
Name: Lumis (real name unknown)

Age: 30s

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Acrobatics, dueling

Likes: Umbra, dueling, acrobatics, masks, rare cards

Dislikes: Being teased and bullied, being alone, losing, Bandit Keith

Best Friend: Umbra

Background: Lumis's real name and family are unknown. Due to his short stature he has been mercilessly bullied as both a child and an adult and he has an extremely short fuse if anyone tries that on him. Amazingly, despite also being rather overweight, he is extremely agile and can leap around from building to building and up and down horizontally hanging flagpoles and other objects.

It was this agility that led to him joining a small circus for a while in his young life. While there, he met a young Arkana, who was just beginning his career as a magician. The two were not friends and Lumis didn't like Arkana's brash, arrogant personality, but he still thought Arkana would help him if needed because of circus folks' usual idea of looking out for each other. One night they stumbled on a robbery in progress and were implicated. Arkana vanished and left Lumis to be arrested alone. Lumis grew very bitter and hurt from that experience, and from being arrested unjustly, and after his release he found that the others at the circus believed him guilty. Feeling betrayed, he quit and wandered aimlessly, not sure what to do or where to find more work. That downward spiral and utter desperation led to him being willing to consider and accept Marik's offer when it came.

Marik found Lumis intriguing and recruited him into the Rare Hunters, where he soon met Umbra. Marik wanted them to work as a team, which they managed to do after a rocky start. Lumis wasn't willing to trust easily, but Umbra finally won him over and they became inseparable. During Battle City, Marik ordered them to serve as a distraction for Atem and Seto while Marik got his cruel mind-control plan arranged with Joey. That ended with Umbra losing and falling through the roof. Although he had a parachute to save himself, Lumis's resolve and spirit broke and he didn't have the will to keep dueling alone. Marik mind-controlled him and then left him in a coma from which doctors believed he wouldn't revive. Umbra refused to give up on him and would not sign the papers to have life support terminated. Once Yami Marik was defeated, Marik restored all the Rare Hunters who had been hurt, including Lumis.

For a while the two tried to go straight, but money was scarce and they joined the Rare Hunters again when Bandit Keith took over. Despite having a continuing high rank in the new Rare Hunters, they were still fired by Keith after one mistake some time later led to their arrest. They eventually joined forces with the good guys on a dangerous case to defeat Reshef and finally agreed to turn state's evidence against the Rare Hunters in exchange for immunity and honest jobs that would let them stay together. Currently they work at Duke's Black Crown game store.

Personality: Lumis is very crafty, cunning, intellectual, alternately reckless and impulsive, and sometimes rude. He also has a short temper, often kicked off by insults or bullying directed at him, or by the suggestion that someone might betray him. Due to his miserable childhood and lack of genuine loved ones, he is extremely clingy with Umbra and completely falls apart if Umbra is harmed.

He likes playing Rock Paper Scissors with Umbra to determine who will do certain tasks in the store.

Differences Between the Timelines: I don't recall using Lumis in the old timeline, only random nameless Rare Hunters.