
Name: Robert Nesbitt

Age: 40s

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Building machines, computers, kendo

Likes: Technology, the other members of the Big Five

Best Friends: The other members of the Big Five

Five-Headed Dragon Element: Fire

Image Songs: Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park

Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park

Forgive Me by Evanescence (could be Nesbitt to any of the others, but usually I picture Nesbitt to Lector)

The Reason by Hoobastank (Nesbitt to Lector)

Who I Am Hates Who I've Been by Relient K

Background: Nesbitt was always fascinated by machines. He was the kid who always wanted the latest tech toys and electronics for his birthday and Christmas. He was also fascinated by complex vehicles, especially those used in war. He had a knack for building gadgets himself, and eventually became the tech expert for KaibaCorp, building all manners of weapons for Gozaburo's version of the company. When Seto took over, he made Nesbitt blow up his compound as a show of loyalty, told him not to get underfoot with the new engineers he was bringing in, and said that to continue with the company, he would have to switch his focus to gaming. Nesbitt hated it, but he became very skilled at creating video game software.

The Big Five's tumultuous history is detailed on Lector's page, which was written first.

Nesbitt regained his body following Dr. Portman reviving it without his soul, but was killed protecting Lector from the madman Khu. The angel Kasumi revived him, and he started trying to figure out how to put his life back together. While he wanted to stay with the other members of the Big Five, he wasn't so keen on the idea of making Crump's penguin preserve/theme park. However, the longer he worked on it, the more he grew interested in its success. With it officially open now, he finds to his utter shock that one of the penguins, a huge Emperor named George, completely adores him.

Nesbitt wields a magical ring once owned by his ancestor in ancient Egypt to protect the world. Feeling that he should have the ring with dark powers because Lector is too good for that, he has offered to switch with Lector, but Lector has felt that he needs to learn to deal with the ring he was expressly given.

Personality: A believer in an eye for an eye, Nesbitt liked to try to get revenge on Seto by taking away what he loves most, which of course is Mokuba. He is also skilled at kendo and has tried using that against Seto as well.

He doesn't always like being a team player and sometimes is the most isolated of the Big Five members. He and Lector don't always get along because of this, and because of his impulsive nature. But in the end, he still does want to be with his friends and will fight for them if necessary. If he causes harm to any of them, either accidentally or while mind-controlled, he is devastated.

He has an impulsive, hot-headed streak which can cause him not to think things through and blunder badly at the most inopportune times. It also causes him to react violently if someone he cares about is harmed.

Despite his aloof nature, he is actually more likely than Lector to eventually open up. His harsh behavior hides a deeply loving and emotional soul who can't stand for his loved ones to be harmed and can't handle being the one to cause it to happen. He finds it very awkward to try to be comforting or express his love, especially in words, and tends to find it easier to display comfort or love with physical actions, such as hugs.

He is very protective, not just of the others, but of Yugi and the rest as well. He has been hurt trying to save both Serenity and Yugi from various fates, although he will claim he's just trying to make up for the wrongs of the past. While that's true, he also just doesn't want them hurt.

He likes machines and robots to the point of obsession, even fantasizing in Noa's world that he actually was Robotic Knight. He finds emotions illogical and hates both that he is so emotional and that he hurts people because of it. During one disaster when he thought Lector was dead, he broke and tried to make himself believe he was an android because he couldn't handle discovering what grief was like. Later, however, he came to decide he wanted to be human because he couldn't bear the thought of not being able to still give and receive love for the other members of the Big Five.

Although he loves all of his friends very deeply, his closest bond has ended up being with Lector. Despite their problems getting along and understanding each other, they have come to a greater understanding than ever before, and that has increased the bond between them. Each completely breaks without the other.

Differences Between the Timelines: The Big Five were not in the old timeline.