onhis behalf it may lead us into great political trouble should our supportbe identified. After much discussion a plan was formed. A hunt was being heldout of Coleford and Chepstow had been invited. We decided to lame his newhorse and by using magic seek to lay the blame squarely at Kenneth of Coleford'sdoor. Antonius started several rumours in the local region to the effect thatColeford was jealous of the gift that Monmouth had bestowed upon Chepstow,and when these were firmly established took a post as a kitchen hand to assistin preparations for the hunt. At the appointed time he entered the stablesin the guise of Coleford. It seems that there was some mishap while he wasattempting to lame the horse and in the ensuing commotion one of the guardswas struck by the creature and slain. Nevertheless Antonius made good hisescape and blame fell where we had intended, Chepstow threatening death shouldColeford cross him again, and Monmouth returning immediately to his own court,no doubt embarrassed by his underlings actions.

Antonius wenton in the season to meet Gerald of Lydney's nephew and heir, a young man bythe name of Martin. It seems that this knight is clever and strong minded,and Antonius sought to gain some measure of future support from him by askinghim to present to Chepstow the horn that we had enquired for quite a princelysum.

Of other eventsduring the spring, Petrus once more visited the covenant and made requestthat he be allowed to reside here until the summer of 1129, using Severn templeas a base to continue his political activities across the tribunal. We wereglad to agree to this and he generously offered to grant one seasons servicein each year as a token of thanks for our hospitality (and I think also infondness for his own time here). He was allocated the spare laboratory thatCaelestis has recently vacated.

Shortly beforethe end of the season I departed for Verdi, although I took the opportunityto show council the item that I had created before I left. It is a bird, craftedentirely from stone that when an arcane connection to an individual is placedwithin it's beak, it will fly to that person within as great a distance asfour score by ten miles, carrying an attached message if so desired. It utilisesseveral techniques of which I am quite proud and I believe my sodales wereimpressed with both the appearance and effect of the item. I hope that itproves as popular within my house for it has been a long four years in thepreparation.


I write this earlyin Autumn as I have only just returned from my travels across the continent.I have spoken at some length with my sodales about the events that occurredwhilst I was away and I believe I have sufficient understanding that I camimpart a fair accounting of them for this record.

Over the courseof the season Edith, having exhausted the limits of our texts, utilised 3pawns of Perdo vis to extend her knowledge of that art. Caelestis took upthe aforementioned texts and Antonius, having purchased a horse and recruiteda new stable lad, took the time to learn to ride, in order to greater facilitatehis travels around the Dean.

It was a peacefulseason for the covenant, the only notable events to recount being those thanoccurred at the emergency tribunal. There had been a fear that not enoughmagi would attend to grant a quorate meeting but this fear proved to be unfounded,Antonius informing me that slightly over two thirds of those eligible to attenddid so. Serenia opened the tribunal, the primary business of which was toelect a new Praeco. As before three candidates were placed before the gatheredmagi, these being Dionysus, Darius and Eloria. Dionysus made his presentationfirst, once more emphasising the need for order and firm rule, that the threatof the un-named house could be vanquished and a new age of stability begun.Darius' address followed much the same theme, although he expressed his beliefthat with his other duties Dionysus would be unable to devote the necessarytime to the role of Praeco. Eloria spoke last and begun by praising Jordael'sdeeds in his time in the position, while castigating him should the chargeslaid against him prove to be true. She spoke of the division between the twopower blocs within Stonehenge and the need for a Praeco who was seen to beimpartial and thus better able to foster a spirit of co-operation betweenall magi. She emphasised that she had both the time and the desire to fulfilthe duties that the position would require.

When the votecame about half of those magi present abstained but winning the majority ofthe votes cast, including those of my sodales at Severn Temple, was Eloria.Darius did not receive a single vote of support.

Eloria then madeher opening address continuing the themes she had spoken of before. She announcedthat whilst she would for the time being maintain her residence at Blywyddan,Blackthorn would be reinstated as Prime covenant. She also moved for a changein the rules of when a tribunal is deemed quorate. As long as sufficient noticewas given she stated that she could not understand why one group or anothershould be able to render the political process worthless by refusing to attendtribunal. For regular meetings of the tribunal the need for a specified numberof attendees would be removed. In the event that an emergency tribunal wouldbe necessary one years notice should be given and one third of the magi ofStonehenge would be required to attending order that it be deemed quorate.This motion was passed on both counts and notice was duly given that the nexttribunal would be held in the summer of 1129.

Whilst my sodaleswere at the tribunal they made a provisional deal with Carrion Moor to sellour remaining water damaged works in Creo, Aquam and Ignem in exchange for17 pawns of vis.

Of my own summer,the journey to Verdi was relatively easy save for an unpleasant encounterwith some form of evil spirit in the foothills of Provence. The grog thatwas accompanying my party, one Owen, was possessed by this creature and whilstit would perhaps have been safer to press on leaving him to his fate, withthe aid of Meredith I was able to enter into a deep regio to free him fromthis dark fate. The boy seems to know more of the arts than I had realisedand I surmise Ruaridh must have taught him well in their short time together.

At my house meetingmany fine creations were displayed, the winner deservedly being Hal'Axra ofAntioch covenant with a pen that could scribe from any language into any other.My own effort was adjudged to be the 11th finest on display and attractedsome interest from several parties. In the end I was able to sell it to PrimusPorthenos for a full queen of vis and the gift of a pair of enchanted bracersthat he himself had crafted when he was but my own age. This is a signal honour,particularly as he is believed to be close to final twilight. The bracersseem to grant the wearer both courage and strength, and I look forward toundertaking their further investigation when time grants me such an opportunity.

One further itemof note occurred whilst I was at Verdi. Caelestis had informed me that Hal'Axrawould be bringing a number of texts that my sodalis' pater Coniectus had arrangedto deliver. When I spoke to Hal'Axra however, he informed me that Coniectushad passed into final twilight a full decade beforehand and he was unawareof Caelestis' request; a most puzzling conundrum and one that will certainlymerit some further investigation.


The council atthe beginning of Autumn was started with a discussion centring on the mysterysurrounding Caelestis' pater. He restated that he had spoken with Coniectusat the meeting of House Bonisagus in 1122 and suggested that Hal'Axra musthave been mistaken. Petrus was invited to join us in this conversation butwas unable to shed any further light, being unable to recall if Coniectuswas present at the gathering. It was decided that letters would be sent withsome urgency both to Durenmar and Antioch covenants, to see whether eithercould provide a resolution to this puzzle.

There followeda short discussion about appropriate levels of recompense a magi should maketo the covenant where he had been gifted, or made exchange for, an enchanteditem. It was agreed that a hard ruling on such matters was impossible andthat each occasion would require an individual decision. I do however believethat there may be a need for some consideration with regards to certain partsof our charter where magical resources are concerned, and I for one shallcertainly give it my consideration over the next few seasons.

Of our activities,Caelestis continues to study from the Perdo texts, Antonius journeys to Monmouthto investigate further the political situation, I am learning the spell 'Veilof Invisibility' and for her service Edith will create a slow acting poisonin case we should ever have need to recourse to such an item.

Midway throughthe season the weather turned early, with a heavy snowfall and a bitter, icyfog. Shortly thereafter one of our patrols came across a skirmish a littleway to the south of the covenant. On the one side was Tegid Foel, aided bysome of Erechwydd's servants and a strange stone like figure. Lined up againstthem was a force of those creatures the Ruadan holds fealty over, Corrs, Wolvesand Giant Spiders. On espying our men, Tegid Foel told them to cover his retreatand made for the covenant. When he arrived the guard on the gate fetched Caelestis,and my sodalis rather rashly granted sanctuary to the faerie knight. Caelestisthen went to see how the battle fared, but whilst flying down the hill wasassailed by one of the Corrs. Fortunately for him he was able to strike itwith a summoned bolt of lightning enabling him to flee to the safety of thecovenant once more. The grog patrol also managed to successfully battle theirway back, but the Ruadan's forces soon began to mass around our walls. A Corrapproached from the forest, bearing a white flag of parley, and I venturedout to see what it wanted. We were given an ultimatum, told that while therewas no desire to wage war against us, an attack would certainly be launchedif we continued to provide shelter to their enemy. We were granted until midnightto turn out Tegid Foel or face the consequences of our actions.

A council washastily called where we discussed this dangerous situation. Edith was furiouswith Caelestis but I had counselled her that this was not the best time toapportion blame for our predicament, and she agreed that she would not presscharge until Antonius had returned from his travels. Notwithstanding thisthe meeting proved quite heated, our fear being that it seemed all to easythat we would incur the greater enmity of at least one of the Unseelie courts.It occurred to me that it might be possible to persuade Tegid Foel to leavewithout demanding that he do so by pointing out how important it was for himto report the situation to his mistress. To provide further incentive I grantedhim a gift of Gofannon's horse that he had seemed so keen to wager for. Thisseemed to please him and he announced that in return I would receive the deedto a holding that lay in the gift of Erechwydd. Thus equipped he rode forthfrom the temple gate and shortly thereafter the siege was lifted.

The tax demandthis year was for the sum of 250 pennies.


The winter meetingof council began with Edith pressing charge against Caelestis for placingthe covenant in danger by granting Tegid Foel sanctuary without first consultinghis sodales. A most acrimonious exchange followed with Caelestis at firstaccepting no fault, though after much reference to past events with whichhe should have been familiar after reading this journal perhaps his positionchanged somewhat. He did not seem greatly remorseful however and, after councilvoted that I be compensated a rook of Terram for my horse, he was fined arook of vis himself.

Antonius toldus something of his trip and it seems that he has learned more of our mundanesthat will serve him well in his future dealings. His willingness to spendhis own time on behalf of the covenant in this manner is truly praiseworthy,and the efforts he has made have greatly strengthened our position, a factfor which he has perhaps not been fully recognised.

Edith had managedto produce 3 doses of a poison that would take effect a full day and nightafter being ingested. She will spend this season learning a spell (thoughshe was not forthcoming on what spell it might be), Caelestis will extractvis for the covenant, I shall enchant a device that we may once more harvestthe Ignem source we possess and Antonius will use 3 pawns of Imagonem visto study from. Petrus is also performing a service for the covenant over winterand will enchant a device of the 7th magnitude to protect the wearer againstmagic.

A few days intothe season, with the snows having abated somewhat, I received a visit forGofynwy requesting that I make my payment for his tuition in the art of thestonesmith. The council granted me permission to defer my service until thespring and also allowed the faerie to reside within Severn Temple until mywork was complete, after I had provided assurances that he was not presentlyinvolved in the war between the various factions of the fae. It seems thatmy sodales were curious as to the precise nature of Gofynwy's visit and tookit upon themselves to quiz him on the matter. Though it was a matter betweenmyself and Gofynwy they discovered that I was to make him an item of protectionthat the mind affecting magics of the Ruadan would not effect him, in partbecause it seemed likely that at some stage control of the Pybaw would haveto be wrestled from her. My sodales expressed their concern to me quite firmly,at one point seeming close to an accusation that I may be in breach of theperipheral code though Antonius was able to provide no precedent for sucha charge. To ease their minds I agreed to speak to Sylvania, whose knowledgeof such matters it was granted would be far greater than any of ours. Shewas able to satisfy me that I was not acting against any of the rules of ourorder, and was also able to give me a greater understanding of the natureof my relationship with Gofynwy, with which knowledge I resolved to labournight and day that the item I crafted be just recompense for the teachinghe had given me. Gofynwy himself, while spending some time aiding me, alsolaboured hard in the creation of a stone broadsword as thanks to the covenantfor our hospitality.

Later in the seasonthe Redcap Mathus visited, bearing the years news. Of matters mundane we weretold that the King had returned from his campaigns and spent the year residingat Windsor. The Bishop of Gloucester has appointed Michael of Cirencesteras his Episcopal aide, apparently a position of some power. There is increasedbanditry near Chepstow with the new Baron being more interested in huntingthan enforcing his authority. The new Abbot of Peterborough's appointmentin spring was heralded by reports of the sights and sounds of a strange huntacross the country. He has a reputation for greed and impiety and some saythe abbey is bound to fall under the leadership of such a man.

Of hermetic news,Mathus informed us that Solis Castle had been attacked by the Earl of Northumbriaafter a hedge wizard started a number of rumours against them. Mathus alsosaid he had heard some rumours aimed at ourselves and Antonius was somewhatconcerned about this. Dionysus has detained three members of House Ex Miscellanea,Yavid, Lotho and Llandolwyn, and theyare being questioned on matters relating to the un-named house. McGraine hasdemanded their immediate release but as yet there has been no response fromHoly Isle. Jordael is still missing and now believed to be attempting to leavethe tribunal. A reward of 2 rooks of vis has been offered for help leadingto his capture; it seems that Holy Isle suspects that Stonehenge's diligencein aiding them with their investigations is in need of some greater incentive.We were also sent message that Carrion Moor had agreed formally to the proposedexchange of vis for books, subject to us providing delivery of the texts.