How to keep your mobile smooth and fast

(Reading time: 4 minutes)

Now-a-days everybody has his own mobile handset. It is more of a necessity than luxury. The mobile handset works fast when we buy it and we are happy about it. However, after some days we find that it has become slow, sluggish and less responsive. Sometimes it hangs, and we have to restart it to work again. This article suggests you the steps to keep your mobile smooth and fast as it was at the time we bought it. Please follow simple tricks given here and you will start loving your handset again!The mobile is nothing but a small computing machine. It has a processing chip, motherboard, memory and operating system, too. Hence some aspects of computer apply there.

  • Are your open applications consuming memory?

Many-a-times we open a application, use it and press red button, forgetting that it is still working. Irrespective of make and model you have, open applications eat a lot of memory even when they are working in the background. So it better to look for them and close the unnecessary application/s after specific time intervals. Most of the models have menu button, you can keep it pressed for a while, and it will show all the open applications. Navigate into those applications, and exit those applications when you do not really need them to run.

  • Is your phone memory full?

Mobile operating system needs considerable free space on phone memory (it is also called C: drive of the phone) to function flawlessly. Users store camera pictures, ring tones, logos, wallpapers and songs on the phone memory and they don’t really know that this stuff is taking space. Hence it is better to move the data immediately to memory card and keep your phone memory empty for better functioning of the handset. When you finish moving data, restart the phone so that the newly emptied space will be used by the OS.

  • How you have closed your browser?

Just closing the browser by red button does not help. We have to go to menu of the browser and click exit to close the browser fully. If the browser is open in the background, it will keep downloading per-programmed flash objects; advertisements etc and make your mobile sluggish.

  • Is your data transmission ON even you are not using internet?

Many mobile users keep the Data transmission (GPRS or 3G) ON even when they are not using internet. This slows the phone as it always keeps on searching data on the network. So it is advised to shift to 2G (without data) or GSM network when you do not use web browser or any other application using data. You can easily select this option under Network settings. This also applies to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

  • Do you update your mobile OS regularly?

I have personally experienced that keeping the phone OS up-to-date makes the phone working fine. It is certainly not very difficult. Take the CD you received with the mobile device (or alternatively you can download software from your mobile manufacturer's website), install it on your PC, check for updates and install them.

  • Are you using mobile Anti-virus?

When we transfer data from other device like computer or mobile handset through cable or Bluetooth, there is risk of virus. So it is recommended to install a good Anti-virus scanner on mobile device. AV scanners made for mobile device are not very expensive.

  • Is your battery causing trouble?

Most mobile batteries do not work more than two years and they can even die earlier if used excessively. So if your battery is not providing adequate power to your device, it will operate slowly.

  • Is your wallpaper exceeds recommended resolution?

All mobile devices are made to display a specific resolution output. While putting any pictures on mobile wallpaper, it is advised to see resolution of your picture. If it exceeds than that of your mobile device, better to edit it with image editing software, otherwise it will keep eating your mobile memory. The wallpaper using flash also take good amount of memory. Better to avoid it if it is slowing down your device.

  • What about blackberry?

If you use a blackberry, please make sure that you enable memory cleaning under advanced security options. Also delete event log often by pressing Alt+lglg (lglg in small letters) and then delete event log.

  • What about Android?

If you have Android phone, use Android Assistant application. It works brilliantly by killing all the running applications and useless processes. It is just like restarting your mobile phone.

Please follow the above steps to keep your mobile smiling!

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