YEAR 1164

Scribed by Cormoran

Spring 1164 AD

We met in this the year of theStonehenge tribunal and discussed the previous seasons goings on.

Theo went to Monmouth to discussthe apparent war and the fact the March lords were not going to assist theking in his war as they are too scared of the welsh princes raiding over theborder if they send there men to assist the king. With this being the casethe Baron sent more men leaving this area almost deserted of fighting men.Theo stated that he would go to Powys to conclude a peace deal with the WelshPrince to ensure the safety of the region. Theo requested permission to goto the glass smith to obtain a goblet to give as a gift to the Welsh Princeas this is apparently traditional in these circumstances. He decided to goin this season and so will not be able to take message to Turold as was mootedin the previous season. Tiarnan will now take the message to Turold insteadsaying that he would brave the Erechwydd 's wrath.

Vis was then distributed and Mediuslost out as acting Pontifex because he did not assign himself any services,he was obviously busy doing other things that escaped the notice of the restof the covenant. Mundane resources were then investigated and a stipend of50d was handed out to each of the magi. Astrius and myself agreed to go toMynydd Merddin to take supplies and investigate the Vis sites there. Discussionof what we would like from the tribunal and various spells were requestedthese were beast of outlandish size, a ward against lightening, shriek ofimpending shafts, commanding the harnessed beast and enslave the mortal mind.We decided on an aegis device for the swap of Corlear's notes and also specifiedthe favoured chosen forms of Vis the covenant would like to receive.

Theo set off for Powys going viathe reeve's office at Monmouth for a final briefing on the peace treaty. Hethen headed for Brecon where the prince of Powys had come for the discussion.Theo learnt how to ride on the way to Brecon, which pained him greatly butas he became more familiar with the horse he enjoyed it more and was gratefulnot to be trudging through the welsh mud of early spring. On arrival Theowas grateful for the rest that the discussions offered although he had learnedsomething of the art of horsemanship. The men were housed in Brecon itselfwhereas Theo and Anthony his servant were housed in the manor house with therest of the welsh court. The final discussions took just under two weeks whereboth sides made concessions to the other, and then a feast was had to celebratethe peace treaty. The prince's advisor kept his eyes constantly on Theo throughoutthe feast and looked worried about Theo's appearance in some way. The Princeretired after inviting Theo hunting the next morning. The next morning Theoawoke a bit drunken and panicked when he realised that he didn't have anyhunting clothes and was worried about staying on horseback.

Theo got left behind due to hisincompetence at riding, not that I could do any better if a horse could bemade large enough to carry me, that gives me an idea for a spell, and thestaring advisor was sent back to escort him to the spot for luncheon. He invitedTheo to walk to rest the horse and as they walked he chatted about the otherwelsh princes. At lunch the prince suggested giving him a name, as he didnot know his welsh family name but deferred this decision.

The hunt camped for the nightand the mood was cheerful and good. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood asthey had got concessions and did not want to attack the dean anyway. Duringthat night lands were offered for some reason to Theo four leagues to thewest of Severn Temple, which places them quite near to Mynydd Merddin. Theoreturned and discussed this holding with Dialectica and as there were no obviousconflicts then neither of them saw any major problems with accepting this.After discussing the legal issues with Medius he accepted the offer of theland.

Tiarnan entered the Fae regioto take the message to Turold, he ran over the branches using Kieran's potionfrom the Niniol to the Gofynwy''s cave thus avoiding the snows and the Erechwydd'sattention. On the way back he was accosted by two giants and four goblinsbut managed to evade them and fled quickly back to the covenant.

Astrius and myself went to MynyddMerddin and eventually after getting angry at his own incompetence he cutopen the regio after I offered him some advise. Dermot nimbly moved up thescree slope then lowered a rope and we followed him up until a grog calledAmann slipped and tumbled down the scree slope hurting himself a quite a bit.I bravely lowered myself back down healed the man with my magic's and thenwith him on my back lifted him up the slope. Then I pulled the last man upthe slope using my mighty strength. We then pressed on for the settlement.Astrius was cheered when he arrived and although there were a few languagedifficulties we accepted their hospitality.

The next day leaving Amann atthe tower to nurse his bad ankle we headed towards the forest, Astrius gaveus a warning that brood were about so we were more cautious. We went to thetree and collected the sap then we approached the stones.

Astrius went into the circle andespied a man with a goat skull staff collecting the Intellego Vis, he challengedhim by declaring his lineage and at that the mysterious stranger hid himselfbehind the rock. Astrius then heard a loud noise of a huge beast and decidedto run from the foe. He quickly cut through the levels of the regio desperatelytrying to get away from the fearsome beast. As he stepped through he glancedback and saw that there was a gryphon behind him and remembered from his knowledgewhat a formidable beast it was.

At the same time the camp at thebase of the hill was assaulted by a large number of brood. A rain of stonespears came flying in as the men who had spotted the ambush charged to interceptthe foul beasts. I slaughtered in two blows the brood that attacked me butthe men faired badly and will was knocked quickly unconscious and draggedoff I observed this and charged after the brood with will under his arm whilstthe men continued there fight. I charged after the brood but was suddenlyentrapped in a net, using my boots I apported behind one of them and slicedhis arm off in one blow the rest of the men were slowly being beaten downas the enemy were powerful indeed. With a screech the gryphons appeared andwith its appearance on the battlefield the brood fled. I observed that Astriuswas going to face the gryphons alone and so I apported to the top of the hillto face the gryphons side by side with my sodalis. After I arrived Astriuschose to flee to avoid the gryphons leaving me to fight the flying monsteralone. He leapt through the regio boundary counting himself lucky to haveleft me to fight his battle. I hit the gryphon and wounded it but it struckme and if it were not for my amazing capability for absorbing damage I wouldhave been sore wounded. The half eagle half lion swooped again and I triedto follow Astrius through the regio boundary so when it followed us we couldfight it together, but I did not pass through and the gryphon did and so Iretired to the base of the hill awaiting its appearance but due to the timedifference it was a while before I expected any action. Astrius reappeareda few hours later saying that it had flown off over the woods in the higherregio and so we returned to the settlement and thence back to the covenant.


At the council meeting after workingout the normal tasks and activities that were going to occur we discussedthe events of spring and decided that we should tell Holy Isle that we mighthave met a member of the unnamed house In Mynydd merthyn. We then went onto discuss the possibility of a private investigation of the Vis site raiderbut we decided to wait and see if holy isle minded this course of action beforeproceeding on our own. We also discussed who would go to the tribunal andall but Aelfwin Theo and Astrius stated that they would go however when itcame to motions none could be thought of apart from general trade ideas.

A few days later into the seasonOrlania arrived at the gate and we gave her the hospitality of Severn templewhile she investigated the attack by Caelestis, at an emergency council meetingTiarnan explained about Caelestis' attack and then at Orlanias suggestionMedius cast spells to detect sigils and confirmed it was the fallen maguswho cast the spells. They then went on to talk to spirits of the heads ofthe spirits, which I had bravely sallied forth to obtain with the aid of theErechwyth. They spoke in a foreign tongue, which luckily Theo understood throughsome method, which he proceeded to translate for Medius who had cast the spell.But unfortunately the spirit spoke the name of his demonic master and it beganto materialise in the great hall. Luckily Astrius created a great light, whichbanished any shadow in which it could materialise and so it's summoning wasstopped. After this start they proceeded to interrogate the spirits of theinfernal mages and learnt something of Caelestis' actions.

Around midsummer we went to Blackthornfor the tribunal. Which was quite eventful and I hope to relay my understandingof the events that followed. The first day seemed more like a market withvarious people selling items and potions we examined them and made some purchasesof potions for the covenant. During this period we discovered that Mathusthe redcap had died of a fever in the winter, which was a shame as the oldman had served the tribunal well apparently.

The rest of the first day Eloriawent on to inform us of the happenings within the tribunal. She spoke of thefells and how Medius, De Camp and Arcturus of Narwold should continue to watchthem for their evil deeds. She also informed us that instead of a tithe ofVis a tithe of time would be allocated to Quaestori from covenants. Mediuswas given 3 covenants including Severn temple from which he could claim devicesor Vis up to 10 pawns I think and 1 season. She then introduced some new magito the tribunal but their names elude me as I was away from the council chamberat that time. When I returned she had started to inform us of the laws andchanges from the grand tribunal, which worried many there, as the links tothe pagans are strong in these islands.

She then told us that the orderof Etheopicus was still causing problems and that the impostor king had invadedColchester this meant the mundane war hung in the balance.

After this informative sessionshe then surrendered the floor to the other wizards of the tribunal and therelevant points are recorded below.

LLandothwyn told us that 5 pawnsof Herbam Vis would be given to each magus that showed him or herself at thehouse ex miscellanean meeting later in the year.

The wizard Caelestis was reportedas being back in the country although we already knew this fact due to theprevious events at Severn temple. Medius reported on this reappearance mentioningthe astrolabe and the events that occurred.

Arcanus asked for some help withspirits and visions he had been having which sounded very mysterious but asI am not one who is skilled in spirits the offer to help him did not appealto me.

Holy isle announced a tithe of5 pawns per magus, which created some grumbles from my fellow ex miscellanean's.

Jolyon nervously asked the seniorQuaesitor what counts as pagan links and we were told that non-monotheisticreligions would be investigated.

Erin offered to help in the productionof mundane longevity potions

A Christian cult in London wasreported to exist that was taking an interest in order of Hermes.

Xanthia asked for help againstfood raiders that were coming over the border And asked for a broken Certamento be heard by the tribunal. The case was about a Certamen to stop someonegoing to collect there Vis through a forest that was claimed by a magus. Thiscertamen was ruled to be illegal and she is now able to go collect her Vis.

Tiarnan stated that we want toexpand spell library and welcomed any offers to that effect.

Moravius declared that he mighthave time to create an item, which piqued my interest, and so I approachedhim afterwards.

Pontus asked to reform Borri Torbut was denied, as there were not the junior magi available to bolster thenumbers there. Ildenach offered his skills as weapon smith and alchemist.

Kale had a root, which he usedas a curative and would pay for more from the east if any brave souls wereto venture out that way.

Motus of flambeau asked Astriusto go to North Africa with him but he refused to go as he was needed hereas imperator of our covenant.


We gained a rook of Imagonem anda rook of animal from Trevalga to scribe our spells for them, which we thought,was a fair exchange as our spell library is large and they can afford theVis. Theo revealed that but 3 nights ago the fae knight Turold asked him toassist him in the retaking of Stonevale. Tiarnan asks for us not to go ashe stated that meddling in the faerie regio will only make matters worse.Medius then suggested Certamen as a way of solving our differences and thenthe winner could go and assist the fae that requested his aid. I then suggesteda premature attack on the Gofinwes cave by the forces of the Erechwyth toforestall the chance of this awkward request occurring. After a lot of debateit was left in our own hands to decide and realising the difficulty this positionput us in I challenged Theo to Certamen and Rego Herbam was called. Beforethe Certamen Dialectica wanted to finish the council meeting and so she askedif Astrius could make some potions of gift of bears fortitude. After the meetingwe fought the Certamen in the great hall and I beat him in 6 rounds. I theninform the legationus that I was going to see the Erechwyth as required bythe council mandate. Before listening to my reasons he then challenged meto certamen to stop me from aiding the Erechwyth if Turold attacked Stonevale.I warned him then that I would bring up his neutrality at the next councilmeeting for he has allegiances in the fae regio that conflicted with mineand therefore he would oppose me doing anything in that regio. He beat mequite easily and so I was unable to assist the Erechwyth if Turold attackedStonevale. I then went to talk to Erechwyth and on return talked to Tiarnanwho called an emergency council where I tell of the travels. Through my discussionwith the queen of winter she placed all blame for the return of the swordon Dialectica now this was unfortunately down to my inadequacy of describingthe events in the full. I then proposed to the queen a peace plan betweenthe courts but she simply ignored that idea. She wanted me to attack Gofinwescave and I said that I could not do that as I was oath bound not to attackTurold. She then aported me in front of Turold and he charged me, I attemptedto avoid conflict but he paid me no heed and so I was forced to defend myself.With the Erechwyth's assistance I bested the knight and slew him. After Ihad related this tale Astrius proposed no talking to fae at all as it seemedto be leading the covenant into a disastrous situation in his opinion. Tiarnanopposed this proposal and a certamen was called during which due to some mishapor chance event, which can occasionally occur with magical duels, Astriuswas flattened by Tiarnan's magic's to such an extent that he was nearly killed.After he is hastily patched together by the use of potions the council isreconvened and I offered to go and talk to Erechwyth after the house meetingto try and convince her not to "talk" to Dialectica as she threatened to do.At this point I was accused of breaking the primary code, which will be broughtup at tribunal.

The house meeting was an eventfuloccasion for all involved. After I had arrived and settled in I went up toSerenia to talk about my problem. She was helpful and said I should discussthings with my primus. At the house meeting itself most of the talk was aboutthe investigation of the pagans by the quasitori. The meeting got quite chaoticat this point and soon descended to a point where the primus was forced tocall an adjournment. That night I talked with Llandothwyn and after much discussionit was agreed that I would attack the Erechwyth to save my soul from goingover to being a true fae. He also stated that my trial would be heard at thehouse, which apparently is quite unusual. My case was tried the next day andI get off on the breach of the primary code by a huge majority. In the afternoonafter a break for dinner for most of the magi we reconvened to be shockedby the news that LLandothwyn stated he would step down as primus of our house.After much discussion and argument in which Medius was the centre of manyraised voices Fenriata is appointed prima. At this announcement the houseerupts into almost physical violence, in the chaos Fenriata leaves and donsthe robes of dusky dawn. We leave taking 5 pawns of Herbam Vis each as a giftfrom the new primus and although she was a Tremere I have no problems withher leading the house in these turbulent times and if things get really badI am sure LLandothwyn will step forth once more from the shadows. I then goto the court of Goffanons escorted by Jolyon and Sylvannia after discussionwith the lord of the mountain I agree to assist in the recovery of Stonevale.I then went to stone vale with Turold and I ordered the goblins and ogresto drop their weapons and then slaughter them. Then leading Turold and hisminions I proceeded to the tower of the Tegid Foel and capture that then Igave both to the court of stone as a peace offering.


Medius explained the goings onat the house meeting to the amazement of my sodalis and I explained the eventsin the fae regio. At this Tiarnan accused me of ex legasis for not obeyingthe rules of the certamen we fought. Tiarnan stated his case in his eloquentway I then defended myself. The final vote was 4 to 1 in my favour. Then furthercharges were brought up about the same incident by this time charging me withbeing excordis. This time I am not successful in defending myself as the votewas 5 to 1 against me. Also I am told that I cannot talk to the Erechwythwithout council permission. This does not bother me much as I will not betravelling to see her in quite a while if ever after the way she betrayedme in the incident with Turold. Astrius then asked for legationus to be removedfrom Tiarnan as he was biased. At this Medius refused acting as Pontifex withDialectica's fleeing of the covenant to avoid the wrath of the Erechwyth.Astrius was not happy with this decision and so he challenged Medius to Certamen,the duel was in the technique and form of Creo vim and took the effect ofmaking their gifts as blatant as possible. Astrius won easily and so Tiarnanlost his position as the vote went badly against him. Later that season Iwent to see the Palug and declared that the giving of the sword to Turoldwas my decision and had nothing to do with Dialectica. I beat a swift retreatafter getting assurance that the winter queen would hear my words. The restof the season although cold passed without incident.