
Name: Thomas Johnson

Age: 40s

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Twisting the law and the facts to suit his own needs

Likes: Being a lawyer, emotional torture, the other members of the Big Five

Best Friends: The other members of the Big Five

Five-Headed Dragon Element: Wind

Background: Johnson always had an interest in the law, at least if he could make it work for him. Through the years he has gotten away with many cruel stunts, including making a jury believe that a man afraid of water stole a boat. Gozaburo was impressed with his skills and eventually he became the chief legal advisor for KaibaCorp and part of the Big Five.

The Big Five's disastrous history is recounted on Lector's page, which was written first.

After a series of bizarre events, Johnson regained his body after Dr. Portman revived it without his soul. He was killed saving Lector from the hateful Khu, but was revived by the angel Kasumi and charged with turning his life around.

Johnson is currently one of the protectors of the world via a magical ring once held by his ancestor in ancient Egypt. He is bowled-over and baffled by the charge, but tries to fulfill his duties as best as he can.

Personality: In the past, Johnson was a cruel person who enjoys pressing people's buttons by getting at them through those they love. He tormented Joey by pretending to be Mai waking up from a coma. Later, he pulled a similarly cruel stunt on Yami Bakura by making him think Bakura had been killed and then appearing before him as Bakura.

Like the rest of the Big Five, Johnson was very willing to betray Gozaburo in order to try to take over KaibaCorp. For a long time, the only people Johnson truly cared about, other than himself, were the other members of the Big Five. He was hesitant on what to think of Lector after learning that Lector tried on multiple occasions to protect Mokuba from them, yet he still didn't want Lector hurt and hoped that the rift between them could be mended. Following the calamity with Khu, it has been.

Although Johnson initially seemed unrepentant, he was concealing a great deal of guilt and pain the more he witnessed the other members of the Big Five being harmed. He has finally admitted to knowing they were doing wrong and feels that he is the worst of the group. It tears him apart that the others are being hurt while he is largely spared, especially Lector, since he feels Lector is the best of them and really doesn't deserve the suffering he's going through.

Usually Johnson is extremely cool and collected, but when put under pressure he quickly falls apart, and if threatened, he will sometimes say and do things he shouldn't. When Noa threatened to kill them all after two duel failures, Johnson tried to pacify him by calling Gansley and Crump useless. He didn't care at the time, but the memory of that thoughtless comment has tortured him in the present, particularly since he isn't sure if or when he might lose the friends he put down due to them all being in danger.

Johnson enjoys trips to Domino Canyon and has a cabin there, which he shares with the other members of the Big Five. Even before he fully acknowledged them as his friends, he was inviting them out there, and they realized one by one that he cared about them and wanted their companionship.

Differences Between the Timelines: The Big Five do not appear in the old timeline.