Serenity Kawai-Wheeler

Name: Serenity Kawai-Wheeler (Kawai is her mother's maiden name, but she also uses Wheeler in honor of Joey)

Age: 13

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Determination, courage

Likes: Joey, Duke, her friends, learning new things

Best Friend: Joey Wheeler

Background: Serenity is Joey's younger sister, and she completely adores him! As children, first in New York City and later in Domino City, Joey was always her protector and her best friend. Her eyes were always bad and Joey made sure she wasn't teased or bullied by the other kids. When their parents divorced and each decided to keep one kid, it absolutely devastated both of them. Joey never forgave his mother for not only taking Serenity, but taking her so far away so that he could hardly ever see her.

When Joey won the money for her eye operation, Serenity returned to Domino City with Ms. Kawai to enter the hospital there. Serenity fell in love with Domino City all over again and longed all the more to move back. It was especially difficult for her to leave Joey after finally reuniting with him again. When Ms. Kawai saw a highly positive change in Serenity due to being around Joey and his friends, she started seriously considering moving back as Serenity had begged for years. The strange disappearance of Joey's father sealed her decision and they moved back, taking Joey with them to a better house. Where Mr. Wheeler went is still a mystery, one that may be answered sometime.

Serenity is very popular with Joey's friends and acquaintances. Tristan and Duke have both vied for her romantic attention, and eventually she decided she leaned more towards Duke. Tristan she sees as a second brother. Of course, they're still too young to be very serious, but Serenity has proved her love and loyalty and her determination to stand by Duke by her support of him when David was killed and Duke could not deal with it. Later, when Duke found a way to get him back if a price was paid, Serenity eventually took on the burden of remembering the truth all by herself so that Duke would be free of his guilt and self-blame at last.

Personality: Serenity was raised very sheltered by her mother and grew up reserved and quiet. When she's with people she's comfortable with, she opens up and shows a playful, teasing side. She is also far stronger than she believes, and her true courage always comes out when her loved ones need it most.

Despite her idolization of Joey, she does recognize his faults, especially his short temper. She scolds him when he starts to let it get out of control and otherwise stands up to him when she doesn't agree with his decisions. Sometimes she appears to act dense about Joey's cluelessness, but deep down she does realize at least sometimes but chooses to say nothing because she would rather support him instead of pointing out how off-the-wall his behavior can be. She doesn't feel there would be any point in that.

Differences between the timelines: Serenity is much more prominent in the new timeline! Personality-wise, she's pretty much the same in both, although we don't see a lot of her in the past. I don't recall that the Tristan and Duke situation was resolved in the old timeline either. It was only later that I really started to develop more of a taste for Duke/Serenity and Cheershipping became my other YGO pairing of choice. (I really despise that pairing name, though, at least if its origins lie in Duke's anime intro and the awful idea of him having cheerleaders.) I just really think Duke/Serenity is a healthier pairing option, since Duke wouldn't shelter her and would be more likely to let her spread her wings. The last thing she needs is more sheltering! Of course, my interpretation of Duke is a much more moral person than most fans see him. If I thought Duke was the way most fans think he is, I would probably recoil from the pairing in horror.