
Name: Umbra (real name unknown)

Age: 30s

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Dueling

Likes: Lumis, dueling, masks, rare cards

Dislikes: Losing, Bandit Keith

Best Friend: Lumis

Background: Not much is known about Umbra before he joined Marik's Rare Hunters. His real name and family are a mystery. He did reveal that his family is wealthy and they disinherited him when he didn't agree with them trying to dictate every aspect of his life, so he left. He met Lumis in the Rare Hunters, and though they didn't initially get along, Marik wanted them to duel as a tag team and they learned to work together. This eventually developed into a genuine friendship.

They worked in the Rare Hunters until the distraction duel they played against Atem and Seto in Battle City when they lost, Umbra fell, and Lumis ended up in a coma after Marik mind-controlled him. They laid low after that, even trying to go straight, but money was tight and they joined the Rare Hunters again when Bandit Keith reorganized it with himself at the head.

They worked for Keith for some time, until one mistake while trying to catch a wayward errand boy led to their arrest and Keith firing them due to his "one strike and you're out" policy. Eventually they aligned with the good guys instead and helped them in their quest to defeat Reshef. Due to that, and Umbra saving Serenity from a Shadow Ghoul, Solomon determined to help them find honest jobs that would enable them to stay together if they would turn state's evidence against the Rare Hunters.

At the present time, they're working for Duke at the Black Crown game store.

Personality: Umbra is usually, but not always, more mature than Lumis and is likely the leader between them. He can fall to arguing with Lumis if things aren't going their way, but he genuinely cares about his partner and is devastated if he is ever harmed. Although he isn't clingy like Lumis is, he doesn't know how he would stand it without his friend.

He has a cheeky side and will still engage in playing Rock Paper Scissors with Lumis to determine who takes care of various tasks around the store, much to Duke's exasperation.

Differences Between the Timelines: I don't recall using Umbra in the old timeline at all, just various nameless Rare Hunters.