
Name: Shadi

Age: ... Good question

Nationality: Egyptian

Special Skills: Being mysterious and cryptic, getting in and out of places by traveling through walls

Likes: Leading things to their destined end, having everything regarding the Millennium Items and Atem peaceful at last

Best Friend: Hmm....

Background: Shadi is very mysterious. He was the Guardian of the Millennium Items, and to that end he influenced events and people to bring Pharaoh Atem into the picture and guide him to his memories. He claims he lived in ancient Egypt and came out on the losing end of a fight with Thief King Bakura, but other sources tell other stories. It is hard to say exactly what is the truth about this enigmatic man. He often behaves as a spirit, with the powers of invisibility and passing through solid objects, but at other times he appears to be solid himself. Atem doesn't even know the truth about him, but wonders if he is a time-traveler.

After the destruction of the Millennium Items, Shadi became one of the caretakers of the mysterious Infinity Items, which use white magic as opposed to the Millennium Items' dark magic. He delegated the Infinity Ring to Yami Bakura and charged him with learning to use it for good and gave the Infinity Puzzle to Atem.

Personality: Shadi is mysterious and not very willing to reveal things, at least, not beyond what he wants you to know! He is completely loyal to Atem, but some may be at odds with his methods of influencing events. He seems to say things on occasion to deliberately mislead people, if he believes that their response will further the destined events.

Differences between the timelines: Shadi was quite prominent in the old timeline's mystery fics, often appearing while on the trail of dangerous enemies. He suffered disasters just like the rest of the cast and was apparently mortal. He also seemed to be close friends with Ishizu ... at least as close as Shadi gets to anyone. In the new timeline, Shadi is probably a spirit, but perhaps not. He travels between the afterlife and the mortal plane freely, interacting with the characters on both planes and repairing damage. He is also the bearer of an Infinity Item, the Ankh, which can restore life if the person was not meant to die. He is not especially close to Ishizu, but he shares deep conversations with Atem on occasion.