In English

MobiLearn (Mobiilisti) project 2014

Lepaa Intelligent Park

MobileSummer School

BioTrek Mobile Game

Living and Learning Together in a Mobile World

Michelson, Annika & Salmia, Johanna (2012): Why Do Finns Prefer Mobile Learning in Vocational Education? in SeOppi 03/12. The Association of Finnish eLearning Center. ISSN 1795-3251

The MobiLearn (Mobiilisti)project advances the utilizing of mobile equipment in learning not related in time and place. The goal is to expand the learning environment outside the classroom. Students will be able to learn in authentic environments - outdoors, in parks and in practical training.

The aim of the project is to develop mobile learning models, modules and study processes. The project is based on mobile pedagogy and targets at concrete results:

- To create mobile learning modules, courses and study processes.

- To develop and collect pedagogical models and practices related to mobile learning

- To create functional and technical descriptions for mobile learning (including instructions for application development based on different mobile device platforms)

- To implement mobile learning in competence based qualifications and on-the-job-learning

- To create a competence description for mobile learning advisors

- To share experiences, practices and benefits of using mobile learning solutions

- To expand the mobile learning network to cover more widely companies and mobile operators in addition to academic actors

The project is coordinated by HAMK University of Applied Sciences

Sub-projects of MobiLearn are headed by Omnia, Edupoli, Haaga-Helia, Hami and HAMK PTEU.

The project is especially targeted at the fields of natural resources, the environment and property maintenance and at the all educational levels - vocational education and training, vocational adult education and training, polytechnic education and vocational teacher education.

Contact information:

johanna.salmia (at)