Yugi Muto

Name: Yugi Muto

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese-American

Special Skills: Gaming, puzzles, forgiving

Likes: Gaming, puzzles, family, friends

Best Friends: Atem, Joey, Tea, Tristan

Background: Yugi's parents are divorced. His father is always away and his mother finally got fed up and took Yugi to move in with her father. She took on her maiden name again and also gave it to Yugi. He is proud to bear the name Muto and idolizes his grandfather Solomon.

Yugi has always enjoyed playing games and putting together puzzles. When Solomon entrusted him with one of his most important finds, the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi took exceptionally good care of it and had a blast figuring out how to put it together. Though his busy mother never understood what was going on with Yugi and the Puzzle and his father is never around, Solomon knew about the Pharaoh's spirit and encouraged their friendship.

Yugi has been through many dangerous adventures with Atem and the rest of the gang, making new friends, defeating enemies, and saving the world. He would like things to just settle down, but that rarely works for long!

Personality: Yugi is sweet and kind and thoughtful. He's always quick to forgive and quick to make friends, and most of their former enemies have become friends or allies, often thanks to Yugi's kindness.

Yugi was always shy and quiet, but gaining friends and fighting bad guys gave him confidence and he gradually grew to the point where he no longer needed Atem's guidance. He still wanted Atem around, though, and found it difficult to adjust to him being gone. But he was happy for his friend and looked forward to when they will someday meet again. When Atem chose to return for a second chance at life, Yugi was overjoyed to have his brother back.

Like the others, Yugi struggled at first with whether to trust Yami Bakura when he reappeared. Yugi, however, was the first of the group to be able to trust him aside from Bakura. And even before that, he felt horrible for the tortured man when Atem revealed the truth about Kul Elna. Yugi thought of Yami Bakura as the 100th sacrifice. After Atem's departure, Yugi had a recurring nightmare of Yami Bakura crying out for Bakura as Zorc was destroyed and he was ripped to shreds. It was a relief to Yugi to find out that Yami Bakura had survived Zorc's destruction and was alright.

Despite Yugi's love of games, he really doesn't like to enter tournaments except for fun or be in the spotlight for any reason. He would rather just quietly play Duel Monsters and other games with his friends, without any high stakes getting in the way.

Differences between the timelines: None, particularly, aside from the new timeline coming post-canon and therefore, post-Atem. But we haven't heard the last from him....