Solution to Radio Problems Jan 2013

A proposal - Just Thinking OutLouds

Solution to BAPERN Radio Problems

Peter S <>

Jan 2 (2 days ago)


to sme2, sme2, sonofrcma, sonofrcma

Solution to BAPERN Radio Problems

The Boston Area Police Emergency Radio Network (police mutual aid

radio network) is very limited. There are 2 channels that cover the

entire area (470.7875 R and 470.5625 R). It is not known if either

channel works inside large buildings, basements, or tunnels. There are

several other channels that are essentially countywide channels. (BAP

2 - C N W S NW SE). It is unknown if any of those channels work inside

large buildings, basements, tunnels, or elevators.

Many local PDs do have secondary radio channels. But many do not.

Again - it is unknown if these channels have good coverage or not.

The current BAPERN channels are bogged down with non emergency

traffic, parades, surveillances, non felony events, etc. There are no

selective calling options on any of the channels. Bottom line - it is

a huge, expensive system that is basically useless.

Solutions -

Limit traffic on BAPERN 3 and BAPERN 4 to major disasters only - and

lengthy chases.

Limit traffic on the BAPERN 2 channels to felony incidents

Install 482.3875 and possibly 485.3875 in all radios. This will

provide 2 short range garbage channels for all the garbage messages

that are now clogging the other BAPERN channels.

If a BOLO needs to be transmitted over more than 1 area, then patch

together the required BAPERN 2 channels.

Future solutions -

Extend the reach of the 482.6375 and 483.0375 channels to all areas.

This will provide 4 channels that can be used in all areas.

Ensure that all channels have good coverage inside large buildings,

tunnels, and basements.

Peter S <>

10:08 AM (23 hours ago)

to sme2, sme2, sonofrcma, sonofrcma

I forgot to mention that there are a bunch of apparently unused UHF

channels in the Boston area. Plus there is the MEMA channel that just

has admin BS all day long.

Someday the subways will leave 470 Mhz and there will be a bunch more

channels available.

Peter S <>

10:01 AM (0 minutes ago)

to sme2, sme2, sonofrcma, sonofrcma

To further amplify -

Possibly all of the units in the Merrimack Valley, Plymouth County,

and Bristol County already have 482.3875 installed. To get complete

coverage, just the radios in Central area, Norfolk County, southern

Middlesex County and southern Essex County will need to add 482.3875.

With 482.3875 (and possibly 485.3875) installed in all radios, this

will provide a "chat" channel for many agencies. It will also provide

a backup channel if the local Channel 1 goes down.

With 482.3875 available in more agencies radios, then BAP 3 and BAP 4

would be more available for major incidents, and as a backup channel

if a local community loses their Channel 1 (and 2).

If more long range / surveillance channels are needed, then I guess

that maybe 470.3375, 471.7125, etc will have to be built out as wide

area channels. But that will take time, money, cooperation, and a


Peter S <>

2:14 PM )

to sme2, sme2, sonofrcma, sonofrcma

Here is a partial list of police agencies that do NOT have a good backup channel




Boxford - maybe 471.00 and 471.55


Concord - maybe 482.55

Danvers - maybe 460.325








Hamilton - maybe 476.3125M











They have access to BAPERN 2, 3, and 4 - but those channels are shared

with millions of other agencies