Possible Channel Banks / channel loads

There are approximately 14 MetroFire channels. Most portable radios have banks/zones of 16 channels. Ideally there would be one home bank for each FD that would have local channels and any regularly used fireground chanels. But with 34 FDs in MetroFire, it might not be possible to have 34+ banks in each radio.

Maybe the best alternative is to have two banks/zones in each radio. The first bank would be the local channels and any regular FG channels. The second bank would be all of the MetroFire channels. If necessary, channels could be patched between the banks via a MO3. The MetroFire bank could have 5 repeater channels, 5 talkaround channels for the repeater channels, plus 6 simplex channels.

A third important bank could be just Boston FD channels.

A 4th important bank could be interop channels - UTACs + MEMA + Regional EMS + BAPERN + ?