
Name: Demas Lector

Age: 45

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Business management, studying people

Likes: The other members of the Big Five, being in charge, business, taking revenge and/or seeking justice, Mokuba, trenchcoats, fedoras, New Orleans

Best Friends: The other members of the Big Five.

Five-Headed Dragon Element: Darkness

Image Songs: Different by Egypt Central

Taking You Down by Egypt Central (Lector to Seto)

You Make Me Sick by Egypt Central (Lector to Seto)

Background: Lector is of Creole heritage from New Orleans and still has family there. His ancestry is a mix of German, French, Native American, and Haitian. He was very close to his family at one point, but they later grew apart due to various issues. His father is angry that he changed his spelling of his last name to something more simplified, and later disowned him after he tried conspiring with Maximillion Pegasus to overthrow Seto Kaiba.

At some point Lector moved to Domino City and joined Gozaburo Kaiba's version of KaibaCorp. He worked his way up into the position of Gozaburo's right-hand man and together they shaped the company into the successful weapons manufacturer it became. He also became associated with the other members of KaibaCorp's board of directors, beginning their long and questionable alliance.

Despite his respect for Gozaburo, Lector wanted to move even further up the corporate ladder and agreed to try to take over the company when Seto brought his proposal to the Big Five. Lector never expected Gozaburo to take losing the company so hard that he would run away and reportedly commit suicide, however, and he was so haunted when this happened that he could not accept the truth that he was partially to blame. Instead, he cast all of the blame on Seto, whom he didn't like for his apparently heartless and cruel behavior.

When Seto realized the Big Five still wanted KaibaCorp to remain a weapons manufacturer, he took away most of their responsibilities and left them worse off than before. Bitter and hateful, Lector conspired with the rest of the Big Five to imprison Seto long enough for Maximillion Pegasus to take over the company, believing that Pegasus would give him and the others the responsibilities they believed were their rights to have.

This plan failed, and the Big Five next trapped Seto in a virtual reality game, which he would have to beat in order to return to the real world. Gansley led the group into entering the world themselves to play the Five-Headed Dragon for the climax, and when Seto and Atem defeated them, they were trapped in virtual reality, their spirits severed from their bodies. Unable to bring them back, Seto disconnected the bodies from the virtual reality machine and kept them alive but comatose at the KaibaCorp Infirmary. It was the only way to keep the bodies alive, but the Big Five were unaware this had been done and still blamed Seto for their predicament.

Over the next weeks, the Big Five lost nearly all sense of self trapped in virtual reality. Needing bodies connected to virtual reality to escape, they wandered cyberspace in vain until meeting Gozaburo's long-dead son Noa, who resided deep in cyberspace. Noa saw his chance to use them for his own needs of defeating Seto Kaiba, and they signed on to his plan, intending to duel Yugi, Seto, and their friends in order to obtain the bodies necessary to leave the virtual realm.

Lector focused on Seto, with whom he felt hateful for the way Seto had used the Big Five, Gozaburo, and even, Lector felt, Mokuba. When Seto defeated him, something within Lector snapped and he fell to the level of the others, chasing down the other teens in the hopes of escaping via any of them. Even so, he was determined to get out with all of his friends instead of only caring about himself. After attempting to defeat Yugi and Joey in Tristan's body and failing, Noa tried to punish them by deleting their spirits altogether.

In actuality, he only removed them from cyberspace. They found themselves back in the real world as wandering spirits, unable to enter their bodies. Yami Marik took advantage of this and put them under a spell to obey his whims. When Seto developed a new game of augmented reality instead of virtual reality, they took control and used it to gain solid forms.

During this desperate attempt at revenge, Lector was not in agreement with the others on what they wanted to do. He tried to convince them to leave Bakura alone, and when Nesbitt set a warehouse on fire with several people trapped within it, Lector created a way out. Had Mokuba and those with him not found it, he would have gone in himself to save them. He kept this secret, not wanting any hint of duplicity known. He had always disagreed with harming Mokuba as a means to get at Seto, and had previously been angry at Gansley and Nesbitt when they had tried such tactics.

Following their defeat at this scheme, Atem and Yami Bakura banished them to the Shadow Realm. While the others planned and schemed for future revenge once again, Lector began to drift apart from them. He was sick of all the failed schemes that always left them worse off than before, but he didn't know what to do about it. When Mokuba appeared, abducted courtesy of Yami Marik, Lector made the decision to try to help him and not let the others know of the boy's presence. This eventually led to Lector being trapped within the darkness and having his spirit assimilated by it, a punishment delivered by the cruel Egyptian known as Khu. The others, despite having wanted to teach Lector a lesson for his lies to them, were horrified at it going that far.

Lector was restored to himself when Atem and the rest, on a rescue mission to find Mokuba, discovered him and managed to talk him through finding the good and the light within his heart instead of focusing on the darkness. He then joined with them to save Mokuba, despite still insisting he hated Seto, and eventually possessed Khu to keep him from killing Mokuba. When Atem's group returned to the real world, Lector was apparently left behind.

Instead, Lector found himself awakening in the real world, in his body, granted a second chance for his changing heart. A mad scientist had healed his body, allowing him to use it immediately and not need therapy first, and she demanded Lector's loyalty in her cold plan to pick apart Seto's mind. Tired of revenge schemes and now realizing that hurting Seto would hurt Mokuba, Lector did not want to go along with it. The scientist, who formerly worked at KaibaCorp and reported to him, tried to frighten him with tales of mind-controlling him via a chip in his brain. She also forced Lector to look at the truth that he too had betrayed Gozaburo. This sent him into such distress that he fled and was caught by Seto. Seto gave him an ultimatum of either going back to the scientist or helping him bring her down. And while dealing with that, he also had to deal with the scientist reviving the Big Four's bodies without their souls, something that badly shook him up considering how closely they worked together for so long.

Eventually the Big Four were sent back to their bodies by Yami Marik, who hoped they would cause more chaos. With them came Khu, who was bent on killing Lector out of revenge for possessing him. The Big Four realized they still cared about Lector too much to allow him to suffer, and they eventually sacrificed themselves to save him. Lector was devastated. The angel Kasumi, however, was authorized to restore them to life for a wise purpose later to be revealed, and now they are all trying to move on with their lives together, with Lector.

Recently they learned that when they took over Seto's augmented reality game, they had been unwillingly put under a spell by Yami Marik and that's why they acted out worse than they ever had before. But even under the spell they couldn't kill; Johnson teleported Bakura out of the danger, and Nesbitt broke down and refused to set fire to the warehouse. Yami Marik then did it himself and gave false memories to everyone that Nesbitt did it.

Lector has been given a magical ring once wielded by his ancestor in ancient Egypt to help protect the world. He is troubled by the fact that his ring holds the powers of darkness, although Shadi has told him it's the powers of night and not anything evil.

Personality: Lector is the most honorable member of the Big Five, yet at the same time, the most hypocritical. His main issue seems to be bringing Seto down for cruelties committed against the Big Five, Gozaburo, and Mokuba, without recognizing his own guilt where Gozaburo is concerned. When he is forced to take a long look at himself, he doesn't like what he sees. He is polite, generally addressing his enemies with respect, yet he can be as cold and obsessive to escape his fates as the rest of the Big Five after he is pushed too far.

He is more skilled at business than Seto will likely ever believe. Not just anyone could work his way up to becoming the perfectionist Gozaburo's right-hand man. He is not, however, ruthless in business practices like Gozaburo and did not agree with the man on everything. He has seen Gozaburo as being a more honorable person than Gozaburo ever actually was, and had no knowledge of the abuse heaped on Seto until Seto finally told him after he was restored to his body.

He genuinely trusts people and doesn't expect betrayal. He considers the other members of the Big Five as his oldest and closest friends, although that view was badly shaken after they encouraged Khu's trapping him in the darkness. They did not expect him to be assimilated into it, but he was still bitter. Nevertheless, he still had concern for them and was upset when Dr. Portman revived their bodies without their souls, which were still in the Shadow Realm at the time. He came to realize that he still thought of them as his friends, and he is happy to still be with them now that they are back as well.

Lector lets Gansley act as leader for the group, only taking over himself if Gansley is incapacitated. He is as much or more of a strategist than Gansley and is content to keep in the background, only emerging when needed. He feels badly that his biological family has rejected him, but considers the Big Four his family too and is grateful to have them.

Despite how outraged Lector can become over injustice, he is actually an extremely aloof person, even moreso than Nesbitt. He doesn't open up to the others unless pushed to his absolute limit. Even when suffering something extremely traumatic, he will try to hide his feelings as best as he can so as not to worry his friends even more. Of course, it has the opposite effect if they realize what he has gone through. They want him to open up to them, and he is gradually learning that he needs to.

Lector has always cared about Mokuba and is furious with Seto for supposedly using him and taking advantage of the child's trust. He has secretly tried to help Mokuba during some of the Big Five's schemes. This protectiveness has also helped to soften his heart, as he realizes that if he truly cares about Mokuba, he cannot harm the older brother Mokuba adores.

Lector can be stern with children, but not unreasonably, and he softens with well-behaved children like Mokuba. He credits Mokuba for bringing him back to the light, which in turn drew the others back as well.

Differences Between Timelines: I don't recall that any of the Big Five appeared in the old timeline at all.