Mokuba Kaiba

Name: Mokuba Kaiba

Age: 10

Nationality: Japanese-American

Special Skills: Capsule Monsters, computers, loyalty, unconditional love, forgiveness

Likes: Seto, Marik, Yugi-tachi, Lector, Capsule Monsters, helping his brother

Best Friends: Seto, Marik, Lector

Background: Mokuba grew up in a normal family with Seto and their parents, until their parents were killed and Seto had to be the parents and the big brother. He was always protective, coming to Mokuba's aid when bullies tormented him, and taught Mokuba how to play chess and Duel Monsters.

As much as Mokuba hates the orphanage, he appreciates that Seto still smiled there. When they were adopted by Gozaburo, Seto soon abandoned all children's behaviors and started to become dark and cold. Mokuba was mostly ignored by Gozaburo, but he desperately tried to keep Seto's heart alive. This has continued to be Mokuba's role, and Seto's humanity can always be found in his love for his younger brother.

Seto also trusts Mokuba implicitly and Mokuba holds a vital key card. Company decisions cannot be finalized without both key cards. The brothers conceal them within their matching lockets and no one is the wiser.

Mokuba also bridges the gap between Yugi's group and Seto, enjoying all of their company. He's overjoyed that Seto has finally accepted that he enjoys it as well.

After the Ishtars moved back to Domino City, Mokuba and Marik somehow struck up an acquaintance one day and found themselves becoming friends. Mokuba had experienced a freer childhood than Marik had ever known, and Marik reminded Mokuba of Seto in how he had fallen to the darkness and was trying to return to the light, and also in how he had been fighting for justice for his family. They started associating more often, and Marik even saved Mokuba and Seto from a deadly accident with the limousine. That cemented the bond between Mokuba and Marik. Seto is supportive of the friendship, especially since Marik doesn't try to encourage Mokuba to do dangerous things.

Personality: Mokuba idolizes Seto and never thinks poorly of him or betrays him. Nevertheless, he does recognize Seto's faults over time and manages to get through to Seto when he is drowning in hatred during the final Battle City duels. It is largely because of Mokuba's words that Seto recognizes the truth and tries to get past his hate. Mokuba is generally sweet and friendly and feels older than 10. He is also more mature than most 10 year olds. He prefers being with people older than him, such as Seto, Marik, and Yugi's group, rather than making friends with kids his own age. He does have some acquaintances from school, but he's not very close to them.

Mokuba's sweetness has also softened other hearts, such as their stepbrother Noa Kaiba's. Because of Mokuba's innate goodness, Noa finally did the right thing after years of bitter loneliness and desperately trying to prove himself to Gozaburo. Mokuba is also the only child Lector of the Big Five has ever really liked, and Lector's protectiveness towards Mokuba has finally enabled him to find redemption and a new start, which Mokuba highly supports. Mokuba always liked Lector and felt deeply betrayed when he turned against Seto. These days, they have a special bond and Mokuba drops by to visit him a lot.

Differences between the timelines: None, really. Marik and Mokuba's friendship has a different origin in the old timeline, but the end result was the same. I've also decided to incorporate the old timeline venture of Marik rescuing the Kaibas from a car accident into the new timeline, because I just love it.

Mokuba also has no known connection with Lector in the old timeline, mainly because the Big Five do not appear there (and because I only got the idea of their possible connection recently).