June 1996 Fire Station Study

8 captures

15 Jun 06 - 13 Jun 08










JUNE 1996




P.O. BOX 437


Tel 617-749-9928

Fax 617-740-2249




Firescope, Inc. was selected by the City of Melrose to conduct a fire response study for the purpose of determining the coverage provided by the three present fire stations and the coverage provided by various two station scenarios using present fire station locations, and to assist in determining the number and location of fire stations needed within the City to meet response time guidelines. The results of the study will be used to assist the architectural consultant which has the task of exploring the rehabilitation of the City's police and fire stations or construction of a new consolidated facility.

The study was conducted using computer analysis of the street network in the City to determine fire station coverage. The results of the analysis are a series of color maps that show the coverage provided by the scenarios that were analyzed.


The City of Melrose is a densely settled, residential community located 8 miles north of Boston with a population of approximately 28,000, which covers an area of about 4 square miles.

The City is presently served by three fire stations. The central fire station is located at 567 Main Street. This station was originally constructed to house horse drawn fire apparatus. Fire Station 2 is located at 206 Tremont Street, and Fire Station 3 is located at 284 East Foster Street.

The Lawrence/Haverhill commuter rail line (former Boston-Maine Railroad) maintains 3 stops in Melrose; as a result there are 4 surface crossings and 2 underpasses in the City. The commuter rail line provides some unique challenges related to the placement of fire stations in the City. The location of the rail line and the surface crossings preclude the use of some streets for response to emergency incidents because of they may become blocked, even for short periods of time during commute times.


The City of Melrose has four surface crossings which are located on the following streets:

    • Franklin Street

    • Emerson Street

    • Foster Street

    • Wyoming Avenue

There are two underpasses which are located on Melrose Street and the Lynn Fells Parkway.

Surface rail crossings present a problem for to emergency incidents because there is the possibility that the crossing will be blocked by a train when emergency apparatus arrive at the crossing. There is also the possibility that the train may remain at the crossing for some period of time causing further delay to the responding apparatus.

All of the fire stations in the City of Melrose are located on the east side of the railroad tracks. When an incident is reported on the west side of the railroad tracks fire department policy requires that the engine that is dispatched from Station 2 use one of the underpasses to respond to the incident. The fire apparatus from Station 1 or Station 3 will then respond using the most direct route and use the one of the surface crossings. This policy makes sure that at least one engine will arrive at the incident without delay should the surface crossing be blocked.

Fire department experience indicates that the surface crossings are used by emergency apparatus approximately seventy percent of the time without delay.

The study was conducted using two versions of the base map. The first analysis was conducted with all of the surface crossings blocked in order to show coverage using the two underpasses. The second analysis was conducted with all of the surface crossings open to show the coverage that can be provided using the four surface crossings and the two underpasses.


There are several items to be considered in determining the location of fire stations. The first is to specify the acceptable amount of time that it should take for fire apparatus to reach each area of the city after being alerted to an emergency. This is usually called response time. A definition of response time is the total amount of time that it takes for fire apparatus to reach the incident scene from the station after being notified of the emergency. Response time includes several components. These are:

    • Dispatch Time The amount of time that it takes to receive and process an emergency call.

    • Reaction Time The amount of time that it takes a fire and/or ems crew to react after receiving dispatch information and prepare to leave the station.

    • Travel Time The amount of time that it takes a piece of fire apparatus to travel from the fire station to the incident scene. (wheel start to wheel stop)

Firescope, Inc. used a computer program and computer model of the City's' street network to conduct the study. The computer model was calibrated to reflect the actual travel times of fire apparatus on the streets. The consultant then used the computer program and model to analyze several fire station scenarios to show the areas that can be covered for a specific travel time. Travel time is the time from wheel start to wheel stop. A complete description of the computer program, the street network and the methods used are explained in detail in the report. Graphical representation in the form of colored maps of the city showing the areas covered are provided for each of the scenarios that were analyzed.


    • Examine the coverage provided using the existing fire station locations.

    • Examine a two station scenario: Engine 1 and Engine 2

    • Examine a two station scenario: Engine 2 and Engine 3

    • Examine the coverage with a new ladder located at Engine 2

    • Examine the coverage with a new ladder located at Engine 3

    • Determine the best location for fire stations

    • Examine alternatives to the scenarios above which may include the relocation and/or closing of present facilities.

    • Analyze other locations suggested by others.


Computer Analysis

The consultant used a geo-based computer program that calculates and displays the street network data. The computer output displays the actual street network of the area under study with the various aspects of the study detailed in color. The computer program is an integrated program that accurately models an emergency vehicles response over a street/highway network using actual speeds and distances.

Unlike grid and concentric circle analysis, the computer program simulates the real road network of the area being analyzed. A high degree of accuracy is insured by using actual travel distances, vehicle speeds, factoring time delays for roadway conditions (congestion, turning radius, weather, hills, etc.) accounting for one way or unusable roadways and implementing user defined risk factors.

Street Network

The street network that is used as a basis for the study is taken from maps and data that are produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. These are actual scaled maps that have data attached to them. Each street segment is assigned a travel speed. The travel speeds modeled by the map that was used for the analysis were changed, when necessary, to make the street network mirror the actual travel speeds of fire apparatus.

Response Time

There are two types of information that can be used to assist local communities in establishing the minimum amount of time that it should take fire department resources to reach an incident or victim. These are fire growth and fire suppression time requirements, and emergency medical time requirements.

Fire Suppression Response Goals

Fire growth can expand at a rate of 50 times its volume per minute. The time segment between fire ignition and the start of fire suppression activities is critical and has a direct relationship to fire loss.

The following diagram provides an illustration of fire growth over time, and the sequence of events that take place during this time.

Note that the time segment between the ignition of a fire and the reporting of a fire will vary and is indirectly manageable by the fire department. The amount of time between ignition and detection of a fire will vary depending upon the means of detection. Heat and smoke detectors along with automatic extinguishing systems provide the fastest means and most reliable means of detecting fires. The use of sight and/or smell may take somewhat longer depending upon circumstances. The fire department can manage this time by requiring the installation of automatic alarm and/or extinguishing systems.

The following shows the steps in the Fire System Response Time sequence.

Fire System Response Time is manageable. The receipt of the alarm and the dispatch of units is manageable by the way that alarms are received and the way that dispatch activities are handled. Enhanced 911 systems and computer aided dispatch systems will minimize the time required to receive and handle alarms. The time segment "A" "Respond to the scene " (shown above) includes turnout time, travel time, and additional time. Turn out time may be managed to some degree by decreasing the time required for crews to receive alarm information. Travel time is one of the most manageable segments of time in the entire sequence. This is the amount of time that it takes for a piece of fire apparatus or ambulance to travel from a fire station to an incident scene (wheel start to wheel stop). Travel time can be managed by selecting fire station locations based on the amount of time that it takes to travel from the fire station to the incident scene. The maximum amount of time required to travel from a fire station to an incident scene is usually determined by the community since there are no national standards for travel time. For this study a 3.0 minute travel time target was used.

Emergency Medical Response Goals

The delivery of emergency medical services by First Responders is time critical. Several publications state that when cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is started within 4 minutes, the victim's chances of leaving the hospital alive are four times greater than if the victim did not receive CPR until after 4 minutes. The sooner that trained emergency personnel are notified the greater the chance for survival.


Response Time: The total amount of time that it takes for fire apparatus to reach the

incident scene from the station after they have been notified of the emergency.

Travel Time: The amount of time that it takes for a piece of fire apparatus to travel from the fire station to the incident scene or demand zone. The amount of time from wheel start to wheel stop.

Turn Out Time: The amount of time that it takes a fire crew to react after receiving dispatch information and prepare to leave the station.

Dispatch Time: The amount of time that it takes to receive and process an emergency call. This includes receiving the call, determining what the emergency is, where the emergency is located, determining what resources are required to handle the call and notifying the units that are to respond.

Set Up Time: The amount of time required for fire department units to set up, connect hose lines, position ladders, etc. and prepare to extinguish the fire.

Response - Travel Time Standard

The basic criteria used for determining new fire station locations is elapsed time. More specifically the element of travel time is used. Travel time is the amount of time that it takes fire apparatus to travel from a fire station or proposed fire station location to a potential incident scene. More simply stated, this is the time from wheel start to wheel stop.

A travel time target of 3.0 minutes to reach 90 percent of the City is being used for this study.

The rationale for using the 3.0 minute travel time is the timely delivery of fire or initial emergency medical service. A 3.0 minute travel time coupled with dispatch time, reaction time, and set up time may result in a total response time in excess of 4.0 minutes. These times were selected based on fire department historical data.

Providing service to all areas of the City within a 3.0 minute travel time is not feasible from either a financial or practical standpoint. The target of a 3.0 minute travel time to 90 percent of the City is much more feasible and practical. There will always be areas that cannot be reached within the time specified due to the terrain, configurations of streets and road, and other conditions.

The diagram on page 6 shows how fire grows over time, and the need for the fire department intervention as rapidly as possible after a fire has started. Another diagram on page 8 shows how the survival rate of individuals increases dramatically when CPR is begun in 4 minutes or less.

When the fire department responds to a fire or medical emergency time is critical. The sooner the department arrives at the incident after being notified the greater the chance to save lives and/or property.

How the results of the Fire Station Location Program were used.

The results produced by the fire station location program were used to show the types of coverage that are being provided with the present configuration of three fire stations and the types of coverage that would be provided using various combinations of two existing fire stations.

This portion of the study did not require the analysis of other fire station locations. This analysis will be conducted when other potential sites have been identified by others.

Other areas that were examined are:

    • Evaluate the present fire station locations in terms of area covered, travel distance/travel time, overlap of response areas.

    • Determine those areas which are not adequately covered.

    • Provide a list of recommendations supported by the computer analysis, both maps and data, that show the coverage provided by the three present fire stations and the various two station configurations.


The City of Melrose Fire Department currently operates out of three fire stations. These are designated as Stations 1, 2, and 3. The following table list the location of each fire station and the apparatus that is assigned.




*Ladder 1 is at this station because it will not fit in Station 1

The following scenarios were run on the computer using the calibrated street model for the City of Melrose. Accompanying each scenario is color street map that shows the coverage provided.

Scenario 1

Existing locations for Fire Stations 1, 2, & 3

Surface rail crossings not used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all streets within 3.0 minutes.

Surface rail crossings used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all streets within 3.0 minutes. However, it provides the best coverage of all the scenarios that were run.

Scenario 2

Existing locations for Fire Stations 1 & 2

Surface rail crossings not used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all roads within 3.0 minutes.

Surface rail crossings used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all roads within 3.0 minutes.

Scenario 3

Existing locations for Fire Stations 2 & 3

Surface rail crossings not used.

This does not meet the study criteria of reaching 90 percent of all roads within 3.0 minutes.

Surface rail crossings used.

This scenario does give an indication of the type of coverage that would be provided by a ladder company located at either at Station 2 or 3 using a 3 minute travel time.

Scenario 4

Existing locations for Fire Stations 1 & 3

Surface rail Crossings not used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all roads within 3.0 minutes. This combination provides the least amount of coverage within the 3 minute travel time.

Surface rail crossings used.

This does not meet the study target of reaching 90 percent of all roads within 3.0 minutes. This combination provides the least amount of coverage within the 3 minute travel time.



None of the combinations that were examined meet the study target of providing coverage to 90 percent of the City within 3 minutes from each location. The best combination consists of the three present fire station locations. This combination of stations can cover 88 percent of the City with all of the rail crossings used and 84 percent with the underpasses used.

Next are Fire Stations 2 and 3 with an 82 percent coverage using all rail crossings and 80 percent using the two underpasses.

Third are Fire Stations 1 and 3 with a 77 percent coverage using all rail crossings and 72 percent using the two underpasses.

The fourth combination was Fire Stations 1 and 2 with a 76 percent coverage using all rail crossings and 73 percent using the two underpasses.

The figures do not show a great deal of difference in coverage provided by the combination of Fire Stations 1 and 3 and Fire Stations 1 and 2.


  1. Based on the study data, the present combination of Fire Stations 1, 2 and 3 locations provide the best coverage for the City. This combination comes the closest to meeting the study target of a 3.0 minute travel time for 90 percent of the City.

  2. If two stations are used it is recommended that Fire Stations 1 and 3 be used. This combination although somewhat less efficient than the Fire Station 2 and 3 combination will provide a central location for the ladder truck at Fire Station 1.

    1. Place the ladder truck at Station 1 or a location that is in the immediate vicinity. This location provides the best coverage for the ladder truck. The following table shows the comparison between the three locations by the number of street miles that can be covered for each time increment.



Note: This report does not address the placement of fire apparatus except for the ladder truck.

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