Worcester FD

1949 radio info - 230 Park Ave - radio callsign WQWV - 35.58 Mhz - FM - 6 mobiles - per FM-TV Magazine from 1949 - 5/16/2021


Worcester FD radio history - very approximate - 1949 - 35.58 - 1950s? - 33.86 - 1970s? - 460.525 and 460.575 - 1990s? - City 800 Mhz TRS analog - 2015 ish - digital State 800 mhz TRS - 5/16/2021


Radio Usage - based on radio traffic heard via live scanner audio - Oct 2012 - home channel for all units is the ADMIN Channel - one beep is sent for a single unit response - 2 beeps are sent for '2 + 1' alarms (2 pumpers + 1 aerial unit) - "break it down" or "break down (Unit) " means "cancel the response" - First Responder calls (EMS) are handled on Ops C - box alarms and '2 + 1' alarms are handled on Ops A or Ops B - fire units talk to Worcester EMS units on Ops C when handling EMS calls - neither hydrants nor exact bld locations seem to be given on calls - maybe sometimes cross streets are given - Engine numbers are commonly given as single digit chains (ie Engine One Five / Engine 15 - Engine One Six / Engine 16) by the dispatchers when dispatching calls (probably because 15, 16, 13, all sound the very similar on the radio)

Aug 16, 2015 - for full boxes and "2 and 1", response and FG comms are on Ops A or Ops B - the dispatcher fully participates on Ops A and Ops B - for EMS calls, response and onscene comms are probably on Ops C - on ADMIN, units are heard "returning to quarters" and "back in quarters"

March 11, 2016 - after units respond to a call on Ops A or Ops B, if just 1 or 2 units are held at the scene, they are told to switch to Ops C


Radio IDs - Car 4 - Car 400 (aide to Car 4) - Engine 2 Pump or Engine 2 Truck - Ladder 401 (maybe) - Oct 2012 - "Fire Alarm" is the dispatcher - "Engine 8" is the officer on Engine Company 8 - "Ladder 2" is the officer on Ladder Company 2

Aug 15, 2015 - 2 alarm fire - units heard included - Rescue 2 - Rescue Team 1 - Rescue 1 (the officer on Rescue 1 probably) - Engine 12 Pump, charge the line - Engine 12's Truck, charge the line again - Ladder 1 Roof



Car 4 seems to be a Captain usually - Car 3 is a Chief


Radio Channels

ADMIN - Channel (? 1 ?) - home channel for all units / maybe aka "in service channel") - monitored 24/7 by dispatchers - channel is known as "Admin" - main channel

OPS A - response and onscene channel - monitored by dispatcher when in use for a emergency incident - (probably exclusively for still and box alarms - 3/11/2016)

OPS B - response and onscene channel - " "" - (probably exclusively for still and box alarms - 3/11/2016)

OPS C - response and scene channel for medical calls (and for single company fire responses) - (and used for 1 or 2 units held / remaining at the scene of a still or box alarm - 3/11/2016)

OPS D - maybe an overflow channel

FIRE DISPATCH - Channel 5 - per the Internet - calls announced


General Radio Procedures - seem to be

1. All radios are initially tuned to ADMIN channel

2. When responding to and operating at an incident, radios will be set to Ops A or B or C or D (or some other channel as directed by the dispatcher)

3. When clear of an incident and returning to the station, radios are set to the ADMIN channel

4. The DISPATCH channel is used to receive calls when in the station - there might be a dedicated radio (listening to the DISPATCH channel) in each station; and it might be tied to the public address system in the fire station

5. There might be a seperate talkgroup for dispatching each station or company - this could be useful at night when everyone is sleeping - everyone can set their portable radios to their specific talkgroup - everyone can sleep with their portables turned on, and only get woken up when needed


General Radio Traffic

Fire Alarm calling Car 4 - Car 4 - Car 4 you are responding to XXX for a central station alarm

Engine 2 to Fire Alarm - Engine 2 - blah blah blah

Car 4 on the air - Car 4 you are on the air, 1914

Engine 16 to Fire Alarm we are back in quarters - OK Engine 16 1915


Typical radio traffic for a first responder (ambulance) call

Dispatcher - 1 beep - Engine 5 first responder - Engine 5 65 Main St first responder (call) - Engine 5 65 Main St first responder - time out 912

Engine 5 - Engine 5 responding / on

Dispatcher - Engine 5 (you are responding to) 65 Main St for a person having a heart attack

Engine 5 - Engine 5 OK (65 Main St)(heart attack)

Engine 5 - Engine 5 at scene / arriving / on arrival (address not repeated)

Dispatcher - Engine 5 you are at scene / on arrival, (time)

Engine 5 - Engine 5 is back in service (Eng 5's back Fire Alarm)

Dispatcher - OK Engine 5 you are back in service

Engine 5 - Engine 5 in quarters

Dispatcher - OK Engine 5 you are in quarters


Typical radio traffic for a fire call

Dispatcher - 2 beeps - Engine 1 Engine 2 Ladder 1 Car 3 - 65 Main St - alarms sounding - Ops B - Engine 1 Engine 2 Ladder 1 Car 3 - 65 Main St - alarms sounding - Ops B - (timeout 915)

Car 3 - Car 3 has 65 Main St alarms sounding

Dispatcher - OK Car 3 you are responding

Engine 1 - Engine 1 is at scene / arriving , 65 Main St, nothing showing

Dispatcher - OK Engine 1 you are at scene with nothing showing

Car 3 - Car 3 is at 65 Main St

Dispatcher - OK Car 3 you are at 65 Main St

Engine 1 - Engine 1 to Car 3, food on the stove, we can handle

Car 3 - OK Engine 1 you have food on the stove - car 3 to Fire Alarm, break it down to Engine 1 only

Dispatcher - OK Car 3, breaking it down to Engine 1 only, all other units can return

Engine 2 - Engine 2 in quarters

Dispatcher - OK Engine 2 you are in quarters

Ladder 1 - Ladder 1 to Fire Alarm, we are in quarters

Dispatcher - OK Ladder 1

Car 3 - Car 3 to Fire Alarm Car 3 is clear

Dispatcher - OK Car 3

Engine 1 - Engine 1 is returning in service


Typical radio traffic for a structure fire

Dispatcher - 2 beeps - Attention all companies, standby for a reported structure fire, 36 Vinton St, box to follow - 20 second pause - Striking box 8 dash 26, New at Harbor, for 36 Vinston Street, companies to respond, Engine 8, Engine 16, Engine 3, Engine 6, Ladder 2, Ladder 1, Ladder 3 as RIT, Rescue and Car 3, Ops Channel (?shall be) (?will be)A Alpha - repeated - companies out at 1659

Car 3 - Car 3 on

Dispatcher - Car 3 responding, female reports her kitchen is on fire, you have Ladder 3 as RIT

Engine 8 - Engine 8 at scene, 2 and half wood frame (house), lite smoke showing, at end of street, room in front for Ladder

Dispatcher - Engine 8 at scene, 2 and half wood frame, lite smoke showing

(EMS to Fire - Medic 5 is responding to Vinton St) (on tie freq)

Engine 8 - Engine 8 to Command

Car 3 - Command

Engine 8 - fire is out, pile of rags on kitchen stove and cabinet

Car 3 - Car 3 to Fire Alarm, Code Yellow for all companies still responding

Dispatcher - Fire Alarm to all companies still responding to Vinton St, Code Yellow

Engine 8 - Engine 8 to Command, we can handle

Car 3 - Car 3 / Command to Fire Alarm, holding Engine 8 Ladder 2 only, return all other companies

Dispatcher - all companies responding to 36 Vinton St can return to quarters

Ladder 1 - Ladder 1 back in quarters

Dispatcher - Ladder 1 back in quarters

Engine 16 - Engine 16 back in quarters - etc

(I didnt get everything word for word after they reported the fire was out)

Car 3 - Command to Fire Alarm, we are clearing Ladder 2 from the scene

14 October 2012


Dec 13 2016 - Ops C heard via Rangecast

typical medical call

Eng 5 - Eng 5 on

Dispatcher - Eng 5 you are responding to 555 Main St for a seizure with Medic 5

Eng 5 - Engine 5 OK

Eng 5 - Eng 5 at scene

Dispatcher - Engine 5 on arrival / arriving 555 PM

Eng 5 - Engine 5 to Fire Alarm

Dispatcher - Engine 5

Eng 5 - Engine 5 clear and returning to quarters, switching back to ADMIN

(fire units give patient updates to medics sometimes on this channel - but not in every case)


http://scan-ne.net/wiki/index.php?title=Worcester_TRS_Information - misc info here