How the Big 5 Interact with Each Other

The Big Five are undeniably among the most important characters in my timeline, so out of curiosity I created this page to sort out how they interact with and see each other.

Of course, as a whole they function on several levels at once: business partners, best friends, and family members. When they pair off, they have specific types of interactions.

Lector and Crump

They were the first two to meet, when Lector hired Crump to work at KaibaCorp. Crump had never had much luck making friends, but he soon saw that Lector was different and he outright sensed that Lector would be a dear friend if he could get Lector to open up. Once Lector was convinced that Crump wasn't just trying to get Lector to promote him, he did indeed open up and they started to become close. They have had arguments at times, such as when they were on edge in Noa's world, but usually they don't have trouble getting along.

Crump is very protective of and nurturing towards Lector, often encouraging him to talk about things that are troubling him. He is usually able to draw Lector out at least somewhat. Lector in turn sees Crump as a close and dear friend.

Lector and Nesbitt

Lector and Nesbitt have had the most tumultuous relationship, but also arguably one of the closest. They are both alike and different; both believing in vengeance yet having different ideas on how to bring it about. Lector is strategic while Nesbitt is all about brute force. Nesbitt is a very reckless soul and also struggles a great deal with how to interact with people since he was a loner for most of his life. Lector has very little patience for Nesbitt's impulsive antics and this has often led to clashes between them.

When they first met, Nesbitt couldn't stand to be around Lector any more than necessary for work, and Lector felt likewise. Over time, as they gradually got to know each other better, Nesbitt eventually came to love Lector so deeply that he considers him his best friend. Lector in turn sees Nesbitt as his brother and dear friend. They cannot stand it without each other and emotionally shatter when one or the other is badly hurt or thought dead. They don't clash much anymore, having come to understand and respect each other much more than before.

Crump and Nesbitt

Crump warmed up to Nesbitt before Lector did and set about trying to make Nesbitt his next friend. Nesbitt never knew what to make of the strange man with love for penguins and pretty, young girls, but Crump respecting Nesbitt's asexuality despite not understanding it helped melt the wall between them. Crump had to deal with being stuck in the middle when Nesbitt and Lector didn't like each other and trying to convince them of each other's good qualities.

Crump is very friendly towards Nesbitt and tries to comfort and soothe him when disasters crop up. Nesbitt doesn't often open up to Crump, but on occasion he will, and he appreciates Crump's thoughtfulness more than he might admit out loud.

Gansley and Johnson

While these meetings were going on, Gansley and Johnson were meeting at one of Gansley's companies when Johnson joined as lawyer. After winning several high-profile cases for Gansley (sometimes without even needing to cheat), Johnson found himself Gansley's favorite, and they were soon noticed by Gozaburo and recruited by Lector to join KaibaCorp. Each held each other at arm's length at first, but gradually developed first a business partner relationship and then a friendship. Johnson was especially surprised to feel for Gansley, as he had alienated everyone, even his parents, in his quest for greatness. Gansley isn't sure when he came to see Johnson as a close friend. Suddenly he realized that Johnson was far more than his trusted lawyer and that he couldn't imagine his life without him.

They have a deep bond, with Johnson seeing Gansley as his oldest friend and Gansley likewise highly valuing their association. When Johnson wants to talk to one of the others, he will usually go to Gansley. In turn, Gansley gravitates a lot towards Johnson and would be devastated to lose him.

Gansley and Lector

Gansley and Lector have always respected each other's business prowess. When Gozaburo wanted them for his board of directors, Gansley determined that Lector would be his second-in-command, knowing that Lector had the skills and personality needed to run the group in Gansley's absence.

For a while Lector was embarrassed to admit that he considers Gansley like his father. There are only 15 years between their ages, but he can't stop his feelings regardless. After his own father betrays him, those feelings deepen. When Gansley started to realize how Lector felt, he was both confused and honored. Eventually Lector became more open about his feelings and Gansley is proud and happy to consider Lector his son.

Lector and Johnson

Lector was often not sure what to make of the smooth-talking lawyer Johnson and when Johnson was or was not telling the truth. Johnson, whose heart had been softened by Gansley's companionship, also started to like Lector and wanted to reach out to him in friendship as well.

Johnson considers himself the worst of the Big Five and is very bitter and angry when Lector is harmed, feeling that Lector deserves it the least of any of them. Lector has become very fond of Johnson upon realizing that Johnson truly does care about him and the others.

Gansley and Crump

Gansley and Crump always got along relatively well. As the two oldest members of the Big Five, they sometimes consider that they're looking out for the younger members. Crump happily calls Gansley Team Dad, but is not so pleased when Gansley suggests that Crump's protective and comforting nature make him Team Mother.

As with all the others, Crump tries to get Gansley to open up to him. In this he has less luck than with any of the others, even Nesbitt. As the leader, Gansley believes he must stay strong at all times and that he cannot break. But Gansley appreciates Crump's concern and cares for him a great deal.

Crump and Johnson

Crump and Johnson have had their differences, such as in Noa's world, but normally they get along quite well. They were the main two reaching out to the others in friendship and finally winning them over.

While they don't interact one-on-one very often, Crump does encourage Johnson to open up too, just as with the others, and after a while he started usually having relatively good luck. Johnson is happy that Crump is around, even if he doesn't always appreciate the penguin obsession.

Gansley and Nesbitt

Gansley often finds himself trying to calm Nesbitt down or play referee between him and Lector. He doesn't like this, and often wishes Nesbitt could control himself better, but he is generally able to stay calm himself and can usually be the voice of reason when Nesbitt is losing it. Nesbitt respects and loves Gansley as the leader, but even so, if he feels particularly strongly about something he will defy Gansley as well as Lector.

Gansley is frustrated with Nesbitt on many occasions, but he dearly loves him and tries to see his point of view. Nesbitt can't stand to think of anything happening to Gansley.

Johnson and Nesbitt

Johnson and Nesbitt don't often interact one-on-one. When they have, they can have problems if Nesbitt is in his arrogant or reckless mode. But Nesbitt never means to harm Johnson and would be devastated if he ever actually did.

Nesbitt is very protective and will lash out if anyone tries to harm Johnson. In turn, Johnson appreciates Nesbitt's friendship and is heartbroken if anything happens to him.