Distances to Boston 5th alarm

About the Boston 5th Alarm on Mansfield Street in Allston

Road distances from fire scene to fire stations

.7 mile - E41 + L14

1.2 miles - Cambridge E6

1.7 miles - Brookline Quint 5 + Brookline Snorkel Quint 1

1.8 miles - Cambridge E1 + Cambridge L1 + Cambridge R1

1.8 miles - Cambridge E2 + Cambridge L3 + Cambridge Squad 2

2.0 mile - E29 + L11

2.2 miles - Brookline E3

2.3 mile - E51

2.4 miles - Brookline E1 + Brookline L2

2.4 miles - Watertown E2 + Watertown L2

2.5 miles - Cambridge E8 + Cambridge L4

2.6 miles - Cambridge E9

3.1 mile - E37 + L26 - 4.8 miles via I90 (but faster maybe)

3.5 miles maybe - E33 + L15 - various routes are possible

3.5 miles - Brookline Quint 4

4.0 miles - E22

Therefore - this fire got a response from the 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th, 14th, and 16th closest stations (for the 1st and 2nd alarms)


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