Recent Alternate Timeline Stories

After writing The End of All Things, I've struggled with inspiration for new stories in my main timeline. Every now and then I get an idea for it, but I've also been toying with a few alternate timeline stories. I'm still unhappy with how I introduced The Big 5 to my verse, so I've largely been exploring other ways it could have happened. I wanted to showcase those stories on the site too, so I made this page to talk about them.

Shards of Me Takes place right after the series. Yami Bakura seems to have returned, but has he really?

An Alternate Tale of the Purple Avenger An exploration of the Big 5 restored to their bodies by season 4 and dealing with the Orichalcos. Dartz tries to split them up and get them to accept the darkness by tricking them into thinking they're betraying each other. Lector becomes a vigilante instead, but later is reunited with his loved ones and they realize Dartz tricked them all.

Prisms Written for Azureshipping Week 2020 and hence features a ton of Tea and Seto, but the Big 5 are also pretty vitally important. Takes place shortly after the series, with Tea trying to help Seto when Mokuba goes missing while trying to help the Big 5.

I'm Strong on the Surface, Not All the Way Through A second exploration of the Big 5 in season 4, this time with Nesbitt struggling with a crippling self-hatred, which Dartz exploits and manipulates as he tricks Nesbitt into accepting the Orichalcos. I also used this story to explain some of the facets of how I feel the Orichalcos works and what it did to Mai, by using Nesbitt and showing what's happening to him. I feel like Mai takes a bad rap for her behavior in season 4 that isn't entirely deserved, so I wanted to help make it more understandable.