Divine Intervention

There are many games out there that have rules for deities and what they can do, so here is a take on Divine Intervention. this is broken into 2 categories; Divine Stunts and Divine Blessings. Divine Stunts are new combat stunts that any character of devout belief in their deity can use. If a player wishes to play an Atheist then they do not have to use these rules. This is completely Optional. Also included will be a list of fan-made Deities to take inspiration from.


DIVINE BLESSINGS: Divine Blessings are one-time use powers granted by a Cleric or Deity or Shrine. A character may hold more than one but no more than their Willpower Score. once the Blessing is used, it goes away until granted again

DEITIES: here are some sample Deities, their Symbols, their Weapon Group of Choice and their Domain