
10 alarm run card is below - from 2007 maybe


Public safety info from 2014 Annual Town Report (available at Town Website)

PD budget - $1.5 million

FD budget - $250,000

Ambulance budget - $275,000 - (actually part of FD)

Comms Center budget - $320,000

Highway Dept - $806,000

Cemetery & parks budget - $100,000

Library budget - $418,000

$35K for fire truck debt payment

$35,000 for ambulance debt payment

extra costs would be retirement, unemployment, health insurance, life insurnace, and social security

$8900 was approved for new fire alarm system at Town Hall

IAFF was recognized as FD bargaining agent

911 Center operated from MSP 911 truck for 3 months because of mold at police station

ambulance receivables are $427,000 - per page 142 of 150 - unknown time span - (therefore it is impossable to see how much the ambulance "earned" in 2014)