YEAR 1174

Scribed by Aelfwin

Spring 1174AD

The New Year saw the return ofCormoran to the Covenant, having spent several seasons learning to fish withhis reclusive pater, Giddeon. He claimed that he had perfected his techniquefor catching fish suitable for his diet (which, if true, would come as a greatrelief to us all!). Tiarnan led the council in questioning Cormoran aboutthese fish; though to our surprise, Cormoran appeared confident that he wouldnot only be able to catch sufficient for his food but potentially find additionalfish to register as a vis source. He will report back at next council on thesuccess of this endeavour.

There then followed a rather uncomfortablediscussion about Maga Dialectica's petition to rejoin the Covenant. Theo wouldstill not budge on the issue and quickly announced that he would oppose herapplication (her return requires a unanimous vote of Council). Astrius wasstill angry with him and some of his considerable frustration was expressedtowards Theo. For myself I could not really understand why he would continueto deny her, especially as she appears to have bound herself to the rulingsof Theo's "Royal Council" and cannot impede his plans for Aeddyn.When pressed on the matter he said he would put the choice to his son (whostill lingers deep in the faerie realm); if Aeddyn wanted her to return, thenTheo would agree. Dialectica agreed to stay as our guest for this season toallow Theo the time to speak to their son on the matter.

Theo's trip to the faerie regiotook little enough time that he was able to attempt a visit to Gloucesterto see Earl Martin. He discovered that the Earl (and by feudal tradition manyof the Earl's knights) have been called away to war in service of King Henry.However, the matter he brought before emergency council was a darker concernabout the welfare of Huntley. With Yvonne and the returned spirit of Gierredestroyed there had always been a fear that Edwin would become bold againand fill the void left by them with his own agents and activities. Hugh, aspy in the Covenant's employ, has been watching matters in Huntley for severalyears now and drew to our attention his feeling that the town is falling underan infernal shadow. A variety of dark omens and occult signs had been sightedover autumn and winter of last year; small changes in the character of thetown and the people that led Hugh to report his concerns to Theo.

As Theo related Hugh's worries,Medius recalled that during the raid upon Huntley manor they had discoveredthe sacrifice of a child within the church. Theo related that Candalo, thespirit Theo released from the 'otherworld', had appeared in the church andclaimed to have protected the group of magi from a powerful demon that hadbeen summoned by Edwin. Without this protection, this mysterious and dangerousspirit claimed, the group would certainly have been slain by the demon.

Edwin has been called away by the Earl and is upon matters of war, thus givingus a possible opportunity to investigate this matter. It is clear we mustseek an end to this demon as surely it is this malign spirit which is startingthe influence the town. Medius will seek out Zedekiah and Aaron for advice.

The last matter I shall reportfor this season was an attack by Ieuan; the lost son of Magus Idris. Theoreceived a warning from Viremos that Ieuan was coming to attack him and asa precaution for the safety of others he decided to swiftly leave the Covenant.As I warned the Imperator and Astrius, in turn, roused the grogs to alarm,Theo left by the East gate; only making it as far as the spring before theattack came. Ieuan chose to attack from the spirit world using a demonicallytainted sword to strike between the worlds at Theo. Theo's own blade was ableto counter some of these blows, yet Theo was sorely wounded early in the exchange.Viremos, Theo's spirit companion, was able to distract Ieuan long enough forTheo to rally and strike a vital blow. However, the distraction cost Viremoshis "life" as Ieuan cut him down - sundering his spirit. Unfortunately,Theo's mortal blow was apparently averted by some infernal power which alsocarried Ieuan off at the end of the fight.

At the council meeting which followed,Theo related the fight, and also his concern that Ieuan had been able to bypassall the spiritual defences around Severn Temple and attack him here. He wasat a loss to explain how this might have happened, but determined to speakto the Anu next season to learn more. Medius and Giovanni reported that, havinginvestigated the area around the spring, they were relieved to find no signsof occult tampering.


The first matter discussed at lawful council was Dialectica's third petitionto rejoin the Covenant. This time, having spoken to Aeddyn, Theo relentedand the unanimous vote required was passed. It was good to see Dialecticareturned to the council, though I must confess I still feel a little awkwardthat I now occupy the position she once did as Pontifex.

Tiarnan's trip to the faerie regio in spring was mildly eventful. He travelledto a new part of the forest, to a dell where he met with dryads, a centaurand the spirit of Varsavia (a maga who lived here long ago, and whose bodywas taken to the regio when he died prematurely at the hands of Idris). Therethey enjoyed music and dance, though Tiarnan warned that the nature of thecelebration was wild and magical; and that he had struggled to keep his witsabout him and avoid staying much longer than he'd intended.

Cormoran surprised us all by presentingan example of his catch to the council. The silvery scaled fish containeda pawn of Aquam vis and shall be sent to Blackthorn to register our claim.We voted to allow Cormoran to take 3 such fish from the river each seasonas food, and retained the others as a contested vis site of the covenant.It is curious to note that the fish he presented to the council looked nothinglike the ones he'd previously described and that Tiarnan and Kai spent threemonths unsuccessfully searching for. I struggle to find a charitable interpretationof this.

We also discussed the issues ofHuntley and the attack by Ieuan. On the former matter, Medius announced hisintention to travel to Chepstow next season to speak with Zedekiah. On thelatter, Theo successfully petitioned to travel to the 'heart of the forest'to speak with the spirit of the Anu to see if her 'sister', the Morrigan hadremoved her protections over this place. He also petitioned to visit Aeddynwithin the faerie court of Llyr, which was also agreed.

A few days into the season broughtTheo from the Anu with news. We met as emergency council and he relayed someof what he had learnt. First, it seems that the Morrigan did not willinglyallow Ieuan through the "otherworld" to the covenant, but thereare hidden roads and secret paths within the spirit world that, though difficultto discover and often dangerous to travel upon, can be found and used to circumventsuch watchers. Theo was clearly worried by this. He said such feats showedIeuan had considerable powers within the "otherworld" and it mayonly be a matter of time before he finds another path which allows him tobypass the Morrigan's watch.

We questioned Theo about Ieuan'scapabilities, and he told us what he could speculate so far. Ieuan sharesTheo's talent for being able to walk in the spirit world; not simply as adream or a spirit, but to bring his physical body within that realm (I don'tpretend to understand any of this, by the way, I simply report here for therecord!). Like Theo, he possesses a sword which allows him to strike fromthe spirit world into the world of the living, and vice versa. At this pointhe mentioned that his own sword was somehow imbued with a spirit, which whenprompted, he named as the spirit of Magus Ruaridh!

Theo related that when Ruaridhdied his spirit decided to continue serving the Morrigan within the bladeof a sword. The presence of his spirit allows the blade to move between thephysical and spiritual worlds and also, apparently, drink the blood of itsvictims. Ieuan's sword has at least the first ability, though probably byvirtue of a demonic spirit bound to the sword. On the matter of drinking blood,Theo reported that Ruaridh's spirit had become sick since he had used thatpower upon Ieuan in their last fight. It seems Ruaridh may have drawn theblood of a demon, perhaps one bound to protect Ieuan, and as a result therewas a risk he could be destroyed.

Theo told us that the Anu haddirected him to visit the Morrigan and seek a way to restore Ruaridh's spirit.He reminded us that, however much we may not like the idea, that the Ruaridhblade was the only way he knew to defend against Ieuan.

It was clear that several of the council did not approve of this idea! Mediussaid, that from his recollection of the law, that Ruaridh's spirit may wellbe under the Wizard's March which applied to Ruaridh. His recommendation wasthat we find, with all urgency, a method of destroying the blade and the sword.Tiarnan countered this, reminding the council that, though renounced, theshade of Magus Idris was allowed to remain in proximity of the Covenant formany years (though at the time this may be because the Magi thought his presencesomehow essential to the magical aura). Theo offered to go and speak to theSenior Quaesitor, and return with her adjudication.

Our council resumed when Theoreturned from Blackthorn and related Serenia's interpretation of the code.She reminded us that a ghost is no longer a Magus, and has none of the rightsor protections of the code, even if the Magus died in good standing. However,it seems that when a formal 'Wizard's March' is called against a Magus, thatit is not uncommon for that edict to apply also to the ghost of that Magus- especially in cases where diabolism is suspected or proved. She noted, though,that Ruaridh had already died by the time the Tribunal of Stonhenge consideredhis crimes, and although Ruaridh was renounced as a member of the Order, noformal Wizard's March had been declared. She determined that it would be amatter for the next Tribunal to determine whether Ruaridh's shade was subjectto a Wizard's March, if not then the Tribunal could determine whether Ruaridh'sghost was an 'enemy of the Order'. Until such edicts where voted to apply,the spirit should be considered part of Magus Theo's magical possessions forthe purposes of interpretation of the code.

Thus, given Theo was under Excordisby our charter, we had to decide whether to let him seek out the Morriganto restore the spirit of Ruaridh. There was a long discussion about the sword,Ruaridh and the nature of the Morrigan; Dialectica warning us that the bladewas a curse, and had been the first step to Theo's downfall. It was also revealedto council that Drudwyl, Astrius familiar, was a "hound of the Cyn Anwyn"a pack of supernatural hounds fed by the Morrigan with the spirits of traitorsand oath-breakers. In truth, the discussion was doing little to change Magi'sviewpoints on the matter, so I called it to a vote. In the end the vote waspassed with Astrius and Medius voting against Theo's proposed action, andDialectica surprisingly abstaining.

There was nothing of importancethat occurred over the rest of this quiet season, save that Ildanach paida visit with some armour commissioned for Giovanni. Medius' loyal servantappeared quite pleased with the results.


Our lawful council met to decideplans for the season. Theo reported back first, relating how he was able tofind a pathway through the spirit world to reach the Morrigan and how sherestored Ruaridh's spirit. While he was waiting upon the dark hill for theMorrigan to return with the blade, Theo was met by Candalo who told him whatthe other two spirits were up to. It seems that Mona, the one who attackedNarwold, has disappeared and that no sign of her has been seen recently. Barruc,a warrior by nature, had last been seen back in England fighting in the serviceof King Henry against the Scots. Theo reminded us that the elementalists researchinga way to trap them needed time to further such magics, after which his intentionwas to trick Mona and Barruc into breaking their peace and then slay them.He seemed less certain about the fate that should await Candalo, though expresseda hope that he might end his existence in a way that released him from thecurse he suffered.

On the matter of the war, Theonoted that King Henry's army is one of the largest ever seen but is dividedin its efforts, fighting against rebel barons in the East and against Davidof Scotland in the North.

Medius, having confirmed that Theo had brought Ruaridh to the council chamber,requested that he took the blade away and did not do so in future. Theo consentedto this and the meeting continued when he returned without the sword.

Theo announced his intention to travel to Cad Gadu and speak to Aaron if heis there. His main reason for visiting was to talk to his Prima, which councilconsented to. From there Theo said he wanted to visit the Court of Llyr tocontinue the education of Aeddyn in preparation for his leaving the faerieregio. Interestingly, when Dialectica asked to come with him, he agreed. Perhapsthere is some hope of small reconciliation between these two magi?

Medius announced his intentionto travel to Chepstow and speak with Zedekiah (and Aaron if message got throughat Cad Gadu). He hoped that some plan might be determined for dealing withthe demon in Huntley later in the season; both Astrius and Cormoran pledgedtheir aid in that matter.

The red cap, Loretius, attendedus later in the season and told us more news regarding the rebellion againstthe King. It seems that the Earl of Leicester, a supporter of young Henry,raised an army of Flemish mercenaries and crossed from Normandy to Englandto join other rebel barons, including the Earl of Norfolk. However, the armywas intercepted by English forces returning from the battles with Scotlandand was completely defeated in the field. However, things do not entirelygo the King's way. David of Scotland renewed his attacks in an attempt toconquer northern England and took up the leadership of the rebel barons. Inthe meantime rebels have attacked and burned the royal burgh of Nottinghamand the town of Norwich.

Later in the season, Medius, Giovanni,Cestus (formally Aaron), Astrius, Cormoran and two members of the Kabala,Zedekiah and Jeremiah, led an attempt to destroy the demon in Huntley. Usinga busy market day to slip into the town individually, the group assembledat Hugh's abode. From there they made their way cautiously to the Church whileGiovanni kept watch for anyone paying too much notice to the activities goingon at the long-deserted church.

Having entered, Cormoran used his talent got spontaneous magic to turn theroof to glass, thus allowing sunlight to enter that dark space. This forcedthe demon to take on a physical form, which was that of a huge, bestial manarmed with dark wings and curved blades gleaming with poison. Its skull-likeface was barbed with horns and its legs were those of a goat, with black,matted hair. For its size, the infernal creature was fast and agile, and ittook Astrius, Cormoran and the strange stone man crafted by Jeremiah (Mediuslater called it a 'golem') to eventually pin the creature against the altarso that Cestus could destroy it using his Cabalistic magics. The fight wasshort, yet fierce, with both Astrius and Cormoran injured by the brute andthe stone man losing an arm in the battle. However, thankfully, the groupprevailed and were able to safely return to the Covenant.


Our winter meeting commenced witha discussion about the consequences of the raid at Huntley. Edwin, as faras we know, is still away at war; so it may be a while before he discoversthat his demon has been destroyed. Still, the question as to what he'll dowhen he does find out is an open one. Theo speculated that he would probablybe scared that someone had the power to destroy it, given the strength ofthe creature in the church. His reaction to being so a'feared was discussed,the concern being that he will adopt even more desperate measures to securehimself. The alternative is that, with Yvonne gone, his suspicions (and potentialaggressions) may turn towards us. We must be ready for either possibilityand ensure that Hugh remains watchful for strange events in Huntley. Mediuswill also 'listens in' to the arcane connection we possess for his basementroom so we might gain some insight into his schemes.

The other matter we discussedwas far more fractious; Dialectica pressed Theo about a timetable for removingAeddyn from the faerie regio. The whole issue reawakened Astrius' anger withTheo and he rather pointedly suggested that Theo consider leaving the Covenantaltogether in light of his oath breaking. There was lots of pressure fromvarious quarters of the council to see Aeddyn returned, but the council brokeup with no resolution on this matter.

After the council, Astrius cameto see me and suggested a compromise regarding Aeddyn. The idea would be thatI would take Aeddyn as an apprentice and ensure that both Theo's and Dialectica'swishes for Aeddyn's future were balanced. This seemed an admirable suggestionto me, so I posed it to both Dialectica and Theo; both seemed to have cometo a similar idea themselves and were ready to agree. With this plan proposed,Theo decided to bring Aeddyn back to Severn Temple and left for the courtof Llyr.

It falls to me to record here the passing of Magus Theodosius, filius Jordael,member of House Ex-Miscellanea. I shall ever remember Theo fondly as the light-heartedstoryteller, full of laughter and songs, a good friend to my family and aclose friend and confidant to me. For all the failings that he could be rightfullyaccused, he shall be a much missed member of this covenant. That his deathwas at the hands of faeries who deceived and betrayed him, is a fate I longfeared since he took up that accursed crown and with it the mantle of being'King'. After all the weight and grave troubles that sat upon his shouldersover these last years, I hope he finds peace in whichever life he lives inthe future.

News of this harrowing event camefrom Tiarnan, who related that late in the season he'd had a strange dreamcalling him to the heart of the forest. Curious, though with some trepidation,he followed the call of this dream until he found the lone oak in the sunlitglade. There he found Theo in need of his help. It seems that the Nimue, thefaerie maiden that Theo had made guardian of his son, was not willing to giveup her charge. Theo, angered by her actions, travelled to the court of Llyr,only to discover that the King was away - in his palace beneath the sea. Theoeventually travelled there, but was sent away with his demands unmet. So,he had returned to speak to the Anu in the hope she might aid him.

The Anu wisely guessed that Nimuewould take his son the one place Theo feared to go; the crystal cave where,according to Theo, in another life he had been betrayed and trapped. Theolong believed that the cave contained many of the memories from his previousexistences, but was still potentially a trap (set for unfathomable motivesby Nimue and Goffanon). Thus, Theo would not enter such a place, but try andcreate sufficient distraction for Nimue that Tiarnan and Kai might be ableto steal in and recover Aeddyn.

This plan of action was carriedout, Tiarnan related. They were taked to the border of the lake near to thecaves within Mynydd Myddyn by the Lladra. While she waited in the lake, Tiarnanand Kai had crept into the caves by one of the various entrances. They leftTheo at the entrance to the caves, where he called to the Nimue in the hopethat she would leave Aeddyn and come to speak with him.

Tiarnan and Kai were able to navigatethe caves and eventually found Aeddyn in an enchanted sleep within a largecave of luminous stones filled with strange shadows and images. They quicklybrought him out, but were surprised to find no sign of Theo. Tiarnan calledto the Lladra, who ignored his request for help, and made her way within thecave. When she returned she agreed to take Tiarnan, Aeddyn and Kai home, butwould not speak of what she saw. When they arrived back at Severn Temple,the Lladra asked to speak to Tiarnan alone. He sent Kai and Aeddyn back tothe Covenant, to find me, and then travelled back to the caves.

Tiarnan traced a route throughthe confusing network of tunnels and eventually found his way once again tothe large cave of glowing crystals. He saw the Lady Nimue cradling Theo inher arms; a great bloody wound in Theo's chest and his life-less gaze toldTiarnan that he was truly dead.

We can only guess that Nimue wassomehow able to bewitch or beguile Theo into following her into the cave.How she achieved this I suspect we will never know, but I suspect, in theend, it was Theo's trusting nature that allowed her betrayal. I do not reallyunderstand why he ever trusted her with Aeddyn in the first place; it doesnot surprise me that the faerie were the ones to kill him in the end. Still,message has been sent to find Quaesitor Linaris to further an investigation.Message has also been sent to Praefecta Orlania about Theo's death and towarn her that the three dark spirits, Candalo, Barruc and Mona, may no longerbe bound to his 'peace'.

Goodbye Theo thank youfor the stories and the good times. I hope the story of your next life provesto be happier than the tale of this one.

Upon Cormoran's return from Blackthorn, further news of demise greeted us,but one - though it is uncharitable to say - may be considered good news bythis Covenant. Praeca Eloria has finally succumbed to final twilight. WhilstI wish Theo every peace and happiness in his next / after life, the same cannotbe said for that manipulative witch.

With the end of the season and the year, so my time as scribe for this journalcomes to an end.