
Name: Charles Gansley

Age: 60

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Business strategy

Likes: Business, strategizing, scheming, the other members of the Big Five

Best Friends: The other members of the Big Five

Five-Headed Dragon Element: Earth

Background: Gansley is a born strategist and schemer. As a child he took over a neighbor's lemonade stand and eventually turned it into the largest distributor of frozen lemonade in the country. He brought these skills with him to KaibaCorp, where he became vice-president of business strategy and eventually the unofficial leader of the Big Five.

At some point, Gansley was married and had children. But because he looked upon that as a business decision and a good investment, his wife finally got fed-up and took the children away with her. By now there are grandchildren, most of whom Gansley has not ever seen.

The Big Five's ups and downs have been detailed on Lector's page, so that disastrous history won't be repeated here.

Gansley reclaimed his body following Dr. Portman reviving it as a soulless terror, but was killed protecting Lector from the murderous Khu. He was, however, restored to life by the angel Kasumi for his selfless act and encouraged to try to find a new path in life. Although he still struggled with feelings of anger towards Seto for some time, he leaned towards just trying to get his life back on track when he had a chance to do so, rather than trying again to take revenge on Seto for the past. By now, they have finally buried the hatchet.

He has been charged with using a magical ring once wielded by his ancestor in ancient Egypt to help protect the world. While he doesn't like this task at all, he has consented to accept the responsibility.

Personality: Gansley is a hard man to work for; he has very little sentimentality or attachment to workers. If someone has to go for whatever reason, Gansley has others right ready to take over the job. The sole exceptions to this are the other members of the Big Five. He cares about them and considers them as more than employees: irreplaceable, even. If necessary, he will fight to protect them.

Gansley usually looks at everything in business terms, from dueling to marriage. While he very likely considered friendship in the same light to begin with, he has come to genuinely appreciate it. He also regrets the failure of his marriage, or more precisely, the fact that he has fallen out of touch with the children and doesn't even know his grandchildren. The reappearance of his son Peter and two grandchildren has been a huge delight to him.

Gansley is unanimously considered the leader of the Big Five by the other members, and he strives to fulfill that role. He is logical and level-headed; when the others are having spats or losing control of their emotions, Gansley always remains perfectly in control and calm. If anything ever does push him to his limits, it is a very disturbing thing to witness.

Gansley has a sadistic streak and enjoys taunting his enemies. Sometimes he enjoys it too much and dragging out the torment can result in his downfall.

Gansley has some problems with his health; he carries a cane due to problems with his legs and his heart has been known to bother him in the past. But he is still a dangerous force to be reckoned with.

Differences Between the Timelines: The Big Five did not appear in the old timeline.