Solomon Muto

Name: Solomon Muto

Age: 70s

Nationality: Japanese-American

Special Skills: Gaming, solving puzzles

Likes: Gaming, solving puzzles, being included on adventures, his family

Best Friend: Yugi

Background: Solomon was a daring adventurer in his day, not unlike Indiana Jones. He made an enemy of Duke's father when they played the Devil's Boardgame together and Mr. Devlin lost. Solomon tried to offer help after the game unnaturally aged the other man, to no avail. Mr. Devlin was lost in his hatred, and remained so.

On another adventure, Solomon explored the tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh and was protected by the Pharaoh's spirit. He then discovered the Millennium Puzzle and brought it home. Years later, he gave it to his grandson Yugi, knowing Yugi would appreciate it and enjoy the challenge of trying to put it together. He also knew that there was something deeply special about the Puzzle, although he didn't know exactly what. But he sensed the friendly presence that had saved his life. Solomon was quickly aware of Atem and was very accepting of him.

Yugi tries to keep Solomon out of their dangerous adventures, especially since Pegasus stole Solomon's soul on the first such adventure, but Solomon wants to be involved and insists he still can be. He proved this during the Capsule Monsters adventure and has been along on several other escapades.

Personality: Solomon is a friendly old man, but he can be gruff, and if you want him to teach you about Duel Monsters, he is a very harsh and demanding teacher! But he is very proud of Yugi and Joey, his pupils. He loves technology and would love to own all the latest things. At the same time, he recognizes what is truly important in life. He offers important advice to his loved ones and they are all very happy to have him around. He also still has an adventurous streak and won't turn down an exciting opportunity if he can help it!

Differences between the timelines: Solomon takes a more active role in the adventures in the new timeline.