Radio SOP

Oct 2011 posted to sme2

from Holbrook FD website

I thought they had a Channel 5 also ???


PURPOSE: To identify policy for activation, assignment & use of

two-way UHF radio channels supporting incident operations.

BACKGROUND: The Norfolk County Fire Chiefs Association

formulated plans to identify and address common radio system issues.

Amongst these was agreement to pursue UHF radio channels for common

use during mutual aid, and other designated operations. In 2004,

receipt of federal grant funding supported development of multiple

county repeater sites. Included are Canton, Sharon, Westwood and

Franklin. In 2006, Norfolk County Fire Dispatch was licensed for three

UHF radio channels for common use during mutual aid, and other

designated operations. Call sign WQGC947 further includes licensing

for mobile and portable two-way radios for use, county-wide.

Communities with UHF equipment are encouraged to utilize this system.

“On scene” coordination of mutual aid resources and personnel safety

is enhanced by operation on common radio frequencies. Locally, the

practice of “competing for air time” during multiple incidents can be

eliminated through assignment of a separate operations channel for


Communities planning to utilize UHF radio equipment for Department

operations should include sufficient channels to support local AND

mutual aid operations.


A. Licensed frequencies are as follows:


UHF “receive”

1 - 482.275 - 146.2 - Station-to-station - Norfolk Control

2 - 482.300 - 151.4 - Fire ground - Channel 2

3 - 475.350 - D051 - Fire ground - Channel 3

4 - 460.5875 - 156.7 - Fire ground - Channel 4

UHF “transmit”

1 2 3 4

485.275 485.300 475.350 460.5875

D143 D174 D051 156.7

Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above

Same as above Same as above Same as above

B. VHF – High 154.295 will remain active and designated for

“Station-to-station” until all communities are moved to UHF. UHF

channel 1 and the VHF frequency will be patched.

C. UHF – “Mutual Aid 1” is designated for “Station-to-station” use.

Communities should request mutual aid assistance utilizing this


D. UHF – “Channel 2, 3 and 4” are designated for incident operations.

Channels 1 & 2 are repeated.

E. NCC shall conduct a radio test – UHF – “Mutual Aid 1” daily, at 0900.

F. Utilization of UHF frequencies, by local communities, must comply

with FCC rules for operation in the “narrow band”, 12.5kHz split.

G. In compliance with the above rules, local communities shall

periodically provide current radio inventories, utilizing UHF Ch. 1-4,

to Norfolk County Fire Dispatch.


A. Activation

1. Local Community

a. Upon initial notification to NCC of incident designation as a

“working fire”, greater response; MCI, or other incident, a UHF “Fire

ground” channel assignment will be automatically designated.

b. Local communities may request assignment of a UHF “Fire ground”

channel, as required. Requests shall be made to NCC via phone –

1-781-767-2233 or radio – “Mutual Aid 1”.

c. Communities requesting a UHF “Fire ground” channel for training

or related exercises shall operate “off repeater”, in “direct” mode.

d. The local community shall notify NCC upon termination of incident

or other exercises.

2. Norfolk County Control

a. Upon notification of incident designation as a “working fire”,

greater response; MCI; or other incident, dispatch shall include

assignment of a UHF “Fire ground” channel.

Ex. “Norfolk County Control announcing a working fire, MCI, etc. in

the Town of Avon.

Fire location is 1000 Main St.

Response is a Holbrook engine ‘to the fire’, Randolph and Stoughton

engines ‘for station coverage’ –

“Channel 2” is the fire ground channel

Norfolk County Control to Randolph Fire…”.

b. Upon channel assignment, dispatch shall monitor radio traffic.