How to listen to Music

(Reading time: 7 minutes)

How to listen to Music? Put on the music player. That’s all.

Most of us will think in this way. It is true also. It is alright if you want to just listen to it. While you are doing something else, or you want a background of music like that of a hotel lobby, then it is fine. However, if you really experience true quality of music, then you will have to take some efforts for it.

Here are the things which you can check if you have them in your home. If not, you will have to procure them to have a better and rich music experience.

  • Playback Device

The very first step is that you should have a good playback system. This can be your audio CD player, DVD player or CD/DVD ROM of your PC. This is where we play our music from CD/DVD or from any other media that can store the music tracks. A good CD player is a must choose from a brand with a reliable reputation. It should have solid construction, and a quality that is necessary for digital-to-audio converter. You can discuss these aspects with your store before buying it. A good player will make your CD sound more natural and smooth, rather than harsh and electronic.

  • Amplifier

Now it's time to get a good amplifier. It is an electronic instrument that amplifies low-power audio signals to a level suitable for home sound system speakers and is the second stage in an audio playback chain. The wattage of amplifier may be normally higher than 400 Watts. Higher the better. It is a misconception that higher wattage amplifier is not required in home as we do not need high volume. The fact is, A better amplifier is required for crystal clear reproduction of the music, not for higher volume.

  • Speakers

Speakers are the third most important part of a home stereo system. Choose speakers that sound natural to your ear and play your favorite music well. When you close your eyes, good speakers should disappear and you can visualize a sound-stage where you can clearly pick out individual instruments. Remember that stereo music reproduction is about re-creating the accurate representation of what is on the recording media, not about volume, treble or bass. The diameter of good level speakers is normally more than 8 inches, to

produce a perfect and balanced sound.

  • Ready made Home Audio System

You can skip the above steps if you decide to buy a branded home audio system which will have all the essential requirements integrally in it. Brand like Sony or Philips is a good choice if you want a ready-made Audio system. Before buying it, know all the functions of the system. If required, visit shops of different brands. You are spending money for the good music, so it is better to be little liberal.

  • Tip to buy a System

While buying, play a CD of your choice in the system (play the song which you have heard for many times before) and judge it's performance. A small test will also help here. Pause the playing song, and take your ear near the speakers. You will hear a humming sound in the speaker. Lesser the sound, better the amplifier. If you are impressed by it's performance, bring it home.

  • Where to install

Install the system in relatively quiet room. The room should not be very small, otherwise it will bounce back the music.

  • Placing the speakers

Place the two speakers on distance to get a real stereo effect. Do not keep speakers in 45 degree angle, unless otherwise specified in the user manual. Place the speakers parallel to each other so that the stereo sound will be distinct.

  • Audio Media

Bring your favorite music preferable in the form of an Audio CD. In those also, always try to use branded Audio CD for perfect experience of songs. Copied ones loose quality. If you want to use other media like USB-drive or hard disk as media storage device, use tracks of FLAC format. Audio CD and FLAC are only two formats which produce a original music. Avoid mp3 formats as long as you can. The mp3 format is a compressed and lossy format which will reasonably minimize quality of your tracks. Mp3 is alright for PC or a car for that matter, but definitely not for home audio system.

  • What if I have to listen to mp3 tracks

If you do not have any other choice than mp3 tracks, then please make it a point to have mp3 tracks which have bit-rate over 256 kbps. Bit-rate of 320 kbps is better. Avoid listening to internet downloaded mp3 tacks (from mp3 download sites)as they generally have bit-rate of 128 kbps only. mp3 tracks of 320 kbps are hard to find over the internet, but they generally give you a good playback if you do not have Audio CD of the songs.

  • What if System is not working

Get your system repaired from the qualified technician. When your dedicated audio system is not available, avoid listening to music on home theater system unless you have music mode in DVD player unit. Music mode plays only two speakers and sometimes a woofer, too. If you do not have music mode in your home theater system, please arrange for a dedicated home audio system for better listening. This system is meant for watching a video film having 5.1 channel separated audio track. As it fails to get required 5.1 channel source from the regular Audio CD, the output from 5 speakers seriously damage the basic platform and clarity of original music.

  • Volume Control

When you put on a song, listen on low volume first, and then increase it as per your need and choice. Make it a habit. Normally, the sound should be good enough for your room. Not more, not less. If some noise (road traffic etc) is disturbing you, wait till it subsides.

  • Graphic Equalizer

Do not apply equalizer settings unless really there is a need for it. Remember that the sound recorded on Audio CD is perfect for ears for full enjoyment of music. Equalizer can give you a slightly fancy version of song, but that’s not always required. So even if you want to make some settings, make it a point that settings should not drastically change the way the song plays. It is always better to avoid any artificial sound effects and settings.

  • How to listen

Develop your sensitivity towards music. With the vocal, do listen to all the musical instruments played in the song. Offer a little more concentration to music. Try to find out whether this is a saxophone or a trumpet. If you don’t know it, ask somebody. For better concentration, keep your eyes closed if you want. Let your mind flow with the tempo of the song. Important thing, avoid singing along with the singer. Singing along with the song played will miss the voice from original singer. (If you think you can sing well, try yourself on Karaoke system instead)

  • Making a habit

Spend some time daily for listening to music. It will be soon a good habit. Remember 20m formula. 20 minutes of morning walk, 20 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of music. Spare some free time and spend it in your music room. Do not use headphones, listen to sound system. Listen less, but listen best.

  • Be attentive

Memorize the music you listen to. This is useful to create a affection towards tracks you listen and you will like to listen them again and again. Slowly, you will understand subtle notes of it. Pay your attention to the small music pieces that add to the beauty of the track. Understand the little pauses. Look at the synchronization of artists.

  • Sharing music

Talk to your friends and family regarding the music you have experienced. Speak to them your opinion. Listen to theirs. Share your music with them, and share their music.

  • Gratitude

Respect the people who have created music for you. Know little more about singer, lyricist and music composer. Imagine about their creativity and work. They have worked hard to create this music for you, admire them.

  • Variety

Listen to variety of music. Don’t stick up to only one artist or type. Say yes to all. Enjoy all kind of music; all are good in their own way. Before listening new variety, try to gather at least basic information about it. Take help of internet.

  • Loving Music

So friends, lets enjoy music .... by going little closer to music .....Let the music be food for love......

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