How to watch movies at home

(Reading time: 4 minutes)

Many people prefer watching movie in a cinema hall. They believe that the cinema hall has a better atmosphere to enjoy the movie. However, from my perspective, people who watch movie at home are indeed happier and freer than people who choose the cinema hall. People who watch movie at home are more comfortable. There is no need to worry about the ticket. They can enjoy movie at any time they want, and at any position they like. There is the possibility that they can watch movie at midnight or at six o`clock in the morning. People who prefer watching movie at home would not have to face any traffic problem. I believe that the comfort at home is so appealing and admirable for all of us.

People who watch movie at home have more freedom. Understandably, in the cinema hall, we cannot go outside and do something personal because movie does not wait for us. Especially in some high- speed movie, if we miss part of the movie, we may are not able to understand the movie. We are free at home. We can pause the movie any time we want in order to do other things, or even can we repeat part of the movie when we are confused about some details. Then we have more choices on snacks and drinks, too. There is the possibility to watch movie while having the dinner. Admittedly, most people consider that cinema hall provides the best condition for watching movie. However, with the good equipment at home, we still have the chance to appreciate the movie.

However, we should create a equipment that will enhance our movie experience. I am sharing here all the required preparation and tips to watch a movie in better manner.

  • Television

Buy a large widescreen and flat screen HDTV if you can afford it. If not, see what you have in home which can be used in better sense. For example, if you have a TV, find out technical details like its aspect ratio, picture resolution, picture system (PAL or NTSE) so that that can be perfectly applied to your input source (DVD player) before putting on the movie. Perfect alignment of DVD player and the TV will give you fine picture and error less sound. Check that your TV does not have dust on the screen.

  • Sound

Adjust the settings of your home theater system with sensible approach. Do not put the bass and treble at the highest level. Make it a point to adjust/change the sound settings according to your need and which best fits the movie. You may need sharp and loud sound for a action movie, but not for a silent, soft or romantic movie. So, have your preferences.

  • Media

Go for a good media. See that your media (such as VCD, DVD, Blue-Ray Disc) is compatible to your system. Study which kind of media your DVD player can handle. Read it's user guide or search on the internet for that. If you want to create a DVD from the videos of your mobile, camera or downloaded clips, use a good software. I recommend ConvertXtoDVD. Its is a fast software if you want to make a DVD from your own videos. It supports nearly all available formats as input files and makes a DVD which gives you a good watching experience. Use a branded blank DVDs for writing. If you are taking movies from DVD library, please make sure they are branded ones and not heavily used before.

  • CD/DVD care

Pick the CDs or DVDs from its case catching at their edges. The scratched ones surely ruin your movie watching.

  • Avoid distractions

Remember that the movie is a series of events which have to watched in sequence. So avoid watching movie if someone is studying or sleeping in other room.

  • Dim the lights

Dim the lights and make an atmosphere for watching the movie. If it is a daytime, close the curtains.

  • Sitting position

You position while watching the movie is very important. Please make sure that you sit in the position from where you get the full exposure of the picture and sound. Avoid corners.

  • Avoid watching movie at your bedtime

You will be feeling sleepy and you are going to turn down the movie half-way. If you watch a remaining portion afterwards, probably you will not get the entire link of the part you have seen earlier.

  • Enjoy the movie

While watching, do not compare the movie or artists to other movie. This will distract you from the movie and you will miss something from the movie you are watching.

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