About Hymmetry
Hymmetry has four categories of words & music: Carols, Hymns, Psalms, and Songs.
Items already published elsewhere on the internet are listed by first line on each category page with links to their webpages. Items on this website are shown on subpages within each category. On each subpage, the lyrics are given in full, and a preview of the score. Also given is a Keyboard Demo of the music and either an Instrumental Performance or a Lyric Video wherever possible. For technical reasons these are all hosted by YouTube, the Lyric Videos being public and the others unlisted and accessible only from this website. Keyboard Demos are generated from Avid Sibelius®, and may include simple instrumentation such as piano & flute, whereas Instrumental Performances are generated from a synthesiser, and feature full scores. Most of the Lyric Videos use an Instrumental Performance sound-track and display a full verse at a time. Some of those that do not have a live vocal recording show a moving highlight line by line to help people sing along.
All lyric scores, keyboard demos, instrumental performances and lyric videos are available on request without charge (see Permissions).
As a special service, large print copies in landscape mode of scores featured on this website can be supplied if required.
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