Complete Boundary Drops

2. Boundary drop - Boston Mass area

Posted by: "Peter S" hithel

Date: Sun Oct 4, 2009 7:38 am ((PDT))

just thinking out loud

If the Metro Boston area was to do a complete boundary drop for all

communities - I suspect that 25% of the box cards would need to be

rewritten - especially for third due engines and 2nd due Ladders

The number might be as high as 50% or 75% or 90% - if you go to the

10th alarm level.

But - just concentrating on the first alarm levels - think of the

layout of the municipal borders, and how they affect the first alarm


Look at Allston / brighton for example - if you based all responses

strictly on distances to fire stations - for 3 pumps and 2 ladders on

the first alarm - you would probably need to rewrite all of the

running cars - because a Newton Ladder would be first due or second

due west of brighton center - and a Brookline ladder or pumper would

be due on all calls in Brighton - and Cambridge would be due all over

northern Allston.
