
Lowell Sun "Police" Blog

http://www.thesunblog.com/policeblog/ - Lowell Sun's "police" blog - breaking news actually - police, fire, ambulance, etc

http://www.lowellma.gov/newsitems/City%20of%20Lowell%20FY2011%20Proposed%20Budget.pdf - FY 2011 Proposed Budget - lists all city employees and wages

2014 Trinity Amb contract with Lowell - I posted it - 3 BLS + 1 ALS unit - EMD - 2ndary PSAP - 1 amb to 2nd alarms - etc - 9/5/2014 I posted it - here it is - http://testwww.lowellma.gov/health/Documents/Ambulance%20Contract%20Executed%20April%2023,%202014.pdf -

3 BLS + 1 ALS amb - no radios below 35 Mhz - (its in there!) - GPS -

EMD - 2ndary PSAP - dispatch kickback er recoverable costs - 1 amb to

2nd alarms - no amb to first alarms apparently - no mention of Greater Lowell EMS which provides ALS SUVs - ????