Beam Pistolero

by Zelthian and Vincegetorix from the ronnin army board here.

Note: This is assumes you are using Titansgrave campaign and the high-tech equipment found within.

You hone your skills with dual blasters in true Guns Akimbo style.

Prerequisite: Rogue, Dexterity 2, Dual Blasters Fighting Talent (Novice)

Novice: You can use the disarm stunt with your blasters. You gain a +1 damage bonus to your blaster attacks.

Journeyman: You can reroll your Initiative at the start of the fight, but you must keep the second result. If you turn comes first in Initiative, enemies cannot use the Seize the Initiative stunt against you.

Master: You can use your Pinpoint accuracy against all creatures acting after you in the Initiative order.