Research by David Clay       Email:

New Additions

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July 5th.  Nottinghamshire.  1667. Quakers.

July 2nd.  Yorkshire.  1308. Rector. 1312. Archbishop. 1323. Fadmore. 1340. Order.  1341. Collectors. 1341. Collectors. 1343. Complaint. 1361. Witness.  1390. Manor. 1391. Clerk. 1456. Index.                  

July 2nd.  Yorkshire. 1522. Index. 1540. Marriage. 1880. Monument. 

July 2nd.   Norfolk. 1298. Complaint.

July 2nd.   London. 1366. Witness.

July 2nd.   Nottinghamshire. 1721. Manor House.

July 2nd.    Durham.  1388. Estate. 

July 2nd.    Lancashire. 1825 - 1863. Plantagenet Roll.

June 23rd. Devon. 1677. Marriage. 1694. Burial.

June 22nd. London. 1381. Court Case.

June 21st. Cambridgeshire. 1662 - 1697. Bishop's Transcripts.

June 14th. Cambridgeshire. 1482. Baker. 1613 - 1640. Bishop's Transcripts.

June 2nd.  Hertfordshire.  1300s. Castle  Remains Photograph.

May 28th. Hertfordshire. 1351 - 1264. Register of the Black Prince.

May 20th. Hertfordshire. 1911 Census.

May 16th. Essex. 1630. Overseers.

May 16th. Norfolk. 1739. Sponsorship.

May 15th. Essex. 1657. Admin.

May 15th. Yorkshire. 1443. Quitclaim. 1798. Recollections. 1798. Confirmation. 

May 15th. Warwickshire. 1855. Theft. 1859. Theft. 1866. Member. 1870. Theft. 1935. Obituary.

May 15th. Suffolk. 1341. Grant. 1582. Court Case.

May 15th. Somerset. 1860.  Clerk.

May 15th. Shropshire. 1768. Marriage.

May 15th. Staffordshire. 1379. Land. 1658. Will.

May 14th. Nottinghamshire.  1372. Inquisition. 1619. Paving. 1675. Books.  1737. Sheriff. 1789. Baptism. 

May 14th. Northumberland. 1555. Rents. 1567. Messuage. 1578. List. 1580. Tenant. 1594. Bailiff. 1610. Land.

May 14th. Norfolk. 1463. Messuage. 1492. Prior. 1534. Muster.

May 14th. Leicestershire. 1667. Will.

May 14th. Kent. 1671. Will.

May 14th Hampshire. 1936. Wedding.

May 14th. London. 1342. Abbess. 1379. Attorney. 1386. Manor. 1544. Letter. 1544. Merchants. 

May 14th. Lincolnshire.  1320. Court. 1320. Court. 1386. Court. 1492. Vicar. 1495. Will. 1539. Alias. 1547. Illness. 1561. Monk. 1826. Pioneer. 

May 3rd.  Kent. 1911. Census x 8.

May 2nd. London. 1738. Lease. 1741. Will. 1839. Will.

May 1st.  Yorkshire. 1320. Deed. 1390. Sacrementum. 1556. Witness. 1556. Will. 1587. Admission. 1628. Vicar.  1629. Will. 1690 - 1708. Probate. 1707. Marriage. 1711. Marriage. 1731. Marriage. 

May 1st.  Yorkshire. 1334. Court. 1396. Tenement. 1556. Will. 1602. Batism. 1603. Burial. 

May 1st.   London.  1588. Chamber. 1668. Provincial.

Apr. 30th. Nottinghamshire. 1368. Grant. 1500s. Marriage. 1663. Deceased. 1666. Chamberlain. 1672. Died. 1723. Licence. 1740. Died. 1762. Marriage. 1781. Marriage. 1795. Land. 1797. Marriage.

Apr. 30th. Nottinghamshire. 1804. Muster Roll. 1805. Trust. 1812. Aged. 1813. Aged. 1817. Aged.

Apr. 28th. Warwickshire. 1544. Grant. 1795. Loan.

Apr. 28th. Wiltshire. 1683. Receipt.

Apr. 28th. Suffolk. 1524. Tax. 1568. Tax.

Apr. 28th. Somerset. 1409. Title. 1419. List.

Apr. 28th. Staffordshire. 1741. Forgeman.

Apr. 28th. Hertfordshire.  1869. Will.

Apr. 28th. Northamptonshire.  1199. Mortgage.

Apr. 28th. London. 1387. Will.  1543. Will. 1544. Tax. 1579. Will.  1605. Will. 1615. Court. 1617. Will.  1620. Recusant. 1691. Warden. 1821. Marriage. 1828. Memorial. 1831. Birth. 1842. Birth. 1862. Brd.

Apr. 28th. Middlesex. 1570. Robbery. 1815. Memorial. 1828. Birth.

Apr. 28th. Kent. 1198. Castle.

Apr. 28th. Lancashire. 1801. Liverpool. 1815. Memorial. 1837. Committee.

Apr. 28th. Hampshire. 1256. Charter. 1654. Vows.

Apr. 28th. Worcestershire. 1619. Curate. 1640. Curate.

Apr. 27th. Essex. 1203. Land. 1767. Baptism / Marriage.

Apr. 27th. London. 1636. Will.

Apr. 27th. Devon. 1618. Grant. 1636. Will.

Apr. 27th. Oxfordshire. 1609. Clerk.

Apr. 27th. Cambridgeshire. 1894. Marriage.

Apr. 27th. Cheshire. 1816. Will. 1829. Sale.

Apr. 27th. Cornwall. 1437. Manors. 1690. Marriage. 

Apr. 27th.  Surrey. 1597. Will. 

Apr. 25th. Somerset. 1871. Census. 1911. Census.

Apr. 20th. Suffolk.  1911. Census.

Apr. 18th. Sussex. 1871. Census.

Apr. 17th. Kent.  1871. Census.

Apr. 15th. Hertfordshire. 1871 Census.

Apr. 13th. Herefordshire.  1851. Farmer. 1876. Baptism. 1890. Inn. 1891. Census. 1895. Inn. 1901. Census.  1911. Census. 1912. Marriage. 1914. Inn.  1928. Resident. 

Apr. 12th. Herefordshire.  1800s. Postcard. 1843. Baptism. 1846. Baptism. 1850. Auction. 1850. Debtor. 1911. Swimming.

Apr. 12th. Suffolk. 1841. Census.

Apr. 9th.  Warwickshire. 1874. Robbery.

Apr. 9th.  Cheshire. 1905. Petty Sessions.

Apr. 9th.  Staffordshire. 1893. Fire Brigade.

Apr. 7th.   Warwickshire. 1878. Suicide.

Apr. 7th.  Gloucestershire. 1902. Forgery.

Apr. 7th.   Devon. 1871. Party.

Apr. 7th.   London.  1893. Suicide.

Apr. 6th.   Durham. 1875. Shooting.

Apr. 6th.   London.  1896. Marriage. 1899. Murder.

Apr. 6th.   Yorkshire. 1887. Inquest.  1900. Fire.

Apr. 3rd.   Miscellaneous.  1900s. Records of Wales.

Apr. 3rd.   Staffordshire.  1894. Court. 1915. Obituary.

Apr. 3rd.   London. 1899. Court. 1899. Crime.

Apr. 2nd.   Lancashire. 1861. Birth.

Apr. 1st.    Shropshire.  1623. Visitation.

Mar. 31st. Hertfordshire.  1463. Knight.  1463. Appointment. 1464. Sheriff. 1467. Court Roll. 

Mar. 31st. Yorkshire.  1279. Tenement. 1313. Court Roll.  1316. Court Roll. 1348. Order.  1504. Debt. 1504. Deeds.   1569. Listed. 1789. Marriage. 

Mar. 30th. Surrey. 1605. Shipright. 1608. Shipright. 1612. Shipright. 

Mar. 30th. Shropshire. 1255. Witness. 1562. Court. 1576. Fined. 1601. Court. 1632. Will. 1638 Examination. 1638. Musician.

Mar. 30th. Nottinghamshire. 1370. Commission. 1630. Plaintiffs. 1872. Inscriptions.

Mar. 30th. Northumberland. 1830. Lease. 1832. Candidate.

Mar. 30th. Derbyshire.1584. Tithes.

Mar. 30th. Gloucestershire. 1608. Muster Roll. 

Mar. 30th. Essex. 1462. Knight.

Mar. 30th. Cheshire. 1548. Visitation. 1548. Chantry. 1548. Bill. 1741. Will. 1836. Scriptural.

Mar. 30th. Cambridgeshire. 1394. Ratification. 1641. Subsidy Roll. 

Mar. 30th. Berkshire. 1473. Grant.

Mar. 30th. Bedfordshire. 1372. Letters. 1515. Grant. 1615. Will. 1918. Obituary. 

Mar. 30th. Lincolnshire. 1630. Defendant. 1630 .Defendant.1691. Captive. 

Mar. 30th. Leicestershire. 1447. Yeoman. 1476. Inquisition. 1522. Court Roll. 1531. Court Roll. 1548. Messuage. 1653. Deposition.

Mar. 30th. Norfolk.  1146. Advowson.  1319. Complant.  1548. Messuage.  1570. Rectory. 1670. Will. 1778. Will. 1778. Will. 

Mar. 30th. London. 1577. Witness. 1637. Petition. 1642. Receipts. 1757. Witness. 

Mar. 30th. Lincolnshire. 1684. Court. 1690. Sessions. 1517. Will. 1686. Sessions. 1691. Petition. 

Mar. 30th. Derbyshire. 1589. Inquisition. 1595. Jury.

Mar. 30th. Yorkshire. 1564. Inquisition.

Mar. 30th. Hertfordshire. 1332. Grant. 1447. Deed. 1467. Secretary. 1467. Chaplain. 1573. Will. 1598. Debts. 1635. Will.  1642. Licence. 

Mar. 30th. Huntingdonshire.  1540. Yeoman.

Mar. 27th. Yorkshire. 1871. Census. Rastrick. 1873. Obituary. 1873. Will Proved. 1891 Census. Rastrick. 

Mar. 26th. Nottinghamshire.  1892.  Constable.

Mar. 26th. Yorkshire. 1404. Deed. 1457. Deed. 1503. Deed. 1523. Lay Subsidy. 1545. Lay Subsidy. 1571. Lay Subsidy. 1873. Hull MP.  1873. Telegram.  1873. Opera.  1905. Engagement.

Mar. 24th. Suffolk.  1284. Assizes. 1315. Complaint.

Mar. 24th. Yorkshire. 1313 - 1320. Deeds. 1374. Witness. 1607. Messuage. 1611. Messuage. 1624. Baptism. 1625. Burial. 1643. Soldier. 1822. Consul.

Mar. 24th. Wiltshire.  1516. Lease.  1555. Messuage.

Mar. 24th. Warwickshire.  1425. Chaplain.  1663 - 1674. Hearthtax ?

Mar. 24th. Suffolk. 1467. Debt.

Mar. 24th. Dorset.  1557. Deed.

Mar. 22nd. Nottinghamshire. 1315. Delivered.  1722. School. 1739. Tradesmen. 1742. Jury. 1743. Resolved. 1743. Bridgford.  1749. Agreement. 1752. Witness.

Mar. 22nd. Somerset. 1377. Priory.

Mar. 22nd. Oxfordshire. 1737. Will.

Mar. 22nd. Norfolk. 1450. Rector.

Mar. 22nd. Middlesex.  1616. Sessions. 1789. Stolen Timber. 1789. Stolen Timber.

Mar 22nd. London. 1626. Marriage. 1626. Churchwarden. 1642. Churchwarden. 1650 - 54. Churchwarden. 1685. Baptism. 1711. Plaintiff.

Mar. 21st. Leicestershire.  1273. Appointment. 1454. Minister. 1481. Traders. 

Mar. 21st. Hampshire.  1729. Marriage Licence.  1746 Marriage. 1780 Marriage. 1798. Marriage Licence. 

Mar. 18th. Lincolnshire. 1526. Lay Subsidy.

Mar. 17th. Warwickshire.  1854. Baptism. 1884. Kelly's Directory. 1869. Meeting. 1869. Petty Sessions. 1899. Meeting. 1916. Funeral. 

Mar. 17th. Norwich.  1231. Church.

Mar. 16th. Warwickshire. 1748. Will seen. 1753. Receipt.

Mar. 16th. London. 1330 - 34. Protection. 

Mar. 16th. Lincolnshire. 1637. Examination.

Mar. 16th. Yorkshire. 1398. Complaint. 1538. Inquisition. 1594. License.

Feb. 29th. Kent. 1804. Marriage. 1872 Birth.

Feb. 24th. Leicestershire. 1672. Mayor. 1688. Mayor.

Feb. 24th. Hertfordshire. 1430. Rouen.

Feb.16th. Lincolnshire. 1527. Rents. 1557. Inventory.

Feb.15th. Sussex.  1291. Taxation. 1308. Inquest.

Feb.14th. Surrey. 1851. Census. St George the Martyr.

Feb.10th. Yorkshire. 1610. Gift of Books.

Feb.5th.  Nottinghamshire. 1604. Lease.

Feb.5th.  Derbyshire. 1768 - 1892. Deeds. 1887. Will.  1891. Messuages. 1892. Conveyance.

Jan.31st. Lincolnshire.  1421. Wages.

Jan.31st. Yorkshire. 1410. Witness. 1424. Witness.

Jan.31st. Lancashire.  1856. Improvement.

Jan.30th. Nottinghamshire. 1395. Bark. 1396. Arrows. 1396. Release. 1405. Cottages.

Jan.27th. Hampshire. 1186. Witness.

Jan.26th. Nottinghamshire. 1335. Complaint. 1718. Vicar. 1744. Court. 1751. Jury. 1851. Marriage.  1858. Marriage. 

Jan.24th. Hertfordshire. 1461. Ambassadors.

Jan.20th. Staffordshire.  1851. Blacksmith. 1870. Magistrate

Jan.20th. Northumberland. 1858. Residents.

Jan.20th. Lincolnshire. 1857. Grocer.

Jan.20th. Somerset. 1858. Lecture.

Jan.20th. Shropshire. 1851. Vet.

Jan.20th. Gloucestershire. 1859. Matron.

Jan.20th. Worcestershire. 1851. Coaches.

Jan.20th. Devon.  1852. Bath Chair. 1853. Magistrate. 

Jan.20th. Yorkshire.  1850. MP.  1856. Bradford.  1858. Hull. 

Jan.20th. London.  1850. MP.  1851. Rev. 1852. Prison. 1853. £500. 1857. Commons. 

Jan.20th. Sussex.  1851. Esq. 1858. Mrs. 1858. Rev. 

Jan.20th. Nottinghamshire. 1858. Coal Merchant. 1862. Magistrate.

Jan.19th. Lancashire. 1828. Pigot and Deans Directory.

Jan.19th. Hampshire.  1828. Toy Dealer.

Jan.19th. Sussex. 1839.  Mrs. Clay.

Jan. 19th. London. 1839. Printer.

Jan.19th. Cambridgeshire. 1830. School.

Jan.19th. Kent. 1847. Draper.

Jan.19th. Leicestershire.  1815. Stone Mason. 1827. Stone Mason.

Jan.19th. Nottinghamshire.  1784. Attorney. 1784. Grocer. 1815. Setterup. 1815. Butcher.  1815. Chandler. 1848. Shoemaker. 1848. Victualler. 1849. Blacksmith.

Jan.13th. Yorkshire. 1342. Clerk.

Jan.13th. Somerset.  1342. Witness.

Jan.13th. Leicestershire.  1691. Witness. 1694. Witness.  1694. Witness. 1694. Witness.

Jan.13th. Cornwall.  1206. Justices.

Jan.13th. Devon. 1655. Ship. 1655. Ship.

Jan. 8th. Nottinghamshire. 1845. Vagrant. 1851. Prisoner. 

Jan. 5th. Miscellaneous. 1348. Letter of Protection. Undated. Vicar.

Jan. 5th. Yorkshire. 1275. Blame. 1275. Treasure.

Jan. 5th. Sussex. 1189. Charter.

Jan. 5th. Surrey. 1509. Vicar.

Jan. 5th. Suffolk. 1638. Muster. 1638. Muster.

Jan. 5th. Norfolk.  1202. Acres. 1204. Petrum. 1260. Witness.

Jan. 5th. Lincolnshire.  1275. Latin.

Jan. 5th. Nottinghamshire. 1222. Land.

Jan. 5th.  Hertfordshire. 1360. Prince.

Jan. 5th. Wiltshire. 1189. Charter.

Jan. 5th. Gloucestershire.  1275. Fool.

Jan. 5th. Essex. 1275. Priest. 1275. Hunter.

Jan. 5th. Berkshire. 1189. Charter.

Jan. 2nd. Bedfordshire. 1810.  Baptism. 1834. Quarter Sessions. 1834. Article.  1834 Marriage.


Dec. 31st. Anglo French Clay's.  1087. Clefs.

Dec. 30th. Bedfordshire.  1849. Police.  1849. Police.  1850 . Police.

Dec. 30th. Buckinghamshire. 1727. Vagrant.

Dec. 30th. Northamptonshire. 1780. Will.

Dec. 30th. Lancashire. 1828 -55. Accounts Book.

Dec. 29th. Cambridgeshire. 1897. Deed.

Dec. 29th. Buckinghamshire. 1819. Allegation.

Dec. 29th. London. 1726. Deed.

Dec. 29th. Bedfordshire. 1497. Will.  1528. Will.  1530. Grant. 1539. Will.  1540. Will.  1544. Will.  1556. Conveyance. 1556. Quitclaim.  1831. Lease.  1836. Surrender. 1867. Receipt.

Dec. 29th. Essex. 1816. Letter. 1832. Letter. 1844. Manor.

Dec. 28th. Bedfordshire.  1471. Charter. 1824 - 69. Accounts.

Dec. 27th. Anglo French Clay's.  1856. Image of Chateau de la Claie.

Dec. 27th. Lancashire.  1840. Prisoners.

Dec. 27th. Warwickshire. 1825. July. 1825 August.

Dec. 27th. London.  1747. Orders.

Dec. 27th. Miscellaneous.  1635 - 1682. Welsh Baptisms. 1725. Welsh Assigment. 1740. Welsh Tithes.  1756. Welsh Will. 1785. Welsh Will.

Dec. 22nd. London. 1835. Gravestone.

Dec. 20th. Anglo French Clay's.  1066. Book.  1086. Book. 1071 - 1169. Charters.

Dec.19th. Anglo French Clay's.  1129 - 1131.  Notification.

Dec. 18th. Anglo French Clay's.  1066 - 1154.  Regesta Regum Normannorum.

Dec.18th. Suffolk. Charter.

Dec.18th. Devon.  1243. Land.

Dec.18th. Nottinghamshire.  1318. List. 1383. Sergeant.

Dec.18th. Cambridgeshire. 1664. Gravestone.

Dec.16th. Bedfordshire.  1477. Rector.

Dec.15th. Anglo French Clay's. 1101. Abbey etc.

Dec.14th. London.  1666. Hearth Tax.

Dec.14th. Lincolnshire.  1671. Deeds.

Dec.13th. Anglo French Clay's.  1086. Clai. 

Dec.13th. Kent. 1290. Witness.

Dec.13th. Cambridgeshire.  1397. Rector.

Dec.12th. Norfolk. 1174. Latin Document. 1194. Latin Document. 1336. Tenant.

Dec.9th.    Yorkshire.  1200. Confirmed. 1277. Witness. 1280. Vicar. 1297. Subsidy. 1306. Witness. 1330. Grant. 1340. Admin. 1389. Clerk. 1403. Witness.  1428. Land. 1428. Tenants. 1519. Plaintiff

Dec. 9th.   Sussex.  1220. Grant. 1220. Sold. 1225. Assent.1227. Charter. 1242. Part. 

Dec. 9th.   Suffolk. 1242. Witness. 1327. Abbey. 1588. Priory.

Dec. 9th.   Somerset. 1199. Listed. 1204. Listed.  1268. Grant. 1321. Charter. 

Dec. 9th.   Shropshire. 1126. Wife. 1175. Witness. 1240. Sued. 1534. Vicar. 

Dec. 9th.  Nottinghamshire.  1307. Grant. 1506. Knight. 1507. Warrant. 1507. Recovery. 

Dec. 9th.   Kent. 1381. Land.

Dec. 7th.   Cambridgeshire. 1086. Norman Jurors.

Dec. 7th.   Norfolk. 1121. Latin. 1175. List.  1275. Teacher. 1300. Clerk. 1314. Rector. 1366. Lands. 1415. Testify. 1436. Priest. 1460. List. 1534. Signitures.

Dec. 7th.   Lincolnshire.  1272. Witness. 1273. Witness. 1308 Witness. 1386. Inquisition.  1546. Rents. 

Dec. 7th.   London. 1181. Latin. 1227. Witness. 1240. Witness.  1242. Witness. 1417. Grant.  No Date. Toll

Dec. 7th.   Leicestershire. 1206. Baker.

Dec.7th.    Kent. 1182. Witness.

Dec. 7th.  Hertfordshire. 1455. Sword.

Dec. 6th.   Hampshire. 1178. Witness.  1200. Witness.

Dec. 6th.   Gloucestershire.  1285. Warden and Keeper.

Dec. 6th.   Essex.  1284. Witness.

Dec. 6th.   Durham.  1334. Imprisoned.

Dec. 6th.   Dorset.  1198. Fines.

Dec. 6th.   Derbyshire.  1353. Witness.

Dec. 6th.   Yorkshire.  1610. Gift. 

Dec. 6th.   Cornwall. 1327. Protection.

Dec. 6th.   Cambridgeshire. 1620. Casebook. 1627. Casebook.

Dec. 6th.   Buckinghamshire. 1200. Plea. 1290. Witness.

Dec. 3rd.   Addenda.  1298. - 1464. Medieval Soldiers.

Dec. 3rd.   Yorkshire.  1301 - 1693. Clay of Elland. (At end of section with drawing of Clay House).

Nov. 26th.  Yorkshire. 1835. West Riding Poll Book.

Nov. 23rd.  Northumberland.  1630. Receipt. 1685. Baptism.  1732. Baptism. 1799. Resolution. 1802. Deed. 1819. Return. 1821. Memorial. 1832. Legal. 1836. Magistrate.1846. Conviction.

Nov. 22nd. Nottinghamshire.  1608. Letter.

Nov. 21st. Northumberland.  1281. Plaque. 1281. Inquisition. 1284. Witness. 1289. Inquisition. 1292. Archbishop. 1293. Lands.  1296.  List. 1296. Deed. 1336. Subsidy Roll. 1608. Merchants.

Nov. 17th. Northumberland.  1907. Race.

Nov. 16th.  Surrey.  1881 Census.

Nov.16th.  Sussex.  1918.  Lieutenant.  1926. Will.  1937. Obituary.

Nov.16th. Gloucestershire.  1819. Lecture.

Nov. 16th. Yorkshire. 1331. Transfer. 1348. Grant.  1381 - 1485. Conisbrough Court Roll.  1548. List. 1605. Land. 1640. Inquisition. 

Nov. 15th. Warwickshire.  1610 - 1618. Coleshill Parish Register. 1827 Stamps. 1845. Trespass.

Nov. 15th. Northumberland.  1842. Patent.

Nov. 15th. Yorkshire. 1312. Presented. 1323. Grant. 1331. Receipt.1343. Transfer. 1431. Land. 1442. Release. 1483. Account. 1701. Tax. 1787. Apprentice. 1797. Apprentice. 1569. Listed. 1856. Assault.

Nov. 15th. Shropshire. 1710. Apperentice.

Nov. 15th. Staffordshire.  1714. Apprentice.

Nov. 15th. Surrey. 1794. Assault.

Nov. 15th. Nottinghamshire.  1330. Mandate.

Nov. 15th. Hertfordshire. 1460. Account.

Nov. 15th. Cambridgeshire. 1363. Charter. 

Nov. 15th. Lancashire. 1865. Workhouse.

Nov. 15th. Middlesex. 1823. Receiving.  1724. Theft. 1778. Removal. 

Nov. 15th. London. 1635. Hospital. 1669. Apprentice. 1711. Removal. 1716. Order. 1728. Inhabitant. 

Nov.11th.  Northumberland. 1316. Castle. 1584. List.

Nov. 7th.   Hertfordshire.  1464. King.

Nov. 7th.   Northumberland. 1304. Vallet.

Nov. 5th.   London.  1890. Letter. 1895. Departure. 1901. Census. 1907. Obituary. 1907. Admin.

Nov. 5th.   Devon. 1902. Marriage.

Nov. 3rd.  Lancashire.  1662. Fine. 1663. Fine. 1664. Fine. 1664. Fine. 1664. Fine.

Nov.1st.    Yorkshire. 1790. Radical. 1816. Marriage. 1845. Subscribed. 1821. Boats. Trade. 1823. Sloop. 1826. Society. 1826. Meeting. 1827. To Let. 1833. Bankruptcy. 1840. Died. 1848. Died. 1851. Cen.

Oct. 31st. Yorkshire.  1821. Committee.  1823. Petition. 1828. Ship. 1828. Lecture. 1830. Petition. 1831. Commons. 1833. Railway. 1848. Machine. 1857. Robbery. 1857. Letter. 

Oct. 29th. Worcestershire.  1604. Signiture. 1743. Will.

Oct. 29th. Nottinghamshire.  1827. Will.

Oct. 29th. Warwickshire.  1748. Will. 1827. Stamps.  1829. Admin. 1839 Sale. 1840. Trespass.  1845. Beating. 

Oct. 29th. Shropshire.  1787. Sale. 1793. Sale.  1804. Sale. 1827. Chancellor. 1827. Stamps. 1832. Cornet. 1833. Indenture. 1837. Partnership. 

Oct. 26th.  Lancashire.  1837. Ensign. 1849. Paymaster. 1854. Letter.

Oct. 26th. Bedfordshire. 1891 Census.

Oct. 26th. Exeter.  1902. Army.

Oct. 26th. Devon.   1842. Died. 1854. Buried.

Oct. 26th. Yorkshire.  1746. Convict. 1891 Census.

Oct. 26th. London.  1828. Rate Book. 1836 - 37.  Indicted.

Oct. 24th. Leicestershire. 1804. Hinckley Marriage. 1807 - 1819. Hincley Baptisms / Burial. 

Oct. 24th. Yorkshire. 1334. Sheriff.

Oct. 24th. London.  1794. Ribbon Weavers.

Oct. 23rd. Lancashire. 1853. College.

Oct. 23rd. Hertfordshire.  1799. Game Licence. 1813. Appeal. 

Oct. 23rd. Hampshire. 1922. Medal.

Oct. 23rd. Dorset. 1903. Residence. 1903. Debtor.

Oct. 23rd. Leicestershire. 1825. Accident.

Oct. 22nd. London. 1861. MP.

Oct. 22nd. Lancashire. 1861. Chemists.

Oct. 22nd. Oxfordshire. 1861. Woolstaplers.

Oct. 22nd. Nottinghamshire. 1861. Machinery. 1861. Labourer.

Oct. 22nd. Yorkshire.  1861. Spinners. 1861. Golden Lion. 1861. Drapers. 1861. Mill Owner.

Oct. 21st.   Yorkshire. 1864. Marriage. 1866. Proposed. 1881. Census Walton.  1881. Census Ossett. 1891 Census Walton. 1897. Obituary. 1897. Thursday. 1897. Auction. 1898. Newspaper.

Oct. 21st.   Northamptonshire.  1810. Baptised. 1816. Estate. 1833. Debt. 1833. Money. 1833. Married. 1834. Baptised. 1837. Debtors. 1842 Buried. 1849. Widow. 1850. Talent. 1854. Buried.

Oct. 13th.  Warwickshire. 1807. Whereby. 1863. Conveyance.

Oct. 13th.  Warwickshire. 1545. Patent. 1737. Mortgage. 1750. Letter.  1785. Agreement. 1787. Lease. 1828. Will. 1848. Conveyance.  1863. Messuages. 1863. Sermon. 1885. Conveyance. 

Oct. 13th.  Essex.  1841 Census Little Laver. 1895. Obituary. 1895. Admin.

Oct. 13th.  Northamptonshire. 1671. Deed.

Oct. 13th.  London.  1669. Letter. 1785. Lease. 1787. Will. 

Oct. 11th.  London.  1739. Mariage Licence. 1740. Baptism. 1741. Baptism.

Oct. 11th.  Nottinghamshire. 1708. Baptism. 1713. Marriage.

Oct. 10th. Warwickshire.  1800. Lease. 1812. Parcel. 1812. Premises.  1830. Messuage.

Oct. 6th.     Shropshire.  1658 - 1710. Hodnet Parish Register Entries.

Oct. 1st.      Yorkshire. 1682 - 1699. Diary of Oliver Heywood - (Aftrer section Early Yorkshire Clay's).

Oct. 1st.      Lincolnshire.  1389. Bounds.

Oct. 1st.      Surrey. 1600. Will.

Oct. 1st.      Nottinghamshire. 1434. Oath.

Oct. 1st.      Yorkshire. 1354. Brewer. 1434. Court Roll. 1458. Court. 1458. Quitclaim. 1537. Jury. 1559. Jury. 1582. Jury. 1698. Trustees. 1713 Clock. 1744. Marriege. 1755. Conveyance. 1677. Overseer. 

Oct. 1st.      Yorkshire.  1567. Jury. 1574. Jury. 1578. Jury. 1653. Gravestone. 1734. Sold. 1745. Burial. 1819. Trustee. 1820. Churchwarden. 1822. Seat. 1835. Marriage. 1861. Gravestone. 1880. Widow.

Oct. 1st.      Yorkshire.1357. Pledge. 1445. Elected. 1558. Married.1627. Petition. 1636. Listed. 1647. Listed. 1687. Vicar. 1786 Gift.1820. Entered. 1823. Vessel. 1831. School. 1834. Mason. 1906. Married.

Sept. 26th. Nottinghamshire. 1664. Estate. 1673. Memorandum. 1684. Court Book.

Sept. 26th. Yorkshire. 1346. Pardon.

Sept. 26th. London. 1346. Clerk. 1346. Accounts. 1347. Clerk.

Sept. 25th. Nottinghamshire. 1850. Newspaper Report. 1851. Census. 1861. Census. 1867. Newspaper Report.

Sept. 24th. Durham.  1850. Election. 1850. Dinner.

Sept. 24th. Kent. 1581 - 1595. Admin. 

Sept. 24th. Devon. 1420 - 1455. Letter.

Sept. 24th. Shropshire. 1655. Admin.

Sept. 24th. Leicestershire. 1527 - 1534. Will. 1655. Admin.  1742. Will.

Sept. 24th. Nottinghamshire. 1820. Admission Register.

Sept. 24th. Middlesex. 1798. Taxed. 1824. College. 

Sept. 24th. London. 1306. Played. 1602. Marriage. 1614. Book. 1633. Book. 1657. Book. 1757. Taxed. 1757. Taxed. 1854. Admission.

Sept. 23rd. Lincolnshire. 1851. Census Great Hale.

Sept. 12th. Warwickshire.  1646. Conveyance. 1600s. Legal. 1769. Agreements. 1801. Riot. 1801 - 1896. Court. 1822. Deed. 1823. Premiums.

Sept. 12th. Yorkshire.  1326. Grant. 1328. Deacon. 1344. Member. 1420. Manor. 1458. Lease.  1669. Marriage. 1794. Clerk. 

Sept. 10th. Surrey.  1559. Accounts.

Sept. 10th. London.  1222. Manors. 1554. Monks. 1769. Quaker. 1791. Newspaper. 1937. Obituary.

Sept. 10th. Lancashire. 1745. Expenses. 1772. Transportation.

Sept. 10th. Cambridgeshire.  1486. Friars. 1789. Printer. 

Sept. 10th. Somerset.1333. Conveyance.

Sept.10th. Nottinghamshire. 1610.  Common. 

Sept. 8th. Dorset. Portrait.

Sept. 8th. Hampshire.  Photo.

Sept. 5th. Nottinghamshire.  1642. Deed. 1735. Indenture. 1765. Lease. 1774. Indenture. 1775. Indenture. 1776. Indenture. 1779. Indenture. 1816. Indenture. 

Sept. 5th. Dorset.  1911. Census. 1912. Obituary.

Sept. 3rd. Devon. 1860. Marriage.

Sept. 3rd. Kent. 1868. Baptism. 

Sept. 2nd. Essex. 1622. Curate.  1643. Rector. 1644. Drinker. 1662. Vicar. 1671. Vicarage.

Sept. 1st.  Warwickshire. 1676 - 1691. Chilvers Coton PR.

Sept. 1st.  Yorkshire. 1713. Sowerby. 1817. Crypt.

Aug. 30th. Nottinghamshire. 1769. Committee.

Aug. 30th. Staffordshire. 1914. Wounded.

Aug. 30th. Sussex. 1327. Lay Subsidy. 1332. Lay Subsidy.

Aug. 30th. Norfolk.  1534. Mandate. 1540 Mandate. 1564. Bargain. 1590. Church Wardens. 1591. Church Wardens. 1616. Grant.

Aug.30th. Suffolk. 1810. Book.

Aug. 30th. Oxfordshire.   1327. Taxed. 

Aug. 27th. Bedfordshire.  1711. Buried. 1723. Buried. 

Aug. 27th. Leicestershire.  1660. Rector. 1711. Bells. 1778. Act. 1842. School. 1860 School. 1896. Window.

Aug.27th. Yorkshire. 1537. Licence.

Aug. 27th. Essex. 1830. Mayor.

Aug. 27th. Lincolnshire. 1444. Indenture. 1545. Rents. 1605. Jury. 1647. Will.  1668. Will. 1753. Bounty. 1888. List. 

Aug. 27th. London. 1581. Jury. 1621. Dulwich. 1621. Dulwich. 1634. Trial. 1648. Admon. 1770. Sessions. 

Aug. 26th. Yorkshire. 1836. Papers. 1836 Baptism.

Aug. 25th. Essex. 1285. Verderer. 1568. Constable. 1633. Will. 1641. Surveyors. 1669. Petition. 1824. Mayor. 1830. Toryism. 1839. Appeal.

Aug. 23rd. Essex.  1389. Grant. 1572. Inquisition. 1630. Seesion. 1667. Assizes. 1750. Will. 1777. Agreement. 1825. Order. 1831. Complaint. 1871. Telegraph. 1915. Manuscripts. 

Aug. 23rd. Essex.  1573. Session. 1593. Calendar. 1788. Court.  1790. Will. 1790. Deeds. 1791. Will. 

Aug.23rd. Hertfordshire. 1711. Court.

Aug. 23rd. Middlesex.  1674. Messuage.

Aug. 23rd. Suffolk. 1578. Shipwright.

Aug. 22nd. Essex.  1573. Gaoler. 1592. Inquisition. 1593. Guilty. 1617. Answer. 1619. Labourers. 1620. Recognizance. 1637. Alehouse. 1808. Manor. 1826. Legal Papers. 1831. Rights.

Aug. 22nd. Essex. 1593. Sheep. 1603. Drunkeness. 1605. Presentment. 1608. Keeper. 1608. Sureties. 1611. Licence.1614. Prisoner. 1620. Recognizance. 1621. Wife.1638. Lamb. 1672. Poor.

Aug. 22nd. Warwickshire. 1800. Bill.

Aug. 22nd. London. 1826. Books.

Aug. 22nd. Kent.1862. Curate.

Aug. 22nd. Shropshire. 1645. Will.

Aug. 22nd. Suffolk. Shipwright.

Aug. 22nd. Cheshire. 1531. Common.

Aug. 21st. Cambridgeshire. 1893. Probate.

Aug. 21st. Berkshire. 1893. Admin.

Aug. 21st. Durham. 1889. Admin.

Aug. 21st. Leicestershire. 1889. Will.

Aug. 21st. Shropshire. 1873. Will.

Aug. 21st. Nottinghamshire. 1874. Will.

Aug. 21st. Staffordshire. 1874. Will.

Aug. 21st. Essex.  1873. Admin.

Aug. 21st. Lincolnshire. 1873. Will. 1874. Will. 1893. Probate. 

Aug. 21st. Sussex.  1876. Probate. 1893. Probate.

Aug. 20th. Middlesex.  1874. Will.  1889. Will. 1889. Admin. 1889. Will. 1893. Probate. 1893. Admin.

Aug. 20th. Yorkshire.  1874. Will. 1874. Will. 1888. Admin. 1889. Admin. 1893. Probate. 1893. Probate. 1893. Probate.

Aug. 19th. Nottinghamshire.  1874. Will. 1893. Probate.

Aug. 19th. Surrey. 1891. Newspaper Report

Aug. 19th. Cornwall. 1685. Emigrated. 

Aug. 19th. Lancashire.  1783. Admon. 1874. Admin. 1874. Will. 1882. Licence. 1889. Admin. 1893. Probate.

Aug. 19th. Buckinghamshire. 1471. Vicar.

Aug. 19th. Derbyshire. 1835. Benefactors.

Aug. 16th. Huntingdonshire.  1307. Presentment. 1308. Presentment. 1312. Presentment. 1320. Fine. 1320 Amercement. 1325. Presentment.

Aug. 16th. Warwickshire.  1661. Messuage.  1667. Widow.

Aug. 15th. Derbyshire. 1574. Litigation.

Aug. 15th. Yorkshire.  1493. Defendant. 1558. Defendant.

Aug. 15th. Shropshire.  1648. Defendant. 

Aug. 15th. Middlesex.  1642. Plaintiff.

Aug. 15th. Lancashire.  1761. Merchants.

Aug. 15th. Lincolnshire. 1558. Plaintiff.  1653. Will.

Aug. 15th. Cornwall.  1689. Defendant.

Aug. 15th. Leicestershire.  1621. Defendants..

Aug. 15th. Nottinghamshire.  1614. Plaintiffs. 1619. Plaintiffs. 1621. Plaintiff. 1679. Information. 1804. Writs. 1833. Letter.

Aug. 13th. Derbyshire. 1856. Auction. 1860 .Crossing. 1862. List. 1889. Supper.  1882.  Petition.  1882. Marriage. 1887. Funeral. 1890. Died. 1890. Suicide.  1890. Funeral. 

Aug. 13th. Derbyshire.  1873. Marriage. 1892. Marriage. 1893. Limited. 1891. Census. 1901. Census.

Aug. 13th. Suffolk.  1323. Rector. 1446. Rector. 

Aug. 5th.   Staffordshire.  1753. Baptism. 1756. Baptism.  1780. Burial.

Aug. 2nd.  Lancashire.   1714. Order.  1844. Conveyance.

Aug. 2nd.  Yorkshire.  1750. Apprentice. 1795. Apprentice. 1801. Inclosure. 1803. Apprentice. 1806. Apprentice.

July 29th.  Yorkshire. 1937. Hospital. 1937. Obituary.

July 27th.  Yorkshire.  1747. Wagon. 1804. Bankrupt. 1805. Will. 1814. Prisoner. 1837. Trust. 1843. Partnership. 

July 27th.  Yorkshire.  1810. Bankrupt.  1816. Bankrupt.  1820. Debtor. 1824. Partnership. 1826. Partnership. 1831. Partnership.  1836. Partnership. 1840. Partnership. 1848. Gaol.

July 27th.  Middlesex.  1834. Partnership. 1847. Parliament. 

July 27th.  Dorset.  1877. Manager.

July 20th.  Staffordshire.  1887. Executors.

July 20th.  Essex.  1887. Will.

July 20th.  Kent. 1885. Executor.

July 20th.  Surrey.  1885. Will. 1885. Will.

July 20th.  Leicestershire.  1899. Admin.

July 20th.  Sussex.  1887. Admin. 1899. Admin.

July 20th.  Lancashire.  1885. Admin.  1899. Probate.  1899. Probate. 1899. Probate.

July 20th.  Warwickshire.  1898.  Probate.

July 20th.  Cheshire.  1885. Will. 1899. Probate.

July 20th.  Nottinghamshire.   1887. Admin. 1898. Probate.  1899. Probate.

July 20th.  Lincolnshire.  1887. Admin.

July 20th.  Buckinghamshire. 1887. Admin.

July. 20th.  Heredfordshire.  1887. Admin.

July 20th.  Middlesex.  1885. Admin. 1887. Admin.  1887. Will.  1887. Admin. 1887. Will. 1899. Will. 

July 19th.  Shropshire.  1887. Will.

July 19th.  Northamptonshire.  1885. Will.  1885. Will. 1885. Admin.

July 19th.  Derbyshire.  1840. Letter. 1885. Will. 

July 19th.  Surrey.  1918. Polo.

July 19th.  Yorkshire.  1885. Admin. 1885. Will. 1885. Will. 1887. Admin. 1887 Admin. 1887. Will. 1887. Will. 1899. Admin.

July 16th.  Derbyshire. 1850.  Photo.

July 16th.  Clay Artefacts.  1640. Pocket Watch. 1886. Christening Mug.  No Date. Silver Chalice.

July 13th. Hampshire.  1799. Will.

July 13th. Middlesex.  1729. Indenture.

July 13th. Northamptonshire. 1825. Creditors.

July 9th.    Middlesex.  1859. Will.

July 9th.    Staffordshire. 1859. Will.

July 9th.    Yorkshire. 1859. Will.

July 9th.    Cambridgeshire.  1859. Will.

July 9th.    Nottinghamshire. 1859. Will.

July 9th.     Lancashire. 1859. Will.

July 7th.     Nottinghamshire.  1723. Let. 1735. Bankrupt. 1782. Sold. 1783. Captain. 1803. Bankrupt. 1803. Notice. 1813. Captain.  1813. Persons. 1820. Army. 1821. Army. 1826. Notice. 1840. Admiralty.

July 7th.     Worcestershire.  1830. Proprietors. 1850. Court.

July 5th.     Gloucestershire.  1293.  Land.

July 4th.     Nottinghamshire.  1802 - 1863. Southwell Minster baptisms.  1683 - 1851. Southwell Minster burials.

July 4th.     Devon. 1846. Obituary.

July 4th.     Lancashire. 1813. Baptisms.

July 1st.      Warwickshire. 1814. Bankrupt.

July 1st.       Surrey.  1831. Court.

July 1st.       London.  1795. Notice.  1810. War Office.

June 30th.  Leicestershire. 1848. Gaol.

June 30th.  Nottinghamshire. 1920. Militia.

June 30th.  Durham. 1841. Notice. 1841. Indenture. 

June 30th.  Northamptonshire.  1825. Creditors.

June 30th.  Norfolk. 1847. Notice.

June 30th.  Middlesex.  1813. Bankrupt. 1823. Defendant. 1840. Debtor. 1843. Navy. 

June 30th.  London.  1841. War Office. 1843. Club. 1846. Notice. 1855. Shareholder.

June 29th.  Lancashire. 1833. Bankrupt.  1841. Notice.  1844. Notice. 1850. Notice.

June 29trh. Kent. 1848. Linen Draper.

June 29th.  Essex. 1833. Farm.  1843. Blacksmith.

June 27th. Cambridgeshire. 1484. Grant.

June 27th.  Yorkshire. 1941. Identity.

June 27th.  Berkshire. 1813. Cadet. 1824. Notice.

June 27th.  Hertfordshire.  1693. Reward.

June 27th.  Lincolnshire. 1819. Bankrupt.

June 26th.  Lancashire.  1821. Partnership. 1824. Partnership.

June 26th.  London. 1731. Committee.  1785. Bankrupt. 1797. Troops. 1803 Partnership. 1807 Partnership. 1820. Partnership. 1820. Insolvent. 1826. Bankrupt. 1826. Bankrupt. 1829. Assurance.

June 21st.  London. 1874. Accident. 1874. Indicted.  1883. Forgery.  1887. Admitted.  1899. Bigamy. 1902. Police. 

June 21st.  Yorkshire. 1543. Muster.

June 19th.  Lincolnshire. 1824. Militia.

June 19th.  Devon.  1845. Royal Navy. 1845. Baptism.  1846. Burial. 1849. Burial. 1851. Marriage.

June 18th.  Shropshire.  1800s. Cheese Press.

June 18th.  Warwickshire.  1840s ?  Portrait.

June 18th.  Homepage. 1700s. Watch of London.

June 18th. Warwickshire. 1902. Marriage. 1916. Killed in Action. 1916. Letter.

June 17th.  Yorkshire.  1365. Land. 1423. Grant. 1446. Manor.

June 17th.  Surrey.  1400. Confirmation.

June 17th.  Shropshire.  1351. Court.

June 17th.  Nottinghamshire.  1788. Captain.

June 17th.  Northamptonshire.  1368. Messuage.  1660. Pedigree Index. 1729 Pedigree Index. 

June 17th.  Norfolk.  1334. Convent.

June 17th.  London.  1418. Ship. 

June 17th.  Lancashire. 1200s. Preston.

June 17th. Hertfordshire.  1459. Assembly.

May 31st.  Yorkshire.  1412. Land Transfer. 1417. Land Transfer.

May 31st.  London.  1873. Marriage.

May 31st.  Nottinghamshire.  1435. Grant.  1639. Deed Poll.

May 31st   Somerset.  1343. Lease.

May 31st.  Shropshire. 1621. Letter. 1924. Will.

May 31st.  Lancashire.  1758. Lease.

May 31st.  Middlesex.  1216-1272. Obligation.  1676. Assignment.  1733. Court Case.  

May 31st.  Cambridgeshire.  1298. Pardon.

May 31st.   Cornwall. 1450. Lawyer.1453. Writ. 1461. Westminster. 

May 30th.  Bedfordshire. 1550. Court Case.

May 30th.  Sussex.  1400. Grant. 1787. Sale. 

May 29th.  Londpon.  1404. Deed.  1482. Wine.  1495. Will. 1787. Quarter Sessions.

May 29th.  Hertfordshire.  1709. Will. 1781. Conveyance. 

May 29th.  Lincolnshire.  1685. Property. 1799. Indenture. 1833. Conveyance. 1840. Conveyance. 

May 28th.  Yorkshire.  1605. Court Case. 1681. Wakefield. 1768. Manor. 1846. Golden Lion.  1936. Librarian.

May 28th.  Warwickshire. 1658. Bond.  1824. Newspaper. 1834. Constable.  1838.  Auction. 1842. Convict. 1914. Debtor.

May 28th. Nottinghamshire. 1646. Sale. 1654. Witness.  1661. Indenture. 1671. Indenture. 1713. Indenture. 1720. Indenture. 1743. Indenture.  1788. Bond. 1863. Request. 1883. Will. 

May 28th. Nottinghamshire. 1726. Bond. 1750. Bond. 1700s. Agreement.

May 24th. Hertfordshire.  1464. Warrant.

May 9th.  Lincolnshire. 1586. Burial.  1622. Burial.

May. 9th.  Yorkshire.  1589. Burial. 1602. Burial.  1616. Burial. 1626. Burial. 1627. Burial.  1628. Burial. 

May 9th.  Leicestershire.  1604. Burial. 1617. Burial.  1624. Burial. 1625. Burial.

May 9th.   Somerset. 1609. Burial. 1622. Burial. 1623. Burial. 

May 9th.   Middlesex.  1607. Burial. 1615. Burial. 1621. Burial. 1625. Burial.

May 8th.   Warwickshire.  1600 - 1607. Baptisms.

May 8th.   Leicestershire.  1590 - 1606. Baptisms.

May 8th.   Cheshire.  1605 and 1608. Baptisms.

May 8th.   Wiltshire.  1575 - 1583. Baptisms.

May 4th.   Hertfordshire.  1629. Baptism. 1659. Baptism. 1662. Baptism. 1668. Marriage. 1773. Marriage.  1786. Licencsee. 1790. Removal. 1809. Examination. 1838. Workhouse. 1862. Workhouse.

May 3rd.   Hertfordshire.  1562. Marriage. 1570. Communion. 1578. Metioned.  1581. Marriage. 1594. Inventory. 1594. Discharge. 1595. Will. 1606. Inventory. 1624. Will. 1813. Will. 1839. Captain.

May 3rd.   Hertfordshire.  1578. Marriage. 1678. Apprentice. 1685. Marriage.  1692. Witness.  1699. Quaker. 1711. Settlement.  1719. Settlement. 1716. Apprentice. 1724 Quaker.  1780. Marriage. 

Apr. 30th.  Lincolnshire. 1585. Deed of Sale.  1595. Grant.

Apr. 29th.  Nottinghamshire. 1414. Manor. 1615. Will.

Apr. 29th.  Northumberland.  1685. Customs Officials.

Apr. 29th.  Yorkshire.  1333. Prior. 1333. Land. 1333. Quitclaim. 1340. Appointment. 1340. Wool. 1345. Notification. 1350. Indicted. 1363. Warranty. 1371. Land. 1417. Escheator. 1423. Inquisition. 1423. 

Apr. 29th.  Yorkshire.  1344. Commission. 1612. Will.  1613. Will. 1643. Seacroft. 1647. Battle. 1647. Warrant. 1706. Marriage. 1807. Poll. 1847. Mortgage. 1848. Bill. 1849. Deed. 1869. Mine.

Apr. 28th.  Wiltshire.  1418. Election. 1432. Licence. 1565. Visitation.

Apr. 28th.   Sussex.  1270. Witness. 1338. Inquisition.  1348. Messuage.  1348. Claim. 1826. Reverend. 

Apr. 28th.  Surrey.  1414. Confirmation. 1430. Court. 1485. Witness. 

Apr. 28th.  Staffordshire.  1349. Witness.

Apr. 28th.  Somerset.  1444.  Land.  1465. Court. 

Apr. 28th.  Lincolnshire.  1435. Perambulation.

Apr. 28th.  Nottinghamshire. 1350. Complaint. 1377. Commission. 1380. Licence. 1381. Ireland. 1382. Commission. 1384 Commission. 1385. Justice. 1389. List 1428. Commission. 1460. Complaint. 

Apr. 28th.  Northumberland. 1552. Tynmouth.

Apr. 28th.  Oxfordshire.  1411. Court.

Apr. 28th.  Norfolk.  1209. Court. 1285. Court. 1303. Complaint. 1305. Licence. 1424. Court. 

Apr. 28th.  London.  1408. Peace. 1414. Court. 1416. Mainprise. 1882. Trial.  1894. Settlement. 

Apr. 28th.  Northants.  1413. Debt.

Apr. 27th.   Hertfordshire.  1460. Gentry.  1461. Release. 1465. Grant. 

April 27th. Leicestershire.  1290. Letters. 1393. Land.  

Apr. 27th.  Essex.  1312. Messuage. 1391. Clerk.  1399. Inquisition.  1464. Citizen. 1485. Manor. 1568. Messuage. 1573.  Plaintiff.  1579. Messuage. 1760. Sheriff.  

Apr. 27th.  Dorset.  1418. Abbey.

Apr. 27th.  Devon. 1453. Manors.

Apr. 27th.  Cambridgeshire.  1688. Alderman.

Apr. 27th.  Berkshire.  1440. Land. 1642. Land.  

Apr. 27th.  Bedfordshire.  1576. Buried.

Apr. 18th.  Shropshire.  1895. Marriage.

Apr. 18th.  Oxfordshire.  1457. Villa. 

Apr. 18th.  Nottinghamshire.  1388. Court.

Apr. 18th.  Northamptonshire.  1541. Minister. 1544. Minister. 1561. Minister. 

Apr. 18th.  Lincolnshire.  1485. Marriage.  1565. Paid.

Apr. 18th.  Lancashire. 1833. Canal.

Apr. 18th.  Kent. 1579. Item.

Apr. 18th.  Essex.  1764. Suit. 1770. Will.  1770. Respondents. 1800. Book.

Apr. 18th.  Yorkshire.  1349. Witness. 1385. Land. 1398. Receipt. 1496. Seisin. 1500. Court. 1500. Subsidy.  1502. Sir. 

Apr. 16th.  Hertfordshire. 1592. Jury. 1593. Inquiry. 1593. Jury.  1595. Jury. 1670. Marriage. 1688. Lease. 1738. Lease. 1784. Surrender. 1790. Recognizance. 1828. Dissenters. 1836. Epitaph.

Apr. 16th.  Wiltshire.  1397. MP.

Apr. 16th.   Sussex.  1335. Messuage. 1341. Oath. 1729. Apprentice. 1802. Monument.

Apr. 16th.   Surrey.  1257. Admission. 1258. Inquest.  1302. Testimony. 1405. Feoffees. 

Apr. 16th.   Somerset.  1722. Will. 1726. Witness. 1815. Witness.  1836. Jury.  1837. Jury. 1846. Jury. 1848. Witness. 

Apr. 16th.   Yorkshire.  1281. Tenement. 1327. Court. 1374. Court. 1445. List. 1498. Jury. 1555. Grant. 1577. Will.   1595. Will.  1653. Constable.  

Apr. 14th.   Lincolnshire.  1398. Parson. 1442. Boston. 1470. Chaplain.  1559. Apprentice. 1591. Subsidy. 1637. Church. 1642. Subsidy. 1701. Vestry. 1793. Proprietors.

Apr. 14th.   London.  1300s. Coronors. 1300s. Nephew.  1321. Wife.  1389. Token. 1653. Warden.  1688. Lease. 1780. Servants. 

Apr. 14th.   Essex.  1480. Sale. 1770. Planning.  1772.  Planning. 1774. Promise.

Apr. 14th.   Hampshire.  1217. Complaint.

Apr. 14th.   Kent.  1491. Corvesir. 1599. Brewer.  1644. Daughter.

Apr. 14th.  Lancashire.  1668. List. 1669. Assize.  1671. Jury. 

Apr. 14th.  Nottinghamshire.  1317. Ranskill.  1476. Court Case.

Apr. 14th.  Norfolk.  1330- 40. Land. 1336. Deed. 1450.  Cipingham.  1467. Justices.  1658. Apprentice. 

Apr. 14th.  Hertfordshire. 1455. MP.

Apr. 14th.  Devon. 1398. Complaint. 1449. MP.

Apr. 14th.  Cornwall.  1433. MP.  1436. MP.  1444. Land. 1455. MP. 1467. Court Case. 

Apr. 14th.  Cambridgeshire. 1327. Court Case.

Apr. 10th. Yorkshire.  1364. Order. 1379. Manor.

Apr. 9th.    Yorkshire.  1507 - 1540.  Commissions and Witness

Apr. 8th.    Hertfordshire.  1327.  Inquisition.

Apr. 7th.     Clay  Artefacts.  1700s. Clock and watch.

Apr. 3rd.    Shropshire.  1608. Chancery.  1615. Inquisition.

Apr. 2nd.    Lancashire. 1813. Lieutenant.

Apr. 2nd.    Nottinghamshire. 1354. Manor. 1824. Admin. 1873. Owners of Land. 

Apr. 2nd.     Derbyshire. 1619. Inquisition. 1639. Inquisition. 1861. Mortgage. 1863. Marriage. 

Apr. 1st.      London.  1471. Declaration. 1587. Court Case. 1598. Court Case. 1680 Apprentice. 1777. Merchant. 1800. Gentlemen. 1801. Merchant. 

Apr. 1st.      Essex. 1650. Lantern Clocks.

Mar. 29th.  Kent.  1939 Register.

Mar. 29th.  London. 1400s. Monument. 1462. Bede Roll. 1489. Bede Roll. 1516. Bede Roll. 1673. Marriage.  1695. Marriage. 1763. Buried. 1780. Buried. 

Mar. 28th. Nottinghamshire. 1378. Inquisition. 1688. Marriage. 1749. Licence. 1749. Marriage. 1758. Marriage.  1758. Marriage.

Mar. 28th. Warwickshire.  1673. Hearth Tax. 1789. Licence.  1795 Gamekeeper. 1796. Juror. 1818. Jurors. 1824. Juror. 1842. Gamekeeper. 1847. Juror.  1884. Directory. 1912. Directory.

Mar. 28th. Warwickshire.  1882. Medical Register.  1890. Freemason. 1905. Freemason. 1908. Freemason. 

Mar. 24th. Warwickshire.  1880. School.  1881. School.  1898. School.

Mar. 24th. Huntingdonshire.  1397. Rector.  1473. Rector. 1665 - 1720. Marriages Little Raveley.

Mar. 23rd. Hertfordshire.  1421. France. 1441. Manor. 1462. Manor. 1488. Feoffment.  

Mar. 22nd. London.  1570. Complaint.  1806. Court Case.  1818. Court Case. 

Mar. 22nd. Hertfordshire.  1389. Messuage.  1430. Med. 1460. Appointment. 

Mar. 22nd. Devon. 1259. Injustice. 

Mar. 22nd. Essex.  1679. Magazine.  1827. Night Watchman. 

Mar. 22nd. Cornwall. 1459. Manors.

Mar. 22nd.  Cambridgeshire. 1370. Religious Register.

Mar. 22nd. Lecestershire.  1690. Bookseller.

Mar. 22nd. Kent.  1542. Servant.

Mar. 22nd.  Huntingdonshire.   1540. Will.  1541. Will.  1572. Will.  1611 Licence. 1630. Will.  1642. Will.

Mar. 22nd. Oxfordshire.  1270. Latin.  1327. Tax.  1624. Election.  

Mar. 22nd. Nottinghamshire.  1343. Blyth. 1391. Sheriff.  1458. Esq. 1799. Militia. 1819. Marriage.  

Mar. 18th.  Lancashire. After 1851 Census. Photo Surgeon.

Mar. 18th.  Devonshire. After 1841 Census. Newspaper Article.

Mar. 18th.  Leicestershire. After 1881 Census. Photo Bandmaster.

Mar. 18th.  Warwickshire.  After 1901 Census. Photo Draper.

Mar. 15th.  Warwickshire.  1684 Census.  1750. Marriage.  1796.  Juror.  1803.  Indenture. 1917. Letter.

Mar. 12th. Warwickshire.  1911 Census. Chilvers Coton. 1911 Census. Chilvers Coton.  1705 - 1830. Index of Warwickshire  Wills.

Mar.12th.  Lincolnshire.  1841 Census. 38  Additions.

Mar. 11th. Warwickshire. 1911. Census. Nuneaton.  1911. Census. Chilvers Coton.

Mar. 8th.   Warwickshire.  1762. Lease. 1785. Lease.

Mar. 6th.   London.  1382. Thames. 1430. Thames. 1597. Pedigree. 

Mar. 6th.   Surrey.  1442. Places. 1614. Surveyor. 1623 Coat of Arms. 1862. Marriage.

Mar. 6th.   Sussex.  1299. Witness.  1327. Lay Subsidy.  1339. Grant.  1347. List. 1448. Land.  1560. tenement. 1570. Messuage.  1622. Receiver.  1832 Grant.

Mar. 6th.   Suffolk.  1371. Messuage.  1382. Manor. 1463. Will. 1770. Married. 1820. Election. 

Mar. 6th.   Somerset.  1342. Lay Subsidy. 1569. Muster. 1623. Adultery.

Mar. 6th.   Yorkshire.  1737. Lease.  1759. Sale. 1766. Committed. 1767. Killed.  1767. Sale. 1769. Sale. 1769. Messuage. 1773. Pig.  1775. Sale.   1779. Sessions.  1784 Sale.  1804.  Attorney. 

Mar. 6th.   Yorkshire.  1335. Witness. 1348. Witness. 1367. Clogh. 1485. Dispute.  1485. Dispute.  1485. Dispute. 1673.  Bailiff.  1780. Married. 1782. Married.  1687. Pedigree. 1816. Diary. 

Mar. 6th.   Yorkshire.  1761. Robbery. 1780 Grant.  1786. Married. 1817. Meeting.

Mar. 5th.   Norfolk.  1291. Court. 1301. Deed. 1322. Physician. 1337. Book.  1338. Executor. 1346. Juror. 1397. Member.  1425. Archbishop. 1445. List. 1558. Manor. 1731. Freeman.

Mar. 5th.   Norfolk.  1304. Edmund. 1381. Sheriff.  1403. Sued.  1457. Rector. 1496. Parson.

Mar. 4th.   London.  1718. Catologue. 1765. Police. 1766. Messrs. 1767. Court. 1771. Press Gang. 1777. Tickets.  1778. Tobacco. 1915. Society. 

Mar. 4th.   London. 1304. Gift. 1388. Pain. 1515. Action.  1762. Alderman. 1766. Constable. 1769. Riot.  1769. Jury. 1770. Auction. 1777. Robbery. 1777. Auction.  1780. Director. 1794. Director. 

Mar. 4th.   London. 1485. Apprentice. 1669. Sessions. 1717. Reports. 1759. Society. 1761. Court. 1766. List. 1766. Constable. 1770. Marriage. 1771. Died. 1777. Messuage. 1780. House. 1786 Subscriber. 

Feb. 28th. Suffolk.  1546 - 1609. Woodbridge Parish Register Extracts.  1551 - 1562. Great Bealing Parish Register Extracts.

Feb. 27th. Suffolk.   1258. Witness. 1536. Rector.  1610. Will.  1618. Will.  1740 Bond.  1807. Merchant.  1832. Bond. 1888. Meadow. 

Feb. 26th. Lancashire. 1762. Visitation. 1786. Marriage.  1839. Bond. 1860. Ordnance.

Feb. 26th. Hampshire.  1299. Quitclaim. 1337. Bailiff.  1352. Document. 1493.  Land. 

Feb. 26th. Middlesex. 1627. Grant.  1778. Constable.  1778. Died.

Feb. 26th. Norfolk. 1485. Executor.  1686. Bond. 1785. Bankrupt. 1515 - 29. Deeds.

Feb. 26th. Lincolnshire. 1771.  Assizes.  1771. Assizes. 1480. Court. 

Feb. 26th. Leicestershire. 1300-1350. Grant.  1485. Messuage. 1633. Pedigree.  1782. Married.  1788. Mason.  

Feb. 26th. Nottinghamshire.  1737.  Chancellor.  1769. Sold. 1770. Gaol.  1771. Sold. 1773. Died.  1785. Ensign. 1786. Assize. 1808.  Lady.  1817. Meeting. 1821. Meeting. 1823. Felons. 1826.  Died.

Feb. 25th. Derbyshire.  1592. Horse . 1778.  Land. 1786. Attorney. 1802 . Marriage. 1872. Marriage. 

Feb. 24th. Staffordshire.  1767.  Pony.  1779.  Marriage.

Feb. 24th. Northumberland.  1760. Notice.  1760. Reward.  1774. Farm.  1786. Trial.

Feb. 23rd. Warwickshire.  1788. Bailiff.  1843. To Let.  1896. Lease.  1896. Plans. 1898. Advert. 1899 To Let.  1917. Market. 

Feb. 23rd. Cheshire.  1640. Will.  1811. Lottery.  1816. Cure.  1847. Deed Poll.

Feb. 23rd. Essex.  1617. Degree. 1785.  Farm.  

Feb.23rd.  Essex.  1763. Gentry. 1764. Debt. 1767. Sheriff.  1768. Poll.  1768. Sheriff.  1768 Letter. 1772. Marine.  1775. Warden. 1776. Claims.  1779. Horse.  1783. Debt.  1784. Gaol. 1786. Licence.

Feb. 19th. Lincolnshire.  1851 Census. Holbeach.  2016 Farm Sale.

Feb. 16th. Yorkshire.  1870. Hospital.  1870. Hospital. 1883. Hospital.  1887. Hospital.

Feb.13th. Yorkshire.  No Date. Taxed.  No Date. Land.  No Date. Taxed.  No Date. Taxed.

Feb. 12th. London.  1527. Court. 1530. Trespass. 1636. Pearls. 1666. Fire. 1776. Ship. 1778. Knight. 1839. Secretary. 1863. Court.

Feb.12th. London.  1341. Court.  1400. Merchants.  1519. Plaintiff. 1587. Shoemaker. 1589. Yeoman. 1716. Committee. 1728. Book. 1731. Shillings. 1731. Published. 1740. Execution. 1872. Marriage. 

Feb.12th. Hampshire.  1587. Lease.

Feb. 12th. Surrey.  1611. Shipwrights. 1712. Prisoner. 

Feb. 12th. Sussex. 1335. Grant. 1337. Grant. 1340. Quitclaim. 1344. Grant. 1344. Quitclaim.

Feb.12th. Yorkshire.  1536. Grant. 1538. Religious. 1623. Greetland. 1652. Will. 1682. Goods. 1702. Dispatched.  1817. List. 

Feb. 12th. Yorkshire.  1311. Deed. 1326. Grant.  1335. Witness.1345. Deed. 1349. Witness. 1349. Latin. 1356. Witness. 1616. Manuscript. 1627. Died.  1629. Lands. 1641. Will. 1840. Chapel. 1888. Book. 

Feb.10th. Nottinghamshire. 1341. Vicar. 1349. Chaplain. 1409. Rector. 1640. Captain. 1640s. Plot. 1696. Prebend. 1748. Memorial. 1914. War Memorial. 1817. Memorial.

Feb.10th. Nottinghamshire.  1200 - 1350. Land. 1250s. Various. 1270. Persons. 1313. Various. 1314. Event.  1333. Various. 1346. Book. 1653. Manor.  1805. Plaque. 1810. Militia. 1822. Memorial. 

Feb.10th. Nottinghamshire.  1343. Quitclaim. 1347. Witness.  1383. Writ. 1559. Parish. 1580. Marriage. 1665. Book. 1690. Presented. 1721. Court Case. 1779. Slabs. 1794. Earl. 1915. Memorial. 

Feb.10th. Yorkshire. 1280. Grant. 1302. Inquisition. 1334. Assise.

Feb.10th. Yorkshire.  1290. Witness. 1290. Messuage. 1304. Wife. 1320 Grant. 1327. Court. 1339. Detention. 1401. Witness. 1414. Inquisition. 1530. Pew.  1569. Marriage.  1620. Manuscript.

Feb.10th. Yorkshire.  1290. Petition.  1304 Inquisition. 1304. Inquisition. 1320. Witness. 1334. Complaint. 1339. King.  1355. Will. 1362. Marriage. 1363. Fines. 1493. Court Case. 1739, Pedigree. 

Feb.10th. Leicestershire.  1712.  Agreement.

Feb. 9th.  Derbyshire.  1627. Covenent.  1627.  Bargain and Sale. 1663. Commissioner.

Feb. 5th.  Norfolk.  1200 - 99. Deed. 1240. Holy Land.   1268. Feet of Fines.  1284. Feet of Fines. 1306. Chaplain.   1330. Gift.  1344.  Messuage.  1416. Bailiff.  1420s. Purchase.  1623. Will.  1734. Poll. 

Feb. 5th.  Norfolk.  1199. Feet  of Fines.  1216.  Servitude.  1270 - 1320. Land.  1279.  Assise.  1317.  Charter. 1317. Gift.   1450.  Mediety. 1460. Court. 1540.  Will.  1619. Wife.  1623. Will.  1734. Poll.  

Feb. 5th.  Essex.  1654.  Marriage. 

Feb. 5th.  Northamptonshire.  1861.  Census.  1863.  Patroness.

Feb. 3rd.  London.  1200s.  Witness.

Feb. 3rd.  Suffolk.  1318. Complaint.  1810. Book.  No Date Grant.

Feb. 3rd.  Staffordshire.  1596.  Court Case.  1900.  Esq.

Feb. 3rd.  Somerset.  1251.  Witness.  1335.  Witness.  1366. Grant. 

Feb. 3rd.  Shropshire.  1602.  Maintenance.  1614.  Bell.  1641.  Letter.  1645. Marriage.  

Feb. 3rd.  Oxfordshire.  1398. Document. 

Feb. 3rd.  Northamptonshire.  1679.  Information.  1679 Witness.  1679.  Witness.

Feb. 3rd.  Lincolnshire.  1640.  Loan. 

Feb. 3rd.  Leicestershire.  1680.  Inventory.

Feb. 3rd.  Berkshire.  1442.  Tenement.

Feb. 3rd.  Essex.   1222.  Survey.  1583. Marriage.  1603.  Marriage.  1654.  Churchwarden.   c1700.  Quay Farm.  1784.  Blue Boar.  1838.  Spa.  1843.  Stone. 

Jan. 31st.  Artefacts.   1800. Memorial.  1799. Teacup.  1301. Seal.

Jan. 31st.  Warwickshire. Photograph after 1881 Census.

Jan. 30th. Warwickshire. 1825. Baptism.  1857.  Marriage.  1884.  Accident.

Jan. 26th. Northamptonshire.  1799.  Marriage.  1800.  Monument.

Jan. 24th. Leicestershire.  1835.  1836. Convictions.

Jan. 24th. Kent.  1851.  Bankrupt.

Jan. 24th. Sussex.  1272. Latin Document.

Jan. 24th. Hampshire.  1355. Shop.

Jan.24th. Huntingdonshire.  1560.  Document.

Jan. 24th. Hertfordshire.  1420.  Monument.

Jan. 24th. Middlesex.  1598.  Marriage Licence.

Jan. 24th. Cheshire.   1372.  Lease.

Jan. 24th. Cambridgeshire.  1416.  Gift.  1488.  Feoffment.

Jan. 24th. Warwickshire.   1281.  Disseisin.  1611.  Witness.  1774.  Freeholders.

Jan. 24th. Yorkshire.  1710.  Ships Mate.  1720. Sketch.  1736.  Will.  1779.  Bequest.  

Jan. 18th. Yorkshire.   1502.  Will.  1790.  Manor.  1828-29.  Pigot and Co. Directory.

Jan. 15th. Lincolnshire.  1279.  Tenement.  1431 Sheriff.  1725.  Court Case. 

Jan. 15th. Leicestershire.  1447.  Abduction.  1754.  Electors.  

Jan. 15th. Lancashire.  1297.  Prosecution.  1297.  List.  1384.  Warrant.  1385.   Commission. .  1818.  Pendleton.  

Jan.15th. London.  1210- 37.  Witness.  1599. Star Chamber.  1742.  Newspaper Advertisement.

Jan.14th. Cheshire.  1446.  1464.  1465.  1470.  1478.  Recognizance.

Jan.13th. Cornwall.  1296.  Taxation.

Jan.13th. Somerset.  1202.  Robbery.

Jan. 13th. Essex.  1600s. Admonished.  1678.  Marriage.

Jan.13th. Gloucestershire. 1345. Commission.  

Jan.13th. London.  1675. Bargain and Sale.  1728.  Will.

Jan.13th. Devon.  1466. Executor.  1862.  Marriage.  

Jan.13th. Cambridgeshire.   1298. Complaint.  1413. Inhabitant.  1879. Manor.  1812. Curate.  1925 Village Hall.  

Jan.13th. Derbyshire.  1275. Gaol for Homicide.

Jan. 9th.  Shropshire.  1734. Churchwarden. 1735. Slabs. 1712 - 1761. Baptisms.   1744. Marriage License.  1748. Churchwarden. 1790. Pauper.

Jan. 6th.  Warwickshire.  1891. Census Leicester Road. Nuneaton.

Jan.1st.   Warwickshire.  Photograph Mary.

Jan.1st.   Hertfordshire.  1463.  Coat of Arms.

Jan.1st.   London.  1656.  Cromwell's watch.


Dec.29th.  Warwickshire.  1820. Marriage.  1823. Baptism.  1859. Marriage.  1894. Town Hall.

Dec.22nd.  Derbyshire.  1819 - 1888.  Criminal Register of Trials. Derbyshire.

Dec. 20th.  Yorkshire.   1275. Desseisin.  1327. Abbot. 1338. Wool. 1342. Parson.  1346. Wool. 1347. Witness. 1418. Jurors.  1436. Distrained.  1442. Inquisition. 1480. Court. 

Dec. 20th. Yorkshire.  1227. Pardon. 1397. Friar. 1401. Inquisition.  1406. Nesse. 1413. Friar. 1418. Election. 1441. Heir.  1442. Quitclaim.  1553. Cottages. 1553. Messuage.  

Dec. 18th. Yorkshire.  1335. Prior. 1348. Grant. 1382. Quitclaim. 1356. Grant. 1455. Yeoman. 1463. Witness. 1508. Messuages.  1549. Premises. 1603. Marriage. 1629. Land. 1915. Cadet.

Dec. 18th. Nottinghamshire.  1318. Messuage.  1323. Blyth.  1326. Messuage.  1327. Witness.  1329. Witness. 1391. Property.

Dec.17th.  Nottinghamshire.  1334. Complaint.  1354. Messuage.  1354. Grants. 1475. Court. 1501. Daughter. 1505 Inquisition. 

Dec.17th.  Nottinghamshire.  1304. Lands.  1311. Messuage.  1327. Complaint.  1347.  Complaint. 1356. Manor. 1412. Juror. 1538. Abbey. 1541. Warrant. 1563. Pedigree. 

Dec. 17th. Surrey.  1275. Wife.  1339. Manors. 1387. Lease. 1388. Land.  1392. Croft. 1394. Witness.  1398. Grant. 1459. Croft. 

Dec.17th.  Norfolk.  1207. King.  1258. Indicted.  1317. Complaint. 1345. Complaint.  1346. Complaint.  1358. Complaint. 1398. Appointment. 1398 Friar.  1398. Yarmouth.  1436. Vicar. 1557. Grant. 

Dec. 17th. Norfolk.  1277. Suit. 1311. Clerk.  1317. Complaint.  1338. Complaint. 1342. Exchange.  1373. Manors. 1466. Vicar.  1493. Deeds. 

Dec.15th.  London.  1348. Executor.  1367. Tenement.  1387. Pardon.  1406. Sheriff.  1439. Citizen. 1448. Debt. 

Dec. 15th. Lincolnshire.  1278. Prior. 1426. Juror. 

Dec.15th.  Buckinghamshire.  1470. Presentation.

Dec. 15th. Huntingdonshire.  1303. Grant.  1303 Release.  1332. Citizen.  1334. Shares.

Dec. 15th. Hertfordshire.  1355. Witness.  1389. Inquisition.  1390. Messuages.  

Dec.14th.  London.  1390. Money. 1402. Inquisition. 1406. Debt. 1424. Bond. 1534. Yeoman.  

Dec.14th.  Essex.  1250s. Grant. 1278. Land. 1297. Sheriff.  1337. Land. 1376. Land.  1382. Charter.  1391. Grant. 1409. Debt.  1440. Inquisition.  

Dec.14th. Lincolnshire.  1276. Servants. 1276. Trespass. 1278. Chancery.  1295 Property. 1322. Land. 1330. Petition. 1355. Inquisition. 1382. Parson. 1431. Quitclaim.  1550. Treasurer.  

Dec.13th. Shropshire.   1199. Will.  1202.  Pipe Roll.  1221.  Land.  1224.  Justice.  1272.  Parish.  1278.  Messuage.  1280.  Manor.  1290.  Witness.  1321. Tithe.  1400. Inquisition. 1595. Session.  1614.  Bell.

Dec.10th. Wiltshire.  1457.  Manor.  1496.  Petition.  1555. Land.  1589.  Farm.

Dec.10th. Cornwall.  1454.  Gift.

Dec.10th. Warwickshire.  1619.  Visitation.  1646. Losses.  

Dec.10th. Sussex.  1327.  Lay Subsidy.  1347.  Land.  1389.  Grant.  1403.  Inquisition.  1420.  Sheriff.   1428.  Tenant.  

Dec. 7th.  Staffordshire.  1409.  1430.  Dispute.

Dec. 7th.  Somerset.  1327.  Complaint.  1340.  Complaint.  1436.  Commission.  1439.  Sheriff.  1477.  Land. 

Dec. 6th.  Northumberland.  1279.  Court.  1358. Merchant.  1363.  Burgess.  1550. Cottage. 

Dec. 6th.  Northamptonshire.  1394.  Land.  

Dec. 6th.  Middlesex.  1657.  Witness. 

Dec. 6th.  London.  1274.  Resident.

Dec. 6th.  Cambridgeshire.  1278.  Murder.  1287.  Alderhech.  1321.  Damage.  1418.  Tenement.  1484 Grant.  

Dec.5th.   Kent.  1294.  Visitation.  1342.  Guarantors.

Dec. 5th.  Yorkshire.  1290.  Land.  1423.  Land.

Dec. 5th.  Leicestershire.  1386.  Gift.  1393.  Covenant.  1419.  Juror.  1421.  Juror.  1446.  Inquisition.  

Dec. 4th.  Derbyshire. 1274.  Abbot. 

Dec. 4th.  Yorkshire.  1329.  Grant. 

Dec. 4th.  Dorset. 1311. Inquisition.  1311. Heiresses.  1313. Partition.

Dec. 4th.  Hertfordshire.  1461. Grant. 

Dec. 3rd.  Devon.   1333. Acknowledgement. 1438. Witness.   1450. Property. 1464. Lands. 

Dec. 3rd.   Durham.  1281.  Inquisition.  1340.  Appointment. 

Dec. 2nd.  Derbyshire.  1274.  Abbot.

Dec. 2nd.  Cheshire.  c1300s.  Witness.  1477.  Earl of Chester.

Dec. 2nd.  Cornwall.  1436. Juror.  1438. Witness.  1443. Juror.  1445. Witness.  c1467. Action.  1533. Juror. 

Dec. 1st.    Buckinghamshire.  1276.  Arrangement. 1425. Witness.  1529. Grant.

Dec. 1st.     Bedfordshire.  1420. Inquisition. 

Nov. 28th. London.  1374.  Letter.  1385. Protection.  1385. Revocation.

Nov. 27th. Nottinghamshire.  1380.  Westminster. 1383. Commission.  1394. Appointment.  

Nov. 23rd. Yorkshire.  1417. Paid  yearly.  1449. Inquisition.  1460. Debt.

Nov. 23rd. Hertfordshire. 1459. Grant.  1460. Appointment.  1460. Appointment.  1460 . Order.  1470. Debt.

Nov. 20th. Dorset.  1311. Inquisition.  1312. Order.  1321. Licence.

Nov. 20th. Hertfordshire.  1458. Witness.  1460.  Traitors.  1463. Assessed.  

Nov.13th.  Yorkshire.  1313. Licence.  1319. Commission.  1330. Mandate.  1357. Rights.  1375. Appointment.

Nov. 13th.  Yorkshire.  1343. Licence.  1343. Appointment.   1348. Licence.  1349. Induction. 1349. Probate. 1349. Condemnation. 1349. Probate.

Nov. 12th.  Yorkshire.  1311. Priest. 1312. Induction.  1338. Licence. 1340. Induction.  1343. King's Right.  1349. Order. 1372. Grant.  

Nov. 12th.  Hertfordshire.  1358. Grant.  1821. Messuage.

Nov.12th.  London.  1385. Order.  1385. Appointment.  1386. Order.

Nov.12th.  Nottinghamshire.  1341. Order. 1349. Induction.  1349. New Vicar. 1358. Pension. 1378. Grant.

Nov. 10th.  Kent.  1377. Charter.  1378.  Charter.

Nov. 10th.  Northamptonshire.  1527. Court Session.

Nov. 10th.  Essex.  1419. Deed. 

Nov. 10th.  Leicestershire.  1404. Inquisition. 

Nov. 9th.     Nottinghamshire.  1374. Manor.  1378.  Close Roll.  1382. Writ. 

Nov, 9th.     Middlesex.  1462. Feet of Fines.  1464. Charter. 

Nov. 9th.    London.  1377. Keepers.  1382. Cose Roll. 

Nov. 6th.   London.  1383. Writ.   1408. Writ.  1408. Court.  1411. Plaintiff.  

Nov. 6th.    Norfolk.  1391. Will.  1397. Tradesman.  1419. Election.

Nov. 4th.    Norfolk.  1422. Court of Common Pleas.

Nov. 2nd.   London.  1646. Apprentice.  1649. Apprentice.  1659. Apprentice.

Oct. 31st.   Middlesex.   1666. Hearth Tax.

Oct. 31st.   Suffolk.  1391. Close Roll.  1442.  Incumbent.

Oct. 31st.   London.  1666. Hearth Tax.

Oct. 31st.   Lincolnshire.  1460. Close Roll. 

Oct. 31st.   Dorset.  1425. Visitation.

Oct. 31st.   Norfolk.  c1270.  Marriage.  1308. Prior.  1333. Rector.  1377. Rector.  1382. Close Roll.  1407. Yarmouth.  1479. Priory.   1535. Friar. 

Oct. 31st.   Essex.  1355. Gestyngthorp.

Oct. 28th.  Lancashire.  1848. Marriage.

Oct. 28th.  Warwickshire.  1803. Boulton Papers.  1811. Graduate.  1818. Directory.

Oct. 25th.  London.  Bridewell Court.  1601, 1618, 1633, 1635, 1638, 1639, 1641, 1663, 1737. 

Oct. 20th.  Durham.  1845. Apprentice Indenture.

Oct. 20th.  Nottinghamshire.  1717. Land, Rents and Trust. 

Oct. 20th.  Yorkshire.  1417. Inquisition.  1716. Petition.

Oct. 20th.  Warwickshire.  1324 - 27.  Licence.  1363. Grant.

Oct. 16th.  London.  1671. Groom.  1699. Groom.  1708. Yeoman.  1715. Organ Blower. 1718. Royal Warrant. 1735. Bounty.

Oct.10th.   Lancashire.  1746. Marriage. 1756. Merchant.  1783. Burial.

Sept. 27th. Hampshire.   1705. Ship.

Sept.27th.  Kent.  1914. Military Discharge.

Sept.23rd. Lincolnshire.  1841. Census. Gainsborough, Boston, Lincoln.

Sept. 21st. Warwickshire. 1861. Census Baddesley Ensor.  1911 Census Baddesley Ensor.  1919 Marriage. 1921 Birth at Atherstone.

Sept.17th. Warwickshire.  1817. Marriage.  1835. Burial. 1841. Census. Bedworth. 1851. Census. Bedworth.

Sept.16th. Warwickshire.  1782. Burial. 1785 Banns of Marriage.  1787. Baptism.  1814. Military Discharge. 1820. Will.  1820. Burial. 1835. Military Discharge. 1839. Preacher. 1849. Burial.

Sept.10th. Essex.  1772 - 1785. Family of.

Sept. 8th.  Nottinghamshire.   1368. Messuage.

Sept.7th.   London.  1378. Appointment.  1378. Executor. 1379. Creditor.  1384 Executor.

Sept.5th.   Worcestershire.  1841. Census.

Sept. 4th.  Worcestershire.  1881. Census.

Sept. 3rd.  Northamptonshire.   1881. Census. Welford.

Aug. 29th. Middlesex.  1822. Silhouette.

Aug. 29th. Clay Artefacts.  1822.  Silhouette.

Aug. 28th. Staffordshire.  1842. The Story.

Aug. 27th. Staffordshire.  1805 Marriage. 1807 Baptism. Hanley. 1831 Burial. Hanley. 1841 Census.  Hanley. 1861 Census. Hanley.  1866 Marriage. 1871  Census. Hanley. 1881 Census. Stoke on Trent

Aug. 20th. Nottinghamshire.  1835. Transportation.

Aug. 2nd.  Suffolk.  1200s. Bailiff.  1282. Receipt.  1383 - 84. Receipt.

Aug. 2nd.  Cheshire.  1326. Grant.

Aug. 2nd.  Gloucestershire.  1391. Land.

Aug. 2nd.  Norfolk.  1301. Rector.

Aug. 2nd.  Staffordshire.  1325-26. Grant.

July 31st.  Essex.  Map of Clay's Farms.

July 31st.  Warwickshire.  1901 Photo of shop and advertisement.  1900s Photo. Town Clerk.

July 31st.  London.  1380.  Witness to a petition.

July 31st.  Northumberland.  1369 - 70.  Grant  of messuage and shop.

July 31st.  Yorkshire.  1288. Inquisition. 

July 31st.  Nottinghamshire.  1662 - 63.  Endorsement.

July 20th. Nottinghamshire.  1641. Protestation Oath Roll.

July 18th. Bedfordshire. 1851. 1861. Census.

July 16th. Warwickshire.  1801. 1814. 1824. 1825. 1830. 1833. 1835. Court Cases.

July 8th.    Shropshire.  1821. Additional details to Will.

July 8th.    Northamptonshire.  1842. 1847. 1855 further additions to existing Wills.

July 8th.    Nottinghamshire.  1834 and 1855 furthur additions to existing Wills.

June 9th.   Surrey.   1668 - 1850.  Additional names added to  12 Wills.

June  6th.   Middlesex.  1749 - 1855. Additional names added to 26 Wills.

May 30th.  Essex.  1782. Rent. 1804. Lease.  1808. Letter. 1810. Votes.

May 30th.  Bedfordshire.  1383. Witness. 1550. Bond. 1550 Conveyance. 1556. Conveyance. 1621. Will. 1848. Apprentice. 

May 29th.  Northamptonshire.  1857. Mortgage.

May 29th.  Essex.  1758. Lease. 1773. Lease. 1778. Lease. 1783. Lease. 1790. Lease. 1799. Lease. 1807. Lease. 1808. Correspond. 1820. Admission. 1824. Correspond.  1829. Surrender. 1842. Surrender.

May 28th.  Essex.  1809. Letter.

May 28th.  Bedfordshire. 1375. Lease.

May 20th.  Bedfordshire.  1891 Census.  1911 Census.

May 17th.  Clay Artefacts.  1873. Presentation Silver Cup.

May 17th.  Yorkshire.  Advertisement and photograph after 1911 Census.

May 11th.  Worcestershire.  1841 Census.

April 14th. Gloucestershire.  1841. Gaol.  1881 Census.  1894. Sale.  1897. Conveyance. 1901. Census. 1901. Churchwardens.

Feb. 17th. Shropshire. 1617. Will.

Feb. 17th. Staffordshire. 1688. Will. 

Feb.13th. Shropshire.  Wills. 1575, 1600, 1606, 1616, 1628, 1635, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1666, 1675, 1693.

Feb.13th. Yorkshire.  c1890 Photograph of Lady.

Feb.13th. Lancashire.  Photograph Clay's Chemist Shop. Liverpool.

Feb.12th. Staffordshire. Wills and Inventories. 1626, 1628, 1633, 1639, 1659, 1666, 1675, 1690.

Feb.12th. Warwickshire.  Wills and Inventories. 1617, 1626, 1649, 1661, 1668, 1670, 1680, 1681, 1686, 1688, 1690, 1697.

Feb.12th. Yorkshire. 1902. Toolmaker.  1911 Census. Eccleshall.

Jan.28th. Oxfordshire.  1739 - 1770. Bishops Transcripts. Duns Tew.  1851 Census. Swerford.  1841. Census  Duns Tew.

Jan.27th. Oxfordshire.  1841 Census. Duns Tew.  1851 Census. Duns Tew.

Jan.27th. Buckinghamshire.  1881 Census. 

Jan.17th. Warwickshire. 1876. Birth.  1901. Census.  1911. Census.

Jan. 11th. Yorkshire. 1309. Commission.  1310. Appointment.  1310. Licence.  1313. Exhortation.  1314. Order.  1315. Monition.  1349. Probate.


Dec. 29th. Yorkshire.  Photo Rastrick House built 1813.  Medals 1918 in  Artefacts.

Dec.24th. Leicestershire. 1662. Hearth Tax.  1664. Heath Tax.  1670. Hearth Tax.  1680.  Hospital.

Dec.5th.    Yorkshire.  1438. Inventory.  1462. Commission.  1471. Will.  1489. Will.

Nov.28th.  London. 1773.  Expenses.  1801. Admitted.  1828. Assault. 1830. Accident.  1834. Qualification.

Nov. 27th. London. 1448 . Surety. 1662. Orphans.  1683. Agreement. 1694. Orphans. 1697. Court Case. 1716. Patent. 1721. Document.  1761. Aldgate. 1772. Lambeth.  1772. Indictment.

Nov.26th. London. 1416. Letters. 1630. Grant. 1658. Lease. 1665. Admon. 1669. Mortgage. 1723. Court.  1736. Bond. 1765. Registration.  1773. Registration. 1776. Marriage.  1780. Marriage. 

Nov.21st.  Nottinghamshire.  1760. Cottage.  1760. Will. 1787. Messuage.  1815. Will. 1817. Bond.  1854. Will.

Nov.21st.  Nottinghamshire.  1727. Land.  1727 Mortgage. 1748. Conveyance.  1760 Conveyance.  1761. Conveyance. 1769. Agreement.  1806 Valuation. 1812. Manor.  1823. Letters.

Nov.21st.  Lincolnshire.  1771. Will. 1772. Conveyance.  1786. Widow.

Nov.20th. Nottinghamshire. 1762. Lease. 1812. Will. 1813 Indenture. 1828. Indenture. 1829. Messuages. 1839. Messuage.1852. Will. 1868. Conveyance. 1876. Will. 

Nov.17th. Nottinghamshire. 1710. Close.  1744. Indenture. 1748. Lease. 1763. Surrender. 1767. Warrant. 1771. Land.  1774. Land. 1776. Indenture. 1793. Close. 1794. Sale.  1797. Will. 

Nov. 16th. Nottinghamshire. 1668. Will.  1703. Messuage.  1724. Bond. 1726. Admission.  1727. Will.  1733. Citation. 1768. Declaration. 1825. Apprentice. 1860. Apprentice. 

Nov. 16th. Nottinghamshire. 1714. Will. 1730. Indenture. 1737. Admission. 1747. Admon.  1768. Declaration. 1781. Lands. 1784. Assignment. 1788. Certificate. 1790. Admon.  1822. Bond. 

Nov.15th.  Yorkshire. 1698. Bond. 1708. Settlement. 1716. Apprentice. 1763. Land. 1775. Farm. 1784. Trustee.  1786 Apprentice. 1794. Cottage.  1814. Court. 1816. Examination. 1824. Notice. 

Nov. 15th. Yorkshire. 1698. Bond. 1705. Will. 1743. Release. 1749. Apprentice. 1754. Trustee. 1762. Property. 1778. Trustee. 1783. Surrender. 1789. Lease. 1798. Apprentice. 1818.Surrender.

Nov.14th.  Yorkshire. 1720. Apprentice. 1720. Pontefact. 1740. Apprentice. 1753. Forge. 1771. Letter. 1774. Lease. 1774. Letter. 1775.Lease.1776. Bond. 1776. Cottage. 1782. Will. 1813. Lease. 

Nov.14th.  Yorkshire. 1348. Feoffment.  1362. Deed. 1362. Indenture.  1627. Lease.  1710. Admon.  1760. Cottage. 1771. Deed. 1775. Deed. 1775. Surrender. 1787. Church. 1788. Cottage. 

Nov.13th. Yorkshire. 1645. Heir. 1681. Sessions  1681. Goods. Theft. 1682. Sessions. 1688.Messuage. 1763. Messuage. 1786. Apprentice. 1792. Bond.. 1797. Lease. 1817.Order.  1818. Convey. 

Nov.12th. Nottinghamshire. 1823. Admon.  1721. Kiln.  1725. Messuage.  1727. Will. 1735. Bond. 1749. Bond.  1752. Messuage.  1772. Indenture. 1777. Bond. 1803. Will.  1810. Will. 

Nov.12th. Nottinghamshire.  1726.Bond. 1727. Will. 1743. Will.  1744. Bond.  1753. Will.  1757. Churchwardens. 1760. Will. 1762. Will.  1777. Will. 1779. Bond.  1787. Will. 1797. Will. 

Nov. 9th.  Cambridgeshire.  1803. Contract.  1804. Assault. 1807. Wages. 1808. Theft. 1808. Constables.  1840. Assault.  

Nov. 9th.  Cambridgeshire.  1739. Church.  1801. Complaint.  1801 Overseers. 1803. Assault.  1804. Contract. 1805. Summons.  1807. Wages.  1810. Land. 1810. Lease. 

Nov. 8th.  Yorkshire.  1678. Messuage. 1698. Grant. 1729. Mortgage. 1736. Cottages.  1743 Mortgage.  1743. Lease. 1767 Will.  1767 Lease. 1786. Notebook.  1794. Lease.  1814. Deeds.  

Nov. 7th.   Yorkshire.  1734. Mortgage.  1741 Rents. 1763. Plan. 1775. Map.  1781. Map.  1782. Plan.  1784. Plan.  1787. Duke. 1791. Inclosure. 1796. Plan.  1819. Colliery. 

Nov. 6th.   Suffolk.  1731. Removal Order.  1765. Removal Order.

Nov. 6th.   Huntingdonshire.  1684. Archdeaconry. 1725. Deeds.  1726. Manor.  1747. Manor.  1745. Citation.  

Nov. 5th.   Cambridgeshire.  1726. Surrender. 1751. Lease. 1769. Bond.  1769. Admission.  1775. Mortgage. 1783. Bond.  1788. Release. 1789. Surrender. 1800. Mortgage.1807. Surrender.  

Nov.5th.    Cambridgeshire.  1762. Manor.  1766. Extract.  1780. Admission.  1789. Land .  1801. Discharge.  1809. Surrender.  1840 Petty Sessions. 1840. Surrender.  1847. Drowned.  

Nov. 4th.   Nottinghamshire.  1709. Will. 1717. Will.  1727. Lease. 1728. Lease. 1737.Bond. 1737.Lease.  1761. Will. 1770. Bond. 1777. Will.  1791. Will. 1802. Bond. 1815. Will. 1834. Will. 

Nov. 4th.   Nottinghamshire.  1710. Yeoman. 1711. Indenture. 1727. Court Roll.  1744. Transfer.  1747. Lands.  1750. Will.  1754. Will.  1765. Lease.  1779. Lease.  1791. Assigns.  

Nov. 3rd.   Essex. 1764. Will.  1764. Conviction. 1769. Will .  1784. Bond.  1788. Deeds.  1808. Right. 1820. Deed.  1826. Mayor.   1827. Accounts.   

Nov. 3rd.    Essex.  1711. Court.  1790. Court.  1796. Bond.  1799. Court.  1809. Will.  1810. Transfer.  1815. Will.  1821. Will.

Nov. 2nd.   Shropshire.  1730. Survey.  1735. Work.  1752.  Conveyance.  1780. Court.  1783. Examination.. 1789. Conveyance.  1818. Conveyance.  1850. Conveyance.  No Date. Statement.

Oct.28th.   Warwickshire.  1770-1814. Discharge.  1800 - 1835. Discharge.  1835. Prisoner. 1849. Firm.  1851. Census.  1865. Assignment.  1880. Chancery.  1939 - 1948. Charity.

Oct. 25th.  Essex.  1684. Mortgage.  1719. Will.   1744. Court Roll.  1792. Will.  1812. Will. 

Oct.25th.   Essex.  1706. Will. 1714. Will.   1723. Will.  1754. Will. 1765. Bond. 1766. Will.  1776. Will.  1790. Will.  1793. Will. 1809. Will. 1828. Deeds. 1830. Will.  1834. Will.  

Oct.24th.   Essex.  1620.  Answer.  1623. Court.   1625. Court.  1649. Assizes. 1655. Witness. 1661 . Court. 1668. Conveyance. 1681.  Musician. 1687. Messuage. 1694. Will.  

Oct. 20th.  Nottinghamshire.  1647. Bond.  1663. Will.  1665. Citation.   1670. Bond.  1678. Will.  1682. Admin.  1692. Bond. 1701. Admission.   1702 - 1714. Bond.  1851. Photograph. 

Oct. 20th.  London.  1871 Census  Photographs of 2  Clay boys.

Oct. 18th.  Nottinghamshire. 1818 . Newark Marriage.   1826. Poll Book. 1827. Conviction.  1828 Declaration of Trust.  18 29. Poll Book.  1834. Obituary. 1851. Newark Census.

Oct. 17th.  Warwickshire. 1789. Mortgage.  1790. Sheriff.  1794. Extract.  1803. Order.  1812. Agreement.  1814. Reciting. 1875. Conveyance.  

Oct.15th.   Nottinghamshire.  1702. Admission.  1706 Admission.  1716.  Admission.  1773. Admission.  1779. Admission.  1780. Bond.  1790. Will. 1812.  Will.  1831. Will.  

Oct.14th.   Norfolk.  1861 Census. 1871 Census.  1881 Census.

Oct. 13th.  Norfolk.  1748. Vagrant.  1751. Bond.  1784 Settlement. 1786. Will. 1813. Correspondence. 1818. Bond. 1824. Bond. 1829. Will.  

Oct.13th.   Norfolk.  1714. License. 1721. Will.  1729. Will.  1731. License. 1733. Licence.  1739. Debts. 1750. License. 1759. License. 1779. License.  1784. Will.  

Oct.11th.   Cambridgeshire.  1742. Will.  1755. Trustees. 1783. Sessions.1796. Indenture.  1798. Certificate.  1801. Wages.  1806. Examination.  1813. Will. 1820. Messuages. 1823.Mortgage.

Oct.11th.   Cambridgeshire.  1727. Lease. 1732. Will. 1739. Manor.  1749. Disownment. 1750. Lease. 1753. Manor. 1762. Manor.  1770. Land. 1793. Messuages. 1806. Felony. 1840. License.

Oct.11th.   Devon.  1813. Will. 1816. Will. 1817. Marriage. 1819. Marriage. 1820. Settlement. 1821. Marriage.  1821. Apprentice.  1827. Will.  

Oct.10th.   Essex.  1626. Will.  1628. Unlicensed.  1632. Indictment.1637. Court. 1649. Court.  1665. Court.  1673. Court. 1676.Will.  1727. Will.  1796. Map. 1797 Court.  1810. Deed. 1830. Reply. 

Oct.10th.   Essex.  1622. Will. 1623. Court. 1625. Gaol. 1627 Court. 1629. Indictment. 1640. Recognizance. 1641. Court. 1645. Assizes. 1651. Assizes.  1656. Dispute. 1656. Court. 

Oct.9th.      Shropshire. 1710. Indenture.  1743.Messuage. 1754. Conveyance.  1759. Indemnify.  1780. Will. 1780. Farmer. 1782. Deed. 1802. Land. 1810.Family. 1821.Deed.1837. Tax. 1858.Removal.

Oct.8th.      London.  1668. Draper.  1668. Dyer.  1670. Inventory.  1694. Indenture. 1741. Gent.  1769. Removal.  1775. Old Bailey. 1811. Southwark.

Oct.7th.      Warwickshire.  1694.  Indenture. 1713. Land.  1719. Court.  1751. Lease.  1759. Messuage.  1783. Sale.  1783 ?  Trial.  1785.  Indenture.  1794.  Lease.

Oct.7th.      Devon. 1733. Cottage.  1751. Postponement.  1754. Lease.  1756. Removal.  1759. Lease.  1796. Property.  1799. Settlement.

Oct.6th.      Cambridgeshire. 1675. Libel.  1684. Lease. 1711. Deeds. 

Oct. 5th.     Nottinghamshire. 1669. Admission. 1671. Appointment. 1677. Admission. 1681. Licence.  1684. Citation. 1684. Mandate. 1685. Indenture. 1698. Admission.

Oct. 3rd.     Nottinghamshire. 1636.Messuage. 1640.Account. 1649. Survey.1655. Bond. 1652. Admin. 1661. Admission. 1664. Quitclaim. 1666. Citation.1680. Will. 1682. Will. 1690. Will. 

Oct.2nd.      Essex.  1602. Contrary. 1602. Felony. 1603. Drunkeness. 1603. Sessions. 1604. Sessions. 1606. Licence. 1605. Fine. 1609. Indictment. 1619. Poaching.

Oct.1st.       Norfolk.  1629. Will.  1629-30. Inventory. 1650. Will.  1672. Bond.  1672. Indenture. 1676. Admin. 1679. Bond. 1689. Will.  1694. Bond.  1694. Indenture.

Sept.30th.  Leicestershire.  1812. Letter. 1813. Letter. 1813.  Letter.  1813. Bills. 1823. Account.  1831. Copy Will.  

Sept. 30th. London.  1769. Constable.  1816.  Insured.  1824. Trust.  1837. Court Case.

Sept.29th.  London.  1762. Court.  1764. Lease. 1776. Court. 1784. Prosecution. 

Sept.29th.  Shropshire.  1696. Bond. 1742. Mortgage. 1744. Bond.  1778. Apprentice.  1791. Draft.  1808. High Ercall.

Sept.28th.  Lincolnshire. 1641. Inventory. 1828. Admon. 1855. Admon. 1859. Will.  1867. Theft.  1875. Will. 1890. Will. 

Sept.28th.  Lincolnshire.  1839. Will.  1843. Lease.  1845. Will.  1857. Will.  1864. Will.  1868. Will.  1873. Will.

Sept.27th.  London. 1632. Receipt.  1805. Provision of Wood.

Sept.27th.  Northamptonshire.1656. Occupant.

Sept.27th.  Sussex.  1659. Lease. 1799. Vagabond. 1860. Photo.

Sept.27th.  Lincolnshire. 1728. Lease. 1757. Messuage. 1789. Admon. 1798.Conveyance.  1798. Hereditaments. 1802. Bond. 1831. Church. 1863. 69. 75. Wills.

Sept.27th.  Yorkshire.  1609. Sale.  1610 Land Transfer. 1620. Quitclaim.  1629. Clothier. 1649. Fine.  1709. Court Roll.  1717. Cottage.  1736. Lease. 

Sept.24th.  Warwickshire.  1656. Conveyance.  1703. Messuage.  1734. Indenture. 1771. Defamation.

Sept.23rd.  Staffordshire.  1672. Overseer.  1692.  Land.  1795. Information.  1825. Case.

Sept.22nd. Staffordshire.  1686. Hearth Tax.

Sept. 22nd. Derbyshire. 1813. Mortgage. 1819. Abstract. 1844. Oath.

Sept. 21st. Staffordshire.  1654. Mortgage. 1675. Lease. 1732. Lease. 1762. Citation. 1778. Defamation. 1779. Letter. 1796. Indictment. 1887. Concealment.

Sept. 20th. Shropshire. 1625. Rector.  1770. Defamation.

Sept.20th. Warwickshire. 1706. Conveyance.  1741. Defamation. 1798. Footpath.

Sept.20th. Staffordshire.  1787. Theft. 1798. Footpath. 1829. Lease. 1860. Juvinile Conviction. 

Sept.19th. Staffordshire.  1683 . Will.  1713. Recusant.  1722. Certificate.  1740. Will.

Sept.19th. Cornwall.  1659 - 1747. Burials.

Sept.18th. Staffordshire. 1687.  Sale in Tamworth.

Sept.18th. Shropshire.  1716. Apprentice.  1728. Marriage Settlement.  1733. Copy Will.  1742.  Lease.  1742.  Mortgage.  1743.  Quitclaim.  1746. Lease.  1754.  Conveyance.

Sept. 3rd.  Cornwall.  1535.Muster.  1620 - 1740  marriages and baptisms.

Aug.15th. Site update to new mobile-friendly template

Aug.8th.    Nottinghamshire. 1618. Theft.

Aug.8th.    Lincolnshire. 1494. Resignation. 1506. Conveyance. 1598. Trustee. 1617. Inventory. 1624. Inventory. 1629. Inventory.1631. Inventory. 1649. Inventory. 1663. Inventory. 1669. Inventory. 1690.--- -- Admon.

Aug.8th.    Staffordshire. 1851 Census. Stoke upon Trent. Potters.

Aug.7th.    Lincolnshire. 1687. Tax.

Aug.6th.    Nottinghamshire. 1797. Estates.

Aug.6th.    Lincolnshire. 1622. Inventory. 1681. Admon / Inventory. 1671. Inventory. 1838. Indenture. 1840. Property. 1846. Witness.

Aug.5th.    Leicestershire. 1628. Release. 1640. Records. 1647. Quitclaim. 1680. Records. 1687. Lease. 1693. Deeds.

Aug.5th.    Middlesex. 1825. Certificate.

Aug.5th.    Hertfordshire. 1685. Trust. 1783. Admission. 1815. Recognizance. 1825. Recognizance. 1835. Overseers.

Aug.2nd.   Wiltshire. 1781. Marriage Licence.

Aug.2nd.   Worcestershire. 1834. Notebook.

July 23rd.  Yorkshire. 1391. Grant. 1392. Charter. 1397. Charter. 1423. Charter.1427. Charter. 1430. Charter. 1436. Charter. 1442. Grant. 1443. Charter. 1448. Charter. 1448. Letter. 1481. Grant. 1488.------ Transfer.

July 23rd.  Lincolnshire. 1562. Sale. 1581. Sale.

July 22nd. Essex. 1592 Court Discharge.

July 22nd. Yorkshire. 1419. Grant. 1580. Lease. 1581. Indenture. 1597. Witness. 1598. Quitclaim.

July 22nd. Norfolk. 1236. Close Rolls.

July 22nd.London. 1411. Lay Subsidy. 1603. Will. 1633.Will.

July 13th. Northamptonshire. 1461. Land Transfer. 1665. Feoffment. 1729. Will. 1731. Settlement. 1756. Settlement. 1764. Conveyance. 1784. Complaint.

July 12th. Sussex 1290. Inquisition. 1564. Probate. 1572. Penance. 1575. Widow. 1579. Probate. 1585 Court Roll. 1594. Conveyance. 1612. Cottage.

July 12th. Suffolk. 1555.Admin. 1562. Admin. 1566. Admin. 1571. Admin.

July 12th. Norfolk. 1529. Will. 1536. Will. 1538. Will. 1546. Will. 1551 Will. 1552. Will. 1555. Will. 1556. Will. 1556. Admin. 1557. Will.  1560. Admin. 1577. Will.  1583 Admin.  1584. Will. 1584. Admin.------- 1605. Will. 1609. Admin. 1612. Will. 1613. Admin. 1619. Will. 

July 12th. Hertfordshire. 1575. Land Transfer.

July 11th. Essex. 1215. Witness. 1560. Witness. 1565. Will. 1576. Licence  1578. Sessions. 1579. Poacher. 1582. Wages. 1585. Assault. 1589. Cottage. 1592. Rogues. 1593. Gaol. 1597. Clothier.

July 11th. Kent. 1618.Court Case. 1640 Court Case. 1850. Letter.

July 11th. Nottinghamshire. 1351 Witness. 1564. Surrender. 1576. Letter.

July 11th. Lincolnshire. 1543. Inventory. 1556. Inventory. 1571. Inventory. 1579. Inventory. 1573.Inventory. 1580. Inventory.

July10th. Lincolnshire. 1316. Conveyance. 1538. Inventory. 1544. Inventory. 1545. Iinventory. 1558. Inventory. 1571 Inventory. 1572 Inventory. 1573. Inventory. 1576. inventory. 1585. Inventory. 1595.------ Bond. 1610. Inventory. 1625. Inventory.

July 9th.  Shropshire. 1375. Shrewsbury Recognition. 1578. Defamation Case.

July 9th.  Essex. 1628. Will.

July 9th.  London. 1625. Will. 1826. Removal Order.

July 8th.  Surrey. 1623. Survey. 1802. Information.

July 8th.  Northumberland. 1798. Men and Carts. 1825. Lease. 1826. Property Dispute.

July 8th.  Cheshire. 1738. Assignment. 1799. Transfer of 5 vessels.

July 7th.  Somerset. 1628. Lease. 1655. Arrested. 1655. Evidence. 1663. Lease. 1707. Lease. 1774. Conviction. 1847.Theft. 1847. Riot

July 7th.  London. 1739. Mortgage. 1743. Land Transfer.

July 7th.  Nottinghamshire. 1791. Land in Suffolk.

July 7th.  Essex. 1806. Braintree.

July 7th.  Suffolk. 1761.Messuage. 1828. Removal Order.

July 7th.  Wiltshire. 1502. Deed.

July 6th.  Middlesex. 1818. Covenant to produce deeds.

July 6th.  Nottinghamshire. 1741. Warrant for Removal.

July 6th.  Buckinghamshire. 1697. Settlement. 1701. Will. 1840 Apprentice.

July 6th.  Sussex. 1290. Inquisition.1338. Witness. 1342. Witness.

July 6th.  Cornwall. 1400s Accounts. 1489. Reeve. 1730. Will.

July 6th.  London. 1420.Court. 1448. Corporation. 1448. Surety.

July 6th.  Kent. 1294. Court of Canterbury.

July 5th.  Lincolnshire. 1316. Conveyance. 1494. Resignation. 1902. Will.

July 5th.  Nottinghamshire. 1791. Will / Inventory.

June 5th. Yorkshire. 1633. Quarter Sessions.

May 31st.Lancashire. 1807 and 1809. Military Service.

May 31st.Nottinghamshire. 1806,1815 and 1816. Military Service.

May 31st.Essex. 1806 and 1808 Military Service.

May 26th.Lincolnshire. 1881 + 1901 + 1911.Census Messingham. 1901 Census Gainsborough.

Apr.21st.Nottinghamshire. 1641. Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Durham. 1666. Hearth Tax.

Apr.21st.Worcestershire. 1664. Hearth Tax.

Apr.21st. Surrey. 1664 Hearth Tax.

Apr.21st. Kent. 1664 Hearth Tax.

Apr.21st.Yorkshire. 1672 Hearth Tax.

Apr.21st.Staffordshire. 1641 Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Lincolnshire. 1641 Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Kent.1641 Protestaion Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Huntingdonshire.1641.Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Essex. 1641 Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Durham. 1641 Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.21st.Yorkshire. 1641. Protestation Oath Roll.

Apr.15th.London. 1641. Letter.

Apr.12th.Derbyshire. 1613. Will. 1679 Examination. 1742. Will.

Apr.12th.Leicestershire. 1661 Feoffment.

Apr.12th.Lincolnshire. 1715. Surrender.

Apr.12th.Yorkshire. 1730. Will. 1775. Lease.

Apr.11th.Staffordshire. 1819. Conveyance.

Apr.11th.Derbyshire. 1865. 1886. 1898. 1906. Wills.

Apr.7th.  London. 1795 - 1865 Directories.

Apr.7th.  Suffolk. 1834. Deserter.

Apr. 7th. Surrey. 1776 - 1824. Freeholders.

Apr.6th   Clay Artefacts. 1790 Tea Caddy.

Mar.29th.Yorkshire. 1870. School Mistress's.

Mar.27th.Yorkshire. 1911. Census. Brighouse.

Mar.26th.Yorkshire. 1832. Indenture.

Mar.26th.Lincolnshire. 1723. Abstract of Title to an estate.

Mar.25th.Yorkshire. 1911 Census. Brighouse.

Mar. 21st.Clay Artefacts. 1638 Muster Roll Book.

Mar.16th.Warwickshire. 1737 + 1743. Baptisms.

Mar.15th.Nottinghamshire. 1838 Will. Hickling.

Mar.14th.Lincolnshire. 1851 Census. Surfleet. 1827 Indenture.1830 Marriages

Feb.27th.Nottinghamshire.1787-1810. Clay Baptisms. Arnold

Feb.27th.Nottinghamshire. 1851, 1871, 1881, 1911. Census. 1853 Whites Directory.

Feb.25th.Clay Artefacts. Tea Caddies.

Feb.25th.Northumberland. Photographs Mary B.Clay and William Clay.

Feb.23rd.Essex. 1538 - 1582 Various Parish Register Additions.

Feb.17th.Staffordshire. 1791. Co Partnership.

Feb.17th.Essex. 1809 Abstract Wills.

Feb.17th.Nottinghamshire. 1809 Abstract Will.

Feb.17th.Devon. 1810 Abstract Wills.

Feb.9th.  Readers Interests. Holborn. London.

Feb.8th.  Readers Interests. Hardstoft. Ault Hucknall.

Feb.5th.  Yorkshire. 1782. Brightside Land Exchange. 1797 Colliery Land.

Feb.3rd.  Middlesex. 1881 Census.Hendon.

Jan.28th.Lancashire. 1859. Imprisonment.

Jan.28th.Derbyshire. 1864 Marriage.

Jan.28th.Cheshire. 1797. Sunday School.

Jan.27th.Northumberland. Photograph Annie Clay.

Jan.27th.Home Page. 1750 Pocket Watch.

Jan.27th.Derbyshire. Photograph Foremarke Hall.

Jan.26th.Wiltshire. 1884. Workhouse.

Jan.26th.Cheshire. 1786 - 1798. Land Tax.

Jan.18th.Derbyshire. 1824. Mortgagee.

Jan.18th.Essex. 1628. Will.

Jan.18th.London. Metropolitan Archives. 1617.1697.1712.1721.1741.1761.1772.1784.1834.1839.1892. 

Jan.18th.London. Sun Fire Insurance. 1782.1811.1836. 

Jan.17th.Huntingdonshire. 1619. Quitclaim.

Jan.17th.Hertfordshire.1595. Will.

Jan.17th.London. Metropolitan Archives. 1670.1769. 1897.

Jan.17th.London. Sun Fire Insurance. 1752. 1816.1823.

Jan.16th.London. Sun Fire Insurance. 1741.1785. 1786. 1820.

Jan.16th.London. Metropolitan Archives.- 1420. 1448. 1699. 1760. 1775. 1779. 1829. 

Jan.16th.London. Metropolitan Archives. - 1416. 1662. 1723. 1773. 1784. 1793. 1802. 1849. 1828.

Jan.16th.Durham. 1881 Census.

Jan.16th.Northumberland. 1911 Census.

Jan.15th.London. 1784. 1818. Insurance.

Jan.15th.Bedfordshire. 1785 Insurance.

Jan.15th.London. Hearth Tax. 1662. 1664.

Jan.14th.Readers Interests. Shoreditch / Spitalfields / London.

Jan.13th.London. 1700s + 1800s Sun Fire Office Insurance Register.

Jan.13th.London.1683 - 1844. London Metropolitan Archives.


Dec.31st.Northumberland. 1861 Census. Prospect House.

Dec.31st.Lincolnshire. 1851 Census Pocket Watch.

Dec.31st.Essex. 1813. Mourning Ring.

Dec.13th.Kent. 1600s Additional baptisms, burials and marriages.

Dec.7th.  Nottinghamshire. 1651 Court Case.

Dec.6th.  Middlesex. 1851 Census. Hornsey.

Dec.2nd. Northumberland. 1891 Census.

Dec.2nd. London. 1871 Census.

Nov.28th.Northumberland. 1871 Census.

Nov.16th.Lincolnshire.1843. Obituary.

Nov.16th.Lancashire. 1810. Obituary.

Oct.24th. Devon.1802. Clay's who emigrated in 1851.- Richard Clay Farm Servant. 1851.

Oct.24th. Nottinghamshire. 1788. Forlorn Hope.

Oct.23rd. Hampshire. 1830. Militia.

Oct.22nd.Lancashire. 1866.Volunteer

Oct.22nd.Buckinghamshire. 1688. Militia.

Oct.22nd.Warwickshire. 1835.Militia.

Oct.22nd.Northamptonshire. 1760.Clockmaker. 1777. Militia.

Oct.9th.   Cambridgeshire. 1718. Additional names to Will.

Oct.9th.   Hertfordshire. 1741. Additional names to Will.

Oct.9th.   Essex. 1763. 1765. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.9th.   Oxfordshire. 1709. Additional names to Will.

Oct.9th.   Middlesex. 1716. 1716. 1723. 1738. 1740. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.9th.   London. 1711. 1713. 1718. 1722.. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   Nottinghamshire. 1743.1822.1823. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   Yorkshire. 1658. Additional names to Will.

Oct.8th.   Essex. 1658. Additional names to Will.

Oct.8th.   Surrey. 1625.1634.1668. Additional names to Wills

Oct.8th.   Cambridgeshire. 1611.1629.1662. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   Lincolnshire. 1654.1658.1659.1690. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   Middlesex. 1662.1671.1687. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   Kent.1655.1673. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.8th.   London. 1556.1656.1659.1674.1692.1695.1704.1739. Additional names to Wills.

Oct.3rd.   Lincolnshire. 1530. Courtcase.

Oct.3rd.   Bedfordshire. 1530. Courtcase.

Oct. 1st.   Hertfordshire. 1400s. Sir John Clay.

Sept.25th.London. 1677 Merchant.

Sept.24th.Essex.1459. 1460. 1461. 1463. Paston Letters.

Sept.20th.Middlesex. 1800s. Parish of St George.

Sept.18th.Somerset. 1617. Court Case.

Aug.26th. London. 1840. July. Bankrupt.

Aug.22nd.Yorkshire.1541 Indenture.1652 Recovery.1787 Map.

Aug.7th.   London. 1763 Will.

July 26th. Leicestershire. 1545 Wills.

July 25th. Suffolk. 1638 Muster Roll.

July 18th. Staffordshire. 1836 - 1845 Tithe Award.

July 18th. Staffordshire.1721,1725,1816,1828. Copyhold Tenants.

July 18th. Staffordshire.1717,1729,1745,1758,1823. Apprentice Records.

July 11th. Essex. 1871 Census. Woodford.

July 9th.   Hampshire. 1881 Census.

July 9th.   Leicestershire. 1861 Census.

July 8th.   Devon. Paintings of Wembury.

July 8th.   Kent. Queen Victoria Award. Photo of Scarf.

July 8th.   Clay Artefacts. 1848 Pocket Watch.

July 8th.   Leicestershire. 1881 Census.

June 28th.Lincolnshire. 1826 Traders Directory.

June 28th.Lancashire. 1863 and 1870 Trade Directories.

June 22nd.Kent. 1861 Census.

June 22nd.Devon. 1921. St Werburgh's.

June 21st.Nottinghamshire. 1851 Census. Gedling / Carlton. 1864 American Civil War.

June 21st.London.Clay 1640.James Smith.

June 18th.Nottinghamshire. 1798 Birth.

June 16th.Northumberland. 1841 Census and 1854 3rd Prize.

June 15th.Devon. 1758 Marriage.

June 15th.Kent.1819 Alder Wood.

June 15th.Essex. 1820. Mayor.

May 25th.Lancashire. War Office Register. 1808.

May 25th.Yorkshire. War Office Register. 1817.

May 25th.Lincolnshire. War Office Register. 1794, 1808. 1820.

May 25th.Essex. War Office Register. 1807, 1808.

May 25th.Nottinghamshire. War Office Register.1786, 1810, 1813, 1816.

May 25th.Shropshire. Photo.Grain Crusher.

May 21st.Suffolk. 1172.Pipe Roll.

May 21st.Essex. 1200.Pipe Roll.

May 21st.Cambridgeshire.1221. British Library.

May 21st.Sussex.1296.Subsidy Roll.

May 21st.Nottinghamshire.1327 Subsidy Roll.

May15th.Cambridgeshire. 1820.Ely / Coveney.

May15th.Nottinghamshire.1662 Lowdham Mill.

May 6th. Kent. Declaration.1481.

May 6th. Cambridgeshire.1854.Vicar.

Apr.28th.Leicestershire. Soldier 1847.

Apr.28th.Lancashire. Soldier 1852.

Apr.28th.Lincolnshire.Soldier. 1809.

Apr.28th.Shropshire. Soldier 1805. Soldier 1811.

Apr.28th.Yorkshire. Witness 1653. Soldier 1854.

Apr.26th.Warwickshire.Photo Clay's Bakery Shop

Apr.26th.Clay Artefacts. At end of section.Valuation 1851.

Apr.26th.Yorkshire. 1830.Drawing Picture of a Clay.

Apr.24th.Warwickshire.1891 Census.Nuneaton.

Apr.24th.Yorkshire. 1887 Change of Partnership.

Mar31st. Clay Artefacts. Clay Trumpet Banners.

Mar.20th.Clay Artefacts. Bible.

Mar.20th.Nottinghamshire. Milita 1798. Closes 1800.  Manor Court 1834.

Mar.18th.Cambridgeshire. 1854 -1894. University Press.

Mar.18th.Cambridgeshire. Census. 1871. 1881.

Mar.17th.Yorkshire. Freeholders. 1709.

Mar.17th.Shropshire. Poll Book. 1865.

Mar.17th.Cambridgeshire. Poll Book 1832.

Mar.17th.Lincolnshire. Poll Book. 1852.

Mar.17th.Northumberland. Poll Book.1852.

Mar.17th.London. Poll Book. 1826.

Mar.17th.Lancashire. Liverpool Poll Book.1806.

Mar.17th.Norfolk Poll Book. 1768.

Mar.17th.Leicestershire. Poll Book. 1826. 1832.

Mar.17th.Lincolnshire. University. 1787.

Mar.17th.Buckinghamshire. University. 1899.

Mar.17th.Shropshire. University. 1823.

Mar.17th.Hampshire. University. 1889.

Mar.17th.Northumberland. University. 1576.

Mar.17th.Kent. University. 1609.

Mar.17th.Lancashire. University. 1825.1851.

Mar.17th.Yorkshire. University. 1591.1894.1900.

Mar.17th.Devon. University.1815.

Mar.17th.Surrey. University. 1889.1890.

Mar.17th.Warwickshire. University. 1674.1841.1843.

Mar.17th.Cambridgeshire. University. 1337.1597.1610.1730.1824.1857.1876.1880.

Mar.17th.Middlesex. University. 1713.1807.1883.

Mar.17th.Leicestershire. University. 1645.1703.

Mar.17th.London. University. 1688.1826.1846.1860.1883.

Mar.16th.Nottinghamshire. University. 1628.1637.1675.1676.1677.1678.1749.1780.1783.1812.1817.1818.

Mar.16th.Staffordshire. University 1818. 1822. 1844.1845. 1866.

Mar.10th.Yorkshire. Wills. 1437 - 1665.

Mar.10th.Nottinghamshire.Wills. 1557, 1558, 1600, 1603, 1640, 1646, 1663.

Mar. 2nd.Clay Artefacts. 1811.Volumes of Books.

Feb.10th.Leicestershire. 1524 Lay Subsidy.

Jan.26th.Clay Artefacts. 1841. Scrapbook.

Jan.26th.London. 1634. Heralds Visitation. Pedigree.

Jan.26th.Shropshire.1634. Heralds Visitation Pedigree.

Jan.7th. Lincolnshire. 1562 - 1620 Fishtoft Entries.

Jan.5th. Home Page. 1300s -1400s. Soldiers in Medieval England. (Clay's).

Jan.5th. Clay Artefacts. 1828. Family Heirloom. Loving Cup. 

Jan.1st. London.1634. Heralds Visitation.

Jan.1st. Shropshire. 1634. Heralds Visitation.


Dec.29th.Clay Artefacts. Clay Portrait and Livery Button no.3.

Dec.29th.Home Page. More Convicts.

Dec.18th.Home Page. Clay Convicts.

Dec.18th.Staffordshire. Photo Piercefield House.

Dec.18th.Clay Artefacts. Clay Livery Buttons.

Dec.15th.Warwickshire. 1770. Convict to America.

Dec.15th.Sussex. 1751. Convict to America.

Dec.15th.Yorkshire. 1771. Convict to America.

Dec.15th.Nottinghamshire. 1730. Convict to America.

Dec.15th.London. 1720, 1741,1769. Convicts to America.

Dec.13th.Essex. 1827 Lease.

Dec.11th.Leicester. 1911 Census.

Nov.26th.Somerset.1577 Marriage.1581, 1586, 1591, Baptisms. 1594 Burial.

Nov.24th.Clay Artefacts 1665.Highwaywoman.

Nov.24th London. 1860. Photo of lady - Mrs Clay.

Nov.22nd.Cheshire.1605 - 1629. Baptisms.

Nov.18th.Surrey. 1500s More Baptisms, Burials and Marriages.

Nov.18th.Northamptonshire. 1500s More Baptisms, Burials and Marriages.

Nov.13th.London. 1607 Will. 1628 Citizen and Grocer. 1631 Expenses.

Nov.12th.Nottinghamshire. 1869 Traders Directory.

Nov.11th.Readers Interests. Derbyshire.

Nov.7th. Staffordshire. 1851 Census. Keele + Wolstanton.

Nov.4th. Lincolnshire. 1836. Newspaper Report. Marriage.

Nov.4th. Nottinghamshire. 1827. Newspaper Report.- Indictment.

Nov.4th. Yorkshire. 1909. Newspaper Report.

Nov.4th. Buckinghamshire. 1909 Newspaper Ad. 1911 Census.

Nov.3rd. Nottinghamshire. 1499 Chamberlains Accounts. 1633 Land Transfer. 1643 Nominated + Money Loans. 1650 Conveyance. 1677 School. 1700s Burgesses.

Nov.2nd.Nottinghamshire. 1700s Burgesses.

Nov.1st. Northamptonshire. 1840. Indenture.

Nov.1st. Devon. 1881. Crew List. 

Nov.1st. Yorkshire. 1317. Witness. 1766 Coal.

Nov.1st. Derbyshire. 1591.Court Case.

Nov.1st. Staffordshire. 1823. Release of Estate.

Nov.1st. Essex. 1701. Chancery.

Nov.1st. Nottinghamshire. 1499-1400. Chamberlains Accounts.

Oct.31st.Yorkshire. 1871. Liberal MP. 1873. Liberal MP. 1892.Funeral. 1892. Serious Fire.

Oct.31st.London. 1738. Bookseller. 1739. Clock. 1873. Liberal MP.

Oct.27th Yorkshire. 1848. Imprisoned.

Oct.27th.Sussex. 1861. Booklet.

Oct.27th.London. 1834. Booklet.

Oct.25th.Staffordshire. 1856. Newspaper Report.

Oct.22nd.Shropshire.1851 Census Whitchurch + Market Drayton. - 1661 - 1692 Hodnet Baptism Extracts.

Oct.21st.Shropshire. 1736. Messuage. 1821-58 Admiralty. 1599 -1699 Baptisms.

Oct.20th.Herefordshire. 1777 Baptism, 1861 +1871 Census.

Oct.19th.Surrey. 1915 + 1923. Letters.

Oct.19th.Herefordshire. 1914 - 20. Medal Card.

Oct.18th.London. 1836. Messuage in Hackney.

Oct.18th.Staffordshire. 1860. Bill of Complaint. 1866 Conveyance.

Oct.18th.Nottinghamshire. 1766. Manors of.

Oct.13th.Shropshire. 1890 Newspaper cutting. (Photo - Plimmer and Clay).

Oct.13th.London. 1838-1889. F.Clay. (Photo).

Oct.13th.Nottinghamshire.1846 Tombstone.

Oct.7th.  Nottinghamshire. 1952 Statue.

Oct.7th.  Shropshire. 1891, 1901, 1911 Census Ellesmere.

Oct.3rd.  Nottinghamshire. 1841 Southwell Census.

Oct.3rd.  Nottinghamshire.1832 Court Case.

Sept.30th.London. 1854 Poor House.

Sept.30th.Lancashire.1859 Medical Register.

Sept.30th.Essex. 1859 Medical Register.

Sept.30th.Wiltshire.1859 Medical Register.

Sept.30th.Warwickshire. 1859 Medical Register.

Sept.26th.Shropshire. 1866. Birth.

Sept.26th.Clay Artefacts. Cast Iron Implements.

Sept.24th.Shropshire. 1891 Census + 1911 Census.

Sept.1st. Nottinghamshire. 1914-18 Monument.

Sept.1st. Yorkshire. Roll of Honour 1914-18.

Aug.28th. Lincolnshire. 1911. Police Fire Brigade.

Aug.26th. Nottinghamshire. Blidworth.1816 Petition.

Aug.10th. Artefacts. Whisky Glass and Tray.

Aug. 4th. Cheshire. 1859 Emigrant.

July 19th. Clay Artefacts. Silver Tray, Punch Bowl, Medals.

June 24th.Gloucestershire. 1616 - 1625. Parish Register entries.

June 22nd.London. Portrait at end.

June12th.Cambridgeshire. 1643 Freeholders and 1685 Deed.

June11th. London. 1741.Court Case.

June10th.Wiltshire. 1901 Census and 1892 Soldier details.

June 3rd. London. 1700 Rate Book.

May 31st. Essex. 1873. Hospital Admission.

May 31st. London. 1841.1859.1869. Hospital Admissions.

May 31st. Devon.1841 + 1853 Hospital Admission.

May 31st. Lancashire. 1901 +1911 Census. Liverpool.

May 28th. Devon. 1832. 1852. Hospital Admissions.

May 28th. London. 1841.1874.1876. Hospital Admissions.

May 28th. Lincolnshire. 1862 .1867.1873.1876. Hospital Admissions.

May 28th. Leicestershire. 1879 Hospital Admission.

May 24th. Lincolnshire. 1876 Hospital Admission.

May 24th. Essex. 1898 Hospital Admission.

May 24th. London.1901 Hospital Admission.

May 24th. Kent. 1834 and1901 Hospital Admission.

May 23rd. Northumberland. 1905 Newspaper report. The Shields Daily News.

May 17th. Lancashire. 1851 Census Liverpool.

May 8th.   Leicestershire. Photo - Born 1892.

May 8th.   Yorkshire. 1906 -1910 Postcard of Whiston. 1823 Portrait.

May 1st.    Lancashire. 1809 Soldier and 1867 Police and 1875 Police.

May 1st.    Northumberland. 1415 - 50. Muster at Berwick.

May 1st.    Lincolnshire. 1359 Homicide.

April 23rd. Nottinghamshire. 1827. Photograph.

April 20th. Worcestershire 1851 Census. Great Malvern.

April 12th. Middlesex. 1830 Curate.

April 12th. Bedfordshire. 1835 Clerk.

April 12th. Cambridgeshire. 1617 Clerk / Preacher.

April 12th. Buckinghamshire. 1789 Curate.

April 12th. Essex. 1616 Deacon. 1628 Curate. 1671 Vicar.

April 12th. Cheshire. 1827 Curate.

April 12th. Sussex. 1571 Canon.

April 12th. Staffordshire. 1825 Curate.

April 12th. Derbyshire. 1825 Curate.

April 12th. Leicestershire. 1661 Rector. 1678 Rector.

April 12th. Lancashire. 1821 Assistant Chaplain. 1823 Curate. 1827 Curate. 

April 12th. Northumberland 1577 Vicar.

April 11th. Warwickshire. 1813 -1818  BA. 

April 11th. London. 1567 Rector. 1610 Priest. 1623 Curate. 1632 Vicar. 1769 Vicar. 

April 10th. Devon. 1624.Vicar. 1817. Vicar. 1820. Curate.

April 10th. Northamptonshire. 1570 .Vicar. 1573.Rector. 1823 Vicar. 

April 10th. Lincolnshire. 1551.Curate.1566.Priest.

April 10th. Wiltshire. 1567. Curate.

April 10th. Surrey. 1587. Vicar. 1794 Curate.

April 10th   Nottinghamshire. 1709, 17551786. 1792, 1794, 1795, 1806 Curates and Vicars.

April 2nd.   Leicestershire. 1822 Baptist.

April 2nd.   Kent.. 1891 Electrical Engineer.

April 2nd.   Yorkshire. 1635. Will.Clay of Kent

April 2nd    Staffordshire. 1831.1840.1865. 1871.1873. Stapenhill. 

March 25th.Northumberland. 1595 Admon.

March 25th.Bedfordshire. 1309-22 Lay Subsidy. + 1545 Close.

March 25th Hampshire.1537.

March 25th Cheshire.1490 Indenture.

March 25th Lancashire. 1326 Altrincham.

March 25th Northumberland. 1281 Hexham.

March 25th Sussex. 1200s, 1320, 1325, 1344, 1346.

March22nd Middlesex. 1841 Census. Institution.

March22nd Lancashire. 1851 Census Manchester. Gt. Ancoat St.

March22nd Northumberland. Marriage 1904.

March22nd Staffordshire. 1881.1891.1901. Census Willenhall and 1911 Darlaston.

March22nd Nottinghamshire. 1911 Census Beeston.

March16th Durham. 1841 Census.

March14th Staffordshire. 1881 Workhouse.

March14th Oxfordshire.1881 Workhouse.

March14th.Surrey. 1881 Workhouse.

March14th Yorkshire.1881 Workhouse.

March14th Leicestershire.1881 Workhouse.

March14th Lancashire.1881 Workhouse.

March14th Middlesex.1881 Workhouse.

March11th Cheshire 1871 Census. Poulton cum Seacombe.

March 8th London. 1684 - 1855 Old Bailey Court Cases

March 3rd Home page. Hardwick / Bess. (At end of Home page).

Feb 26th Cheshire 1801 Birth.

Feb 26th Lancashire 1851 Census. Charles Clay.

Feb 22nd Derbyshire 1734 Transportation.

Feb 22nd Essex. 1756 Transportation.

Feb 22nd Yorkshire. 1745 Transportation.

Feb.22nd Wiltshire 1563 Will.

Feb.21st Northumberland. 1832 + 1836. Poll Books.

Feb.21st Lincolnshire. 1842 Pensioner.

Feb.18th London. 1825 Directory.

Feb.18th Worcestershire. 1835 Directory.

Feb.18th Warwickshire. 1850 Directory.

Feb.18th Nottinghamshire. 1832 Directory.

Feb.18th Staffordshire.1822 Directory.

Feb.18th Yorkshire. 1822 + 1834 Directory.

Feb.18th Lincolnshire. 1864 Directory.

Feb.15th Lincolnshire.  1842 Directory.

Feb.15th Yorkshire. 1834 Directory.

Feb.11th Leicestershire. 1822 Directory.

Feb.11th Staffordshire. 1822 Directory.

Feb.11th London. 1822 Directory.

Feb.11th.Nottinghamshire. 1818-20 Directory.

Feb.11th Lancashire. 1818 - 20. Directory.

Feb.11th Yorkshire. 1818 - 20. Directory.

Feb.11th Lincolnshire. 1856 Directory.

Feb.9th. Staffordshire. 1833 Directory.

Feb.9th. Warwickshire. 1770 + 1777 + 1781 + 1830 Directory.

Feb.9th. Nottinghamshire. 1828 Directory

Feb.9th. Shropshire. 1828. Directory.

Feb.8th. London. Directories. 1780 + 90 + 95 + 1800 + 1802.

Feb.6th. Nottinghamshire. 1827 Methodist.

Feb.5th. Middlesex.1833.Window Tax Petition.

Feb.4th. Staffordshire.1878 and 1908 Photos.

Feb.4th. Lancashire.1796 - 1858. Rev.John Clay. Portrait.

Feb.4th. Yorkshire. 1774 - 1843. John Clay. Portrait.

Feb.3rd. Derbyshire. 1911. BT Archives).

Jan30th.Derbyshire. 1670 Church Dispute.

Jan26th.Huntingdonshire. 1538. Chancery Record.

Jan22nd Derbyshire. 1818 Pigots Directory.

Jan22nd Lancashire. 1818 Pigots Directory.

Jan22nd London. 1819 Post Office Directory.

Jan 20th London. 1805 - 1807. Traders Dirctory. 

Jan18th Leicestershire. 1805 - 1807. Traders Directory.

Jan18th Warwickshire. 1805 - 1807.Traders Directory

Jan18th Lancashire.1796 Traders Directory..

Jan17th Lancashire.1791 Traders Directory.

Jan17th Derbyshire. 1791 Traders Directory.

Jan17th Essex. 1791 Traders Directory.

Jan17th Staffordshire. 1791 Traders Directory.

Jan17th Warwickshire. 1791 Traders Directory.

Jan17th London. 1804 - 1812 Non Conformists.

Jan17th.Nottinghamshire. 1822 Prison.

Jan13th.Yorkshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan 13th.Norfolk. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Worcestershire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Warwickshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Sussex. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th Suffolk. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Staffordshire.1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Somerset. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Shropshire, 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Nottinghamshire.1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Northamptonshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Middlesex. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Lincolnshire. 1873. Owners of Land.

Jan13th.Leicestershire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Lancashire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Gloucestershire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Essex. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Devon. 1873 Owner of Land.

Jan.6th. Derbyshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Cambridgeshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.6th. Cheshire. 1873 Owners of Land.

Jan.4th. Dorset. 1848 Will.

Jan.3rd. Warwickshire. 1781 - 1830 Land Tax.


Dec.30th Nottinghamshire. 1768 - 1846 Admiral Clay.

Dec.23rd Warwickshire. 1773 - 1780 Land Tax.

Dec.21st Berkshire. 1851 Census.

Dec.21st Berkshire. 1600s. Baptisms + Marriage.

Dec.18th.Cheshire. 1869 Gaol.

Dec.18th Middlesex. 1724 Convict.

Dec.18th Dorset. 1799 + 1822 +1823 Land Tax.  1839 + 1840 +1878 Jury List.

Dec.12th Lancashire. 1801 Conveyed to Ireland.

Dec.12th Warwickshire. 1811 Overseers Book. 1838 Rate Book.

Dec.12th Gloucestershire. 1778 Overseers Book. 1840 Will.+1857 Will.

Dec.12th.Cambridge. 1692 Quaker Birth.

Dec.12th London. 1677 Quaker Birth.

Dec.12th Nottinghamshire. 1672 + 1674. Skegby Quaker Weddings.- 1676 +1680 Quaker births Hucknall Huthwaite - Sutton in Ashfield. 1677 Quaker Wedding. 

Dec. 7th. London. 1832 - 40 Electoral Roll.

Dec. 5th.  Surrey. 1841 Census.

Dec. 5th   Surrey. 1824 Pub Landlord.  1780 to 1800 Land Tax.

Dec. 5th   Surrey. 1869 Asylum. 1876 Prisoner.

Dec. 5th.  Yorkshire. 1722 and 1727 Lease.

Dec. 5th.  Yorkshire. 1826 Removal Order.

Dec. 5th.  Cheshire. 1699 Removal Order.

Nov.30th. Yorkshire.1700 Lease. 1707 Lease. 1708 Lease. 1726 Lease.

Nov.30th  Cornwall. 1862 Witness.

Nov.30th  Lancashire. 1745 Deported.

Nov.29th. Readers Interests - Philip.

Nov.26th  Nottinghamshire. Plaques 1822 and 1828.

Nov.26th  Middlesex. Portrait 1853 (At end).

Nov.26th  Staffordshire. Gaol 1836.

Nov.26th  Gloucestershire. Gaol 1836. 1842. 1850. Land Tax 1783, 1786, 1796, 1818. 1828.

Nov.24th  Lancashire. 1911 Injury.

Nov.24th  Wiltshire. 1742 + 1775 - Wills.

Nov.24th  Somerset. Gaol 1864 + 1866 + 1869.

Nov.22nd Somerset. Gaol 1836 and 1856.

Nov.22nd Cambridgeshire. 1828 - 1847 Jurors.

Nov.16th Warwickshire. 1835 to 1838  Electoral Roll.

Nov.16th Surrey. 1840 Electoral Roll.

Nov.16th Northumberland. 1835 - 1851 Electoral Roll.

Nov.15th Gloucestershire. 1843 -1845 Electoral. and 1841 Census.

Nov.15th Dorset. 1805 Apprentice.

Nov.15th Bedfordshire. Land Tax 1810 - 1832 and 1825 - 1832.   Electoral Roll 1836 - 1838.

Nov.14th Essex. Emigration 1928.

Nov.14th Cambridgeshire. Poll Books. 1722, 1802, 1822, 1826. 1830, 1835.

Nov.14th Lancashire. Poll Books 1832, 1835, 1840.

Nov.12th Lancashire. 1805 - 1806 Mayor.

Nov10th Derbyshire. 1889 Court Case.

Nov.10th Lancashire. 1874 + 1893 + 1895 + 1900 +1902 - Crewlists.

Nov.10th Yorkshire. 1899 Crewlist.

Nov.10th Devon. 1873 Crewlist.

Nov.10th London. 1868 Crewlist.

Nov.10th Kent. 1891 Certificate. 1912 Certificate.

Nov.8th  Northumberland. 1869 Certificate.

Nov.8th  Lincolnshire.1867 Certificate.

Nov.8th  Kent.1851 Certificate.

Nov.8th  Essex. 1857 Certificate.

Nov.8th   Durham. 1851 Certificate. 1856. Certificate.

Nov.1st   Readers Interests Keith.

Oct.30th Yorkshire. 1871 Census Seaman.

Oct.29th Northamptonshire. 1855 Emigration.

Oct.29th Cambridgeshire. 1853 Emigration.

Oct.26th Yorkshire. 1493 Chancery.

Oct.26th Norfolk. 1473 Chancery.

Oct.26th London. 1553 Chancery. 1841 Emigration. 

Oct.24th Warwickshire. 1917 Lathe. (End of page).

Oct.24th Lancashire.1839 Chemist.

Oct.24th Yorkshire. 1862  Advert Agricultral. (End of page).

Oct.17th Lancashire. 1861 Merchants.

Oct.17th Yorkshire. 1896 Foundry.

Oct.17th Leicestershire. 1880 Directory.

Oct.17th Shropshire. 1868 Engineers.

Oct.17th Staffordshire. 1915 Will.

Oct.17th London. 1851 Exhibition.

Oct.13th Oxfordshire. 1794 Lieutenant. 1799 Commission.

Oct.13th Middlesex. Commission.

Oct.13th Suffolk. 1809 Commission.

Oct.13th Durham. 1809 Bankrupt.

Oct.13th Devon 1711 Bankrupt. 1806 Bankrupt.

Oct.13th Surrey. 1730 Bankrupt.

Oct.13th Cornwall. 1681 Falmouth.

Oct.13th Cambridgeshire. 1793 Commission. 1798 Commission. 

Oct.13th Essex. 1775 Allegience.

Oct.13th Shropshire. 1720 Prisoner. 1778 Bankrupt. 1792 Creditors. 

Oct.13th Lancashire. 1793 Merchant. 1795 Partnership. 1805 Partnership.

Oct.13th Derbyshire. 1780 Bankrupt. 1803 Commission. 1803 Ensign. 1808 Notice.

Oct.13th Warwickshire. 1789 Sheriff. 1810 Money. 

Oct.13th Nottinghamshire. 1725 Property. 1737 Court. 1745 Allegience. 1755 Creditors. 1761 Creditors. 1774 Prisoner. 1777 Regiment. 1794 Creditors. 1794 War Office. 1794 War Office. 1795 War Office. 1796 War Office. 1803 War Office. 1803 Volunteer. 1810 Militia.

Oct.12th London. 1725 Prisoner. 1745 Merchants. 1775 Oath.  1780 Inhabitants. 1789 Partnership. 1790 Merchants.1792 Association. 1794 Notice. 1796 Solicitors. 1798 Partnership.  1811 Partnership. 

Oct.12th Yorkshire. 1720 Prisoner. 1755 Prisoner. 1778 Prisoner. 1779 Prisoner. 1801 Bankrupt. 1801 Creditors. 1811 Prisoner.

Oct.6th   Essex. 1805 Volunteer. 1825 Chancery.

Oct.6th   Cheshire. War Office.

Oct.4th   Derbyshire. 1775 Allegience.

Oct.4th   Warwickshire. 1818 Bankrupt.

Oct.4th   Middlesex. 1843 Petition.

Oct.4th   Nottinghamshire. 1795 Army. 1816 Bankrupt. 1825 Army. 

Oct.4th   Cheshire. 1812 Notice.

Oct.4th   Essex. 1803 Colchester.

Oct.4th   Yorkshire. 1811 Partnership.

Oct.4th   Lancashire. 1825 Partnership. 1829 Notice. 1840 Court Case. 

Oct.4th   London. 1783 Letter. 1810 Partnership. 1818 Notice. 1834 Notice.

Oct 3rd   Norfolk. 1842 Partnership.

Oct.3rd   Shropshire. 1848 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Lincolnshire. 1831 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Berkshire. 1816 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Suffolk. 1843 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Nottinghamshire. 1787 War Office. 1804 Notice. 1810 Militia. 1830 Court.

Oct.3rd   Durham. 1844 Dispute. 1847 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Middlesex. 1809 Bankrupt. 1847 Partnership.

Oct.3rd   Lancashire. 1775 Allegience. 1805 Partnership. 1820 Notice. 1823 Notice. 1829 Notice. 1838 Notice. 1839 Notice. 

Oct.3rd   Yorkshire. 1806 Legacy. 1809 Notice. 1821 Notice. 1841 Bankrupt. 1846 Bankrupt. 1847 Estate.

Oct.3rd    London. 1791 Partnership.  1794 Notice. 1825 Commission. 1835 Indenture. 1841 Notice. 1848 Notice.

Oct.3rd   Warwickshire. 1794 Notice. 1797 Cavalry. 1801 Cavalry. 1811 Bankrupt. 1820 Notice. 1824 Notice. 1849 Notice.

Oct.2nd.  Nottinghamshire.1810 Captain. 1812 Notice. 1846 Admiral.

Oct.1st    Shropshire. 1759. White Lyon.

Sept.30th London. 1845 Notice. 1789 Notice.

Sept.29th Worcestershire. 1866 Patent. 1878 Liqudation.

Sept.29th Derbyshire. 1748 Gaol. 

Sept.29th Yorkshire. 1844 Indenture. 

Sept.28th Lancashire. 1808 Notice. 1831 Notice.

Sept.28th Staffordshire. 1817 Banker.

Sept.27th Essex. 1815 - 1832. List of Mayors.

Sept.27th Yorkshire. 1720 Debtor. 1803 Auction. 1816 Bankrupt.  1817 Prisoner. 1824 Notice. 1844 Notice. 

Sept.27th Warwickshire. 1811 Notice.

Sept.27th.Cambridgeshire. 1814 Prisoner.

Sept.27th Lancashire.1812 Notice. 1838 Notice.

Sept.27th Huntingdonshire. 1814 Prisoner.

Sept.27th Lincolnshire. Creditors.

Sept.27th Nottinghamshire. 1803 Partnership. 1818 Notice. 1823 Bankrupt.

Sept.27th Kent. 1823 Petition.

Sept.26th Essex.. 1820 Letter. 1832 Indenture.

Sept.26th Surrey. 1814 Creditor.

Sept.25th.Derbyshire. 1778. Bankrupt.

Sept.25th Cheshire. 1828. Bankrupt.

Sept.25th Middlesex. 1815 Notice. 1822 Notice. 

Sept.25th London. 1803 Partnership. 1812 Firm. 1820 Notice. 1824 Partnership. 1826 Notice. 1831 Decree. 1837 Notice. 1838 Estate.

Sept.24th Staffordshire. Bankrupt.

Sept.24th.Warwickshire. 1817 Notice. 1894 Notice.

Sept.24th Yorkshire. 1856 Auction. 1859 Chancery. 1871 Notice. 1872 Liquidation. 1879 Notice. 1881 Creditors. 1883 Liquidation.

Sept.24th Lancashire. 1877 Notice.

Sept.24th Nottinghamshire. 1900 Notice.

Sept.24th Hampshire. 1812 Partnership.

Sept.24th Middlesex. 1828 Prisoner. 1831 Prisoner

Sept.24th London. 1846 Shareholder. 1885 Partnership. 

Sept.23rd.Cambridgeshire. 1815 Court. 1895.Partnership. 1905 Notice. 

Sept.23rd Durham. 1837.Indenture. 1841. Notice.1841 Partnership.1841.Indenture.1842. Indenture.1845.Indenture. 1845 Partnership. 1856. Indenture. 1857.Bankrupt. 1861.Notice. 

Sept.23rd Staffordshire. 1821.Petition. 1859.Notice. 1899.Notice.

Sept.23rd Middlesex.1761. Prisoner.

Sept.23rd Yorkshire. 1729 Prisoner. 1811 Bankrupt.1816 Bankrupt. 1817 Bankrupt. 1822 Dissolved.1840 Deed.1843 Bankrupt.1844 Petition. 1848 Prisoner.

Sept.22nd Readers Interests. Staffordshire.

Sept.22nd Surrey. 1819 Petition.

Sept.22nd Somerset. 1819 and 1829.

Sept. 21st Essex. Book.1918.

Sept. 21st London. Catologue.1824.

Sept. 21st Lancashire. Book.1828.

Sept. 21st Northamptonshire. Bookseller. 1750.

Sept. 21st Lancashire. Book. 1827.

Sept. 21st Northumberland. Book 1915.

Sept. 21st Oxfordshire. Book. 1819.

Sept. 21st Cambridgeshire. Book 1841.

Sept.15th  Kent. Pigots Directory. 1824.

Sept.14th. London.Post Office Directory. 1899.

Sept.14th  Lancashire. Pigots Directory.1828-29.

Sept.14th  Yorkshire. Leeds and District Directory.1830

Sept.14th  Lincolnshire. Pigots Directory 1828-29.

Sept.14th  Northumberland. Pigots Directory. 1828-29.

Sept.14th  Warwickshire. Bennetts Directory. 1914.

Sept.14th  Gloucestershire. Pigots Directory 1844.

Sept.14th  Devon. Pigots Directory.1844.

Sept.14th  Dorset. Pigots Directory.1844.

Sept.14th  Hertfordshire. Kellys Directory 1895.

Sept.13th  Leicestershire. Pigots Directory.1828 and 1878.

Sept.12th  Readers Interest. Terence Clay.

Sept.10th  Northumberland. Newcastle PR entries.

Sept.9th -  Durham. Baptisms 1601 - 1806.

Sept.8th -  Durham. 1851 Census.

Sept.7th -  Northumberland. Tynemouth Census 1891,1901.1911.

Sept.7th -  Durham. 1881 Census. 

Sept.6th -  Warwickshire. 1871 Census.Nuneaton and photo. J.W.Clay.

Sept.4th -   Nottinghamshire. 1676 Quakers. 1740 Land. 1870 Arnold Sick Club.

Sept.3rd -  Buckinghamshire. Baptism 1612.

Sept.1st  -  Warwickshire. 1871 Census.Nuneaton.

Aug 31st -  Lancashire. - 1746 Jacobite rebels.

Aug 30th -  Readers Interests. Patricia Lovegrove (nee Clay)

Aug 28th -  Lancashire. Entries 1746 - 1881.

Aug 27th -  Readers Interests.Mike Clay.

Aug. 6th  -  Nottinghamshire. - Baptisms - 1792 - 1806 and Burials -1775 - 1809.

Aug. 3rd. -  Derbyshire. - Darley / Wensley. 1851 Census.

July 12th -  Clay Artefacts. - Tea Caddies.

July 5th.  -  Clay Artefacts.- Tankard.

July 5th.  -  Bedfordshire 1221, Buckinghamshire 1270, Suffolk 1265, Sussex 1222. Court Cases.

June 2nd. - Derbyshire. Photo Violet Clay.

June 2nd. - Northumberland. Photo James Clay.

May 24th. - Yorkshire. 1828 Joseph Travis Clay.

May 25th. - Hampshire. 1911 Census.

May 27th. - London. 1794. Clay Merchants.

May 14th. - "Clay of England Society"  Website.- 2018.

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