Alister Mackenzie

Name: Alister Amelda Mackenzie

Age: 20

Nationality: Scottish-?

Special Skills: Acting/impersonations, pilots airplanes and helicopters, plays the harmonica

Likes: Motorcycles, children, flying

Best Friends: Raphael, Valon

Image Song: Life is Like a Boat by Rie Fu

Background: Alister grew up in a country torn apart by war, and like Seto Kaiba, had to grow up at an early age when his and Miruko's parents died and he alone was left to look after the younger child. But in spite of his best efforts, Miruko was killed and Alister was led to believe by Dartz that Gozaburo Kaiba sold weapons to both sides of the conflict and was responsible for Miruko's death. In rage and anger and pain, he joined Dartz and was mentored by him and the Orichalcos for the rest of his growing-up years, being molded into a hateful man who blamed KaibaCorp for the deaths of his family and expected Seto Kaiba to pay for his stepfather's actions. He also believed that even aside from that, Seto was a ruthless person who had to be stopped.

Years of being slowly corrupted by the Orichalcos led to further disaster whenever he played the fateful Seal, warping his personality into something vicious and hypocritical. When he lost his second duel to Seto and his soul was taken, he sank deeply into his own darkness, until Atem reminded him of the light and he gained the will to fight for his life against the Leviathan.

Alister always longed for love and family and considered Raphael and Valon and Dartz his new family once his biological family was killed. In spite of that, he and Valon have never been able to get along. Valon hates that Alister is aloof and doesn't like him doing dangerous stunts, and Alister doesn't like Valon always believing that he voices concerns to be nasty and controlling. On the other hand, Raphael respects Alister's quiet behavior and Alister gravitates to him and is more likely to open up to him.

Personality: Alister is aloof, but there's a fire in his heart that can burst forth when he's had enough of something. He performs mostly to hide behind larger-than-life humorous characters and make his true self more of an enigma to find. He is fiercely devoted to justice, but can become mistaken about what true justice is. Valon believes him to be coldly untouchable, but he is actually deeply sensitive and can be hurt very easily by Valon's lack of understanding. He hardly ever says so, however, and often just lets Valon believe whatever he wants. He also has an obnoxious, snarky streak.

Differences between the timelines: The old Alister hated performing and associating with people, preferring instead to work from home to stay away from them. He was Scottish-Scandinavian and his family relocated to Bosnia. He grew up during the Bosnian War. Since I keep the time period current with the present-day and don't age the characters, the Bosnian War unfortunately no longer fits. So the current timeline doesn't mention what war it was. Both Alisters are 20 and have problems getting along with their Valons, whereas they get along with their Raphaels.

The old timeline also featured a very involved storyline where Alister was poisoned by an Orichalcos stone and went mad, almost killing Raphael and Valon before managing to catch himself and almost getting killed himself to save them. The immense agony of the experience caused his doppelganger to come into the mortal plane, desiring to kill him because he believed that was what Alister wanted. When he finally realized Alister didn't want to die, he devoted himself to being his protector. The doppelganger character, Alexander, is very dear to my heart, but he's going to be in my original novel, so I don't plan to use him in fanfiction anymore. Therefore, he will not be part of the new timeline. Meanwhile, parts of the storyline involving Alister being poisoned by the Orichalcos were reworked for Dragons at Dawn.