
a-, an- (Gr) 'not, without' (*ne): A-, AN-. G a-, an-.

ábax (Gr) 'table, counting board': ABACUS. It abbaccare, ábbaco. F abaque. Sp abáco. Pg abáco.

Abrasax, Abraxás (Gr), Gnostic deity, supreme god of the Basilidans, used as a magical word: ABRAXAS, ABRASAX.

adelphós (Gr) 'brother' (ha- + *gwelbh-, hence orig. 'born of the same womb'): -ADELPHOUS, PHILADELPHIA.

adên (3-8) (Gr) 'gland' (*engw-): ADEN-, ADENOID.

aeídein (Gr) 'to sing': COMEDY, EPODE, HYMNODY, MELODY, MONODY, ODE, ODEUM, PALINODE, PARODY, RHAPSODY, THRENODY, TRAGEDY. G komisch, Komödie, Melodie, Ode, Parodie, Tragödie. F comédie, mélodie, ode, parodie, tragédie.

aeírein (Gr) 'to lift, raise, hold up,' also 'to attach, tie to': AORTA, ARSIS, ARTERY, METEOR. G Aorta, Arterie. F aorte, artère, météore.

aêr (2-8) (Gr) 'fog, vapor drawn by the sun from the earth and resting in the lower part of the atmosphere, lower air, air,' rel. to aúrâ: AERATE, AERIAL, AERO-, AERY, AIR, ARIA, MALARIA. G aero-, Arie. It aria. F aérer, aéreux, aérien, aéro-, air. Sp aire.

áethlos, áethlon (Gr) 'fight,' hence 'sporting competition, game': ATHLETE, -ATHLON (as in DECATHLON, PENTATHLON). G Athlet. It atleta. F athlète. Sp atleta.

agálokon (Gr) 'eaglewood, agalloch': AGALLOCH.

agapan (5-5) (Gr) 'to love': AGAPE, AGAPEMONE.

agarikón (Gr), kind of fungus: AGARIC. F agaric.

agathós (Gr) 'good': AGATHA.

agauós (Gr) 'admirable, noble': AGAVE. G Agave. F agave.

ágein (Gr) 'to push, drive, lead' (*ag-): -AGOGUE, AGONY, ANAGOGIC, ANTAGONIZE, CHORAGUS, DEMAGOGUE, EPACT, HYPNAGOGIC, MYSTAGOGUE, PEDAGOGUE, PROTAGONIST, STRATAGEM, SYNAGOGUE. G Agonie, Antagonist, Demagoge, Pädagoge, Protagonist, Stratege, Synagogue. It agonia, antagonista, protagonista, strategia. F agonie, démagogue, mystagogue, pédagogue, protagoniste, stratagème, stratège, synagogue.

ageírein (Gr) 'to bring together, assemble' (*ger-1): AGORA, AGORAPHOBIA.

ággaros (Gr) 'mounted courier carrying royal messages by relay in Persia,' rel. to ággelos: ANGARY.

ággelos (Gr) 'messenger,' often 'messenger of the gods,' rel. to ággaros: ANGEL, ARCHANGEL, EVANGELIST. G Angelika, Engel, Erzengel, Evangelium. F ange, angélique, angélus, évangile, archange.

ággos (Gr) 'vessel': AGIO-.

ágkhein (Gr) 'to squeeze, choke' (*angh-): ANGINA, QUINSY. G Angina. F angine.

ágkhousa (Gr), Attic égkhousa, kind of plant: ANCHUSA.

agkôn (4-8) (Gr) 'elbow' (*ank-): ANCON.

agkúlos (Gr) 'bent, crooked' (*ank-): ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, ANKYLOSIS.

ágkûra (Gr) 'anchor' (*ank-): ANCHOR. Du anker. G Anker. Norw anker. Sw ankare. Da anker. It ancora. F ancre.

ágra (Gr) 'act of catching, seizure, trap': PELLAGRA, PODAGRA. F pellagre, podagra.

agrós (Gr) 'field,' orig. 'uncultivated field,' hence ágrios 'wild' (*agro-): AGRIOLOGY, AGRO-, AGROSTIS, AGROSTOLOGY, ONAGER, STAVESACRE. F agro-, onagre.

aigís (Gr) 'shield, goatskin cloak or coat, goatskin shield carried by Zeus and Athena,' prob. der. of aíx 'goat': AEGIS. G Ägide. F égide.

ainos (2-5) (Gr) 'pithy word or story, instructive fable': ENIGMA. F énigme.

aiólos (Gr) 'swift': AEOLIAN, AEOLUS. F éolienne.

aiôn (3-8) (Gr) 'vital force, life, lifetime, age, generation, epoch, eternity' (*aiw-): EON.

aisthánesthai (Gr) 'to perceive' (*au-5): ANESTHESIA, ESTHETIC. G Anästhesie, Ästhetik. F anesthésie, esthétique.

aíthein (Gr) 'to burn,' hence aithêr (5-8) 'the brightest, purest, highest part of the atmosphere, upper air' (*aidh-): ETHER. G Äther. F éther.

aítios (Gr) 'responsible for, being the cause of' (*ai-1): ETIOLOGY.

Akadêmos (5-8) (Gr), name of an ancient Attic hero said to have been the original owner of a pleasure garden or gymnasium near Athens which later became the school of Plato and his followers: ACADEMIC, ACADEMY. G Akademie, Akademiker, akademisch. It accademia. F académie.

akakía (Gr), kind of tree: ACACIA. G Akazie. It acacia, gaggia. F acacia. Sp acacia. Pg acacia.

ákantha (Gr) 'thorn,' also applied to thorny plants and the dorsal spine of fishes, animals or man (*ak-): ACANTHO-, ACANTHUS, COELACANTH, PYRACANTHA, TRAGACANTH. F acanthe.

akarês (5-8) (Gr) 'small, tiny,' hence (perhaps influenced by kóris 'bug') akarí 'mite': ACARID, ACARUS.

akhâtês (4-8) (Gr), kind of stone: AGATE. G Achat. It agata. F agate.

Akhérôn (Gr), name of various rivers, including the river of Hades: ACHERON, ACHERONTIC.

akinákês (Gr), kind of scimitar carried by the Persians and Scythians: ACINACIFORM.

akmê (4-8) (Gr) 'point, edge,' hence 'culminating point' (*ak-): ACME, ACNE. F acné.

akónê (Gr) 'whetstone' (*ak-): PARAGON. It paragone. F paragon. Sp parangón.

ákos (Gr) 'remedy, cure': AUTACOID, PANACEA. F panacée.

-akós (Gr), suffix: -AC (as in CARDIAC).

akoúein (Gr) 'to hear' (*keu-1): ACOUSTIC. G akustisch.

ákros (Gr) 'pointed, topmost,' hence 'endmost' (*ak-): ACRO-, ACROBAT, ACROSTIC. G Akrobat. F acro-, acrobate, acrostiche.

aktís (Gr) 'ray of light,' especially sunlight: ACTINISM, ACTINO-. G Aktinien, Aktinium, Aktinometer. F actin-.

alaós (Gr) 'blind': NYCTALOPIA.

alein (4-5) (Gr) 'to mill,' hence áleuron 'wheaten flour': ALEURONE.

aleíphein (Gr) 'to anoint with oil, smear' (*leip-): ALIPHATIC, SYNALEPHA.

aléxein (Gr) 'to ward off a danger or enemy,' hence alkê (4-8) 'strength for self-defense' (*alek-): ALEXANDER, ALEXIN, ALEXIS, ANALCITE, ANALCIME. G Alexin. F alexandrin.

álgos (Gr) 'pain': -ALGIA, ALGO-, ALGOMETER, NEURALGIA. G Analgetika, Nostalgie. F nostalgie.

alkuôn (5-8) (Gr) 'kingfisher': HALCYON.

allas (4-5) (Gr) 'sausage': ALLANTOID, ALLANTOIS.

állos (Gr) 'other' (*al-1): ALLEGORY, ALLELOMORPH, ALLO-, MORPHALAXIS, PARALLAX, PARALLEL. G Allegorie, allo-, Allotria, parallel. F allégorie, allo-, parallaxe, parallèle.

allússein (Gr) 'to be distraught': HALLUCINATE. G halluzinieren. F hallunciné.

alôê (4-8) (Gr) 'leveled terrain, cultivated ground, garden, vineyard, orchard, threshing floor,' hence hálôs 'area, circular surface, surface of the sun or moon, halo': HALO. F halo.

alóê (Gr), kind of plant: ALOE, LIGNALOES. F aloès.

alôpêx (3-8) (Gr) 'fox' (*wlp-ê-): ALOPECIA.

álpha (Gr), first letter of the Greek alphabet: ALPHA, ALPHABET. G Alpha, Alphabet. F alphabet.

alphós (Gr) 'white spot on the skin, dull whiteness, leprosy' (*albho-): ALPHOSIS.

althaínein (Gr) 'to get well, heal' (*al-3): ALTHEA.

amânitai (5-5) (Gr), pl., kind of mushroom: AMANITA.

ámathos (Gr) 'sand, dust': AMMOCETE.

amaurós (Gr) 'dark, difficult to make out, dim': AMAUROSIS.

Amázôn (Gr) 'Amazon': AMAZON. G Amazone.

ámbê (Gr), Attic ámbôn 'raised edge or ridge, rim', in MGr 'pulpit,' hence ámbîx 'cup, beaker, cap of a still, alembic': ALEMBIC, AMBO. F alambic.

amblús (Gr) 'blunt, dull, weak, dim' (*mel-1): AMBLYGONITE, AMBLYOPIA.

ameíbein (Gr) 'to exchange, change' (*mei-1): AMOEBA. G Amöbe.

Ammon (Gr), temple of Jupiter: AMMONIA, AMMONITE. F ammoniaque, ammonite.

amnós (Gr) 'lamb': AMNION.

ámômon (Gr), Indian spice: CARDAMOM.

ámpelos (Gr) 'grapevine': AMPELOPSIS.

amphí (Gr) 'on both sides, around, about' (*ambhi): AMPHI-. G amphi-, Amphibie. F amphi-.

ámphô (Gr) 'both, of both kinds' (*ambhô): AMPHOTERIC.

ámulon (Gr) 'starch': AMELCORN. G Amelcorn.

aná (Gr) 'up' (*an 1): AN, ANA-.

ánemos (Gr) 'wind' (*anª-): ANEMO-.

anêr (3-8) (Gr) 'man, male' (*ner-2): ALEXANDER, ANDREW, ANDRO-, -ANDROUS, -ANDRY, PHILANDER.

ánîson (Gr) 'anise': ANISE. G Anis. F anis.

ánta (Gr) 'opposite, against,' replaced by anti (*ant-): ANTI-, ENANTIOMORPH. G anti-. Norw and-.


ánthrax (Gr) 'charcoal, coal, carbuncle, pustule': ANTHRACITE, ANTHRAX. G Anthrazit. F anthraco-, anthrax.

ánthrôpos (Gr) 'man, human being': ANTHROPIC, ANTHROPO-, ANTHROPOLOGY, -ANTHROPUS, LYCANTHROPE, MISANTHROPE, PHILANTHROPY, THEANTHROPIC. G Anthropiden, anthropogen, Anthropologie. F anthropo-.

ántlos (Gr) 'hold of a ship, bilge water': ANTILIA.

ántron (Gr) 'cave, grot, cavern': ANTRUM. F antre.

apátê (Gr) 'deceit, fraud': APATETIC, APATITE. G Apatit.

áphis (Gr), kind of insect: APHID, APHIS.

apó (Gr) 'far from, away from' (*apo-): APO-. G apo-. F apo-.

apsínthion (Gr) 'wormwood`: ABSINTHE. G Absinth. It assenzio. F absinthe.

arákhnê (Gr) 'spider': ARACHNID. F arachnide.

ararískein (Gr) 'to join, fit together, construct, furnish with,' hence árthron 'joint,' in grammar 'particle, definite article' and harmós 'joint' (*ar-): ANARTHROUS, ARTHRITIS, ARTHRO-, DIARTHROSIS, ENARTHROSIS, HARMONICA, HARMONY, HARMOTONE, SYNARTHROSIS. G Arthritis, Harmonie, Harmonika, Harmonium. F arthrite, harmonia, harmonie, harmonique.

árdein (Gr) 'to water, irrigate': CHRESARD, ECHARD.

árgillos (Gr) 'white clay' (*arg-): ARGIL, ARGILLACEOUS. F argile.

argós (Gr) 'shining white,' hence argemônê (6-8) 'poppy,' used as a cure for árgemon 'white spot on the eye,' and arginóeis 'shining white' (*arg-): AGRIMONY, ARGININE, PELARGONIUM.

Argós (Gr), mythological being with a hundred eyes: ARGUS. G Argusaugen.

árguros (Gr) 'white metal, silver' (*arg-): ARGYROL, HYDRARGYRUM, LITHARGE, PYRARGYRITE.

áristos (Gr) 'best' (*ar-): ARISTOCRACY. G Aristokrat. F aristocratie.

arithmós (Gr) 'number, amount' (*rî-): ARITHMETIC, LOGARITHM. G Arithmetik.

arkein (5-5) (Gr) 'to protect, rescue, suffice' (*arek-): AUTARKY. G autark. F autarchie.

árkhein (Gr) 'to take the lead, be the first, take the initiative, begin, command': ARCH-, -ARCH, ARCHAEO-, ARCHAIC, ARCHIVES, ARCHON, MENARCHE. G arch-, -arch, -archie, Archiv, Arznei, Arzt. F archéo-, archi-, -archie, -arque.

árktos (Gr) 'bear' (*rtko-): ARCTIC, ARCTURUS.

árôma (Gr) 'aromatic herb or spice': AROMA. G Aroma. F arôme.

áron (Gr), kind of plant, 'cuckoopint, wake-robin': ARUM. F arum.

arsenikón (Gr) 'arsenic' (< Iranian): ARSENIC. G Arsen.

artábe (Gr), unit of dry measure: ARDEB.

árti (Gr) 'just, exactly' (*ar-): ARTERIODACTYL.

arúein (Gr) 'to draw water': ARYTENOID.

-as (Gr), suffix: -AD (as in MYRIAD, TRIAD).

ásaron (Gr), kind of plant, 'hazelwort, wild spikenard': ASARUM.

askarís (Gr) 'intestinal worm, mosquito larva': ASCARID. F ascaride.

askein (5-5) (Gr) 'to work at, exercise': ASCETIC. G Askese, Asket. F ascète.

askós (Gr) 'animal skin, wineskin, bag, bladder, belly': ASCUS.

ásphaltos, ásphalton (Gr) 'asphalt, bitumen' (prob. a der. of a- + sphállein): ASPHALT. G Asphalt. F asphalte.

aspháragos, aspáragos (Gr) 'asparagus': ASPARAGUS. G Spargel. F asperge.

asphódelos (Gr) 'asphodel': ASPHODEL, DAFFODIL. G Affodill. F asphodèle.

aspís (Gr) 'shield, asp or Egyptian cobra,' in the latter sense from the circular shape of the snake's neck in attacking posture: ASP, ASPIC, ASPIDISTRA. G Aspik. F aspic.

astaphís, staphís (Gr) 'dried grape, raisin': STAVESACRE.

astêr (4-8), ástron (Gr) 'star' (*ster-3): ASTER, ASTERIATED, ASTERISK, ASTERISM, ASTEROID, ASTRAEA, ASTRAL, ASTRO-, ASTROLOGY, ASTRONOMY, DIASTER, DISASTER. G Aster, Astrologie, Astronomie.

asteropê (8-8) (Gr) 'lightning, twinkling' and astrapê (7-8), same sense (astêr (4-8) + *okw-), orig. 'glimpse of a star': ASTRAPHOBIA, STEROPE.

ásthma (Gr) 'short breath, hard breathing': ASTHMA. G Asthma. F asthme.

astrágalos (Gr) 'little bone, cervical vertebra, ball of the ankle joint, knucklebone, Ionic molding' (*ost-): ASTRAGAL, ASTROGALUS.

athêr (4-8) (Gr) 'beard of grain, chaff': ATHEROMA.

Atlas (1-8) (Gr) 'Atlas': ATLANTIC, ATLAS. G Atlantik, Atlas.

atmós (Gr) 'vapor': ATMOSPHERE. G Atmosphäre. F atmosphère.

atmós (Gr) 'warm vapor' (*wet-1): ATMO-.

atráphaxus (Gr), kind of plant: ORACH.

augê (4-8) (Gr), pl. 'rays of sunlight, sunlight, light': AUGITE.

aulê (4-8) (Gr) 'courtyard': AULIC. G Aula. F aulique.

aulós (Gr) 'hollow tube, pipe, flute' (*aulo-): CAROL, HYDRAULIC. F hydraulique.

aúrâ (Gr) 'breeze, breath,' rel. to aêr (2-8): AURA.

austêrós (Gr) 'dry,' in a metaphorical sense, i.e. 'hard, bitter, harsh, rough, austere' (*saus-): AUSTERE.

authentikós (Gr) 'authentic,' referring to a contract or document that is authoritative, der. of authéntês 'person responsible, perpetrator,' hence 'master' and derived senses of power and authority: AUTHENTIC. G authentisch. F authentique.

autós (Gr) 'self, same': AUTISM, AUTO-, AUTOMATIC. G auto-. F auto-.

aúxein (Gr) 'to increase, grow' (*aug-1): AUXO-, AUXESIS, AUXIN.

áxios (Gr) 'weighing as much' (via 'drive or push down the scale'), 'of like value, valuable, fairly priced' (*ag-): AXIOLOGY, AXIOM, CHRONAXY. G Axiom. F axiome.

áxôn (Gr) 'axle, axis' (*aks-): AXON.

azaléos (Gr) 'dry' (*as-): AZALEA. G Azalee. F azalée.

ázesthai (Gr) 'to be dried out, dry out' (*as-): ZAMIA.

baínein (Gr) 'to walk, start moving' in bêma 'step, raised platform' (*gwâ-): ACROBAT, ADIABATIC, AMPHISBAENA, ANABAENA, BASE, BASIS, BEMA, DIABASE, DIABETES, STEREOBATE, STYLOBATE. G Akrobat, Base, Basis. F acrobate.


baktêría (Gr) 'stick, staff' (*bak-): BACTERIA. G Bakterie.

balaneús (Gr) 'bath boy,' hence balaneion (7-5) 'public bath, bathing room': BAGNIO, BAIGNOIRE, BALNEAL. G Balneologie, Balneotherapie.

bálanos (Gr) 'acorn, date,' also referring to various other fruits (*gwelª-2): MYROBALAN, VALONIA.

balaústion (Gr) 'blossom of the wild pomengranate,' hence 'part of a pillar resembling the calyx of the pomengranate': BALUSTER, BALUSTRADE, BANISTER.

bállein (Gr) 'to reach, throw' in bolê (4-8) 'act of throwing a lance, beam, ray' in bélemnon, kind of double-edged weapon in ballízein 'to throw things,' as at a carneval, hence 'to dance' (*gwelª-1): AMPHIBOLE, BALL, BALLAD, BALLET, BALLISTA, BAYADERE, BELEMNITE, BOLO-, CATABOLISM, DEVIL, DIABOLIC, DISCOBOLOUS, EBLIS, ECBOLIC, EMBLEM, EPIBOLY, HYPERBOLA, HYPERBOLE, METABOLISM, PALAVER, PARABLE, PAARABOLA, PARLEY, PARLIAMENT, PARLOR, PAROL, PAROLE, PROBLEM, SYMBOL. G Ball, Ballade, Ballett, ballistisch, diabolisch, Emblem, Embolie, Parabel, parlieren, Parlament, Palaver, Parole, Polier, Problem, Symbol, Teufel.

báptein (Gr) 'to dip in liquid': ANABAPTIST, BAPTIST, BAPTIZE. G Anabaptisten, Baptisten.

bárbaros (Gr) 'barbaric, foreign' (*baba-): BARBARA, BARBARIAN, BARBARISM, BARBAROUS, BRAVE, BRAVO, BRAVURA, BRAW. G Barbar, brav, bravo, Bravour.

barús (Gr) 'heavy,' referring to sound 'deep' in báros 'weight, burden' (*gwerª-2): BAR, BARITE, BARITONE, BARIUM, BARO-, BAROMETER, BARYON, BARYSPHERE, BARYTA, BARYTES, CENTROBARIC, ISALLOBAR, ISOBAR. G Bar, Bariton, baro-, Barometer.

básanos (Gr) 'touchstone' (prob. < Egyptian): BASALT. G Basalt.

basileús (Gr) 'king': BASIL, BASILIC, BASILICA, BASILISK. G Basilisk, Basilika.

bathús (Gr) 'deep,' hence bénthos 'depth of the sea': BATHETIC, BATHOS, BENTHOS.

bátrakhos (Gr) 'frog': BATRACHIAN.

bdéllion (Gr) 'bdelium': BDELIUM.

belónê (Gr) 'needle' (*gwel-1): BELONEPHOBIA, BELONOID.

bêrullos (2-8) (Gr) 'beryl': BERYL. B Beryllium.

bibrôskein (5-8) (Gr) 'to devour, eat' in broma (3-5) 'fodder, food' (*gwerª-4): THEOBROMINE.

bikos (2-5) (Gr) 'drinking jar or cup': BEAKER, PITCHER. G Becher.

bíos (Gr) 'way or means of living' (*gwei-): AEROBE, AMPHIBIOUS, ANABIOSIS, BIO-, BIOTA, BIOTIC, CENOBITE, MICROBE, RHIZOBIUM, SAPROBE, SYMBIOSIS. G bio-, Biograph, Biologie.

blasphêmein (10-5) (Gr) 'to insult, slander, speak ill of someone' (with blas- perhaps rel. to blábos 'harm' + *bhâ-2): BLAME, BLASPHEME, BLASPHEMOUS. G Blamage, blamabel, blamieren, Blasphemie.

blastánein (Gr) 'to sprout, grow': -BLAST, BLASTEMA, BLASTO-, BLASTULA. G Blastula.

blépharon (Gr), usually pl. bléphara 'eyelids,' also 'eyes': BLEPHAR-, BLEPHARITIS.

blíton (Gr) 'strawberry blite': BLITE.

bolbós (Gr) 'bulb of a plant, bulbous root': BULB, BULBOUS.

bolís (Gr) 'a throw, throw of the dice, die': BOLIDE.

bolos (2-5) (Gr) 'lump or clod of earth': BOMB, BOMBARD, BOMBARDIER. G bombardieren, Bombe.

bómbux (Gr) 'silkworm, silk garment': BOMBAST, BOMBAZINE. G Wams.

Boréâs (Gr) 'the north wind, Boreas, the north,' perhaps rel. to second element in Huperbóreoi: AURORA, BOREALIS, BOREAL, BOREAS.

bóskein (Gr) 'to feed,' hence botánê 'fodder, grass': BOTANICAL, BOTANY, PROBOSCIS. G Botanik.

bóthros (Gr) 'pit, trench, hole (in the ground)': BOTHRIUM.

bótrus (Gr) 'bunch of fruit, bunch of grapes': BOTRYO-, BOTRYOIDAL.

boubôn (5-8) (Gr) 'groin, pubis, swollen pubic gland' (*beu-1): BUBO, BUBONIC.

boukólos (Gr) 'herdsman, cowherd (bous (3-5) + *kwel-1): BUCOLIC.

boúlesthai (Gr) 'to want, desire' in boulê (5-8) 'will, decision, plan, advice' (*gwelª-1): ABULIA, BOULE.


bradús (Gr) 'slow': BRADY-.

brágkhos (Gr) 'hoarse, hoarseness,' pl. brágkhia 'gills': BRANCHIA, BRANCHIO-.

brakhíôn (Gr) 'arm,' particularly 'upper arm,' orig. prob. comparative of brakhús, i.e. 'shorter part of the arm,' whence L brâccium 'arm' (*mregh-u-): BRACE, BRACELET, BRACERO, BRACHIUM, BRACHY-, BRASSARD, BRASSIERE, EMBRACE, PRETZEL, VAMBRACE. G Brachialgewalt, Bratsche, Brezel. It abbracciare, braccia, bracciale, bracciatello, braccio, bracciuolo. F bracelet, bras, brasse, embrasser. Sp abrazar, braza, brazal, brazo, brazuelo. Pg abraçcar, braça, braçal, braço.

brakhús (Gr) 'short' (*mregh-u-): AMPHIBRACH, BRACHY-, TRIBRACH.

brekhein (Gr) 'to wet, flood, fill with water': EMBROCATE.

brékhmos (Gr), Attic-Ionic brégma 'top part of the head' (*mregh-mno-): BREGMA.

brémein (Gr) 'to roar' (of the sea, wind, etc.), hence brontê (6-8) 'thunder' and bromos (3-5) 'oats' (reputed to ward off thunderbolts): BROME, BRONTOSAUR, ISOBRANT.

brógkhos (Gr) 'windpipe, throat' (*gwerª-4): BRONCHIAL, BRONCHO-, BRONCHIAL. G Bronchien.

bromos (3-5) (Gr) 'stench, rottenness': BROMIDE, BROMINE. G Brom.

brotós (Gr) 'mortal man' (*mer-4): AMBROSIA.

brúein (Gr) 'to swell, grow': EMBRYO. G Embryo.

búblos, bíblos (Gr) 'Egyptian papyrus, papyrus': BIBLE, BIBLIO-. G Bibel, biblio-, Fibel.

búrsa (Gr) 'skin stripped from an animal, hide': BOLSON, BOURSE, BURSA, BURSAR, BURSE, DISBURSE, PURSE, REIMBURSE, SPORRAN. G Börse, Bursche.

bussós (Gr) 'bottom of the sea': ABYSM, ABYSMAL, ABYSS. G Abyssal. It abisso. F abîme, abîmer. Sp abismar, abismo. Pg abismo.

bússos (Gr), kind of ancient linen cloth: BYSSUS.

clufu (OE) 'clove (of garlic)' (*gleubh-): CLOVE. Cf. G Knoblauch.glúphein (Gr) 'to carve' (*gleubh-): ANAGLYPH, GLYPH, GLYPTIC, HIEROGLYPHIC. G Glypte, Hieroglyphe.

daíesthai (Gr) 'to divide' (*dâ-): GEODESY, GEODETIC.

daímôn (Gr) 'divine power, god, destiny' (*dâ-): DEMON, EUDEMONIA, PANDEMONIUM. G Dämon.

dáktulos (Gr) 'finger,' as a measure of breadth 'width of a finger,' in metrics (Gr) 'dactyl': DACTYL, DACTYLO-, DATE. G daktylie, Daktyloskopie, Dattel.

daman (4-5) (Gr) 'to overpower, tame, subdue' (*demª-2): ADAMANT, DIAMOND. G Diamant.

Damaskós (Gr), Semitic name: DAMASCENE, DAMASCUS, DAMASK, DAMSON. G Damast.

dáphnê (Gr) 'laurel': DAPHNE.

dasús (Gr) 'rough, shaggy, hairy' (*dens-2): DASYURE.

deídein (Gr) 'to fear' in Deimos (3-5) 'Fright, Terror,' personified as a demon in deinós 'terrible,' hence 'powerful, extraordinary' (*dwei-): DEIMOS, DINO-, DINOSAUR, DINOTHERE.

deiknúnai (Gr) 'to show' (*deik-): APODICTIC, DEICTIC, PARADIGM, POLICY. G Police.

dein (3-5) (Gr) 'to bind': ANADEM, ASYNDETON, DESMID, DIADEM, PLASMODESMA, SYNDETIC, SYNDESMOSIS. G Asyndeton, Diadem, Polysndeton.

dein (3-5) (Gr) 'to lack, be inferior,' hence dei (3-5), impersonal verb meaning 'one must, one ought': DEONTOLOGY.

déka (Gr) 'ten' (*dekm): DEAN, DECA-, DECADE, DECANAL, DODECAGON, DOYEN. G deka-, Dekan.

dékhesthai (Gr) 'to receive, welcome, accept,' hence (via a sense 'that which receives the weight') dokós 'beam, support' (*dek-1): DIPLODOCUS, PANDECT, SYNECHDOCHE.

dêleisthai (5-5) (Gr) 'to harm, injure, destroy': DELETERIOUS.

delos (2-5) (Gr) 'visible, conspicuous, clear' (*deiw-): PSYCHODELIC.

delphís (Gr) 'dolphin' (*gwelbh-): DAUPHIN, DELPHINIUM, DOLPHIN. G Delphin.

délta (Gr), fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, also referring to something shaped like the letter: DELTA, DELTOID. G Delta.

Dêmêtêr (4-8) (Gr), name of the goddess of fertility, 'Demeter' (*mâter-): DEMETER.

demos (2-5) (Gr) 'country, land, people of a country, the common people' (*dâ-): DEME, DEMOS, DEMOTIC, DEMAGOGUE, DEMIURGE, DEMOCRACY, DEMOPHOBIA, ENDEMIC, EPIDEMIC, PANDEMIC. G Demagogue, demo-, Demokratie, Epidemie.

déndreon (Gr), Attic déndron 'tree' (*deru): DENDRO-, PHILODENDRON, RHODODENDRON.

dérein (Gr) 'to skin, flay,' hence dérma 'animal or human skin, hide' and dérris 'leather covering' (*der-2): DERMA, -DERM, -DERMA, DERMATO-, DERRIS, EPIDERMIS.

dérkesthai (Gr) 'to see, look at' in drákôn 'serpent' (because of its fixed stare): DRAGON, DRAGOON, DRAKE, ESTRAGON, PENDRAGON, RANKLE, TARRAGON. G Drache, Dragoner, Drakonisch.

despótês (Gr) 'head of the household or family, despot' (*demª-1 + *poti-): DESPOT. G Despot.

despótês (Gr) 'head of the household or family, despot' (*demª-1 + *poti-): DESPOT. G Despot.

deúteros (Gr) 'second, next': DEUTERIUM, DEUTERO-. G Deuterium, Deuteron.

diá (Gr) 'through,' hence 'across, completely,' etc.: DI- DIA-.

diaínein (Gr) 'to wet, moisten': ADIANTUM.

díaita (Gr) 'way of living,' hence 'regime prescribed by a doctor' (diá + *ai-1): DIET. G Diät. F diète.

diâkonos (3-8) (Gr) 'servant, messenger, servant in a temple, deacon' (diá + *ken-1): DEACON. G Dekan, Diakon.

didáskein (Gr) 'to teach, inform': DIDACHE, DIDACTIC. G Autodidakt, didaktisch, Didaktik.

didónai (Gr) 'to give, offer' in dôron (2-8) 'gift' (*dô-): ANECDOTE, ANTIDOTE, APODOSIS, DOROTHY, DOSE, EPIDOTE, THEODORE. G Anekdote, Dosis.

dídumos (Gr) 'double, twin,' hence 'testicles' (*dwo-): DIDYMIUM, DIDYMOUS, EPIDIDYMOUS, TETRADYMITE.

díkê (Gr) 'rule, custom,' hence (Gr) 'justice' (*deik-): DICAST, EURYDICE, SYNDIC, THEODICY.

dikein (5-5) (Gr) 'to throw, raise' (*deik-): DAIS, DESK, DISH, DISK, DISCUS. G Diskotheque, Diskus, Tisch.

díktamnon (Gr) 'dittany,' perhaps from Díktê, mountain in Crete where the plant grows: DITTANY.

dînê (2-8) (Gr) 'whirlwind, rotation, rapid circular movement' in dínein 'to beat grain, thresh': DINOFLAGELLATE.

diphthéra (Gr) 'dressed hide, fur, leather' (*deph-): DIPHTHERIA.

diplóos (Gr) 'twofold, double' (*dwo- + *pel-3): ANADIPLOSIS, DIPLO-, DIPLOE, DIPLOMA, DIPLOMATIC. G Diplom, Diplomat.

diplóos (Gr) 'twofold, double' (*dwo- + *pel-3): ANADIPLOSIS, DIPLO-, DIPLOE, DIPLOMA, DIPLOMATIC.

dípsa, dípsos (Gr) 'thirst': DIPSAS, DIPSOMANIA.

dís, di- (Gr) 'twice' in díkha 'in two' (*dwo-): DI-, DICHASIUM, DICHO-. G di-.

dîthúrambos (Gr), name of a choral song or chant dedicated to Dionysus, 'dithyramb': DITHYRAMB.

dokein (5-5) (Gr) 'to think, admit,' impersonally 'to seem, be reputed to be' hence dóxa 'expectation, opinion, opinion of others, (good) reputation, glory,' in the Bible 'manifestation of the glory and splendor of God' (*dek-1): DOCETISM, DOGMA, DOGMATIC, DOXOLOGY, HETERODOX, ORTHODOX, PARADOX. G Dogma, orthodox, paradox.

dolikhós (Gr) 'long': DOLICOCEPHALIC. G Dolichokolie.

dólos (Gr), perhaps orig. 'fish bait,' hence 'trick, ruse': DOLERITE.

dómos (Gr) 'house,' hence éndon 'within' (*en): ENDO-. G endo-.

doulos (3-5) (Gr) 'slave': HIERODULE.

dramein (6-5) (Gr) 'run, race,' suppletive aorist of trákhein, hence drómos 'race, place for running, track, covered colonnade, gymnasium, road' and dromás 'running,' in LGr 'swift camel, dromedary' (*der-1): ANADROMOUS, -DROME, DROMEDARY, DROMOND, -DROMOUS, LOXODROMIC, PALINDROME, PRODROME, SYNDROME. G Dromedar, Prodrom, Syndrom.

dran (3-5) (Gr) 'to do, act': DRAMA, DRASTIC. G Drama, drastisch.

drássesthai (Gr) 'to seize, grab': DRACHMA.

drilos (3-5), prob. orig. (Gr) 'worm,' hence 'rod': CROCODILE. G Krokodil.

drus (3-5) (Gr) 'tree, oak tree' (*deru): DRYAD, GERMANDER, HAMADRYAD.

dúein (Gr) 'to enter into, cause to enter': ADYTUM, ENDYMION.

dúnasthai (Gr) 'to be able': AERODYNE, DYNAMIC, DYNAMITE, DYNAMO-, DYNAST, DYNASTY. G dynamisch, Dynamit, Dynamo, Dynastie.

dúo, dúô (Gr) 'two' (*dwo-): DODECAGON, DUAD, DYAD, HENDIADYS.

dus- (Gr), pejorative or privative prefix: DYS-. G dys-.

éar, er (1-5) (Gr) 'spring': ERYNGO.

édaphos (Gr) 'bottom, foundation, soil' (*sed-1): EDAPHIC.

egeírein (Gr) 'to awaken, rouse, stir up': GREGORY.

eidos (2-5) (Gr) 'form, shape, figure' (*weid-): EIDETIC, EIDOLON, IDOCRASE, IDOL, IDYLL, KALEIDOSCOPE, -ODE, -OID. G Idol, Idyll.

eíkosi (Gr) 'twenty' (wîkmtî): ICOSAHEDRON.

eilein (Gr) 'to (cause to) turn, roll' (*wel-3): ILEUS, NEURILEMMA.

eilúein (Gr) 'to envelop, be enveloped, be covered' in élutron 'box, case, sheath, cover' (*wel-3): ELYTRON.

einai (2-5) (Gr) 'to be' (*es-): BIONT, HETEROOUSIAN, HOMOIOUSIAN, ONTO-, SCHIZONT.

eírein (Gr) 'to say, state' in rhema (3-5) 'word, command, formula, phrase,' hence 'verb' in rhêtôr (3-8) 'public speaker'(*wer-6): IRONY, RHEMATIC, RHEME, RHETOR, RHETORIC. G Rhetorik, rhetorisch.

eirênê (4-8) (Gr) 'peace': IRENIC, IRENICON, IRENICS.

eis, es (Gr) 'in, into, toward, considering' in ésô 'within' (*en): EPISODE, ESOTERIC. G Episode.

eka (1-5) (Gr) 'slightly, slowly, gently, a little' in hêssôn (2-8) 'less, more weakly': ESSONITE.

êkhê (4-8) (Gr) 'sound, noise' in êkhô (4-8) 'echo' (*swâgh-): CATECHIZE, ECHO. G Echo, Katechismus.

ékhein (Gr) 'to hold, possess, keep, be in a certain condition' in epokhê (6-8) 'halt, cessation' (épi) in skhema (4-5), later skhéma 'form, fiigure, bearing, appearance' in ískhein 'to hold back, suppress, check,' doublet of ékhein (*segh-): CACHEXIA, ECHARD, ENTELECHY, EPOCH, EUNUCH, HECTIC, ISCH-, ISCHEMIA, OPHIUCHUS, SCHEME. G Epoche, Eunuch, hektisch, Schema.

ékhis (Gr) 'snake, viper,' hence (via 'snake-eater') ekhinos (4-5) 'hedgehog, sea urchin' (*angwhi-): ECHIDNA, ECHINO-. Cf. G Egel, Igel. F échidné.

elaíâ (Gr) 'olive tree, olive': ANELE, OIL, -OLE, OLEAGINOUS, OLEASTER, OLEO-, OLIVE, PETROLEUM, UNANELED. G Öl, Olive.

elaúnein (Gr) 'to push, drive, go': ELASMOBRANCH, ELASTIC, ELATER. G Elastin, elastisch.

elégkhein (Gr) 'to shame, scorn, refute': ELENCHUS.

élegos (Gr) 'song of mourning, lament': ELEGY. G Elegie, elegisch.

êlektron (1-8) (Gr) 'amber': ELECTRIC, ELECTRO-, ELECTRODE, ELECTRON. G elektrisch, Elektrode, Elektron.

éleos (Gr) 'mercy': ALMS. Du aalmoes. G Almosen. Norw olmosa, ÝlmÝsu. Sw almosa. It limosina. F aumône.

eléphâs (Gr) 'elephant, elephant's tusk, ivory': ELEPHANT. G Elefant, Elfenbein.

emar (1-5) (Gr) 'day,' replaced by Attic-Ionic hêmérâ: EPHEMERAL, HEMERALOPIA.

emein (4-5) (Gr) 'to vomit' (*wemª-): EMETIC.

en (Gr) 'in' in éntera (pl.) 'entrails, intestines, guts' in entós 'within, inside' (*en): DYSENTERY, EN-, ENTERIC, ENTERO-, ENTERON, ENTO-, MESENTERY, PARENCHYMA, PARENTHESIS. G en-.

ennéa (Gr) 'nine' (*newn): ENNEAD.

éoika (Gr), old perfective form of a verb meaning 'to resemble, see,' impersonally 'ít seems,' whence 'it seems good, is fitting' in eikôn (4-8) 'likeness, image' in aikês (4-8) 'unseemly' (a-): AECIUM, ANCONA, ANISEIKONIA, ICON, ICONO-. G Ikone, ikono-.

êpeiros (1-8) (Gr) 'shore, land, mainland': EPEIROGENY. Cf. G Ufer.

épi, epí (Gr) 'on, over, at' (*epi): EPI-. G epi-.

épos (Gr) 'word' (*wekw-): EPIC, EPOS. G Epik, Epos.

érebos (Gr) 'darkness of the underworld, hell': EREBUS.

erékhthein (Gr) 'to break': ERECHTHEUS.

érêmos (Gr) 'solitary, abandoned' (*erª-2): EREMITE, HERMIT. G Eremit.

éresthai (Gr) 'to love, desire' in érôs 'love, desire,' also the name of the god of love, 'Eros': EROGENOUS, EROS, EROTIC. G Erotik, erotisch.


éris (Gr) 'fighting, strife, discord, rivalry': ERIS, ERISTIC.

érkhesthai (Gr) 'to go, come,' whence prosérkhesthai 'to come toward, approach' (prós): PROSELYTE.

erusípelas (Gr) 'disease which causes reddening of the skin, erusípelas (*reudh-1 + -pelas (Gr) 'skin' < *pel-4): ERYSIPELAS.

eruthrós (Gr) 'red' (*reudh-1): ERYTHEMA, ERYTHRO-.

eskhárâ (Gr) 'hearth, brazier,' hence in medical usage 'scab caused by burning': SCAR.

éskhatos (Gr) 'outermost, last' (*eghs): ESCHATOLOGY.

eta (1-5) (Gr), seventh letter of the Greek alphabet: ETA.

êthein (5-5) (Gr) 'to sift, filter': ETHMOID.

éthnos (Gr) 'group,' hence (Gr) 'nation, class, caste' (*swe-): ETHNIC, ETHNO-.

ethos (1-5) (Gr) 'customary behavior, custom, disposition, trait, character,' in pl. (Gr) 'habitat, lair of an animal' (*swe-): CACOETHES, ETHIC, ETHOS. G Ethos.

étos (Gr) 'year' (*wet-2): ETESIAN.

étumos (Gr) 'true, real': ETYMOLOGY, ETYMON. G Etymologie.

eunê (4-8) (Gr) 'place for sleeping, bed': EUNUCH.

Eurôpê (4-8) (Gr), sister of Cadmus, 'Europa,' hence (or perhaps a different word rel. to eurús) the name of the continent: EUROPA, EUROPE.

eurús (Gr) 'wide, broad' (see also Eurôpê (4-8)): ANEURISM, EURY-.

eús, eu- (Gr), neuter and adv. eu (2-5) 'good, brave': EU-. G eu-.

euthenein (8-5) (Gr) 'to flourish, prosper' (eu-, see eús): EUTHENICS.

ex, ek, eg, ekh (Gr) 'out of, from' (*eghs): ECTO-, EX-, EXO-, EXOTERIC, EXOTIC, SYNECHDOCHE. G ekto-, ex-, exo-, exotisch.

gádos (Gr), kind of fish: GADID, GADOID.

gágglion (Gr) 'tumor' (*gel-1): GANGLION

gággraina (Gr) 'gangrene' (*gras-): GANGRENE.

gála (Gr) 'milk' (rel. to L lac): GALACTIC, GALACTO-, GALAXY, POLYGALA. G Galaktit, Galaktose, Galaxis.

galéê (Gr) 'weasel, marten, polecat': GALEA.

gamein (5-5) (Gr) 'to marry' in gámos 'marriage, wedding': BIGAMY, GAMETE, GAMO-, -GAMOUS, -GAMY, GAMOSEPALOUS, POLYGAMY. G Bigamie.

gámma (Gr), third letter of the Greek alphabet: GAMMA, GAMMADION. G Gamma.

gánusthai (Gr) 'to rejoice' (*gâu-): GANOID.

gastêr (5-8) (Gr) 'stomach, belly' (*gras-): EPIGASTRIUM, GASTRIC, GASTRO-, GASTRULA.


génus (Gr) 'jaw' (*genu-2): GENIAL.

géranos (Gr) 'crane' (*gerª-2): GERANIUM. G Geranie.

geras (2-5) (Gr), Attic gêrôs (2-8) 'old age' (*gerª-1): AGERATUM, CALOYER, GERIATRICS.

gérôn (Gr) 'old man' (*gerª-1): GERONTO-.

Gígas (Gr), mythical giant of a race supposedly born of Gaea: GIANT, GIGA-, GIGANTES, GIGANTIC, GIGANTOMACHY. G Gigant.

gígnesthai (Gr) 'to be born, become' in gónos 'child, offspring, procreation, sperm, seed' (*genª-): ARCHEGONIUM, EPIGENE, -GEN, GENEALOGY, GENESIS, -GENESIS, GENOCIDE, -GENY, EPIGONE, GONAD, -GONIUM, GONO-. G autogen, Epigone.

gignôskein (5-8) (Gr) 'to learn, recognize, discern, understand' (*gnô-): DIAGNOSIS, GNOME, GNOMON, GNOSIS, PHYSIOGNOMY, PROGNOSIS. G Diagnose, Prognose.

glaukós (Gr), prob. 'light blue,' referring to the sea, eyes: GLAUCOUS.

glênê (3-8) (Gr) 'pupil of the eye, eyeball,' hence 'doll' (*gel-2)from the small image reflected in the pupil of the eye; compare the inverse sense connection in kórê: EUGLENA.

gloiós, gliá (Gr) 'glutlen, gum, glue' (*gel-1): GLIADIN, MESOGLEA, NEUROGLIA, ZOOGLOEA.

glokhes (3-5) (Gr), pl. 'beard of grain' in glôkhîs (6-8), glôkhîn (6-8) 'point, barb of an arrow' in glossa (3-5) 'tongue, language': BUGLOSS, GLOCHIDIUM, GLOSS, GLOSSARY, GLOSSOLALIA, GLOTTIS, ISOGLOSS, POLYGLOT, PROGLOTTID. G Glossarium, Glosse, glossieren, Glottis, polyglott.

gloutós (Gr) 'buttock, rump' (*gel-1): GLUTEUS

glukús (Gr) 'sweet' in glukerós 'sweet,' doublet of glukús in gleukos (4-5) 'must, sweet wine' (*dlk-u-): GLUCOSE, GLYCERIN.

gnáthos (Gr) 'jaw' (*genu-2): CHAETOGNATH, GNATHIC, -GNATHOUS.

góggros (Gr) 'conger, sea-eel': CONGER.

gómphos (Gr) 'peg' (*gembh-): GOMPHOSIS.



gráphein (Gr) 'to scratch, trace, draw, write' (*gerbh-), hence grámma (Gr) 'sketch, letter, writing, document, written law' and grammê (6-8) (Gr) 'stroke of a pen, line': AGRAPHA, AGRAPHIA, AUTOGRAPH, DIAGRAM, EPIGRAM, EPIGRAPH, GLAMOUR, GRAFFITO, GRAMM, -GRAM, GRAMMAR, GRAPH, -GRAPH, -GRAPHER, GRAPHIC, GRAPHITE, -GRAPHY, ICONOGRAPHY, PARAGRAPH, PROGRAM, PSEUDEPIGRAPHA, TETRAGRAMMATON, TOPOGRAPHY. G Autogramm, -gramm, -graph, Graphik, Graphit, Graphologe, -graphie, Programm.

gripos (3-5) (Gr), griphos (3-5) 'fishing basket, creel, anything intricate, riddle': LOGOGRIPH.

gumnós (Gr) 'naked' (*nogw-): GYMNASIUM, GYMNOSOPHIST. G Gymnasium, Gymnastik.


gúpsos (Gr) 'gypsum, lime, plaster, chalk': GESSO, GYPSEOUS, GYPSUM. G Gips.

guros (2-5) (Gr) 'ring, circle': AUTOGIRO, GYRE, GYRO-. G Giro, Gyroskop.

ha-, a- (Gr) 'together' (*sem-1): ANACOLUTHON.

hadrós (Gr) 'thick, stout' (*sâ-): HADRON, HADROSAUR.

Háidês (Gr), Attic Aidês (3-8,10) 'the underworld, Hades': HADES.

haima (3-5) (Gr) 'blood': ANEMIA, HEMA-, HEMO-, HEMATO-. G anämie, Häma-, Hämo-.

hairein (6-5) (Gr) 'to take, grasp, take away, seize, convince, cause to be condemned, choose': APHAERESIS, HERESY, HERETIC, SYNERESIS. G Aphärese, Diärese, Häresie, Häretiker.

hállesthai (Gr) 'to jump' (*sel-4): HALTER. G Halma.

háls (Gr) 'salt, sea' (*sal-1): HALO-, HALOID. G Halogene.

háma (Gr) 'together with, at the same time' (*sem-1): HAMADRYAD.

haplóos (Gr), Attic haplous (6-5) 'single, simple' (*sem-1 + *pel-3): HAPLO-, HAPLOID.

háptein (Gr) 'to fasten, connect, join, fit': APSE, APSIS, SYNAPSE. G Apside, Apsis, haptisch, paraphieren, Synapse.

hárpê (Gr) 'sickle, small hook' (*serp-1): HARPOON.

Hárpuia (Gr), name of a female demon personifying violent windstorms, 'Harpy': HARPY.

házesthai (Gr) 'to enjoy, 'to have a respectful fear of, be in awe of,' often in a religious sense in hágios 'holy, sacred' in hagnós 'sacred, pure, unbloodied, chaste': AGNES, HAGIO-. G Agnes, Hagio-, Hagia Sophia.

hêbê (2-8) (Gr) 'youth, vigor, puberty': EPHEBE, HEBE, HEBEPHRENIA.

hedesthai (2-5) (Gr) 'to enjoy' in hêdonê (6-8) 'pleasure' in edos (1-5) 'pleasure' (*swâd-): AEDES, HEDONIC.

hêgeisthai (5-5) (Gr) 'to walk in front, lead, guide,' later 'to consider, have the opinion, think' (*sâg-): EXEGESIS, HEGEMONY, HEGUMEN. G Hegemonie.

heis (3-5) (Gr), neuter hén 'one'(*sem-1): HENDECASYLLABIC, HENDIADYS, HENOTHEISM.

hekatón (Gr) 'hundred' (*sem-1 + *dekm), hence hekatómbê (hekatón + *gwou-), prob. orig. 'sacrifice of a hundred oxen,' then referring to various kinds of large sacrifices: HECATOMB, HECTO.

hekatón (Gr) 'hundred' (*sem-1 + *dekm): HECTO-. G Hektar, hekto-. In the compound hekatómbê, prob. orig. 'sacrifice of a hundred oxen,' then referring to various kinds of large sacrifices (hekatón + *gwou-): HECATOMB.

hekatón (Gr) 'hundred' in hekatómbê, prob. orig. 'sacrifice of a hundred oxen,' then referring to various kinds of large sacrifices (*sem-1 + *dekm): HECTO-, HECATOMB. G hekto-.

Héktôr (Gr), son of Priam and Hecuba, 'Hector': HECTOR.

Helénê (Gr), daughter of Zeus and Leda, 'Helen': HELEN.

helénion (Gr) 'elecampane': ELECAMPANE, INULIN. G Alant.

hélix (Gr) 'spiral' (*wel-3): HELIX.

helléboros (Gr) 'hellebore,' perhaps orig. "plant eaten by fawns" < hellos (Gr) 'fawn' (*el-2) + combining form of bibrôskein (5-8) (Gr) 'to eat' (*gwerª-4): HELLEBORE.

helléboros (Gr) 'hellebore,' perhaps orig. 'plant eaten by fawns' < hellos 'fawn' (*el-2) + combining form of bibrôskein (5-8) 'to eat' (*gwerª-4): HELLEBORE.

hélmis, reformed as hémins 'intestinal worm' (*wel-3): ANTHELMINTIC, HELMINTH, PLATYHELMINH.

helos (2-5) (Gr) 'head of a nail, nail' (*walso-): MYCELIUM.

hêmi- (Gr) 'half' (*sêmi-): HEMI-. G hemi-.

hennúnai (Gr) 'to clothe' (*wes-4): HIMATION.

héôs (Gr), Ionic êôs (2-8) 'dawn, morning' (prob. *aus-1): EO-, EOS, EOSIN. F éocène.

hepar (2-5) (Gr) 'liver': HEPARIN, HEPATIC, HEPATITIS, HEPATOGENIC. G Heparin, Hepatitis, hepatogen.

heptá (Gr) 'seven' (*septm): -HEBDOMAD, HEPTA-, HEPTAD.

hermêneús (Gr) 'interpreter' of a foreign language or in general: HERMENEUTICS.

hêrôs (2-8) (Gr) 'half-god, local god, hero': HERO. G heroisch, heroisieren.

hésperos (Gr) 'evening, evening star,' as adj. 'concerning or in the evening, western' (*wes-pero-): HESPERIA.

hetairos (5-5) (Gr) 'companion' (*swe-): HETAERA.

héteros (Gr) 'one of two, other' (*sem-1): HETERO-.

heúein (Gr) 'to grill, burn, singe,' whence perhaps Euros (2-5) (Gr) 'the southeast wind': EURUS.

heurískein (Gr) 'to find, discover, invent': EUREKA, HEURISTIC. G Heuristik.

héx (Gr) 'six' (*sweks): HEXA-, HEXAD. G Samt.

hézesthai, hízein (Gr) 'to sit, sit down' in hédrâ 'place to sit, seat' (*sed-1): CATHEDRA, CHAIR, EPHEDRINE, EXEDRA, -HEDRON, SANHEDRIN, SYNIZESIS, TETRAHEDRON.

híbiskos (Gr) 'marsh mallow' (prob. < L hibuscus < Celtic): HIBISCUS.

hidrôs (5-8) (Gr) 'sweat' (*sweid-2): HIDROSIS.

hiénai (Gr) 'to send, throw, emit a sound' (*yê-): CATHETER, DIESIS, ENEMA, PARESIS, SYNESIS.

hierós (Gr) 'holy' (*eis-1): HIERATIC, HIERO-, JEROME.

hiláskesthai (Gr) 'to try to make (a god) favorable, appease' in hilarós 'gay, cheerful': EXHILARATE, HILARITY.


histánai (Gr) 'to set, place, stand' in stásis 'action or place of standing, stability, position' in -státês, -statós 'one that causes to stand, a standing' in statós 'placed, standing, immobile'(*stâ-): APOSTASY, AEROSTAT, ASTASIA, ASTATINE, CATASTASIS, DIASTASIS, ECSTASY, ENSTATITE, EPISTASIS, EPISTEMOLOGY, HELIOSTAT, METASTASIS, PROSTATE, STASIS, -STASIS, -STASY, -STAT, STATIC, STATO-, SYSTEM. G Ekstase, System.

hístôr (Gr) 'one who knows from experience, wise or learned man' (*weid-): HISTORY, POLYHISTOR, STORY. Cf. oida (2-5), old perfect form of a verb meaning 'to know.'

histós (Gr) 'something standing upright,' hence 'beam of a loom (which stood upright), loom, something weaved, web, tissue' (*stâ-): HISTO-, HISTOLOGY.

ho (Gr), masc. sg. nominative of definite article: HOI_POLLOI.

hodós (Gr) 'road, route, way, journey,' metaphorically 'method, means': ANODE, CATHODE, EPISODE, EXODUS, HODOGRAPH, METHOD, -ODE, ODOGRAPH, ODOMETER, PERIOD, STOMODEUM, SYNOD. G Anode, Episode, Exodus, Kathode, Methode, Periode, Synode.

hólos (Gr) 'whole, entire' (*sol-): CATHOLIC, HOLO-. G holo-, katholisch.

holothoúrion (Gr), kind of zoophyte: HOLOTHURIAN.

homós (Gr) 'same' in homalós 'like, even, level' in homou (5-5) 'together' (*sem-1): ANOMALOUS, HOMEO-, HOMILY, HOMO-, HOMOLOGRAPHIC, HOMOLOSINE. G homo-.

hóplon (Gr), pl. hópla 'tools, armor, weapons, rigging of a whip': HOPLITE, PANOPLY.

hopós (Gr) 'juice or sap of a plant' in ópion 'juice of the poppy, opium': OPIUM. G Opium.

hôra (2-8) (Gr) 'recurring period of time, season, time of day, hour' (*yêr-): ENCORE, HOROSCOPE, HOUR. G Horoskop, Uhr.

horan (4-5) (Gr) 'to see, look at, contemplate' in ouros (2-5) 'guardian, protector' (*wer-4): ARCTURUS, EPHOR, PANORAMA.

hórkos (Gr) 'oath': EXORCISE. G Exorzismus.

hóros (Gr) 'boundary, limit': AORIST, APHORISM, HORIZON, HORIZONTAL. G Aphorismus, Horizont.

hu (2-5) (Gr), twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet: HYOID, UPSILON.

húalos (Gr) 'transparent material, albaster, yellow amber, glass': HYALINE, HYALITE, HYALO-, HYALOID, HYALOPLASM.

húbris (Gr) 'unjust violence provoked by passion, violence, outrage, excess' (*ud-): HUBRIS.

húdôr (Gr) 'water,' hence húdra, a many-headed monster, 'Hydra,' and húdros 'water serpent' (*wed-1): ANHYDROUS, CLEPSYDRA, DROPSY, HYDRA, HYATID, HYDRANT, HYDRO-, HYDROUS, UTRICLE.

huetós (Gr) 'rain': HYETO-, ISOHYET.

hugiês (5-8) (Gr) 'healthy' (*su- + *gwei-): HYGEIA, HYGIENE. G Hygiene.

hugrós (Gr) 'wet, liquid' (*wegw-): HYGRO-.

húlê (Gr) 'wood, forest, brushwood, firewood, timber, stuff, matter': HYLO-, HYLOZOISM, METHYLENE. G Hylozoismus.

humên (4-8) (Gr) 'thin skin, membrane' (*syû-): HYMEN. G Hymne.

húmnos (Gr) 'song, hymn, ode,' esp. in praise of the gods: HYMN. G Hymne, Hymnus.

húper, hupér (Gr) 'over, beyond, for the defense of, instead of, concerning' (*uper): HYPER-.

huperbóreoi (Gr), name of an imaginary people, 'Hyperboreans' (perhaps < hupér + Boréâs): HYPERBOREAN.

huphaínein (Gr) 'to weave'in huphê (5-8) 'web' (*webh-): HYPHA.

húpnos (Gr) 'sleep' (*swep-1): HYPNO-, HYPNOS, HYPNOSIS, HYPNOTIC.

hupó (Gr) 'under, under the power or influence of' (*upo): HYPO-. G hypo-.

húpsi (Gr) 'on high' in húpsos 'height, top' (*upo): HYPSI-, HYPSO-.

húrax (Gr) 'shrew mouse': HYRAX.

hus (2-5) (Gr) 'swine' (*sû-): HYENA, HYOSCINE. G Hyäne.

hússôpos, húsôpos (Gr), perhaps a kind of wild marjoram, 'hyssop': HYSSOP.

hustéra (Gr) 'womb, uterus' (*udero-): HYSTERIC, HYSTERO-.

hústeros (Gr) 'that which is behind, after, late,' sometimes 'too late, inferior' (*ud-): HYSTERESIS, HYSTERON.

íambos (Gr), kind of metrical foot or verse so characterized: IAMBIC, IAMBUS.

íaspis (Gr) 'jasper': JASPER.

iasthai (2-5) (Gr) 'to treat medically, heal, cure': IATRIC, IATRO-, IATROGENIC, -IATRY. G Arznei, Arzt.

idéa (Gr) 'appearance, form, model, idea' (*weid-): IDEA, IDEAL, IDEO-. G ideal, Idee, ideel.

ídios (Gr) 'personal, private, peculiar, separate' (*swe-): IDIO-, IDIOM, IDIOT. G idio-, Idiom, Idiot.

iénai (Gr) 'to go' (*ei-1): ANION, CATION, DYSPROSIUM, ION. G Ion.

Iérnê (Gr) 'Ireland': HIBERNIA.

íkhnos (Gr) 'track, footstep': ICHNEUMON, ICHNITE.

îkhôr (1-8) (Gr) 'etherial fluid in the veins of the gods, ichor': ICHOR.

ikhthus (6-5) (Gr) 'fish': ICHTHYO-.

íkteros (Gr) 'jaundice': ICTERIC, ICTERUS. G Ikterus.

ílê (Gr) 'troop, crowd': HOMILY.

ináein, inein (4-5) (Gr) 'to excrete': PERINEUM.

ínnos (Gr), late variant of gínnos 'hinny': HINNY.

íon (Gr) 'violet': IODINE.

iota (2-5) (Gr), ninth letter of the Greek alphabet: IOTA, IOTACISM, JOT, JOTTING. G Jota.

Iris (1-5), goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods, (Gr) 'Iris,' also (Gr) 'rainbow, halo, the plant iris' (prob *wei-1): IRS, IRIS.

ís (Gr) 'tendon, sinew': INOSITOL.

iskhíon (Gr) 'hip joint': ISCHIADIC, ISCHIATIC, ISCHIUM. G Ischialgie, Ischias.

ísos (Gr) 'equal': ISO-. G iso-.

isthmós (Gr) 'narrow passageway, neck of land, isthmus': ISTHMUS.

iúzein (Gr) 'to shout' (*yu-2): JINX.


kainós (Gr) 'new, fresh' (*ken-3): -CENE, CENOGENESIS, CENOZOIC, KAINITE.

kakós (Gr) 'bad' (*kakka-): CACO-. G kako-.

káktos (Gr) 'cardoon, Spanish artichoke': CACTUS. G Kaktee, Kaktus.

kalamínthê (Gr), kind of herb, 'calamint': CALAMINT.

kálamos (Gr) 'reed' (*kolªm-): CALAMARY, CALAMITE, CALAMUS, CALUMET, CARAMEL, SHAWM. G Karamel.

kálathos (Gr) 'vase-shaped basket, calathus': CALATHUS.

kalein (Gr) 'to call' (*kelª-2): ECCLESIA, PARACLETE.

kalós (Gr) 'beautiful' in kállos 'beauty' (*kal-2): CALLA, CALLI-, CALLISTO, CALOMEL, CALOYER, KALEIDOSCOPE.

kalúptein (Gr) 'to cover, conceal' (*kel-2): APOCALYPSE, CALYPSO, CALYPTRA, EUCALYPTUS. G Eukalyptus.

kálux (Gr) 'covering of flowers or fruit, shell, husk, pod, calyx' (*kal-1): CALYX.

kamára (Gr) 'vault' (*kamer-): BICAMERAL, CABARET, CAMARILLA, CAMERA, CHAMBER, COMRADE. G Kabarett, Kamera, Kamerad. Kammer.

kámêlos (Gr) 'camel': CAMEL. G Kamel.

kámînos (Gr) 'oven, furnace': CHIMNEY. G Kamenate, Kamin.

kámptein (Gr) 'to bend' in kampê (5-8) 'a bending, winding' in kampúlos 'bent': CAMPYLOTROPOUS, GAM, GAMB, GAMBADO, GAMBIT, GAMBOL, GAMBREL, GAMMON, JAMB.

kánna (Gr) 'reed, cane': CANAL, CANE, CANISTER, CANNELON, CANNON, CANYON, CHANNEL, KENNEL. G Kanal, Kanister, Kanon, Kanone, Kanüle, Knaster.

kánnabis (Gr) 'hemp' (*kannabis): CANNABIS, CANVAS.

kanôn (4-8) (Gr) 'straight rod, bar, rule': CANON.

Kánôpos, Kánôbos (Gr), town in lower Egypt: CANOPUS.

kántharos (Gr) 'scarab, dung beetle,' figuratively 'drinking vessel' in kantharís, prob. 'blister fly, Spanish fly': CANTHARIDES, CHANTERELLE.

kanthós (Gr) 'fellow, corner of the eye': CANT, CANTHUS.

káppa (Gr), eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet: KAPPA.

kápparis (Gr), the caper plant': CAPER. G Kaper.

kárâ, kárê (Gr) 'head' (*ker-1): CHARIVARI, CHEER.

kârabos (2-8) (Gr) 'horned beetle, crayfish,' fig. 'light ship': CARAVEL.

kárdamon (Gr) 'cress': CARDAMOM.


karkínos (Gr) 'crab, cancer' (*kar-1): CARCINOGEN, CARCINOMA.

káron (Gr) 'cumin': CARAWAY.

karôtón (Gr) 'carrot (*ker-1): CAROTENE, CARROT. G Karotte.

karoun (5-5) (Gr) 'to fall asleep, stupefy' (*ker-1): CAROTID.

karpós (Gr) 'fruit' (*kerp-): -CARP, CARPEL, CARPO-, -CARPOUS.

karpós (Gr) 'wrist': CARPAL, CARPUS.

káruon (Gr) 'nut, kernel': GILLYFLOWER, KARYO-, SYNKARYON.

kástana (Gr), pl. 'chestnuts': CASTANET, CHESTNUT. G Kastagnette, Kastanie.

káta, katá (Gr) 'conforming to, towards, against, down': CATA-, CATARRH. G kata-, Katarrh.

katharós (Gr) 'pure, clean': CATHARSIS, CATHARTIC, CATHERINE. G Katharer, Katharina, Käthe, Ketzer.

kêdein (2-8) (Gr) 'to wound, injure, afflict' in kedos (2-5) 'care,' hence 'grief' and 'union or relationship by marriage or alliance': ACCIDIE, EPICIDIUM. It accidia. Sp acidia. Pg acidia.

kédros (Gr) 'cedar, juniper': CEDAR.

keírein (Gr) 'to cut, cut off, shear' in kormós 'a trimmed tree trunk' (*sker-1): CORM.

keisthai (3-5) (Gr) 'to lie, be placed, find oneself,' whence koiman (5-5) 'to put to sleep, calm' (*kei-1): AMMOCETE, CEMETERY.

kêlê (2-8) (Gr) 'hump, hernia': -CELE.

kéleuthos (Gr) 'path, way, route, journey': ACOLYTE, ANACOLUTHON.

Keltoí (Gr), pl. 'Celts': CELT.

kenós (Gr) 'empty': CENOTAPH, KENOSIS.

Kéntauroi (Gr), pl. 'Centaurs': CENTAUR.

kentein (6-5) (Gr) 'to prick, pierce' in kestós 'stitched,' said of Aphrodite's girdle, 'girdle, belt': CENTER, CENTRI-, CESTUS, DICENTRA, ECCENTRIC. G exzentrisch, zentral, zentri-, Zentrum.

kephalê (7-8) (Gr) 'head' (*ghebh-el-): CEPHALIC, CEPHALO-, -CEPHALOUS, ENCEPHALO-, HYDROCEPHALOUS.

kéramos (Gr) 'potter's clay, earthenware': CERAMIC. G Keramik.

kerannúnai (Gr) 'to mix' in krasis (3-5) 'mixture' in krâtêr (5-8) 'large vessel for mixing water and wine' (*kerª-): CRASIS, CRATER, IDIOSYNCRACY.


kérasos (Gr) 'cherry tree' (*ker-6): CHERRY, KIRSCH. G Kirsch, Kirschde.


kerux (2-5) (Gr) 'herald': CADUCEUS.

ketos (2-5) (Gr) 'sea monster, Cetacea (whales, dolphins, etc.)': CETACEAN, CETACEOUS, CETANE, CETOLOGY, CETUS.

khaínein (Gr) 'to open, open the mouth, yawn, gape' in khásma 'gulf, chasm, yawning mouth' (*ghâi-): ACHENE, CHASM.

khaírein (Gr) 'to rejoice, delight in': CHERVIL. G Kerbel.

khaítê (Gr) 'long, flowing hair': CHAETA, CHAETOGNATH.

khalan (5-5) (Gr) 'to slacken, let down': CALANDO, CHALONE.

khálaza (Gr) 'hailstone, small cyst or granule': CHALAZA.

khálix (Gr) 'pebble, gravel': CALCIUM, CALCULATE, CALCULUS, CALX, CAUSEWAY, CHALK. G Chalkographie, Chalkolithikum.

khalkêdôn (8-8) (Gr) 'mystical stone, chalcedony': CHALCEDONY.


Khálubes (Gr), pl. 'the Chalybes,' an ancient people of Asia Minor famous for their blacksmiths: CHALYBEATE, CHALYBITE.

khamaí (Gr) 'on the ground' (*dhghem-): CHAMELEON, CHAMOMILE, GERMANDER. G Chamäleon.

kháos (Gr) 'original chaos, infinite space, abyss' (*ghêu-): CHAOS, GAS. G Chaos, Gas.

kharássein (Gr) 'to sharpen, notch, carve, cut' in khárax 'pointed stake': CHARACIN, CHARACTER. G Charakter.

kháris (Gr) 'grace, favor, beauty, glory, recognition, gratitude, joy' (*gher-5): CHARISMA, EUCHARIST. G Charis, Charisma, Eucharistie.

khártês (Gr) 'scroll of papyrus, metal plate, written': CARD, CARTON, CARTOON, CARTOGRAPHY, CARTOUCHE, CARTRIDGE, CARTULARY, CHART, CHARTER. G Karte, Kartei, Kartell, Karto-, Karton, Kartusche, Skat.

khei (4-5) (Gr), later khi (3-5), twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet: CHI, CHIASMA, CHIASMUS, CHIASTOLITE. G Chiasmus.

kheilos (4-5) (Gr) 'lip' (*ghel-unâ): CHILOPOD.

khein (4-5) (Gr) 'to pour, let fall' (*gheu-): CHOANOCYTE, CHYLE, CHYME, ECCHYMOSIS, PARENCHYMA.


khelîdôn (7-8) (Gr) 'swallow' (*ghel-1): CELANDINE.

khêmeíâ (Gr) 'art of transmuting metals': ALCHEMY, CHEMICAL, CHEMIST, CHEMISTRY. G Alchimie, Chemie. It alchimia. F alchemie. Sp alquimia.

khên (3-8) (Gr) 'goose' (*ghans-): CHENOPOD.

khérsos (Gr) 'dry, hard, sterile' (*ghers-): CHERSONESE.

khîlioi (3-8) (Gr) 'thousand' (*gheslo-): CHILIAD, KILO-. G Kilo-.

khímaira (Gr) 'she-goat, goatlike monster' (*ghei-2): CHIMERA.

khitôn (5-8) (Gr) 'tunic': CHITIN, CHITON.

khlamús (Gr) 'short coat worn by horsemen, military cloak': CHLAMYS.

khlóos (Gr) 'green' (*ghel-2): CHLOASMA.

khlôrós (Gr) 'pale green or yellow' (*ghel-2): CHLORAL, CHLORINE, CHLORITE, CHLORO-. G Chlor, chloro-.

khólos (Gr) 'bile' (*ghel-2); kholê (5-8) 'bile, poison, anger': CHOLE-, CHOLER, CHOLERA, MELANCHOLY. G Cholera, cholerisch, Koller.

khóndros (Gr) 'granule, groats, cartilage': CHONDRO-, HYPOCHONDRIA, MITOCHONDRIAN. G Chondriosomen, Mitochondrien.

khôra (3-8) (Gr) 'place, space' in khôrein (6-5) 'to contain, have room for, make room, leave, move, go' in khoros (3-5) 'place': ANACHORISM, ANCHORITE, -CHORE, CHOROGRAPHY, ENCHORIAL. G Anchoret, chorisch, Chorographie.

khordê (6-8) (Gr) 'sausage, black pudding,' in pl. 'guts, trip,' hence (Gr) 'cord, string (made of gut)' (*gherª-): CORD, CORDON, CHORD, HARPSICHORD, TETRACHORD. G Kordel, Kordon.

khórion (Gr) 'afterbirth' (*gherª-): CHORION.

khorós (Gr) 'dance, band of dancers, dramatic chorus, choir, dancing ground': CHOIR, CHORAGUS, CHORAL, CHORALE, CHOREOGRAPHY, CHORIC, CHORISTER, CHORUS, TERPSICHORE. G Chor, Choral, Chorea, Choreographie.

khré (Gr), noun used with einai (2-5) to mean 'it is necessary, there is need': CHREMATISTIC, CHRESARD, CHRESTOMATHY. G Chrestomathie.

khrema (4-5) (Gr) 'possessions, wealth, money' in khrêsis 'the use one makes of what one has recourse to,' later 'grammatical usage': CATACHRESIS.

khrîein (4-8) (Gr) 'to rub, anoint' (*ghrêi-): CHRISM, CHRISOM, CHRIST, CHRISTEN, CHRISTIAN, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTOPHER. G Christ.

khrónos (Gr) 'time': ANACHRONISM, CHRONIC, -CHRONIC, CHRONICLE, CHRONO-. G Anachronismus, -chron, Chronik, chronisch, chrono-.

khrôs (4-8) (Gr) 'human skin, flesh, body complexion, color' in khroma (4-5) 'complexion, color' (*ghrêu-): ACHROMATIC, CHROMA, CHROMATIC, CHROMATO-, CHROME, -CHROME, CHROMIUM, CHROMO-, -CHROOUS, RHODOCHROSITE. G Chrom, Chromosomen. F achromatique.

khrûsós (Gr) 'gold': CHRYSO-.

khthôn (5-8) (Gr) 'earth, ground' (*dhghem-): AUTOCHTHON, CHTHONIC.

kibôrion (4-8) (Gr) 'seed vessel, flower or fruit of the Egyptian nenuphar or water lily, hence fig. 'cup': CIBORIUM.

kíkhlê (Gr) 'thrush,' hence 'wrasse,' because the fish changes color with the season like the bird (*ghel-1): CICHLID.

kíkhora (Gr) 'chicory': CHICORY, SUCCORY.

kinnábari (Gr) 'cinnabar': CINNABAR.

kirrhós (Gr) 'orange, tawny': CIRRHOSIS. G Zirrhose.

kístê (Gr) 'basket, box, chest': CHEST, CIST, CISTERN, KEISTER. G Kiste, Zisterne.

kithára (Gr) 'lyre': CITHARA, CITHER, CITTERN, GUITAR. G Gitarre, Zither.

kládos (Gr) 'branch, shoot' (*kel-1): CLADOCERAN, CLADOPHYLL, PHYLLOCLADE.

klan (3-5) (Gr) 'to break' in klema (3-5) 'twig, vine branch' in klôn (3-8) 'twig, branch' (*kel-1): -CLASE, -CLAST, CLASTIC, CLEMATIS, CLONE..

kleís (Gr) 'bar, bolt, key' in kleíein 'to close, bolt, bar' in kleistós 'closed' (*kleu-3): CLATHRATE, CLEISTOGAMOUS, OPHICLEIDE.

kléos (Gr) 'rumor, reputation, glory' in kleí 'to praise, tell' (*kleu-1): CLIO.

kléptein (Gr) 'to steal, disguise, hide, trick': CLEPSYDRA, KLEPTOMANIA. G Klephten, Kleptomanie, Kleptophobie.

kleros (3-5) (Gr) 'object designating a person drawn in a lottery,' hence lottery, what is granted by the lottery, property, heritage, duty, religious function' (*kel-1): CLERGY, CLERIC, CLERK.

klînein (3-8) (Gr) 'to lean, slope,' hence klíma 'slope, region, latitude,' klímax 'ladder,' because it leans against something, hence 'stairs,' klîne (3-8) 'bed' (*klei-): CLIMATE, CLIMAX, -CLINE, CLINIC, CLINO-, CLITORIS, DICLINOUS, ENCLITIC, ISOCLINE, MATRICLINOUS, MONOCLINIC, MONOCLINOUS, PATRICLINOUS, PERICLINE, PROCLITIC, SYNCLINAL, TRICLINIUM. G akklimatisieren, Klima, Klimakterium, Klinik. F acclimater.

klónos (Gr) 'turmoil, agitation,' esp. referring to combat (*kel-3): CLONUS.

klúzein (Gr) 'to wash against, pour water for cleaning, rinse' (*kleu-2): CATACLYSM, CLYSTER, KLYSTRON.

kôbiós (Gr) 'goby, gudgeon': GOBY, GUDGEON.

kôdeia (2-8) (Gr) 'head of the poppy' (*keuª-2): CODEINE.

kógkhê (Gr) 'mussel, conch' (*konkho-): COCKLE, CONCH, CONCHO-, CONGIUS.


koinós (Gr) 'common, shared, public' (*kom): CENOBITE, COENOEPICENE, KOINE.

kóix ((3-10) (Gr) 'Egyptian doom palm': CYCAD.

kókhlos (Gr) 'land snail, shellfish with a spiral shell' (*konkho-): COCHLEA.

kókkos (Gr) 'seed or pit of fruit (esp. the pomengranate), poppy seed, kermes': COCCID, COCCUS, COCHINEAL, COCOON, MONOCOQUE. G Kokken.

kókkû (Gr), depicting the cry of the cuckoo in kókkux 'cuckoo': COCCYGEAL, COCCYX.

kôkúein (Gr) 'to utter a sharp, plaintive cry' (*kau-1): COCYTUS.

kólaphos (Gr) 'blow with the fist, box on the ear' (*kel-1): COPE, COPPICE, COUP, COUPé, COUPON. G Coup, Coupon.

koleôn (Gr) 'sheath, scabbard of a sword' (*kel-2): COLEOPTERAN, COLEOPTILE, COLEORHIZA, COLEUS.

kólla (Gr) 'glue': COLLAGE, COLLO-, COLLODION, PROTOCOL. G Kolloid, Protokoll.

kollûrâ (5-8) (Gr), kind of unleavened bread: COLLYRIUM.

kolobós (Gr) 'cocked, cut off, maimed' (*kel-1): COLOB, COLOBOMA.

kolokúnthê (Gr) 'gourd, calabash': COLOCYNTH.

kolon (2-5) (Gr) 'limb, leg,' fig. 'clause' (*skel-3): COLON. G Kolik, Semikolon.

kólon (Gr) 'large intestine, tripe': COLON. G Kolik, Kolibakterien, Kolon, Semikolon.

kolophôn (7-8) (Gr) 'summit, end' (*kel-6): COLOPHON.

kolossós (Gr) 'statue in human form,' the sense 'huge statue' apparently from the statue of Apollo at Rhodes: COLOSSAL, COLOSSUS, COLISEUM, COLOSSAE, COLOSSEUM. G Koloß, kolossal, Kolosseum.

kólpos (Gr) 'fold, hollow,' hence 'bosom (of a pregnant woman, i.e. "fold of skin"), gulf ("fold of coastline")' (*kwelp-): COLPITIS, GULF. G Golf.

koma (2-5) (Gr) 'deep sleep': COMA. G Koma.

kómê (Gr) 'hair of the head, tail of a comet' COMET. G Komet, kometenhaft.

komos (2-5) (Gr) 'group of young people enjoying themselves and singing': COMEDIAN, COMEDY, COMIC. G Komik, Komiker, komisch, Komödiant, Komödie.

kónis (Gr) 'dust,' sometimes 'ashes, sand' (*keni-): ACONITE, CONIDIUM, KONIOLOGY.

kônôps (2-8) (Gr) 'gnat, mosquito': CANOPY. G Kanapee.

konos (2-5) (Gr) 'pine cone, concical object, geometrical cone': CONE, CONIC, CONOID, CONO-.

-konta (Gr) 'ten times' (*dekm): PENTECOST.

kôpê (2-8) (Gr) 'handle, oar' (*kap-): COPEPOD.

kóphinos (Gr) 'large wicker basket, measure of capacity': COFFER, COFFIN. G Koffer.

kóppa (Gr), letter of the ancient Greek alphabet: KOPPA.

kópros (Gr) 'dung, manure': COPRO-.

kóptein (Gr) 'to strike, cut' (*skep-): APOCOPE, COMMA, SARCOPTIC, MANGE, SYNCOPE. G Komma.

korállion (Gr) 'red coral': CORAL, CORALLINE. G Koralle.

kórax (Gr) 'raven, crow' (*ker-2): CORACOID.

koríannon (Gr) 'coriander': CORIANDER. It coriandolo. Sp culantro. Pg coentro.

kóris (Gr) 'bug' (*sker-1): COREOPSIS.

korônê (4-8) (Gr) 'crow' in korônós 'curved, crooked' (from the curved beak and feet of the crow) (*sker-3): CORNICE, CORONA, CROWN. G Korona, Krone.

kóros (Gr) 'boy' in kórê 'girl, doll,' hence 'pupil of the eye,' because of the small image reflected there (cf. glênê (3-8)) (*ker-3): CORA, DIOSCURI, HYPOCORISM.

kórumbos (Gr) 'mountaintop, uppermost point, head, end, top' (*ker-1): CORYMB.

korúnê (Gr) 'club, mace' (*ker-1): CORYNEBACTERIUM.

koruphê (7-8) (Gr) 'summit, top, highest point' (*ker-1): CORYPHAEUS.

kórus (Gr) 'helmet' in kórudos, korudós 'crested lark' (*ker-1): CORYDALIS.

kóruza (Gr) 'running at the nose, catarrh, driveling, stupidity': CORYZA.

kósmos (Gr) 'order, form,' hence in philosophical usage referring to the stars and the universe, including the earth, as an orderly arrangement, as opposed to primeval chaos, hence 'world, universe' and a frequent secondary sense 'ornament, decoration, dress': -COSM, COSMETIC, COSMIC, COSMO-, COSMOS. G kosmetisch, kosmisch, Kosmologie, Kosmonaut, Kosmopolit, Kosmos.

kóthornos (Gr) 'buskin or high boot, cothurnus': COTHURNUS.

kotúlê (Gr) 'anything hollow, cup, socket': COTYLEDON, COTYLOID.

kraipálê (Gr) 'abuse of drink, hangover': CRAPULENCE, CRAPULOUS.

krámbos (Gr), name of a disease that dries out fruit in krámbêe, kind of cabbage (because of its shriveled leaves) (*skerbh-): CRAMBO.

krâníon (Gr) 'skull,' sometimes 'head' (*ker-1): CRANIO-, CRANIAL, CRANIUM, MIGRAINE, OLECRANUM. G Migräne.

krátos (Gr) 'strength,' hence 'victory, power, authority' (*kar-1): -CRACY, -CRAT. G -krat, -kratie.

kréas (Gr) 'piece of meat, peat' (*kreuª-1): CREATINE, CREODONT, PANCREAS.

krékein (Gr) 'to strike the web, weave' in krokís 'nap of woolen cloth' (*krek-1): CROCIDOLITE.

krênê (3-8) (Gr) 'fountain': HIPPOCRENE.

kríkos, kírkos (Gr) 'ring' (whence prob., or perhaps cognate with, L circus 'circle, ring, circus'): CIRCA, CIRCLE CIRCUIT, CIRCUITOUS, CIRCULAR, CIRCULATE, CIRCUM-, CIRCUS, CIRQUE, CRICOID, SEARCH. G Bezirk, zirka, Zirkel, zirkulieren, zirkum-, Zirkus.

krînein (3-8) (Gr) 'to separate, choose, decide, judge' (*krei-): APOCRINE, CRISIS, CRITIC, CRITERION, DIACRITICAL, ECCRINE, ENDOCRINE, EPICRISIS, EXOCRINE, HEMATOCRIT, HYPOCRISY. G Krise, Kriterium, kritisch.

krínon (Gr) 'lily': CRINUM.

krîós (Gr) 'ram': CRIOSPHINX.

krókê (Gr) 'round pebble, shingle (on the seashore)': CROCODILE. G Krokodil.

krókos (Gr) 'crocus plant, saffron': CROCOITE, CROCUS.

krotein (6-8) (Gr) 'to strike, cause to resound': DICROTISM, TRICROTIC.

krótôn (Gr) 'sheep tick,' hence 'castor oil plant,' whose seed is shaped like the insect: CROTON.

kroúein (Gr) 'to strike' (*kreuª-2): ANACRUSIS.

krúos (Gr) 'freezing cold' in krústallos 'ice,' fem. 'rock crystal' (*kreus-): CRYO-, CRYSTAL. G Kristall.

krúptein (Gr) 'to cover in order to hide, hide': APOCRYPHA, CRYPT, CRYPTO-, KRYPTON.

kteís (Gr) 'comb' (*pek-2): CTENIDIUM, CTENOID, CTENOPHORE.

ktízein (Gr) 'to break ground, plant, found, establish' (*tkei-): AMPHICTYONY.

kúamos (Gr) 'bean': HYOSCINE.

kúanos (Gr) 'dark blue enamel,' also a kind of sea bird, also 'bluebottle (cornflower),' rarely as adj. 'dark blue': CYANO-.

kúathos (Gr) 'ladle, cup': CASSEROLE.

kubernan (7-5) (Gr) 'to steer, command a ship': GOVERN, GOVERNMENT, GOVERNOR, GUBERNATORIAL, GUBERNIYA.

kúbos (Gr) 'die,' hence 'cube' (*keu-2): CUBE.

kudos (2-5) (Gr) 'magic power, radiance of power (received from the gods)' (*keuª-1): KUDOS.

kuein (4-5) (Gr) 'to become pregnant, carry in the womb' (*keuª-2): CYMA, SEMINOLE.

Kúklops (Gr) 'the Cyclops, Polyphemus' (prob. < kúklos 'circle' + -ôps 'eye'): CYCLOPS.

kúklos (Gr) 'circle, wheel' (*kwel-1): BICYCLE, CYCLAMEN, CYCLE, ENCYCLICAL. G Zyklus.

kúknos (Gr) 'swan': CYGNET.

kulíndein (Gr) 'to roll': CALENDER, CYLINDER. G Zylinder.

kúlix (Gr) 'drinking cup,' esp. for wine (*kal-1): KYLIX.

kúmbê (Gr) 'cup, vase, vessel, canoe' (*keu-2): CYMBAL.

kúmînon (Gr) 'cumin': CUMIN. G Kumin.

kúôn (Gr) 'dog': CYNIC, CYNOSURE, PROCYON, QUINSY. G Zyniker, zynisch.

kupárissos (Gr) 'cypress': CYPRESS. G Zypresse.

Kúpros (Gr) 'Cyprus,' site of copper mines (whence LL cuprum 'copper,' orig. Cyprium aes 'metal of Cypress'): COPPER, CU, CUPREOUS, CUPRIC, CUPRI-, CUPRO-, CUPROUS, CYPRESS. G Kupfer.

kúpros (Gr) 'the henna plant': CYPRINID.

kupséle (Gr) 'round container, hollow vessel, chest, hive' (*keu-2): CYPSELA.

kúptein (Gr) 'to bend forward, lower the head' in kûphós 'bent forward' (*keu-2): KYPHOSIS.

kûrios (2-8) (Gr) 'master of, sovereign, having authority' (*keuª-2): CHURCH, CYRIL, KERMISS, KIRK, KYRIE_ELEISON. G Kirche, Kirmes.

kurtós (Gr) 'bent, curved, convex, humped' (*sker-3): KURTOSIS.

kústis (Gr) 'bladder' (*kwes-): CYST, CYSTO-.

kútos (Gr) 'hollow place, cavity' (*skeu-): -CYTE, CYTO-.

labúrinthos (Gr) 'labyrinth, maze': LABYRINTH. G Labyrinth.

lagaíein (Gr) 'to let go, loosen' in lágnos 'letting go in debauchery, lustful' (*slêg-): ALGOLAGNIA.

lagôs (4-8) (Gr) 'hare' (*slêg- + *ous-): LAGOMORPH.

lagôs (4-8) (Gr) 'hare' (*slêg- + *ous-): LAGOMORPH.

lákkos (Gr) 'pond, cistern' (*laku-): LACCOLITH.

lalein (5-5) (Gr) 'to chat, talk' in lálos 'chatty, talkative' (*lâ-): ECHOLALIA, GLOSSOLALIA. Cf. G lallen.

lambánein (Gr) 'to take,' hence 'to receive, possess, gain, understand' (*slagw-): ANALEPTIC, ASTROLABE, CATALEPSY, DILEMMA, EPILEPSY, LEMMA, -LEPSY, NYMPHOLEPT, ORGANOLEPTIC, PROLEPSIS, SYLLABLE, SYLLEPSIS. G Dilemma, Epilepsie.

lámbda (Gr), eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet: LAMBDA.

lámpein (Gr) 'to shine': ECLAMPSIA, LAMP, LAMPION, LANTERN. G Eklampsie, Lampe, Lampion, Laterne.

lamurós (Gr) 'voracious, greedy, impudent, petulant' in lámia 'voracious female monstrer, lamia' (*lem-2): LAMIA.

lanthánein (Gr) 'to be hidden, escape notice,' middle voice lanthanésthai 'to forget' in lêthê (2-8) 'forgetting, forgetfulness' (*lâdh-): ALASTOR, LANTHANLUM, LETHARGY, LETHE.

lâós (Gr) 'the common people': LAY, LAYMAN, LITURGY, NICHOLAS, NICKEL, PUMPERNICKEL. G Klaus, Laie, laienhaft, Liturgie, Nickel, Nikolaus, Pumpernickel.

laparós (Gr) 'soft, slack, loose' (*lep-1): LAPAROTOMY.

lárugx (Gr) 'throat, larynx': LARYNGEAL, LARYNX. G Laryngal, Laryngoskop.

lásana (Gr), pl. 'three-legged stand to hold a pot, chamber pot, commode': LASAGNE.


lêdanon (2-8) (Gr) 'oleoresin produced by various plants (rockrose)': LADANUM.

lêgein (2-8) (Gr) 'to slacken, stop, end' (*slêg-): CATALECTIC.

légein (Gr) 'to gather, pick, choose,' hence 'to count, enumerate, say, tell' in lógos 'speech, talk, story, explanation, reason, ratio, proportion'(*leg-1): ALEXIA, ANALECTS, ANALOGOUS, APOLOGUE, APOLOGY, CATALOGUE, DECALOGUE, DIALECT, DIALOGUE, DYSLEXIA, ECLECTIC, EPILOGUE, HOMOLOGOUS, HOROLOGUE, LEXICON, LOGARITHM, LOGIC, LOGISTIC, LOGO-, LOGOS, -LOGY, PARALOGISM, PROLEGOMENON, PROLOGUE, SYLLOGISM. G analog, Dialekt, Dialogue, Epilog, -loge, -logie, Logik, Prolog.

leíbein (Gr) 'to pour out drop by drop' in líps 'he who makes the fall, southwest wind, southwest': LIBECCIO.

leíkhein (Gr) 'to lick' (*leigh-): ELECTUARY, LICHEN.

leimôn (Gr) 'moist meadow': LIMONITE.

leípein (Gr) 'to be deficient, leave, abandon, lack' (*leikw-): ECLIPSE, ELLIPSIS. G Ellipse.

lékithos (Gr) 'vegetable or cereal purée,' fem. 'egg yolk': LECITHIN.

Lemnos (2-5) (Gr), a Greek island, 'Lemnos' in lêmnískos 'woolen fillet or ribbon': LEMNISCUS.

léôn (Gr) 'lion': CHAMELEON, LEOPARD, LION. G Chamäleon, Leopard, Leu, Leo, Löwe.

lépein (Gr) 'to peel' in lopós 'scale,' prob. in éllops 'fish' (first element en), orig. 'scaly one' (*lep-1): ELAPID, LEMMA, LEPER, LEPIDO-, LEPIDOTE, LEPTO-, LEPTON. G Lepra.

leukós (Gr) 'white' (*leuk-): LEUCO-, LEUKO-, LEUKEMIA. G leuko-, Leukämie, Levkoje.

líbanos (Gr) 'frankincense tree, incense': OLIBANUM.

lîmós (Gr) 'hunger, famine': BULIMIA.

línon (Gr) 'flax, anything made of flax' (*lino-): LINOLEIC_ACID.

lípa (Gr) 'so as to make greasy, well-oiled' in lípos 'animal fat,' also 'oil' (*leip-): LIPO-.

lîs (2-8) (Gr) 'smooth' in lîtós 'smooth, plain, simple' (*lei-): LITOTES.

líssesthai (Gr) 'to beseech, ask of a god' in litaí (pl.) 'supplication, prayer': LITANY. G Litanie.

líthos (Gr) 'stone': LITHARGE, LITHIA, LITHIC, LITHIUM, LITHO-. G Gastrolith, Lithography, Lithosphäre, Monolith.

lítra (Gr), unit of weight, 'pound,' also unit of money (prob. rel. to L lîbra): LIRA, LITER, ROTL. G Lira, Liter.

lobós (Gr) 'lobe (of the ear or liver, lungs), capsule, pod' (*leb-1): LOBE.

lókhos (Gr) 'place for or act of lying down,' hence 'place for lying in wait, ambush' (*legh-): LOCHIA.

lordós (Gr) 'convexly curved, arched': LORDOSIS.

lôtós (Gr) 'lotus': LOTUS.

loxós (Gr) 'slanting, oblique': LOXODROMIC.

lúein (Gr) 'to loosen, untie, destroy, dissolve, pay' (*leu-1): ANALYSIS, CATALYSIS, DIALYSIS, LYSIS, -LYTE, PARALYSIS. G Analyse, analysieren.

lúgx (Gr) 'lynx': LYNX, OUNCE.

lúkhnos (Gr) 'torch, lamp' (*leuk-): LINK, LYCHNIS.

lúkos (Gr) 'wolf' (*wlkwo-): LYCANTHROPE, LYCOPODIUM. G Lyzeum.

lúra (Gr) 'lyre': LYRE, LYRIC, LYRISM, LYRIST. G Leier, Lyrik.

lússa (Gr) 'madness, rage,' later 'rabies' (*wlkwo-): ALYSSUM.

mágganon (Gr) 'magic charm or potion,' also 'frame of a pulley,' source of L manganum 'engine of war, mangonel' (*meng-): MANGONEL.

Magnêsía (Gr), region of Thessaly rich in metals: MAGNESIA, MAGNESITE, MAGNESIUM, MAGNET, MAGNETO-. G Magnet. F magnétique.

maia (3-5) (Gr) 'little mother,' form of address for an old woman, wet nurse, mother, or grandmother, also referring to the mother of Hermes (prob. *mâ-2): MAIA, MAIEUTIC.

maínesthai (Gr) 'to be enraged, mad, delirious' in maníâ 'madness, fury, passion, divinely inspired enthusiasm' (*men-1): MAENAD, MANIA, MANIAC. G Manie.

Makedôn (6-8) (Gr) 'Macedonian,' perhaps orig. 'highlander': MACEDONIA.

mákhesthai (Gr) 'to fight': -MACHY, TAUROMACHY.

makrós (Gr) 'long, thin, tall' in mekos (2-5) 'length, height' (*mâk-): AMPHIMACER, MACRO-, MACRON, PARAMECIUM. G makro-.

malákhê (Gr) 'mallow' (rel. to L malva): MALACHITE.


mallós (Gr) 'tuft of wool': MALLO-, MALLAPHAGAN, MALLOPHAGOUS.

malthakós (Gr) 'soft' in máltha, málthê 'mixture of wax and pitch': MALTHA.

mándrâ (Gr) 'enclosure, stable,' later 'monastery': ARCHIMANDRITE.

mandragórâs (Gr) 'mandrake': MANDRAGORA, MANDRAKE.

mânós (Gr) 'loose, soft, sparse' (*men-4): MANOMETER.

manthánein (Gr) 'to learn': CHRESTOMATHY, GALIMATIAS, MATHEMATICAL, MATHEMATICS, POLYMATH. G Mathematik, munter.

mantikhôras (8-8) (Gr) 'manticore' (prob. *mer-4 + *swel-1, via Iranian): MANTICORE.

mantikhôras (8-8) (Gr) 'manticore' (prob. via Iranian < *mer-2 + *swel-1): MANTICORE.

mántis (Gr) 'seer, prophet' (*men-1): -MANCY, MANTIC, MANTIS.

maraínein (Gr) 'to waste away, wither' (*mer-2): AMARANTH, MARASMUS.

margarîtes (7-8) (Gr) 'pearl': FATA_MORGANA, MAGPIE, MARGARET, MARGARIC, MARGARINE, MARGARITE. G Margarine, Margerite.

mármaros (Gr) 'stone, white stone, marble': MARBLE. G Marmor.

mártus (Gr) 'witness,' in Christian usage 'one who witnesses the truth by his sacrifice, martyr': MARTYR. G Marter, martern, Märtyrer.

masasthai (4-5) (Gr) 'to chew' (*mendh-2): MASSETER.

mássein (Gr) 'to knead' (*mag-): MAGMA.

mástax (Gr) 'what one chews with, mouth, mouthful' in mastikhan (8-5) 'to grind the teeth' in mústax 'upper lip, mustache,' expressive coinage formed on the model of mástax (*mendh-2): MACHICOLATION, MASTIC, MASTICATE, MOSTACCIOLI, MUSTACHE.


mastós, (Gr) 'breast': MASTO-, MASTODON, MASTOID.

-matos (Gr) 'willing' (*men-1): AUTOMATIC. G Automat.

maza (2-5) (Gr) 'large barley cake or pancake mixed with oil and water,' later 'ball, lump, mass' (*mag-): AMASS, MASS. G en masse, Masse.

mégas (Gr) 'great (*meg-): ACROMEGALY, ALMAGEST, MEGA-, MEGALO-, OMEGA. G Mega-, Megalo-.

meíôn (Gr) 'smaller, less, lesser' (*mei-2): MEIOSIS, MIOCENE, MIOLITHIC.

meíresthai (Gr) 'to receive as one's portion or due' in méros 'lot, portion, share, heritage, place, turn' (*smer-2): ALLOMERISM, DIMER, ISOMER, -MERE, MERISTEM, MERO-, -MEROUS, MONOMER, TRIMER.

mêkhanê (7-8) (Gr), Doric mâkhánâ 'device, means, machine' (*magh-1): MACHINE, MECHANIC, MECHANISM, MECHANO-. G Maschine, Mechanik.

mêkôn (2-8) (Gr) 'poppy': MECONIC, MECONIUM.

mélas (Gr) 'dark, black' (*mel-2): MELANO-, MELANCHOLY, PSILOMELANE. G Melancholie.

méli (Gr) 'honey' (*melit-): HYDROMEL, MARMALADE, MELILOT, MELISSA, OENOMEL. G Marmelade, Melisse.

melon (2-8) (Gr), Doric malon (2-8) 'apple, any similar tree-grown fruit': CHAMOMILE, MALIC, MARMALADE, MELINITE, MELON. G Kamille, Marmelade, Melone.

mélos (Gr) 'limb of the body,' hence 'musical phrase, tune, lyric poetry': DULCIMER, MELISMA, MELODY, MELODRAMA. G Melodie, Melodik, Melodrama.

mélpein (Gr) 'to sing and dance in a chorus, sing': MELPOMENE.

mémamen, memonénai (Gr) 'to think intensely of,' hence 'to intend, desire, be full of ardor, passion, courage (to fight)' in ménos 'will, passion, ardor in combat, strength' (*men-1): EUMENIDES.


menigx (2-5) (Gr) 'skin, membrane, meninges' (*mêms-): MENINGITIS, MENINX.

Méntôr (Gr), counselor of Odysseus, 'Mentor' (*men-1): MENTOR. G Mentor.

mésos (Gr) 'middle' (*medhyo-): MESO-.

méspilon, mespílê (Gr) 'medlar, medlar tree': MEDLAR, NASEBERRY.

méta, metá (Gr), orig. 'in the middle of,' hence 'amongst, between, with, beside, after' (*me-2): META-. G meta-.

métallon (Gr) 'mine,' later 'mineral, metal': MEDAL, MEDALLION, METAL, METALLURGY, METTLE. G Medaille, Medaillon, Metall.

mêtêr (2-8) (Gr) 'mother' (*mâter-): METRO-, METROPOLIS. G Metropole.

méthu (Gr) 'alcoholic drink, wine' (*medhu-): AMETHYST, METHYLENE.

métron (Gr) 'measure, any measured quantity, due measure, limit, length, poetic meter': DIAMETER, GEOMETRY, ISOMETRIC, METER, -METER, METRICAL, METROLOGY, METRONOME, -METRY. G Geometrie, Manometer, Meter, -meter, -metrie, Metrik, metrisch, Metrologie, Metronom, Metrum, Parameter.

miaínein (Gr), orig. perhaps 'to dye,' hence 'to stain, taint, defile' (*mai-2): AMIANTHUS, MIASMA.

mignúnai (Gr) 'to mix with, join' (*meik-): AMPHIMIXIS, APOMICT, APOMIXIS.

mimnêskein (5-8) (Gr) 'to have in mind, think of, remember, mention,' active voice 'to cause to remember, remind' in mnásthai 'to have in mind, think of' in mnêmôn 'being able to remember well' (*men-1): ANAMNESISAMNESTY, AMNESIA, MNEMONIC, MNEMOSYNE. G Amnestie.

mimos (2-5) (Gr) 'imitator, imitation, mime, actor': MIME, MIMEOGRAPH, MIMESIS, MIMIC, MIMICRY. G Mime.

mínthê, mínthos (Gr) 'mint': MENTHOL, MINT. G Menthol, Minze.

misein (5-5) (Gr) 'to hate, not accept' in misos (2-5) 'hatred': MISANTHROPE, MISOGENY, MISO-. G Misanthrop, Misogyn.


mítrâ (Gr) 'girdle (in Homeric usage a piece of armor), belt, headband' (*mei-4): MITER.

molu (2-5) (Gr), unidentified plant with magical properties, 'moly': MOLY.

mólubdos (Gr) 'lead' (prob. rel. to L plumbum): MOLYBDENUM.

mónos (Gr) 'alone, only, single, sole' (*men-4): MONAD, MONASTERY, MONK, MONO-. G Mönch, mono-.

móron (Gr) 'mulberry' (prob. > L môrus): SYCAMORE.

môrós (Gr) 'enervated, inert, stupid, foolish': MORON, OXYMORON.

morphê (6-8) (Gr) 'form, beauty, outward appearance, shape': -MORPH, MORPHEME, MORPHO-, MORPHOSIS, -MORPHOUS. G amorph, anisomorph, isomorph, Metamorphose, Morphem, Morphogenese, Morphologie, Pleomorphismus.

Mousa (3-5) (Gr), one of the goddesses of song, music, art, 'Muse' (*men-1): MOSAIC, MUSE, MUSEUM, MUSIC.

mu (2-5) (Gr), twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet: MU. G My.

múdros (Gr) 'mass of red-hot metal or iron from a forge, stone from an erupting volcano' in mudríasis 'dilation of the pupil': MYDRIASIS.

mûein (2-8) (Gr) 'to close,' esp. the eyes or lips (*mu-1): MIOSIS, MYOPIA, MYSTAGOGUE, MYSTERY, MYSTIC.

muia (3-5) (Gr) 'fly' (*mu-2): MYIASIS

mûkês (2-8) (Gr) 'mushroom' (*meug-2): MYCETE, MYCETO-, MYCO-, STREPTOMYCIN.

múlê (Gr) 'mill, handmill' (*melª-): AMYLUM, MYLONITE.

múllos (Gr), kind of sea fish (*mel-2): MULLET, SURMULLET.

múraina (Gr) 'sea eel, moray': MORAY.

mûriós (Gr) 'countless, immense': MYRIAD. G Myriade.

múrmêx (Gr) 'ant' (*morwi-): MYRMECO-, MYRMIDON.

múrra (Gr) 'myrrh': MYRRH.

múrtos (Gr) 'myrtle': MYRTLE.

mus (2-5) (Gr) 'mouse, field mouse, mussel, muscle' (*mûs-): EPIMYSIUM, MYEL-, MYO-, MYOSIN, MYOSOTIS, MYSTICETE, PERIMYSIUM, SYRINGOMYELIA.

músos (Gr) 'uncleanness, abomination': MYSOPHIA, MYSOPHOBIA.

mússesthai (Gr) 'to blow one's nose' in múxa 'discharge from the nose, mucous, lamp wick' (*meug-2): MATCH, MYXO-.

muthos (2-5) (Gr) 'sequence of meaningful words, discourse, tale, myth': MYTH. G Mythe, Mythos.

n-, ne-, nê, no-, nâ- (Gr) 'not' (*ne): NEPENTHE.

náein (Gr) 'to flow' (*snâu-): NAIAD.

nanos (2-5) (Gr) 'dwarf' (*nana): NANO-.

náphtha (Gr) 'naphtha, petroleum': NAPHTHA. G Naphtha.

napu (2-5), sinapi (Gr) 'mustard': SINAPISM.

nárkê (Gr) 'torpor, numbness' (*sner-2): NARCEINE, NARCO-, NARCOSIS, NARCOTIC.

nárkissos (Gr) 'narcissus': NARCISSISM, NARCISSUS. G Narzismus, Narzisse.

nássein (Gr) 'to press, squeeze': NASTIC.


nein (3-5) (Gr) 'to spin' in nema (2-5) 'thread, yarn' (*snê-): CHROMONEMA, NEMATO-, PROTONEMA, TREPONEME.

neisthai (3-5) (Gr) 'to return, return home' in nóstos 'return': NOSTALGIA.

nêkhein (28-) (Gr) 'to swim' (*snâ-): NEKTON.

nekrós (Gr) 'corpse' (*nek-1): NECRO-, NECROSIS. G nekro-.

néktar (Gr) 'drink of the gods, nectar' (*nek-1): NECTAR, NECTARINE. G Nektar.

némein (Gr) 'to allot according to custom or convenience, distribute regularly,' hence 'to put out to pasture,' i.e. "use the portion of land allotted for pasture" in nomê (4-8) 'pasturage, food, that which is devoured (also by fire or an ulcerr)' in nomás (pl.) 'shepherds, nomads' in nómos 'custom, law' in némesis 'allocation by legal authority,' hence 'righteous (allocation of) indignation or wrath,' personified as 'Nemesis' (*nem-): ANOMIE, ANTINOMIAN, ANTINOMY, ASTRONOMER, AUTONYMOUS, BINOMIAL, DEUTERONOMY, METRONOME, NEMESIS, NEMESIS, NOMA, NOMAD, NOME, NOMO-, -NOMY, NUMISMATICS, NUMMULAR. G autonom, -nom, Nomade, nomie.

néos (Gr) 'new' in nearós 'new, fresh,' also 'young,' contracted to nêrós 'fresh,' referring to fish and water, hence nêrón 'water' (*newo-): ANEROID, MISONEISM, NEO-, NEON, NEOTERIC.

nephélê (Gr) 'cloud' in néphos 'cloud' (*nebh-): NEPHELINE, NEPHELO-, NEPHELOMETER, NEPHOLOGY.

nephroí (Gr), pl. 'kidneys': MESONEPHROS, METANEPHROS, NEPHRITIS, NEPHRO, PERINEPHRIUM, PRONEPHROS. G Nephritis, nephro-, Nephrose.

Nêreús (Gr), name of a sea god, 'Nereus': NEREID, NERITIC, NEREUS.


neuron (3-5) (Gr) 'sinew, nerve' (*sneªu-): APONEUROSIS, NEURO-, NEURON.

nîkê (Gr) 'victory': EUNICE, NICHOLAS, NICKEL, NIKE, PUMPERNICKEL. G Klaus, Nickel, Nikolaus, Pumpernickel.

nóos, nous (3-5) (Gr) 'mind, sense, reason, intellect': DIANOETIC, NOESIS, NOUS, NOUMENON, PARANOIA.

nóstos (Gr) 'a return home' (*nes-1): NOSTALGIA.

noton (2-5) (Gr) 'back' (*nôt-): NOTOCHORD.

Nótos (Gr) 'the southwest wind, southwest': NOTO-.

númphê (Gr) 'bride, young woman of marriageable age, Nymph': NYMPH, NYMPHO-. G Nymphe.

nustázein (Gr) 'to be sleepy, doze': NYSTAGMUS. G Nystagmus.

núx (Gr) 'night' (*nekw-t-): NYCTALOPIA, NYCTITROPISM.

ô (Gr), twenty-fourth letter of the Greek alphabet: OMEGA.

óasis (Gr) 'oasis': OASIS. G Oase.

obelós (Gr) 'spit (used as money),' hence 'money, weight (also a unit of weight), pointed pillar, obelisk, obelus (horizontal line used to mark condemned passages of verse)': OBELISK, OBELIZE, OBELUS, OBOLUS. G Obelisk, Obolus.

odôn (3-8), odoús (Gr) 'tooth' (*dent-): CERATODUS, -ODON, -ODONT, ODONTO-.

odúnê (Gr) 'pain' (*ed-): ANODYNE.

ógkos (Gr) 'mass, weight, volume' (*nek-2): ONCOLOGY.

oidein (5-5) (Gr) 'to be swollen': EDEMA, OEDIPUS. G Ödem, ödematös, Ödipus.

oikos (2-5) (Gr) 'place where one lives, dwelling, home, homeland' (*weik-1): ANDROECIUM, ALUTOECIOUS, DIOCESE, DIOECIOUS, DIOICOUS, ECESIS, ECOLOGY, ECONOMY, ECUMENICAL, HETEROECIOUS, MONOECIOUS, PARISH, TROECIOUS. G Diözese, ökologisch, Ökonom, Ökumene. It diocesi. F diocèse. Sp diocesis.

oímê (Gr) 'song, poem': PROEM.

oinos (2-5) (Gr) 'wine' (rel. to L vînum): OENOLOGY, OENOMEL.

ôión (Gr) 'egg' (*ôwyo-): OO-.

oisophágus (Gr) 'gullet, esophagus': ESOPHAGUS.

oistros (2-5) (Gr) 'gadfly, goad, anything that stings or excites' (*eis-1): ESTRONE, ESTRUS.

ókhlos (Gr) 'crowd, the masses, populace' (*wegh-): OCHLOCRACY, OCHLOPHOBIA.

ôkhrós (Gr) 'pale yellow': MELANOCHROI, OCHER, OCHREOUS.

oktô (4-8) (Gr) 'eight' (*oktôu): OCTAD.

ôlénê (Gr) 'elbow, forearm' (*el-1): OLECRANON.

olígos (Gr) 'small, few, little': OLIGARCHY, OLIGO-. G Oligarchie, oligo-.

omos (1-5) (Gr) 'shoulder' (*omeso-): OMOPLATE.

ômós (Gr) 'raw': OMPHAGOUS.

omphalós (Gr) 'navel, umbilical cord' (*nobh-): OMPHALO-, OMPHALOS.

óneiros (Gr) 'dream': ONEIRO-, ONEIROMANCY.

ônésthai (Gr) 'to try to buy, buy, sell' in ônê (3-8) 'purchase, price' (*wes-1): DUOPSONY.


ónos (Gr) 'ass' (rel. to L asinus): ONAGER.

ónux (Gr) 'onyx' (*nogh-): ONYX, SARDONYX. G Onyx.

op- (Gr), stem of the word meaning 'voice,' unattested in the nominative: CALLIOPE.

opê (3-8) (Gr) 'opening, hole,' orig. "opening through which one sees" (*okw-): METOPE.

ophéllein (Gr) 'to increase, enlarge, strengthen, cause to thrive' in óphelos 'advantage, usefulness, help': ANOPHELES.

óphis (Gr) 'snake' (*angwhi-): OPHIDIAN, OPHITE, OPHIUCHUS. F ophicléide, ophidien, ophio-.

ópisthen (Gr) 'behind, at the back, following' (*epi): OPISTHOGNATHOUS.

ópôpa (Gr), old active perfect of a verb meaning 'to see' in ómma 'look, eye, what one sees' in -ôps, in compounds referring to the eye and seeing in ópsiis 'sight, act of seeing, what one sees, appearance, apparition, vision' in ophthalmós 'eye' in optós 'seen, visible' (*okw-): AUTOPSY, CALOPTRIC, DIOPTER, EXOPHTHALMOS, METOPIC, MYOPIA, NYCTALOPIA, OMMATIDIUM, OMMATOPHORE, -OPSIS, -OPSY, OPHTHALMIA, OPHTHALMIC, OPHTHALMO-, OPTIC, OPTOMMETRY, PANOPTIC, PELOPS, PHLOGOPITE, PYROPE, RHODOPSIN, SYNOPSIS. G Optik, Panoptikum.

ópson (Gr) 'accompaniment to bread or other food, relish': OPSONIN.

orégein (Gr) 'to stretch out, reach out for' (*reg-1): ANOREXIA.

órganon (Gr) 'tool' (*werg-): ORGAN, ORGANIC, ORGANISM, ORGANON. G Organ, organisieren, organisch, Organismus, Orgel.

orgê (4-8) (Gr) 'natural movement, disposition, character, passion, anger' in organ (4-5) 'to be full of juice or sap, passionate,' whence orgasmós 'orgasm': ORGASM. G Orgasmus.

órgia (Gr), pl. 'religious rites' (*werg-): ORGY. G Orgie.

orîganon (3-8) (Gr) 'oregano, marjoram': OREGANO. G Oregano.

orkheisthai (6-5) (Gr) 'to dance' (*ergh-): ORCHESTRA. G Orchester.

órkhis (Gr) 'testicle, orchid (from the shape of the root)' (*ergh-): ORCHID. G Orchidee.


ornúnai (Gr) 'to stir, stir up, excite, urge on, rouse, awaken' in hormê (5-8) 'start, onrush, assault, effort, departure': HORMONE. G Hormon.

óros (Gr) 'mountain, hill': ORO-, OROGRAPHY. G Orologie.

orphanós (Gr) 'orphan' (*orbh-): ORPHAN.

orthós (Gr) 'upright, straight, correct, right': ANORTHITE, ORTHO-. G ortho-.

orússein (Gr) 'to dig': ORC, ORYX.

óruza, óruzon (Gr) 'rice': RICE. G Reis.


óstrakon (Gr) 'shell,' of a shellfish or turtle, hence by analogy 'tile, potsherd (used for voting)' in óstreon, óstreion 'oyster, purpura' (*ost-): OSTRACIZE, OSTRACOD, OYSTER. G Auster, Estrich.

ôthein (5-5) (Gr) 'to push strongly': OSMOSIS.

ou, ouk, oukh, oukí (Gr) 'not, no': UTOPIA, UTOPIAN.

oulos (2-5) (Gr) 'thick, wooly, curly': ULOTRICHOUS.

ourâ (4-8) (Gr) 'tail' (*ors-): ANTHURIUM, ANURAN, CYNOSURE, SQUIRREL, URO-, -UROUS.

ouranós (Gr) 'vault of the sky, residence of the gods, heaven': URANIUM, URANUS.

ourein (5-5) (Gr) 'to urinate': DIURETIC, ENURESIS, URETER, URETHRA, URETIC, -URIA, URO-, -URONIC.

ous (2-5) (Gr) 'ear' (*ous-): MYOSOTIS, OTIC, OTO-, PAROTID.

oxús (Gr) 'sharp, pointed, harsh, piercing, sour' (*ak-): AMPHIOXUS, OXALIS, OXY-, OXYGEN, PAROXYSM. G oxidieren, Oxyd. F oxy-, oxyde, oxygène, paroxysme.

ózein (Gr) 'to smell (good or bad)' in osmê (4-8) 'smell' (*od-1): ANOSMIA, OSMATIC, OSMIUM.

paíein (Gr) 'to beat': ANAPEST.

pais (3-5) (Gr) 'child' (*pau-): ENCYCLOPEDIA, ORTHOPEDICS, PEDAGOGUE, PEDIATRICIAN, PEDO-. G Pädagoge.

pakhús (Gr) 'thick, fat': PACHYDERM, PACHYSANDRA.

pálai (Gr) 'long ago' (*kwel-2): PALEO-.

palaíein (Gr) 'to fight, wrestle': PALESTRA.

pálê (Gr) 'fine flour, dust' in palúnein 'to scatter flour or with flour' (*pel-1): PALYNOLOGY.

pálin (Gr) 'turning backward, turning around, in the opposite direction, opposite, again' (*kwel-1): PALIMPSEST, PALINDROME, PALINGENESIS, PALINODE.

pallakê (7-8) (Gr) 'concubine' in pállêx, pállax 'young boy or girl': PALIKAR.

pállein (Gr) 'to sway, brandish, hurl': CATAPULT.

pandoúra, pandoura (6-5) (Gr) 'three-stringed lute': BANDORE, MANDOLIN, PANDORE.

pánthêr (Gr) 'cheetah': PANTHER.

páppa (Gr) 'father, papa' in páppos 'grandfather,' hence 'down' on certain plants (*papa): PAPPUS, POPE. G Papst.

pápûros (Gr) 'papyrus': PAPER, PAPYRUS, TAPER. G Papier, Papyrus

pára, para (Gr) 'beside, alongside of, beyond' (*per 1): PALFREY, PARA-.

parasággês (Gr), Persian measure of length, 'parasang': PARASANG.

párdalis (Gr) 'panther, leopard,' whence L pardus 'male panther,' whence Gr párdos, párdalos 'panther, leopard': LEOPARD. G Leopard.

páskhein (Gr) 'to receive an impression or sensation, experience, endure, suffer' in páthos 'what happens to someone or something, experience, suffering, emotion' in pénthos 'mental suffering, grief': ANTIPATHY, APATHY, NEPENTHE, PATHETIC, PATHO-, PATHOS, -PATHY, PROTOPATHIC, SYMPATHY. G Antipathie, Apathiie, Homöopathie, Pathos, Pathologie, Sympathie. F antipathie.

pássein (Gr) 'to sprinkle': PASTE.

pátagos (Gr) 'clatter, crash': PATAGIUM.

patánê (Gr) 'platter, large dish' (*petª-): PAELLA, PATELLA, PATEN, PATINA. G Pfanne.

patein (5-5) (Gr) 'to tread, walk' (*pent-): PERIPATETIC.

patêr (4-8) (Gr) 'father' (*pªter-): ALLOPATRIC, EUPATRID, PATRI-, PATRIARCH, PATRIOT, SYMPATRIC. G Patriot.

paúein (Gr) 'to cause to stop, stop': COMPOSE, DIAPAUSE, PAUSE, PESADE, POSE, REPOSE. G Pause, pausieren, Pose, Poseur, posieren.

pêdan (4-5) (Gr) 'to leap' (*ped-1): DIAPEDESIS.

pédîlon (Gr) 'sandal, shoe' (*ped-1): CYPRIPEDIUM.

pêdón (Gr) 'blade of an oar,' hence 'oar' (*ped-1): PILOT.

pédon (Gr) 'ground, soil' (*ped-1): PARALLELEPIPED, PEDO-, PEDOLOGY.

pêgnúnai (Gr) 'to fix in the earth, plant, fasten, make solid, coagulate' (*pag-): PECTIC, PECTIN, PECTOSE, PEGMATITE.

peira (3-5) (Gr) 'trial, attempt' (*per-4): EMPIRIC, PIRATE. G empirisch, Pirat.

peírein (Gr) 'to pierce' in perónê 'tongue of a brooch or buckle, the brooch or buckle itself, door hinge, rivet,' also the name of certain bones, esp. the fibula (*per-2): PERONEAL.

pélagos (Gr) 'sea' (*plâk-1): ARCHIPELAGO, PELAGIC.

pelargós (Gr) 'stork': PELARGONIUM.

pélekus (Gr) 'double-blade ax' in pelekán 'pelikan,' because of the shape of its beak: PELICAN. G Pelikan.

pelemízein (Gr) 'to shake, cause to tremble' in pólemos 'fighting, war': POLEMIC. G Polemik.

pélesthai (Gr), orig. 'to move,' then 'to exist, be' in pólos 'axis of the celestial sphere, extremity of this axis,' hence 'firmament' (*kwel-1): POLE, PULLEY. G Pol.

pelidnós (Gr) 'pale, livid, grayish' (*pel-2), whence prob. Pélops, son of Tantalus, 'Pelops' (sense connection unclear): PELOPS.

pélla (Gr) 'skin' (*pel-4), combining form -pelas in erusípelas 'disease which causes reddening of the skin' (erusí perhaps < *reudh-1): ERYSIPELAS.

pélôr (Gr) 'monster' (*kwer-1): PELORIA.

pêlós (Gr) 'potter's clay, mud': PELITE, PELO-, PELOID.

péltê (Gr) 'small, light, leather shield' (*pel-4): PELTATE.

pémpein (Gr) 'to send, conduct, accompany': POMP, POMPOUS. G Pomp, pompös.

pémphix (Gr) 'breath, air,' hence something hollow or swollen, drop, pustule, bubble': PEMPHIGUS.

pênê (2-8) (Gr) 'rolled up thread of the loom,' hence 'spool, bobbin' in penos (2-5) 'web, something woven': PANIC, PANICLE, PANICULATE.

pénesthai (Gr) 'to make an effort, labor' in penía 'difficulty, need poverty' (*spen-): GEOPONIC, -PENIA.

pénte (Gr) 'five' in pentêkonta (5-8) 'fifty' (*penkwe + *dekm): PENTA-, PENTAD, PENTECOST.

péplos (Gr) 'piece of cloth, sheet, carpet, curtain, veil, robe': PEPLUM.

pépôn (Gr) 'ripe, sun-ripened' (*pekw-): PEPO, PUMPKIN.

pêra (2-8) (Gr) 'leather bag': PERIDIUM.

pérdesthai (Gr) 'to fart' in pérdix 'partridge,' perhaps because of the sound it makes when taking off, or its cry (*perd-): PARTRIDGE.

péri, perí (Gr) 'around, near, beyond' (*per 1): PERI-. G peri-.

perknós (Gr) 'having black spots, dark-colored,' referring to ripening grapes or olives, snakes, fish, etc. in pérkê 'perch': PERCH.

pernúnai (Gr) 'to sell, export' in pórnê 'prostitute' (*per-6): PORNOGRAPHY. G Porno.

péssein, péptein (Gr) 'to cause to ripen, cook, digest' (*pekw-): DRUPE, DYSPEPSIA, EUPEPTIC, PEPSIN, PEPTIC, PEPTONE, PUMPKIN.

petannúnai (Gr) 'to spread out, extend, open' in pétalon 'leaf' (*petª-): PETAL.

pétesthai (Gr) 'to fly' in ptênós 'flying' (*pet-): STEAROPTENE.

pétrâ (Gr) 'rock, cliff, stone' in pétros 'stone': PARSLEY, PETER, PETRIFY, PETRO-, PETROUS, SALTPETER. G Peter, Petersilie, Petra, petrefakt, petro-, Petroleum.

pháe (Gr), third person sg. aorist of a defective verb meaning 'to shine, appear,' hence pháos 'light,' contracted in the nominative and accusative to phos (3-5) (*bhâ-1): PHOS-, PHOSPHOROUS, PHOT, PHOTO-, PHOTOGRAPH. G Phosphor, photo-, photogen, Photographie, Photokopie.

phagein (6-5) (Gr) 'to eat, devour' (*bhag-1): -PHAGE, PHAGO-, -PHAGOUS, -PHAGY. G Phagocyte.

phágros (Gr) 'sea bream': PORGY.

phaínein (Gr) 'to show, bring to light, make known, become visible, come to light, appear' (*bhâ-1): DIAPHANOUS, EMPHASIS, EPIPHANY, FANTASY, HIEROPHANT, PANT, -PHANE, PHANEROGAM, PHANTASM, PHANTASMAGORIA, PHANTOM, PHASE, PHENO-, PHENOMENON, PHOSPHENE, SYCHOPHANT, THEOPHANY, TIFFANY. G Dia, Emphase, Fanal, Fanatiker, fanatisch, Phänomen, Phantasie, phantastisch, Phantom, Phase. It fanale, fantasia, fenomeno.

phákelos (Gr) 'bundle, fagot': FAGOT.

phálagx (Gr) 'battle line, phalanx,' hence fig. 'finger bone,' etc.: PHALANGE, PHALANX. G -phalangie, Phalanx.

phalarís (Gr) 'coot' (*bhel-1): PHALAROPE. Cf. G Belche.

phallós (Gr) 'phallus' (*bhel-2): ITHYPHALLIC, PHALLUS.

phalos (Gr) 'white, violent, crazy' in phalârís 'coot,' because of the white patch on its head: PHALAROPE.

phánai (Gr) 'to state, affirm, claim, say' (*bhâ-2): APHASIS, EUPHEMISM, -PHASIA, PROPHET. G euphemistisch, Prophet, Prophezeihung.

phármakon (Gr) 'plant with medicinal or magic properties,' hence 'drug, remedy, poison, potion': ALEXIPHARMIC, PHARACEUTICAL, PHARMACIST, PHARMACO-. G pharmako-, Pharmazeut, Pharmazie.

phárugx (Gr) 'throat, gullet, pharynx, windpipe': PHARYNX.

phásêlos (Gr), kind of bean: FRIJOL.

Phasis (Gr), a river in Colchis: PHEASANT. G Fasan. F faisan.

phebeisthai (6-5) (Gr) 'to flee (in panic and confusion)' (*bhegw-): -PHOBE, PHOBIA, -PHOBIA. G -phobie.

phei (4-5) (Gr), later phi, twenty-first letter of the Greek alphabet: PHI.

phellós (Gr) 'cork, cork oak': PANTOFFLE, PHELLODERM, PHELLOGEN.

phérbein (Gr) 'to nourish': FORB.

phérein (Gr) 'to carry, bring, deliver, produce' (*bher-1): AMPHORA, AMPOULE, AMPULLA, ANAPHORA, DIAPHORESIS, EUPHORIA, FERETORY, METAPHOR, PERIPHERY, -PHORE, -PHORESIS, -PHOROUS, TELPHER, TOCOPHEROL. G Ampel, Ampulle, Eimer, Metapher, Peripherie, Phosphor, Pulle.

phernê (6-8) (Gr) 'dowry' (*bher-1): PARAPHERNALIA.

pheúgein (Gr) 'to flee, escape, be exiled' in phugê (5-8) 'flight, possibility of fleeing, escape, banishment, exile' (*bheug-1): APOPHYGE.

phiálê (Gr) 'broad, flat vessel, shallow basin, wide-mouthed cup': PHIAL.

phílos (Gr) 'dear, beloved, loving': PAM, -PHILE, -PHILIA, PHILO-, -PHILOUS, PHILTER, -PHILY. G Philipp, philo-.

phlégein (Gr) 'to ignite, burn, blaze,' hence phlóx 'flame,' also an unidentified flower, presumably named for its color (*bhel-1): PHLEGM, PHLEGMATIC, PHLEGETHON, PHLOGISTON, PHLOGOPITE, PHLOX. G Phlegma, Phlox.

phléps (Gr) 'blood vessel, vein': PHLEBO-.

phloiós, phlóos (Gr) 'young bark of trees, outer surface of plant': PHLOEM.

phlúktaina (Gr) 'blister, swelling pustule' (*bhleu-): PHLYCTENA.

phoibos (4-5) (Gr) 'pure (of water, sunshine), bright (of sunshine, lightning),' also the epithet of Apollo: PHOEBE, PHOEBUS.

phôné (Gr) 'sound of the voice, voice, cry (of animals), sound in general, utterance, word, language' (*bhâ-2): ANTHEM, ANTIPHON, APHONIA, DIAPHONY, FRANCOPHONE, PHONE, -PHONE, PHONEME, PHONETIC, PHONO-, -PHONY, SYMPHONY, TELEPHONE. G phon-, -phon, Sinfonie. F phon-, phono-, -phone, -phonie.

phrâtêr (4-8) (Gr) 'fellow member of a clan (the clan being a political and rleigious subdivision of a tribe), member of any association' (*bhrâter-): PHRATRY

phrázein (Gr) 'to cause to understand, show by sign or word, say, explain' (rel. to phrên (4-8)): HOLOPHRASTIC, METAPHRASE, PARAPHRASE, PERIPHRASIS, PHRASE. G Paraphrase, Periphrase, Phrase, Phraseur, Phraseologie.

phréâr (Gr) 'well, reservoir, cistern' (*bhreu-2): PHREATIC.

phrên (4-8) (Gr) 'diaphragm (or pericardium), entralis, heart, mind, spirit' (rel. to phrázein): EUPHRASY, EUPHROSYNE, FRANTIC, FRENETIC, FRENZY, -PHRENIA, PHRENITIS, PHRENO-. G frenetisch.

phréssein (Gr) 'to fence in, enclose, block up' (*bhrekw-): DIAPHRAGM.

Phrúges (Gr), pl. 'the Phrygians': FRIEZE, PHRYGIA, PHRYGRIAN. G Fräse, Fries. F fraise, orfroi.

phthéggesthai (Gr) 'to emit a sound' in phthóggos and its poetic synonym phthoggê (8-8) 'sound, noise': DIPHTHONG, MONOPHTHONG. G Diphthong, Monophthong.

phtheír (Gr) 'louse, tick, any kind of animal parasite, plant louse': ICH, ICHTHYOPHTHIRIUS, PHTHIRIASIS.

phthínein (Gr) 'to die or waste away': PHTHISIC, PHTHISIS. G Phthisis.


phukos (3-5) (Gr) 'seaweed': PHYCO-.

phúlax (Gr) 'guard, guardian, protector': PHYLACTERY, PHYLAXIS, PROPHYLACTIC. G Anaphylaxie, Prophylaxe, prophylaktisch.

phúllon (Gr) 'leaf, petal, plant,' hence Phullís, mythic name, (*bhel-3): CHERVIL, GILLYFLOWER, -PHYLL, PHYLLIS, PHYLLO-, -PHYLLOUS, PODOPHYLLIN.

phulon (3-5), phûlê (5-8) (Gr) 'tribe, race, kind' (*bheuª-): PHYLE, PHYLETIC, PHYLOGENY, PHYLUM.

phusa (3-5) (Gr) 'bellows, breath, wind, flatulency' (*pu-1): EMPHYSWEMA, PHYSOSTIGMINE, PHYSOSTOMOUS.

pi (2-5) (Gr), sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet: PI.

piar (2-5) (Gr) 'animal fat,' adj. píôn 'fat' (*peiª-): PROPIONIC.

piézein (Gr) 'to press, squeeze, crush, pursue' (*epi + *sed-1): ISOPIESTIC, PIEZO-.

pikrós (Gr) 'sharp, piercing (of sea water, pain),' hence 'bitter, painful' (*peig-1): PICRIC, PICRO-.

pilos (2-5) (Gr) 'felt': PILOCARPINE.

pimplénai (Gr) 'to fill up' in plêthein (3-8) 'to be full' in plethos (3-5) 'great number or quantity, abundance, crowd' (*pelª-1): ISOPLETH, PLETHORA.

pimpránai (Gr) 'to cause to shoot forth, blow,' also 'to burn, swell up' in prêthein (3-8) 'to blow up, swell out by blowing, blow out, drive out by blowing': BUPRESTID.

pínê (Gr), kind of mollusk, 'pinna': PERIWINKLE.

pînein (2-8) (Gr) 'to drink' in pósis 'act of drinking, drink' (*pôi-): SYMPOSIUM. G Symposion.

pîptein (2-8) (Gr) 'to fall, throw oneself down' (*pet-): ASYMPTOTE, PERIPETEIA, PROPTOSIS, PTOMAINE, PTOSIS, SYMPTOM. G Symptom.

písos, píson (Gr) 'pea': PEA, PEASE.

píthêkos (Gr) 'ape': PITHECANTHROPUS.

pítûra (Gr), pl. 'grain husk, bran': PITYRIASIS.

plágios (Gr) 'placed sideways, slanting' (*plâk-1), whence plágos 'side': PLAGAL, PLAGIO-, PLAYA.

planásthai (Gr) 'to stray, wander': AIRPLANE, APLANATIC, PLANET. G Planet.

plássein (Gr) 'to mold, form, educate, imagine, create' (*pelª-2): ANAPLASTY, DYSPLASIA, METAPLASM, PLASMA, -PLASIA, -PLAST, PLASTER, PLASTIC, PLASTID, -PLASTY. G Pflaster, Plastik.

platús (Gr) 'flat, broad, spread out' (*plat-): OMOPLATE, PIAZZA, PLACE, PLAICE, PLANE_TREE, PLATE, PLATEAU, PLATINUM, PLATITUDE, PLATY, PLATY-, PLAZA. G Platane, Plateau, Platin, platt, Platte, Platz.

plázein (Gr) 'to cause to wander, lead astray' (*plâk-2): PLANKTON. G Plankton.

plein (4-5) (Gr) 'to go by sea, sail, float' (*pleu-): PLEUSTON.

pleíôn, pléôn (Gr) 'more,' comparative of polús in superlative pleistos (4-5) 'most' (*pelª-1): PLEO-, PLEONASM, PLEIOTROPISM, PLEISTOCENE, PLIOCENE.

plékein (Gr) 'to plait, twine,' hence plektós 'twisted' (*plek-): PLECOPTERAN, PLECTOGNATH.

plêsíos (Gr) 'near' (*pel-6): PLESIOSAURUS.

plêssein (3-8) (Gr) 'to beat, strike' (*plâk-2): APOPLEXY. PARAPLEGIA, PLECTRUM, -PLEGIA, PLEXOR.

pleúmôn (Gr), and by association with pneuma (4-5), pneúmôn 'lung' (*pleu-): PNEUMONIA, PNEUMONIC.

pleurâ (6-8) (Gr) 'rib,' pl. 'side, flank': PLEURA, PLEURISY, PLEURO-, PLEURON. G Pleura, Pleuritis, Pleurodynie.

plínthos (Gr) 'brick,' hence various materials shaped like a brick, 'plinth,' etc.: PLINTH.

ploutos (4-5) (Gr) 'wealth, riches' (*pleu-): PLUTO, PLUTOCRACY.

pnein (4-5) (Gr) 'to blow, breathe' in pneuma (4-5) 'a blowing, breath, wind, spirit' (*pneu-): APNEA, DIPNOAN, DYPSNEA, EUPNEA, HYPERPNEA, HYPOPNEA, NEUMES, PNEUMA, PNEUMATIC, PNEUMATO-, PNEUMO-, POLYPNEA.

pôgôn (2-8) (Gr) 'beard': POGONIA.

poiein (5-5) (Gr) 'to make, produce, create' (*kwei-2): MYTHOPOEIC, ONOMATOPOEIA, PHARMACOPOEIA, POEM, POESY, POET, -POIESIS, -POIETIC, PROSOPOEIA. G Poesie.

poikílos (Gr) 'many-colored,' hence fig. 'changing, various' (*peig-1): POIKILOTHERM.

poinê (5-8) (Gr) 'blood money, payment for a crime, retribution, vengeance': IMPUNITY, PAIN, PENAL, PENALTY, PENOLOGY, PINE, PUNISH, SUBPOENA.

pôlein (5-5) (Gr) 'to try to sell': BIBLIOPOLE, MONOPOLY. G Monopol.

poliós (Gr) 'grayish white, almost white' (*pel-2): POLIOMYELITIS.

pólis (Gr) 'city,' orig. designating a fortress at the center and highest part of town: ACROPOLIS, COSMOPOLITE, DECAPOLIS, ISOPOLITY, MEGALOPOLIS, METROPOLIS, NAPLES, NECROPOLIS, POLICE, POLICLINIC, POLICY, POLIS, POLITIC, POLITY, PROPOLIS. G Metropole, Neapel, Poliklinik, Politik, Polize.

póltos (Gr) 'porridge made from flour or beans' (*pel-1), whence prob. L puls 'pottage,' via Etruscan: POULTICE, PULSE.

polús, polú (Gr) 'much, vast, long, many' (*pelª-1): HOI_POLLOI, POLY-.

póntos (Gr) 'sea': PONTUS.

poros (2-5) (Gr) 'calcareous stone, tufa': MADREPORE. porphúrâ (Gr) 'shellfish yielding a purple dye, purple dye': PORPHYRY, PURPLE. G Porphyr, Purpur.

póros (Gr) 'means of passage, ford, bridge, passage through the skin, pore' (*per-2): EMPORIUM, PORE.

potamós (Gr) 'waterway, river' (*pet-): HIPPOPOTAMUS, MESOPOTAMIA.


práson (Gr) 'leek': PRASE, PRASEODYMIUM.

prâssein (3-8) (Gr), Attic prâttein (3-8) 'to effect, do, accomplish, work at, put into practice': APRAXIS, BARRATOR, PRACTICAL, PRACTICE, PRAGMATIC, PRAXIS. G pragmatisch, Praktik, praktisch, Praxis.

présbus (Gr) 'old man,' more often 'important person, ambassador' (*per 1 + *gwâ-): PRESBYOPIA, PRESBYTER, PRIEST. G Priester.

présbus (Gr) 'old man,' more often 'important person, ambassador' (*per 1 + *gwâ-): PRESBYOPIA, PRESBYTER, PRIEST. G Presbyter, Priester.

prîein (3-8) (Gr) 'to saw': PRISM, PRISMATOID, PRISMATIC, PRISMOID. G Prisma.

pró (Gr) 'before, in front, forward' (*per 1): PRO-. G pro-.

proira (3-5) (Gr) 'forward part of a ship' (*per 1): PROW.

prôktós (Gr) 'rear end, buttocks': PROCTOLOGY, PROCTOSCOPE. G Proktitis.

prós (Gr) 'besides, coming from, in the name of, concerning, against, toward, near, at' (*per 1): PROS-, PROSENCEPHALON, PROSENCHYMA.

próteros (Gr) 'before, former' (*per 1): HYSTERON, PROTERON, PROTEROZOIC.

protos (3-5) (Gr) 'foremost, first'(*per 1): PROTEIN, PROTIST, PROTO-, PROTON. G proto-.

psállein (Gr) 'to pluck, play a stringed instrument': PSALM, PSALTERY.

psámmos, ammos (Gr) 'sand' (*bhes-1): AMMOCETE.

psei (4-5) (Gr), later pi (2-5), twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet: PSI.

psen (3-5) (Gr) 'to rub, scrape' (*bhes-1): PALIMPSEST, PSORIASIS.

psephos (3-5) (Gr) 'ballot, pebble,' from the ancient practice of voting by casting pebbles (*bhes-1): PSEPHOLOGY.

pseúdesthai (Gr) 'to lie, cheat, falsify, break one's word': PSEUDO-. G pseudo-.

psîlós (Gr) 'bald, hairless, smooth': EPSILON, PSILOMELANE, UPSILON.

psittákê, psittakós (Gr) 'parrot': PSITTACINE, PSITTACOSIS.

psûkhê (6-8) (Gr) 'breath, respiration, vital force, life, soul, spirit, person': METEMPSYCHOSIS, PSYCHE, PSYCHIC, PSYCHO-. G Psyche, psychisch, psycho-.

psúlla (Gr) 'flea' (*plou-): PSYLLA.

pterón (Gr) 'that which serves for flying, feather,' in pl. 'wings' (*pet-): ACANTHOPTERYGIAN, APTERYX, ARCHAEOPTERYX, CROSSOPTERYGIAN, PERIPTERAL, PTERIDOLOGY, PTERO-, -PTEROUS, PTERYGOID.

ptílon (Gr) 'feather, down' (*pet-): COLEOPTILE.

ptíssein (Gr) 'to remove grain husks in a mortar, winnow, peel in a mortar': PTISAN, TISANE.

ptûein (3-8) (Gr) 'to spit' (*spyeu-): HEMOPTYSIS, PTYALIN.

ptússein (Gr) 'to fold, double': POLYPTYCH.

púelos (Gr) 'trough, basin for washing grain, facility for washing' (*pleu-): PYELITIS.

pugê (4-8) (Gr) 'rump, buttocks': CALLIPYGIAN, PYGIDIUM.

pugmê (5-8) (Gr) 'fist' (*peuk-): PYGMAEAN, PYGMY.

púka (Gr) 'tightly, solidly, carefully, precisely' in puknós 'tight, compact, solid, dense, thick': PYCIDIUM, PYCNO-, PYCNOMETER, PYKNIC. G Pykniker, Pyknose.

púlê (Gr) 'wing of a double gate,' in pl. 'gates, gateway, entrance': AEOLIPILE, MICROPYLE, PROPYLAEUM, PROPYLON, PYLON, PYLORUS. G Mikropyle, Propyläen, Pylorus.


puramís (Gr) 'pyramid': PYRAMID. G Pyramide.

pûrós (Gr) 'wheat' in purên (4-8) 'stone of a fruit': PYRENE.

pûthesthai (2-8) (Gr) 'to rot, putrefy' in empuein (6-5) 'to suppurate' in púon, púos 'pus' (*pu-2): EMPYEMA, PYO-.

puxós (Gr) 'boxwood': BOX, BUSH, BUSHING. G Buchs, Buchsbaum, Büchse. It bosso, bussola. F boîte, buis.

rhábdos (Gr) 'rod, magic wand' (*wer-3): RHABDO-, RHABDOMANCY.

rhákhis, (Gr) 'spinal column, spine': RACHIS, RACHITIS. G Rhachitis.

rháptein (Gr) 'to sew, stitch together' (*wer-3): RAPHE, RAPHIDE, RHAPSODY, STAPHYLORRHAPHY, TENORRHAPHY.

rhégkein, rhégkhein (Gr) 'to snore' (*srenk-): RHONCHUS.

rhêgnûnai (3-8) (Gr) 'to break, destroy, cause to burst, burst': -RRHAGIA.

rhein (4-5) (Gr) 'to flow' (*sreu-), hence rheuma (4-5) 'stream, flow, suppuration, rheum': CATARRH, DIARRHEA, HEMORRHOID, RHEO-, RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, RHYOLITE, -RRHEA. G Katarrh, Rheumatismus.

rhémbesthai (Gr) 'to come and go, stray, turn around, act at random' in rhómbos 'spinning top, rapid circular movement, rhombus' (*wer-3): RHOMBUS.

rhêtînê (5-5) (Gr) 'pine resin': RESIN, ROSIN.

rhézein (Gr) 'to dye' in rhegos (3-5) 'blanket, rug' (*reg-3): REGOLITH.


rho (3-5) (Gr), seventeenth letter of the Greek alphabet: RHO.

rhódon (Gr) 'rose' (*wrod-): RHODIUM, RHODO-.

rhúgkhos (Gr) 'snout, bill, beak' (*srenk-): OXYRHYNCHUS, RHYNCHOCEPHALIAN.

rhukánê (Gr) 'carpenter's plane': RUNCINATE.

rhûtê (5-8) (Gr), kind of shrub, 'rue': RUE.

rhuthmós (Gr) 'measure, recurring motion, rhythm' (*sreu-): RHYME, RHYTHM. G Rhythmus.

sagênê (4-8) (Gr) 'large fishing net, seine': SEINE.

sákkos (Gr) 'sackcloth, something made of sackcloth, sack, bag': SACK, SATCHEL. G Sack, Sakko.

salamándra (Gr) 'salamander': SALAMANDER. G Salamander.

sálpê (Gr), kind of sea fish, 'salpa': SALPA.

sardánion, sardánios (Gr) 'sneering, scornful,' said of bitter laughter which distorts the mouth: SARDONIC.


sáttein (Gr) 'to stuff, fill, pack': BREASTSUMMER, SUMMER, SUMPTER.

sáturos (Gr), goatlike mythical being, companion of Bacchus, 'Satyrus': SATYR, SATYRIASIS. G Satyr, Satyrspiel.

saúra, sauros (3-5) (Gr) 'lizard': SAUREL, SAURIAN, SAUROPOD, SAURY.

sbennúnai (Gr) 'to extinguish, be extinguished, go out, run out': ASBESTOS. G Asbest.

seíein (Gr) 'to brandish (a javelin), shake, quake (of the earth)' (*twei-): SEISM.

Seirên (5-8) (Gr), usually pl., referring to mythical beings, half-bird and half-woman, who attracted sailors by singing and caused their destruction, 'Siren': SIREN. G Sirene.

sélakhos (Gr), cartilaginous fish such as the ray or shark: SELACHIAN.


sélînon (Gr) 'celery': CELERY. G Petersilie, Sellerie.

sema (2-5) (Gr) 'sign, signal' (*dheiª-): SEMANTIC, SEMAPHORE, SEMATIC, SEMASIOLOGY, SEMEME, SEMIOLOGY. G Semantik.

sêpesthai (Gr) 'to rot, be rotten,' active voice 'to make rotten': ANTISEPTIC, SEPIA, SEPIOLITE, SEPS, SEPSIS, SEPTIC, SEPTICEMIA, SEPTICIDAL. G Antisepsis, Antiseptika, Asepsis, Sepsis.

seres (2-5) (Gr), name of an oriental people from whom silk was orig. obtained: SERGE, SERICEOUS, SERICIN, SILK.

sêsamon (2-8) (Gr) 'sesame': SESAME, SESAMOID.

séseli (Gr), kind of plant, 'hartwort': CICELY.

sídêros (Gr) 'iron, object made of iron': SIDERITE, SIDERO-. G Siderose.

sígma (Gr), eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet: SIGMA.

sílouros (Gr) 'sheatfish'(prob. *ors-): SILURIAN, SILURID.

sîmós (Gr) 'flat-nosed, snub-nosed': SIMIAN.

siopan (5-5) (Gr) 'to be silent, keep quiet' in siôpê (5-8) 'silence': APOSIOPESIS.

sîphôn (2-8) (Gr) 'tube, siphon, pump': SIPHON, SIPHONOPHORE, SIPHONOSTELE, SIPHUNCLE.

sirós (Gr) 'pit for keeping grain, silo': ENSILAGE, ENSILE, SILO.

skállein (Gr) 'to excavate, dig, hoe' in skalênós 'uneven, rough,' hence in mathematics 'unequal,' in geometry 'scalene, oblique' (*skel-1): SCALENE.

skammônía (Gr), kind of purgative plant, 'scammony' in scammônion (6-8) 'juice of the scammony plant': SCAMMONY.

skándalon (Gr) 'snare, trap,' hence fig. 'stumbling block, incitement to offend or do wrong, offense, scandal' (*skand-): SCANDAL.

skáptein (Gr) 'to dig, excavate, hoe' in skáphê 'basin, bathtub, kneading trough, bowl' and skáphos 'boat hull, boat' (i.e. something hollowed or dug out) (*skep-): BATHYSCOPE, SCAPHO-, SCAPHOID.

skarîpháesthai (Gr) 'to make a scratch, traced lightly' (*skrîbh-), whence perhaps skárîphos 'stroke, sketch, stilus': SCARIFY.

skedón (Gr) 'near, almost' (adv.), adj. skhédios 'near, next, immediate, quick, ro. Pg avarento, avaro.av ordinary, improvised': SKETCH.

skéllesthai (Gr) 'to dry, dry out, harden' in skeletós 'dried out corpse, mummy, skeleton' in sklêrós 'hard'(*skelª-): SKELETON, SCLERA, SCLERO-, SCLEROMA, SCLEROSIS, SCLEROTIC, SCLEROTIUM, SCLEROUS. G Skelett

skélos (Gr) 'leg' in skoliós 'crooked, curved, twisted,' from the curve of the leg at the knee (*skel-3): ISOSCELES, SCOLIOSIS, TRISKELION.

skênê (5-8) (Gr) 'tent, booth, stage, scene' (*skeªi-): SCENE. G Szene.

skêptesthai (3-8) (Gr) 'to lean on' (a can, etc.)' in skeptron (3-5) 'staff, stick,' hence 'scepter' (a symbol of authority): SCEPTER. G Zepter.

sképtesthai (Gr) 'to look at, examine, consider' (*spek-): BISHOP, EPISCOPAL, SCEPTIC, SCOPE, -SCOPE, SCOPO-, -SCOPY. G Bischof, Skepsis, -skop.

skhízein (Gr) 'to split, tear, divide, separate' (*skei-): SCHEDULE, SCHISM, SCHIST, SCHIZO-.

skholê (6-8) (Gr) 'leisure, quiet, free time,' hence referring to what one does or should do in one's leisure, hence 'study' (i.e. scientific discussion versus games), later 'school of philosophy' (*segh-): SCHOLAR, SCHOLASTIC, SCHOLIUM, SCHOOL. G Schule.

skiá (Gr) 'shadow' (*skeªi-): SKIAGRAM, SKIASCOPE, SQUIRREL.

skíggos, skígkos (Gr), kind of lizard found in the Near East and Africa, used in medicine: SCINCOID, SKINK.

skílla (Gr) 'squill, sea onion': SQUILL.

skiros (3-5) (Gr) 'uncultivated ground, scrubland,' hence 'tumor, hard abscess': SCHIRRHOUS, SCIRRHUS.

skôlêx (3-5) (Gr) 'worm, earthworm, grub' (*skel-3): SCOLEX.

skolópendra (Gr) 'scolopendrid, multipede': SCOLOPENDRID.

skómbros (Gr) 'mackerel': SCOMBROID. skorpíos (Gr) 'scorpion': SCORPION. G Skorpion.

skor (3-5) (Gr) 'dung, excrement' (*sker-4): SCATO-, SCORIA, SKATOLE.

skótos (Gr) 'darkness' (*skot-): SCOTOMA.

skúphos (Gr) 'cup, container': SCYPHI-, SCYPHOZOAN.

slên (Gr) 'spleen' in pl. splágkhna 'viscera' (*spelgh-): SPLAN, SPLEEN.

smáragdos (Gr) 'emerald': EMERALD, SMARAGDITE. G Smaragd.

smilax (3-5) (Gr) 'yew, bindweed': SMILAX.

smúris (Gr) 'emery, emery powder' (used to polish stones): EMERY.

sôlên (Gr) 'channel, pipe, tube, any cylindrical object': SOLEN, SOLENOID.

soma (2-5) (Gr) 'body' (*teuª-): SOMA, SOMATO-, -SOME.

sophós (Gr) 'skilled, wise, clever': SOPHIA, SOPHISM, SOPHIST, SOPHISTICATE, SOPHISTRY, SOPHOMORE, -SOPHY. G Sophie, -sophie, Sophist.

sôró (Gr) 'heap, pile' (*teuª-): SORITES, SOROSIS, SORUS.

sos (2-5) (Gr) 'safe, healthy, in good condition' (*teuª-): CREOSOTE, SOTERIOLOGY.

spáein (Gr) 'to draw (a sword), tear out (the hair)' in spádîx 'branch torn off,' esp. a palm branch: SPADIX.

span (3-5) (Gr) 'to draw, pull': SPASMODIC, SPASTIC.

spáros (Gr) 'sea bream': SPARID.

spárton (Gr) 'rope, cable' (*sper-2): ESPARTO.

spáthê (Gr), name of various long, flat objects, 'blade (of a sword, loom), currycomb, spatula, rib' (*spê-2): SPADE, SPADILLE, SPATHE, SPATULA, SPAY.

speira (4-5) (Gr) 'coil, spiral,' referring to various twisted or round objects (*sper-2): ASPIRIN, SPIRAEA, SPIRE.

speírein (Gr) 'to sow,' hence 'to scatter, produce' in spérma 'seed, act of sowing, origin' in sporá 'act of sowing, seeds, sown field' in sporás 'scattered' (*sper-4): DIASPORA, SPERM, SPORAADIC, SPORE, -SPORE, SPORI-, SPORO-, -SPOROUS. G sporadisch, Spore.

spêlaion (3-8) (Gr) 'cave, cavern' in spelugx (3-5) 'cavern': SPELAEAN, SPELEOLOGY, SPELUNKER. G Spelunke.

spéndein (Gr) 'to make a libation' in spondê (6-8) 'libation' (*spend-): SPONDEE.

sphágnos (Gr), kind of shrubby tree: SPHAGNUM.

sphaira (5-5) (Gr) 'ball, globe, sphere': SPHERE, -SPHERE, SPHERICAL. G Sphäre, -sphäre.

sphállein (Gr) 'to trip' (see also ásphaltos): SPHALERITE.

sphên (4-8) (Gr) 'wedge,' used as an instrument of torture: SPHENE, SPHENO-, SPHENOID.

sphíggein (Gr) 'to squeeze, bind tight, knot' in Sphígx, female monster, 'Sphinx': SPHINCTER, SPHINX. G Sphinkter, Sphinx.

sphóndulos, spóndulos (Gr) 'cervical vertebra, neck': SPONDYL-, SPONDYLITIS.

sphrâgís (Gr) 'seal, signet': SPHRAGISTICS.

sphúzein (Gr) 'to beat, throb': SPHYMIC, SPHYGMO-.

spinthêr (7-8) (Gr) 'spark': SPINTHARISCOPE.

spodós (Gr) 'wood embers, ashes, dust': SPODUMENE.

stalássein (Gr) 'to drip, cause to drip': STALACTITE, STALAGMITE. G Stalagmit, Stalaktit.

staphulê (8-8) (Gr) 'bunch of grapes' (*stebh-): STYPHYLO-.

staurós (Gr) 'stake, cross, crucifix' (*stâ-): STAURO-, STAUROLITE.

stázein (Gr) 'to ooze, drip' (*stag-): EPISTAXIS, STACTE.

stéâr (Gr) 'solid fat, suet, tallow': STEARIN, STEAROPTENE, STEATITE, STEATO-.

stégein (Gr) 'to cover, protect' (*steg-2): STEGANO-, STEGO-, STEGODON.

steíkhein (Gr) 'to walk, march, march in line' in stoikheion (8-5) 'line of the shadow in a sundial showing the time,' in pl. 'elements of the alphabet' considered as a line of letters in a certain order and as constituents of words, hence ''element'in a broader scientific or philosophical sense (*steigh-): STOCHIOMETRY.

steira (4-5) (Gr) 'keel of a ship' in stereós 'solid, hard' (*ster-1): CHOLESTEROL, STERE, STEREO-, STEROID. G stereo, Sterin, Steroide.

stêlê (3-8) (Gr) 'upright stone, stele' (*stel-): STELE.

stéllein (Gr) 'to get ready, prepare, arm, dress, prepare for departure, send,' in medicine 'to be astringent, constipating' in stolê (5-8) 'equipment, garment' (*stel-): APOSTLE, DIASTOLE, EPISTLE, PERISTALSIS, STOLE, SYSTALTIC. G Apostel, Stola.

stêmôn (3-8) (Gr) 'warp in an upright loom, thread' (*stâ-): PENSTEMON.

sténein (Gr) 'to groan or moan deeply and noisily': STENTORIAN.

stenós (Gr) 'narrow': STENO-. G steno-, Stenose.

stéphein (Gr) 'to surround, envelop, crown, wreathe' (*stebh-): STEMMA, STEPHEN.

stêrízein (Gr) 'to support' (*ster-1): STERIGMA.

stérnon (Gr) 'breast' (*ster-2): STERNUM.

stethos (3-5) (Gr) 'breast': STETHOSCOPE. G Stethoskop.

sthénos (Gr) 'physical strength': ASTHENIA.

stíkhos (Gr) 'row, line' of soldiers, trees, verse, etc. (*steigh-): ACROSTIC, CADASTER, DISTICH, HEMISTICH, ORTHOSTICHOUS, STICH, -STICHOUS.

stílbein (Gr) 'to shine brightly, twinkle': STILBENE, STILBITE.

stízein (Gr) 'to prick, tattoo, mark' (*steig-): ASTIGMATISM, STIGMA.

stoá (Gr) 'row of columns, portico,' also the name of the building where Zeno taught, hence the name of his school of philosophy (prob. *stâ-): STOA, STOIC.

stókhos (Gr) 'pillar of bricks, target' (*stegh-): STOCHASTIC.

stóma (Gr) 'mouth, opening': ANASTOMOSIS, ANCYCLOSTOMIASIS, STOMA, STOMACH, STOMATO-, STOMATOUS, -STOME. G Anastomose, Nephrostomie, Stomatitis, Stomatologie.

stornúnai (Gr) 'to spread out (a cover, etc.), make a bed, lie down' in stroma (4-5) 'what one spreads out on the ground, bed, mattress, cover' (*ster-2): STROMA.

strágx (Gr) 'that which is squeezed out, drop' (*strenk-): STRANGLE, STRANGULATE, STRANGURY. G strangulieren.

stratós (Gr) 'multitude, army, expedition' (*ster-2): STRATAGEM, STRATOCRACY.

streblós (Gr) 'twisted, crooked, rolled up,' sometimes 'squinting' in strabós 'squinting' in stróbos 'whirlwind' (*strebh-): STRABISMUS, STRABOTOMY, STROBE, STROBILA, STROBILACEOUS, STROBE, STROBILE, STROBO-.

stréphein (Gr) 'to turn, wind, twist' (*strebh-): ANASTROPHE, APOSTROPHE, BOUSTROPHEDON, CATASTROPHE, DISASTROPHISM, STREPTO-, STROP, STROPHE, STROPHULUS. G Apostrophe, Katastrophe, Strophe.

stroggúlos (Gr) 'round, curved, in the form of a compact ball': STRONGYLE.

strouthós (Gr) 'sparrow, ostrich,' also a kind of flat fish (flounder or halibut): , OSTRICH STRUTHIOUS.

strúkhnon (Gr), name of various plants, 'black nightshade, winter cherry, datura': STRYCHNINE.

stugein (6-5) (Gr) 'to abhor, be repulsed by' in Stúx, the river of Hades, the Styx (*steu-): STYX.


stûphein (3-8) (Gr) 'to contract, have an astringent effect' (*steuª-): STYPTIC.

stúppê (Gr) 'tow, oakum, coarse flax or hemp fiber' (*steuª-): STUPE.

stúrax (Gr), kind of fragrant gum, 'storax,' the shrubby tree producing the gum: STORAX.

sukkhís, sugxís, sukkhás (Gr), kind of shoe: SOCK. G Socke, Sockel.

sukon (2-5) (Gr) 'fig': SYCONIUM.

sulan (4-5) (Gr) 'to strip of arms, take away, seize, exercise the right of seizure' in ásulos 'not seizable, protected, secure': ASYLUM. G Asyl.

surigx (2-5) (Gr) 'shepherd's pipe, panpipe, pipe, tube, channel': SYRINGA, SYRINGE, SYRINGOMYELIA, SYRINX.

súrphos (Gr) 'gnat': SYRPHID.

tainía (Gr) 'band, ribbon' (*ten-): POLYTENE, -TAENIA.

takhús (Gr) 'swift': TACHINA_FLY, TACHISTOSCOPE, TACHY-. G Tachometer, Tachygraphie.

talássai (Gr), sigmatic aorist infinitive meaning 'to take upon oneself, bear' in tálanton 'balance, weight, sum of money represented by a certain weight of gold or silver' (*telª-): TALENT. G Talent.

Tántalos (Gr), mythical king of Phrygia, 'Tantalus': TANTALIZE, TANTALUM, TANTALUS.

tanu- (Gr) 'narrow, thin, tapered' in teínein 'to stretch (a bow), spread out, strain, extend, lengthen' in ténôn 'tendon, Achilles' tendon, neck muscle' in tános, tónos 'tension, tendon, cord, string,' hence 'pitch (of a sound), effort, intensity' (*ten-): BRONCHIECTASIS, EPISTASIS, HYPOTENUSE, PERITONEUM, PROTASIS, TELANGIECTASIA, TENESMUS, TENO-, TONE, TONIC, TONOPLAST. G Ton.

tápês (Gr) 'carpet, covering': TAPESTRY. G Tapet, Tapete, tapezieren, Teppich.

tarássein (Gr) 'to upset, stir up, disturb, trouble, frighten' (*dher-1): ATARACTIC, ATARAXIA.

tarsós (Gr) 'screen, frame or basket of wickerwork,' used fig. to designate various flat surfaces, including the sole of the foot (*ters-): TARSUS.

Tártaros (Gr), deep undergound abyss, 'Tartarus': TARTARUS, TORTOISE.

tássein (Gr) 'to place in order, arrange, fix, prescribe, demand payment': ATAXIA, EUTAXY, HYPOTAXIS, PARATAXIS, SYNTAX, TACTICS, TAX, TAXI, TAXI-, -TAXIS, TAXIS, TAXO-. G Geotaxis, Hypotaxe, Parataxe, Syntagma, Syntax, Taktik, Taxi, Taxon.

tau (3-5) (Gr), nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet: TAU.

tauros (3-5) (Gr) 'bull': TAURO-, TAUROMACHY.

têkein (2-8) (Gr) 'to melt, dissolve' (*tâ-): EUTECTIC.

têkhne (2-8) (Gr) 'skill, craft, art' (*teks-): POLYTECHNIC, PANTECHNICON, TECHNICAL, TECHNOLOGY. G Technik.

téktôn (Gr) 'carpenter, boat builder, craftsman' (*teks-): ARCHITECT, TECTONIC. G Architekt.

telamôn (6-8) (Gr) 'that which serves for carrying or supporting' (*telª-): TELAMON.

tele (2-5) (Gr) 'far off' (*kwel-2): TELE-. G tele-.

télos (Gr) 'completion, end, realization, goal' (*kwel-1): ENTELECHY, TALISMAN, TELEOLOGY, TELEUTOSPORE, TELIC, TELIUM, TELO-, TELSON. G Talisman.

télos (Gr) 'tax, charge' (*telª-): PHILATELY, TOLL. G Zoll.

témnein (Gr) 'to cut, split, slice' (*tem-): ANATOMY, ATOM, DIATOM, DICHOTOMY, ENTOMO-, EPITOME, TMESIS, TOME. G Anatomie, Atom.

téras (Gr) 'sign sent by the gods, wonder, monster' (*kwer-1): TERATOID, TERATOLOGY.

terêdôn (6-8) (Gr) 'shipworm, teredo' (*terª-1): TEREDO.

términthos (Gr), doublet terébinthos 'turpentine tree, terebinth': TEREBINTH.

térpesthai (Gr) 'to satisfy oneself, enjoy': TERPSICHORE.

téssares (Gr), variant tésseres, Attic téttares, téttara, combining forms tetra-, tetr- 'four' (*kwetwer-): DIATESARON, TESSERA, TETRA-, TETRAD.

tetraínein (Gr) 'to pierce' in trema (3-5) 'hole, opening' (*terª-1): MONOTREME, TREMATODE.

teúkhein (Gr) 'to make, construct, prepare' in teukhos (3-5) 'something produced, object,' later 'case of books, codex, book' (*dheugh-): HEPTATEUCH, HEXATEUCH, PENTATEUCH.

thálamos (Gr) 'inner room of a house': THALAMUS.

thálassa (Gr) 'sea': THALASSIC.

thállein (Gr) 'to flourish, bloom, sprout': PROTHALLUS, THALIA, THALLIUM, THALLUS.

thálpein (Gr) 'to warm, heat': ENTHALPY.

thánatos (Gr) 'death': EUTHANASIA, TANSY, THANATOS.

tháptein (Gr) 'to bury,' orig. prob. 'to dig' in táphos 'funeral, tomb': CENOTAPH, EPITAPH.

thársos (Gr) 'audacity, courage, confidence, assurance' in thrasús 'brave,' later 'audacious, reckless, arrogant': THRASONICAL.

thauma (4-5) (Gr) 'wonder, marvel': THAUMATOLOGY, THAUMATURGE.

théâ (Gr) 'sight, spectacle': THEATER. G Theater.

theion (4-5) (Gr) 'brimstone, sulfur or its vapor ' (*dheu-1): THION-.

thêkê (3-8) (Gr) 'box, receptacle, case' (*dhê-1): AMPHITHECIUM, BIBLIOTHECA, ENDOTHECIUM, HYPOTHEC, PERITHECIUM, THECA, TICK.

thêlê (5-8) (Gr) 'nipple' in thelus (3-5) 'feminine, female' (*dhêi-): ENDOTHELIUM, EPITHELIUM, MESOTHELIUM, THEELIN.

thénar (Gr) 'palm of the hand': THENAR.

theôrôs (6-8) (Gr) 'person sent to consult an oracle or to a religious celebration,' hence 'spectator': THEOREM, THEORETICAL, THEORY, THEORIZE. G Theorem, Theorie.

theós (Gr) 'god': ATHEISM, APOTHEOSIS, DOROTHY, ENTHUSIASM, PANTHEON, POLYTHEISM, THEO-, TIMOTHY. G Apotheose, Atheismus, Dorothea, Enthusiast, Enthusiasmus, Thea, Theismus, Theologie, Theophil.

thêr (3-8) (Gr) 'beast of prey, savage beast' (*ghwer-): -THERE, THERIO-, THEROPOID, TREACLE.

therápôn (Gr) 'warrior's attendant, esquire' in théraps 'servant': THERAPY. G Thesauros, Tresor.

théresthai (Gr) 'to get hot or warm, warm oneself, burn' in thermós 'warm, hot' (*gwher-): THERM, -THERM, THERMO-, -THERMY. G thermo-.

thêsaurós (Gr) 'place for storing provisions and precious objects, treasury': THESAURUS, TREASURE.

theta (3-5) (Gr), eighth letter of the Greek alphabet: THETA.

thiggánein (Gr) 'to touch, hold, reach' (*dheigh-): THIGMOTAXIS, THIXOTROPY.

thôrâx (3-8) (Gr) 'breastplate, coat of mail, chest covering,' later in medicine 'thorax, torso': THORACOTOMY, THORAX. G thorakal, Thorax.

threnos (4-5) (Gr) 'dirge, lament' (*dher-3): THRENODY.

thríambos (Gr) 'hymn to Bacchus': TRIUMPH, TRUMP. G Triumph, Trumpf.

thríps (Gr) 'woodworm': THRIPS.


thrómbos (Gr) 'lumb, clot': THROMBOSIS, THROMBUS. G Thrombose, Thrombus, Thromozyten.

thrónos (Gr) 'seat, chair, throne' (*dher-2): THRONE. G Thron.

thrúptein (Gr) 'to crush, break, soften' (*dhreu-): LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITY.

thúein (Gr) 'to burn food or first fruits as an offering to the gods,' later 'to sacrifice' in thúos 'burnt offering, incense, perfume' (*dheu-1): THUYA, THURIBLE, THURIBULER, THURIFER.

thûlakos (3-8) (Gr) 'sack': THALACINE.

thúmon, thúmos (Gr) 'thyme' (*dheu-1): THYME.

thûmós (Gr) 'soul, heart, spirit, ardor, courage' (*dheu-1): ENTHYMEME, -THYMIA.

thúnnos (Gr) 'tuna': TUNA, TUNNY. G Thunfisch.

thúra (Gr) 'door' (*dhwer-): THYROID.

thúrsos (Gr) 'thyrsus, Bacchic wand' (wreathed in ivy and wine leaves with a pine cone at the top): THYRSUS, TORSO. G Torso.

tiârâ (3-8) (Gr), tiâras (3-8) 'tiara, Persian headdress': TIARA.

tígris (Gr) 'tiger' (*steig-): TIGER, TIGRESS. G Tiger. Prob. < Iranian, cf. Old Persian tigra- 'sharp, pointed, Avestan tighri- 'arrow.'

tíktein (Gr) 'to beget' (*tek-): OXYTOCIC, POLYTOCOUS, TOCOLOGY.

tíllein (Gr) 'to pluck': CHRYSOTILE.

tilos (2-5) (Gr) 'liquid feces, diarrhea': TIGLIC_ACID.

tîmê (4-8) (Gr) 'honor, worth': TIMOCRACY, TIMOTHY.

Tîtânes (4-8) (Gr), pl. mythical giants, 'Titans': TITAN, TITANIC, TITANIFEROUS, TITANITE, TITANIUM, TITANOTHER, TITANOUS. G Titan.

tithénai (Gr) 'to place permanently, establish, found, create' (*dhê-1): ANATHEMA, ANTITHESIS, APOTHECARY, APOTHECIUM, BODEGA, BOUTIQUE, DIATHESIS, EPENTHESIS, EPITHET, HYPOTHESIS, METATHESIS, PARENTHESIS, PROSTHESIS, PROTHESIS, THEMATIC, THEME, THESIS, THETIC. G Apotheke, Bibliothek, Böttcher, Bottig, Buddel, Butike, Bütte, Diskothek, Hypothek, Hypothese, Prothese, Synthese, Theke, Thema, These.

titrôskein (5-8) (Gr) 'to wound, cause to suffer, damage a ship' in troma (3-5), Attic trauma (4-5) 'wound, damage to a ship, defeat': TRAUMA.

tó (Gr), neuter definite article (*to-): TAUTO-.

tópos (Gr) 'place, region, site, part of the body,' in rhetoric referring to the central place or subject of discourse: TOPIARY, TOPIC, TOPICAL, TOPO-, UTOPIA. G entopisch, topisch, topo-, Utopie.

torein (5-5) (Gr) 'to bore through, pierce,' thematic aorist corresponding to present teírein 'to wear away, cause to suffer, torture,' whence toreúein 'to chisel' (*terª-1): TOREUTICS.

tórnos (Gr) 'carpenter's compasses (tool for drawing a circle), turn, circular movement' (*terª-1): ATTORN, CONTOUR, DETOUR, RETURN, TOUR, TOURIST, TURN. G Kontur, Tour, turnen, Turner, Turnus.

tóxon (Gr) 'box,' in pl. 'bow and arrows': TOXIC, TOXIN. G Toxin, toxisch.

trágos (Gr) 'male goat': TRAGACANTH, TRAGEDY, TRAGELAPH, TRAGIC, TRAGOPAN, TRAGUS. G tragisch, Tragödie.

trâkhús (Gr) 'rough, rugged, harsh' (*dher-1): TRACHEA, TRACHOMA, TRACHYTE.

trápeza (Gr) 'table,' compound of tertra- (see téssares + poús): TRAPEZE, TRAPEZIUM.



trépein (Gr) 'to turn, turn or direct toward, change, put to flight': ATROPOS, CONTRIVE, ENTROPY, RETRIEVE, TREPONEME, TROPE, TROPHY, TROPIC, TROPO-, -TROPOUS, -TROPY. G Atropin, Ektropium, Entropie, Entropium, -trop, Tropen, -tropie, tropisch, Tropismen, -tropismus, Troposphäre.

tréphein (Gr) 'to nurture, nourish' in trophê (6-8) 'nourishment, act of nourishing' in thrémma 'that which one nourishes, nursling': ATROPHY, EUTROPHIC, POLYTROPHIC, THREMMATOLOGY, TROPHIC, TROPHO-. G Atrophie, Dystrophie, Eutrophie, Trophoblast.

trîbein (3-8) (Gr) 'to rub, crush' (*terª-1): DIATRIBE, TRIBADE, TRYPSIN.

triêrês (4-8) (Gr) 'trireme' (*erª-1): TRIERARCH

trôgein (3-8) (Gr) 'to gnaw, nibble, munch (vegetables)' (*terª-1): TROGON. G Dragee.

trûein (3-8) (Gr) 'to wear away, use up' (*terª-1): TRYMA.

trûpan (5-5) (Gr) 'to pierce, bore' (*terª-1): TREPAN, TRYPANOSOME. It trapanare, trapano.

túmbos (Gr) 'burial bound,' hence 'tomb': TOMB.

túmpanon (Gr) 'drum' (*steu-): TYMPANUM.

túphesthai (Gr) 'to smoke, be filled with smoke, be reduced to ashes' in túphein 'to smoke' in tuphlós 'blind' (*dheu-1): STEW, TYPHLITIS, TYPHLOSOLE, TYPHUS. G Typhus.

túptein (Gr) 'to strike' in túpos 'imprint (left on a surface struck by a mold or seal),' hence 'form, model, type' (*steu-): ANTITYPE, ARCHETYPE, TYPE. G Typ.

túrannos (Gr) 'absolute ruler,' whose power is not limited by law: TYRANNICAL, TYRANNIZE, TYRANNO-, TYRANNOSAUR, TYRANNOUS, TYRANNY, TYRANT. G Tyrann, Tyrannei, tyrannisieren.

túrbê (Gr) 'tumult, disorder, confusion' (*twer-1): DISTURB, PERTURB, TROUBLE, TURBID, TURBINE, TURBIT, TURBULENT. G Trubel, Trubine, turbulent.

tûrós (Gr) 'cheese' (*teuª-): BUTTER, TYROSINE, TYROTHRICINE.

túrsis, túrsos, túrris (Gr) 'tower' of a fort or citadel: TOWER.

xanthós (Gr) 'yellow, golden, blond': EXANTHIC, XANTHIN, XANTHO-, XANTHOUS.

xei (3-5) (Gr), later xi (2-5), fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet: XI.

xénos (Gr) 'host, guest, stranger': EUXENITE, PYROXENE, XENO-.

xérós (Gr) 'dry': ELIXIR, PHYLLOXERA, XERO-. G Elixier, xero-.

xíphos (Gr) 'double-edged sword': XIPHI-, XIPHIAS, XIPHOID, XIPHOSURAN.

xúein (Gr) 'to scrape, rub, make smooth' (*kes-1): XYSTER.

xúlon (Gr) 'wood': XYLO-, XYLOPHONE. G Xylophon.

xún, sún (Gr) 'at the same time, with' (*ksun): SYN-. G syn-.

zeiaí (Gr), pl. 'one-seeded wheat, barley, wheat': ZEIN.

zelos (2-5) (Gr) 'envy, emulation, rivalry,' hence 'ambition, fervor, zeal': JEALOUS, ZEAL, ZEALOT. G Jalousie, Zelot.

zéphuros (Gr) 'west or northwest wind, Zephyrus': ZEPHYRUS, ZEPHYR.

zeugnúnai (Gr) 'to yoke,' hence 'to bind fast, join together,' zugón 'yoke,' zeugma (3-5) 'barrier, bridge of ships fastened together' (*yeug-): ASYGOUS, SYZYGY, ZEUGMA, ZYGO-, ZYGOMA.

Zeús (Gr) 'Zeus' (*deiw-): DIOSCURI, ZEUS.

zízuphon (Gr) 'jujube tree': JUJUBE.

zôein (2-5) (Gr) 'to live' in zôê (3-8) 'life' in zoion (3-5) 'animal, living thing,' including plants and humans (*gwei-): AZO-, AZOTE, DIAZO, -ZOA, -ZOIC, ZOO, ZOO-, ZOON, -ZOON. G Zoologie.

zônnúnai (Gr) 'to gird (oneself)' in zônê (2-8) '(woman's) girdle, part of the body where it is worn,' hence generally 'area, zone' in zôstêr (5-8), kind of warrior's belt: ZONE, ZOSTER. G Zone.

zúmê (Gr) 'leaven' (*yeuª-): ENZYME, -ZYME, ZYMO-.