Raphael Laurent

Name: Raphael Laurent

Age: 24

Nationality: French

Special Skills: Gaming, loyalty

Likes: Guardian cards, motorcycles, cats, family, friends

Best Friends: Alister, Valon

Background: Raphael was from a rich Paris family. His life seemed perfect. But on a pleasure cruise, a heavy storm capsized the boat and separated him from his family, soon leaving him as the sole survivor. He washed up on an island where he spent the next several years in solitude, with only the souls of his Guardian cards to keep him company. They kept him sane and he grew to consider them his family.

One night Dartz called to Raphael and showed him a vision of Atlantis. Raphael made a raft and tried to reach it, but it vanished, with Dartz's promise that they would meet when the time was right.

By the time Raphael was finally rescued and returned to civilization, he found that it seemed anything but civilized and he pined for the peaceful solitude of his island. His family was dead, their fortune stolen by other relatives, and when they saw Raphael, they tried to profit off of his sensational story. Disgusted, Raphael left. Dartz made his move at that point and Raphael was more than willing to join his organization for renewing the world with the Orichalcos and the Leviathan.

Of the three bikers, Raphael was always the most protective and the most tolerant of the others' different personalities. He got along well with both Alister and Valon and they enjoyed his company. Raphael was also the most strongly devoted to loyalty, something he felt Atem was not. But under the evil influence of the Orichalcos, Raphael became very dark and disloyal. It took Atem to help guide Raphael back to the light and show him that Dartz was wrong. From that point, Raphael tried to help stop Dartz.

He also tried to convince Dartz that their way was wrong, but Dartz chose that moment to reveal the horrible truth: he had killed the bikers' loved ones to get them angry enough at the world that they would join him. Enraged, Raphael tried to attack Dartz and the Orichalcos came out of his heart, claiming his soul.

After Atem rescued him and everyone else who had been taken, Raphael tried to reconnect with the other bikers. Alister called the beachhouse where they had been living and Raphael answered. Valon, however, had already left. Alister and Raphael determined to find him and they went their separate ways to look. Upon reuniting at last, they decided to go to Domino City and start anew, living together as a family.

Personality: Raphael is still the biker most strongly devoted to loyalty. He is also the best at keeping his temper in check. If he actually does get angry, watch out! Despite being strong and fearsome in appearance, he is not dangerous unless someone is being hurt. He loves cats and has a Ragdoll named Liu, found while working for Dartz.

Differences between the timelines: The old timeline said that Alister was the best at keeping his temper in check, but that made little sense to me even as I wrote it, so I'm not sure why I did! Raphael seems to be the best at staying calm in canon, so that transferred to my more canon-compliant timeline.