Ishizu Ishtar

Name: Ishizu Ishtar

Age: 20

Nationality: Egyptian

Special Skills: Loyalty, determination

Likes: Her family, Egyptian history, learning to have hope in the unknown future

Best Friends: Marik and Rishid

Background: Ishizu was raised underground, as per the Ishtar clan's ways, and accepted that her family would never live in the light and would always wait for the mysterious Pharaoh's return. She loved Rishid and always thought of him as her brother, even though Mr. Ishtar refused to consider him as more than a servant. She was also completely devoted to her younger brother Marik when he was born.

When a tragic series of events led to Marik's renouncing his dark heritage and determining to track down the Pharaoh in revenge for the mistaken belief that he had killed their father, Ishizu took up the Millennium Necklace and was horrified by visions of a dark future to come. She determined that she would save her brother Marik no matter what it took, and she prayed that Rishid would be able to look after him and keep the greater evil of Yami Marik from emerging.

Despite still being very young herself, at only 15, Ishizu left the underground world and moved to the world above, where she eventually secured a position in the Egyptian Historical Society due to her great knowledge of the past and planned and prepared for the day when Marik would come seeking the Egyptian God cards Pegasus had brought to her for safe-keeping. She kept fighting for her brother through the years, guided by her visions, and eventually convinced Seto Kaiba to organize the Battle City tournament in the hopes of drawing Marik out. The plan worked, and Ishizu entered the tournament herself in the hope of getting through to Marik.

Eventually Marik was brought back to the light, thanks to Ishizu, Rishid, and Atem. The Ishtars moved back to Egypt temporarily, but soon returned to Domino City when Ishizu was offered the position of curator of the Domino Museum.

Personality: Ishizu is often serious and wise beyond her years. For a long time she was cynical about the future, believing it could not be changed, but when Seto showed her it could, she found new hope. Ishizu is a very clever Duelist and was very skilled even as a child, but she doesn't care to enter tournaments as a general rule. She is happy just learning to live in the light with her beloved brothers.

Differences between the timelines: None, really.