Tristan Taylor

Name: Tristan Taylor

Age: 16

Nationality: American

Special Skills: Loyalty, devotion, motorcycle-riding

Likes: Serenity, friends, motorcycles

Best Friends: Joey, Yugi, Tea, Atem

Background: Tristan has lived a relatively normal and peaceful life, unlike some of the others. He was always basically a good guy, but when he first started to pal around with Joey, the Brooklyn tough guy negatively influenced him into fighting and bullying. That soon stopped thanks to Yugi, however.

Tristan has a casual interest in Duel Monsters and owns a few cards, but he isn't that into the idea of dueling in tournaments. He prefers staying on the sidelines and cheering Yugi and Joey on.

Tristan's big interest is motorcycles. In this he finds a friend in Marik, and they enjoy riding together or talking shop.

Tristan also longs to make some romantic progress with Serenity. Even though she leans towards having chosen Duke, Tristan holds out hope since they're all very young and things could change. Serenity, however, sees Tristan as a second brother and seems to have no romantic intentions where he is concerned.

Personality: Tristan usually keeps a lid on his temper, unlike Joey, but sometimes he's had enough and he will snap, especially if someone is being either an idiot or a jerk. He finds it hard to trust some people who have caused trouble for them in the past, at least if they haven't shown enough indication to him that they are different. He has had trouble getting along with Yami Bakura in particular, which is certainly understandable. But as they start to overcome their problems, Tristan ends up one of the most fiercely devoted friends Yami Bakura has aside from Bakura. Tristan is a loyal friend and very protective and devoted to anyone he cares about. He and Joey like to be goofy together. Sometimes they fight to show their affection, and sometimes they do weird things like their special victory can-can song and dance.

Tristan has a very complex relationship with Duke. He honestly cares about his rival and doesn't want him hurt, but the Serenity mess is a problem that may forever stand between them, at least until Tristan can find happiness with someone as well.

Differences between the timelines: The love triangle with Serenity was unresolved in the old timeline, I believe. Otherwise, Tristan is mostly the same, although I think he may have a bit more of an edge in the new timeline? He and Duke had problems in both timelines, but I think the problems are worse in the newer one. They're also certainly more distant and not as friendly with each other in the new one. Tristan still shows that he cares, however, such as in Dragons at Dawn.