YEAR 1166

Scribed by Theo

Spring 1166 AD

The first day of Spring was grey,wet and cold, this seemed to place the covenant into a melancholy that I foundhard to shake off and so it was with a solemn heart that I attended the firstCouncil meeting of the year. Medius announces that he and Astrius are to leavethe covenant to travel to the Levant with the aim of tracking down Caelestisand permanently dispatching him. As although the rest of the Tribunal believesthat Caelestis is no more (after his death in Moorstow), Medius has cast anaugury that has led him to believe that not only is Caelestis alive but hisplans have not been stopped. Medius has dreamed of a person in the Holy Landswho is beginning a journey - this person is a 'Follower of Mohamed', whichapparently means that he follows the religion of Islam. It is his destinyto rule a vast area of the Levant and it is Caelestis who seeks to turn thisdestiny to his own, corrupt, ends. Medius announces that he and Astrius willbe leaving at the beginning of Summer.

Cormoran and I reported our investigationinto the fae touched Robert, and although I could state that Robert wouldserve whoever paid him, the Council still had a few questions regarding hisrelationship with the Ice Queen. Hence I will need to investigate further.

After this our Council meetingmoved onto our seasons activities. Dialectica stated that she would be copyinga large number of spells for our soldalis to take with them into the Levant.Aelfwin was to create potions of Restoration of the Defiled Body, two of whichwould be invested with vis. Astrius was set to develop a spell which wouldput fear into a mans heart, whilst Medius was continuing his study of thePerdo books. Tiarnan decided that he would learn the Gift of the Bears Fortitudespell - which I can imagine will be extremely useful.

Finally Cormoran and myself wereto work about Lydney and the Dean. Finally as the meeting drew to a closeMedius asked if I would keep an eye on Rachael in Huntley as he remains veryworried for her.

As the season progressed I finallygot rid of the persistent feeling of melancholy that had been dogging me forweeks. Cormoran started examining the land around Lydney for where to establishour orchards, whilst I went to Monmouth to see if there were any familiesthat would be interested in working the land thereabouts. The season wentwell and quickly.


The start of Summer could nothave been more different than the start of Spring, a beautiful day greetedus as we rose to attend Council. There was little to discuss from last season,Cormoran and myself reported on our work about Lydney, and I reported on myinvestigation into Robert. Once again I had questioned him to discern hisloyalties and relative danger to us. Once again I came away with the impressionthat Robert will do as he his paid to do, and would rather just keep his headdown, he does not want to be brought to the attention of his 'betters', bethey magi or Queen. However the Pontifex remained agitated that he may bea danger to her, and it was eventually decided to move him to Mynydd Myddynas an official covenant guard on the tower there.

Cormoran also reported that therehad been to loss of a vis site at Trevalga, and this may be due to the factthat the site (a herd of goats) used to be watched over by a giant, the onewhich he killed a few years ago. Cormoran thinks that the death of the goatsmay be linked to the death of the giant. He wished to attend the Senior Quaesitorto discuss this with her, as recently he moved his father from a vis sitenear Blackthorn and was concerned that this action may damage their site.He also has an issue of an on-going debt with the Praeca to discuss. Permissionwas granted to him to attend to both of these tasks.

As this is the last meeting thatMedius and Astrius would attend before going off on their quest, they bothrequested many items to take with them, potions, books, vis and money. TheCouncil of course granted them every request and wished them both the bestof luck in their endevour, let us hope that the diabolist Caelestis can finallybe defeated.

With that we once again discussedwhat those of us who were remaining were to do. Dialectica would study Mentemvis, with Aelfwin (now acting as our Ministrator) training Mathew. Cormoranwas going to study Muto vis, Tiarnan decided to extract vim vis for his ownuse and I was set the task of more work within the mundane world.

During my season I went to CadGadu where I discovered that Prima Fenriata had left to go and see PrimusGuernicus, with an accusation of ongoing diabolism within the walls of HolyIsle. This had definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons with much politicalturmoil as a result - there is almost certainly going to have to be an emergencymeeting of the Grand Tribunal to discuss this. How it will turn out is anyone'sguess but I certainly hope for the best.

Cormoran also had an interestingdiscussion in Blackthorn. It seems that the vis site his father used to eatfrom had indeed been diminishing in recent years, as a result Serenia asksCormoran if he will ask his father to come and tend the site once more toprevent further decline. As for the issue of Cormoran's debt to Eloria, wellthat will just have to be discussed at Tribunal - but knowing our canny PraecaI would be surprised if it comes to that, or if it does it will certainlynot end badly for her.


Upon my return to the covenantI discover that Aedden has been kidnapped and set off looking for him. Theremaining members of Council decide to: Tiarnan, will travel to see Erin toget Kieran's longevity potion; Cormoran, will study Corporem vis and Aelfwin,will study from Creo vis. Dialectica remained within her rooms.


I also spent this season aboutmy task. Cormoran is set to study some of his own vis; Tiarnan will extractvim vis and Aelfwin decided to study from the vim texts. As Dialectica remainedensconced there was no ninth magnitude Aegis, but Aelfwin cast the fifth magnitudeversion.

Theo's hunt for Aeddan