Joey Wheeler

Name: Joseph Wheeler

Age: 16

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Gaming, loyalty

Likes: Gaming, games of chance, Serenity, friends

Best Friends: Serenity, Yugi, Atem, Tristan, Tea, Mai

Background: The Wheeler family originally lived in New York City, where Joey picked up a lasting Brooklyn accent even though they moved to Domino City when he was still a young boy. He was always protective of Serenity and has never forgiven his mother for taking her so far away after divorcing Mr. Wheeler. The kids didn't have much choice in the matter of where they ended up, as Ms. Kawai refused to let her daughter stay with Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Wheeler insisted on keeping one of the kids. The breakup of the family turned him into a deadbeat over time, forcing Joey to grow up at a young age and be the man of the house.

With no positive influences, Joey fell in with the wrong crowd and grew to enjoy fighting. This continued until Yugi entered his life. Although at first Joey and his friend Tristan bullied Yugi (and were sometimes scared off by Tea), eventually Yugi got through to them by showing them kindness and trying to protect them from a bully. Joey and Tristan completely turned their lives around and became deep friends with Yugi and Tea.

Joey has grown as a person in many ways since first meeting Yugi. He has also become a strong Duelist, relying on skill as well as luck and consistently placing high in tournaments.

One day Joey came home to find that his father had mysteriously disappeared. There have been no clues to his whereabouts and it seems as though he simply up and abandoned his son. Joey isn't sure what to think on that matter, or if he ever will know. All his attempts to find out what happened have resulted in dead-ends. But at least it has caused Ms. Kawai to move back to Domino with Serenity so that Joey won't be living alone.

Personality: Joey is rough around the edges and sometimes crude, but he's really quite a softie. He is also completely loyal. No one could have a better friend than Joey! He will never stop fighting for a friend. He is also indignant and outraged by unfairness or rude, arrogant people, and to that end, people such as Seto Kaiba and Siegfried von Schroeder consistently aggravate him. He can be rude himself, however, running off at the mouth when he should really stay quiet and causing trouble for himself.

Joey loves Duel Monsters, but whereas Yugi would rather keep it as a hobby and never willingly enters tournaments except for the sheer fun of it, Joey wants to make a career out of dueling. All the bizarre things they keep encountering have certainly given him plenty of practice! He knows he'll be up against Mai, if she ever feels like entering tournaments again, and Seto. He wasn't expecting to also have competition from Yami Bakura, but he does, as Yami Bakura has also decided to make a career of dueling. Joey doesn't want competition to get in the way of his friendships and desires instead to play good games as a good sport, no matter whether he wins or loses.

Differences between the timelines: The old Joey managed to come to a better understanding with Seto. That will still happen in the new timeline, but it's slow but sure going. I believe both Joeys lived with Ms. Kawai and Serenity following the disappearance of Mr. Wheeler.