Leonhard von Schroeder

Name: Leonhard von Schroeder (A.K.A. Leon Wilson)

Age: 13

Nationality: German

Special Skills: Gaming, computer hacking, forgiving

Likes: Fairy tales, gaming, Siegfried, Yugi, Mokuba

Best Friend: Siegfried

Background: Leonhard grew up in his elder brother Siegfried's shadow. All the household paid attention to Siegfried, since he was to be the next heir to SchroederCorp, but Leonhard was virtually ignored even by their parents. Siegfried was very close to Leonhard when they were children, before he was forced to undergo the harsh training to become both a businessman and a member of high society. Then he rarely had time for Leonhard any longer.

Left to himself, Leonhard discovered the magical world of fairy tales and was intrigued by the amazing adventures and the happy endings. Then he discovered Duel Monsters and became fascinated by that world too. When Pegasus created a line of fairy tale Duel Monsters, Leonhard was in heaven. He learned the game quickly and decided to have some fun since no one noticed him. He adopted an alias and started entering tournaments, often quietly hacking into computers to get himself entered. Like Siegfried, he was always very good with technology.

Eventually Siegfried caught on to what Leonhard was doing, and in his hate-filled state of wanting to get back at Seto for imagined wrongdoings, he began to concoct a plan that would get him on top with Leonhard's help. They would both enter Seto's tournament, and while Siegfried caused chaos and deliberately got Seto to suspect him, Leonhard would rise to the top and eventually beat Yugi to win. And, just to further ensure victory, Siegfried doctored a special card with a virus that would infect Seto's computers when Leonhard played it.

Leonhard knew nothing of the virus, but he knew the rest of the plan and agreed to go through with it. He had been starved for his family to notice him for years, and now that Siegfried actually needed him for something, he couldn't bear not to do it. Yet deep down, he wasn't happy with the plan. He had always wanted to duel Yugi for fun, not to advance the war between the Kaibas and the von Schroeders.

When the full plot was revealed during his duel with Yugi, Leonhard was horrified. He tried every way possible to destroy the card and stop the virus, but could not. Yugi finally managed to destroy the card, while Seto and Mokuba stopped the virus. As Siegfried became more and more unhinged, believing his plan would succeed, Leonhard was in horror, fearing Siegfried had gone insane just like their father.

When all was said and done and Siegfried realized everything had failed, he was devastated and seemed to come back to himself. Leonhard showed true courage and love by kindly telling Siegfried that the family's attitude needed to change and that he wanted to help Siegfried, but in good ways. Siegfried pleaded for forgiveness, which Leonhard granted, and they went home reunited.

Sick of the silly feud between their families, Leonhard and Mokuba have rebelled against it and are becoming good friends, emailing and calling each other. Seto, while understandably disliking Siegfried after everything he pulled, doesn't forbid the friendship. He recognizes that Leonhard is a good person and he likes that Mokuba has a friend in him. Siegfried finds it harder to accept, but he's trying.

Personality: Leonhard is a sweet kid with a big heart and a longing to belong in his mixed-up family. He loves Siegfried and serves as his moral compass. For him, he finally has the happy ending he longed for whenever he read his fairy tales. But at the same time, it seems to be more of a beginning than an ending. He is excited to see what happens next.

Differences between the timelines: Largely none.