1310 Spring

Scribed by Pyrrhus

We met on a cold and frosty morning of spring, I cast a few “heat without flames” spells in the council chamber as I had arrived first and the fire was making little impression on the cold stone walls.

We discussed the previous season’s news, and I suggested that we offer refuge for the poor of Clearwater who were stuck in the village. This act of generosity was turned down by my sodales, although I admit there was quite a bit of self-interest as we could use the people to work fields, expand our mines or even refound Blakeney, I suppose we do not need the coin as we are a rich covenant so I let the matter drop.

Branwen reported her success in brewing the libation to assist in her ritual to appease the Jack of the green. She reported that it could appease the pagan spirit to allow travel through the wood or if used quickly to stop a tree attack, I know which I would rather rely on though a ball of abyssal flame or a jug of spiced cider.

We discussed the Primary goals of the covenant and started with the plague at Kidwelly, Hypatia and Naveus disagreed on the actions to perform with Hypatia wanting to investigate and Naveus wanting us to leave it to Holy Isle. We decided in the end that Hypatia would at court, research the Knight and his family, and ask for the King’s spies to investigate the matter as well. Terentius said he would go and look for the parish records by sneaking into the church and the castle. The council voted to increase the funding of the spies network in south Wales by one hundred pennies annually until this threat is resolved. Terentius said that after he had gone to Kidwelly he would head south to Trevalga and Carrion moor to warn them of the activities of the unnamed house.

The next item we discussed was the Jack in the greens occupancy of the heart of the forest and its effects on us. Jari agreed to continue moving trees in the dean to prevent people from cutting down the tree, and being in breach of his bargain with the spirit of the woods. He also stated he would go and converse with the stag at the Myrthn stone. We agreed that Branwen could assist Jari in the forest as she knew something about these pagan powers. One of the important things we discussed was the interaction between the jack in the green and the great hart which was the manifestation of the spirit of the wood. We ended up postulating possibilities but not understanding how they were related.

Regarding the King's war in the north, Hypatia told us that the Scots were ensconced in Durham and the French now held Bordeaux. Primus Argentius continued to lead the wizard’s march against the Scottish magi, She stated she would be spending most of the year with her nephew in the royal court.

For seasonal activities Naevius was working in his Lab, I was finishing my experimental “Ballista of fire” spell, Jari and Branwen were exploring the Dean, Hypatia was in the royal court and Terentius was investigating Kidwelly and warning the other covenants, a role especially suited to his skills as he seems to be able to traverse the country without effort.

Branwen and Jari with a rotund grog called Watkyn started their travels to assess if the Jack in the Greens area of influence was expanding or not. They initially went north around the outside of the forest to determine if the roads were clear and if not to move the blocking trees, this would prevent the spirit of the wood from becoming upset at them if men were to bring axe or flame to the trees. When they came to Huntley priory they spotted some monks there showing that the priory had been refounded these monks heard our intrepid explorers at night, perhaps they were going to pray and came out to investigate. Our sodales retreated deeper into the wood and hid, this evaded the monks but in the morning when they started to head further south they spotted a flock of ravens with a pronounced one with silver eyes watching them. My fellows did not know what this was and Branwen performed her little pagan ritual to assuage the anger of the Jack in the Green. With the completion of the ritual the ravens lifted off and flew south as one, leaving Jari and Branwen at a loss as to their meaning, I personally now with my learnings from the book could have told them that Ravens are often agents of the pagan spirit of the Morrigan and she may have been spying or trying to warn Branwen and Jari of the consequences of their actions. Ignorant of these facts the trio marched south and Jari protected by the spirit of the wood and Branwen protected by her ritual marched unopposed southwards, things were not so well for Watkyn however and the thorns tore at his clothes and skin, at one point a root which was not there for the fi4rst two of the party appeared from the ground and tripped Watkyn into a thorn bush where the long spikes pierced his skin. Normally this would be a minor inconvenience but this was no normal time and the spikes started to cause a rash that spread over his body and then darkened until from out of his mouth came roots, one of his eyes was pushed out and his final screams echoed through the wood which must have pleased the new dark master of them. Jari could have used vis to save the grog as he did the captain at the heart of the forest but maybe he forgot to take it with him or he decided the grog was not worth it. Jari and Branwen continued their travels around the forest unaccosted and discovered what had happened to Watkyn had also happened to all the residents of Clearwell and the village was now a strange graveyard with twisted trees for headstones.

Terentius went west to Kidwelly flying as a raven and as he flew over the village he spotted a mass grave for the multitude of dead the plague had caused. He landed and made a camp a safe distance from the blighted village. He bravely entered the village, testing the aura that was unsurprisingly an infernal one of a low magnitude. Creeping silently and invisible into the church he aspired no one present and measured the aura again this time a dominion one, He did rapport though that his falcon familiar, Meliorac spotted minor malign spirits in the eves of the houses, not unsurprising when you consider the evil done there as apparently they are attracted to such places. Terentius Investigated the church and found it unoccupied, he found two locked doors at the back and skillfully picked the locks, he stated he saw the bible and a chest and picked the lock on the chest but only found the priest's vestments. I don't know why he did not study the bible as we had discussed at the council meeting. Maybe under the stress of the exploration, it slipped his mind but it was a careless mistake that my master would have beaten me for if I had made it as an apprentice. Terentius then descended into the crypt where he discovered one of the stone coffins was broken open. It belonged to Herlewin knight of Kidwelly who had died in 1291. He was the father of the current knight and the name appeared to be hereditary as the current knight’s grandfather’s grave was also there and he had the same name, however that coffin was not broken into. Using “sense the lingering magic” he detected evidence of a spell to detect spirits with a faint sigil of the sound of the whispered voice.

Terentius then scampered back to his temporary camp and conferred with his familiar where he also took an arcane connection in case he needed to apport in a hurry. He then scouted the castle as a raven and found a trapdoor on the roof guarded by a metal grille. After much consideration, he eventually decided to rust the metal to make it breakable then manipulating the wood of the trapdoor he silently entered the castle keep. He went into the chapel and discovered another bible which he again chose not to investigate for parish records. Thinking there may be some information in the Knights chamber he crept in seeing a woman on the bed who was roused by his entrance he put her back to sleep with a spell, finding some papers he crept back to the chapel so he could read without disturbing anyone but found no information of interest. He then, like a thief in the night, crept back and put the papers back where he had found them to not raise suspicion, although I thought the rusted grille on the roof might raise some but then again I am not a sneaky Magus like Terentius.

Terentius then returned to the covenant where at dinner he explained his findings, we expressed puzzlement that he had not investigated either bible and he looked a little shamefaced. He returned quickly to Kidwelly and looked into the bibles now knowing where they were, there was now a wooden replacement on the roof for the metal grille he had destroyed, we hoped they would think it was damaged by the fog that destroyed the village. The bible in the church said the knight died of his wounds indicating a fight, the one in the chapel stated the knight had died in 1291 and returned to Kidwelly in 1292 and was identified by his sword that he had won in a competition and that he had worn with pride all the time, so possibly some form of arcane connection. Terentius then returned to the covenant with his hard-won information.

Summer 1310

There was a slight mist in the air this morning when we met but it soon burnt off in the summer sun. Hypatia was the only one not in attendance, she seems to spend half her life in court these days but I suppose she feels the need to protect her nephew.

We started with news of the previous season and Jari explained that the only one who could contest the Heart of the forest would be the pagan spirit Anu, I have no problem with this exchange of pagan spirits as the Anu seems to have been a generous neighbour whereas the Jack in the Green has killed members of this covenant. After this Navieus asked for a vote that any interaction with the Pagan spirits would need a council vote allowing it, this vote failed with only Navieus voting for and Terentius abstaining for some reason. We did ask Jari if Jack in the Green could influence the faerie regio and after some consideration, he affirmed it might be possible. Navieus suggested some form of deal with the lord of oaks and I felt we were scrabbling like a drowning man grasping at anything. Jari said he would read from the Pagan books to see if they had any information that might help us.

Terentius recounted his Kidwelly adventure and vowed to return with Jari to cast eyes of the past to see if we could extract more information from that site about our foe the unnamed house. I decided that I needed some knowledge of all these pagans and fae entities and so decided over the next few seasons to learn from the fae and pagan books. Branwen said she would go to Cad Gadu to seek out if anyone had the spell or could make a device to help move the trees. Navieus learnt from the Menetm books so he can eventually recreate the device that exploded in my hands in the church in Gloucester.

Terentius and Jari flew to Kidwelly and managed to get into the castle again, there they managed to perform the spell “Peering into the mortal mind“ and discovered that the former knight was a troubled man, apparently caused by him fornicating with a servant girl and getting her pregnant, he was rightly Loath to marry below his station and so when the child was born he ordered the child left on the cliffs to die of exposure, the knight apart from this one act of evil was a good man who Doted on his son but he had great regret of this action in old age, presumably he would have confessed his sin and been absolved of it however showing such remorse. After his death, the sword was given pride of place above the fireplace in the great hall but it appeared to be the focus for a lot of dark events. People saw the old knight’s ghost in the middle of the night and objects fell from the shelves. The new Knight decided to move the sword to the coffin and with that action, the sightings and events ended.

They returned to the covenant and related this news over dinner one night.

Later in the season Gaines the redcap arrived, he reported news both hermetic and mundane to us in the council chamber. Of news mundane the Knights of St John commonly called the Hospitaller Knights had captured the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean sea, they seemed to be having better fortune than the templates knights in France as King Phillip had burnt 54 of them at the stake and confiscated there lands and goods becoming exceedingly rich in the process, Phillip had also consolidated his hold on the Bordeaux region making it almost impossible for the English king to take it back considering its location far from English shores. The English king and his army went north to deal with the Scots before winter stopped any offensive actions. Of news hermetic, the Praeco of Loch Legaen tribunal had not called a meeting and thus in my opinion condoned the actions of the wizards marched magi. Gaines also brought a letter for me inviting me to Cliffheart covenant in the south of Ireland to meet with my fellow Flambeau Magi.

Branwen returned at the end of the season and reported the following, Some of the druidic faith might be supporters of the Jack in the Green and some of the shades of the druids in the Hall of the forest abandoned covenant might know more.

Autumn 1310

Yet again we met in our council chamber, the seasons seem to flick past with ever-increasing rapidity, as I age will the seasons become years and I will blink and a decade will have passed. I remember well the hot summers of my apprenticeship and how they seemed to go on forever.

Kidwelly was discussed again with the information they gleaned from the mind of the veteran soldier passed on to us. With Branwen’s information, we planned a trip to the halls of the forest and Jari stated he would invent the spell the “ Tongues of the dead '' and the council agreed it would be as covenant service. Navieus stated he would enchant the saddle of stead created to allow it to shrink to half its size making it easier to transport. I stated I would attempt to unlock the secrets of the ruby I had gained in the bargain with Gofinwe. Branwen said she was going to spend time with our herbalist trying to pick up some more knowledge of the plants and herbs in our forest and gardens. Terentius stated he would be working in his lab impersonal vis study.

A few weeks into the season it was obvious from the appearance of her stead that Hypatia had returned to the covenant but she did not make any appearance and I believe that Jari attempted to speak with her via Elenor her apprentice but to no avail.

Gethin from Holy Isle arrived with a guard and reported that there had been another attack utilising the sea fog we had come to associate with the unnamed house. A fishing village named Fowe in south Cornwell had been attacked, a large graveyard had been raided for bones. I suggested to Gethin that a quick investigation should take place at the abandoned covenant of Morstow as in the past it had been used by the Templars as a hideout due to the regio there. We discussed the import and the blatancy of the attacks suggested that the unnamed house was preparing an attack. We also discovered why Hypatia was locked in her sanctum. She had announced her intention to assassinate the rebel Scottish magi even though they had surrounded themselves with the mundane Scots army. Argentius had opposed this plan and challenged Hypatia to certamen to thwart her plans. He had won and Hypatia was sent away, apparently, Hypatia had threatened Argentius as she left stating that if anything happened to her nephew she would slit his throat!

Jari tried another couple of times during the season to try and coax Hypatia into a conversation but again he failed to achieve anything.

<Private Notes

We started in the Alchemy lab with the gem and it did not take long for Marcellus to report that the gem had no measurable material properties, indicating that either he was very drunk or that being of faerie origin it was not real. I continued with a hermetic examination of the giant ruby and discovered in addition to the normal hermetic properties of a ruby, it had some affinity with Terram and a special affinity with fire in a faerie regio however the magics cast through it would be more unpredictable, I discovered 2 effects, both Ignem, one similar to the burst of the sweeping flame with three uses a day and one similar to the circle of the encompassing flames again with three uses a day there was a further effect perhaps of the tenth magnitude but my art was not sufficient to determine it. These effects seemed attuned to a fae aura and so could fail in a magical aura


Winter 1310

The council meeting was cold and frosty and not just because of the weather, Hypatia's mood was grim and her countenance reflected that. Hypatia reported that Durham was under siege and if it fell then the Scots would be driven north of the border, but if it stood then the English would have to retreat as winter in that part of the country does not suit a siege and the levies would soon drift away. Jari reported that he had tried to create the spell “Tongue of the dead” but had failed and will try again this season. Terentius said he would go north to assist at Durham with the hunt of the Scottish magi and the protection of the King. Navieus told us he would be performing private lab activities this season, Branwen stated she would again be using the librarian to teach her the Latin letters. I made “Leap of homecoming” potions as covenant service as we had large reserves of Vim vis for the casting of the Aegis next season. Hypatia stated she was going to talk to the pagan spirit known as the Morrigan on a private matter and her visage brooked no argument.

Locked in my Lab for the season no other news or events came to my attention and as such I complete my duty to record the comings and goings for another year.